Although it is
historically one of the oldest and most indigenous nation of the Balkans, it
can be said that Albania, today a small country in terms of geography and
population, has historically served as a bridge linking East and West in
social, cultural, religious and administrative terms. When it comes to
religion, even though nowadays Albanians are mostly Muslims, most of them had
Christian beliefs before adopting Islam. This topic has attracted the attention
of many authors and researchers. The majority of the authors claimed that the
origin of the Christianity in the Albanian regions should be attributed to the
time of apostolicism, linking it to St. Paul's journeys to Rome. However, it is
difficult to say that the first contact of the Albanians with the Christian
faith began in the period of the apostleship, and this seems to be the main
reason of disagreements between Albanian and foreign researchers.
There are two arguments used by those
claiming that the origin of Christianity in the Albanian regions extends to the
apocalyptic period. The first one was St. Paul's statement in the Holly Bible's
“Romans passages” of 15/18-19:
“For I will not dare to speak of anything
except what Christ has accomplished through me in order to bring about the
obedience of the Gentiles, by word and deed, in the power of signs
and wonders, in the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem even as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the
gospel of Christ”.
St. Paul’s “from
Jerusalem even as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” statement made the Albanian Orthodoxies and Catholic Christians as well as the
majority of researchers to claim that Christianity existed in Albania from the
first century. Related to this, it is obvious that they even pretend that St.
Paul has used the famous road of Via Egnatia during his journey to Rome,
passing through Dyrrhachium (Durrës), one of the most important Albanian cities
of that period. It is also claimed that while in Durres, he appointed Saint
Caesar/Qezar as archbishop.
The second
basis of their argument is the name of the city of Apollonia mentioned in the
Holly Bible. The “After
they traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to
Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue” (Acts,
17/1) passage was used as an argument for claiming that Saint Paul has
come to Apollonia in Albania and spread Christianity. However, it is understood
that there is a misunderstanding resulting from the similarity of the Apollonia
name. It is not the Albanian Apollonia, but the Apollonia of today's Greece
that is mentioned in the statement above. These two cities are geographically
far from each other. Thus, claiming’s
on the arrival of St. Paul in nowadays Albania and the spreading of the
Christianity by him remain very weak due to the lack of any basis or any
concrete evidence of archaeological relic. Neither there is any St. Paul's statement
like “I have delivered the gospel of Jesus in Illyricum” nor is it given to us
by the second or third person in the form of “St. Paul delivered the gospel of
Jesus in Illyricum”. Thus, all these information’s are nothing but an
indication that Paul himself did not spread the Christian faith in nowadays
Albania. Nevertheless, it can easily be said that Christianity is
spreaded at an early date and in a quickly way, while this is true for the big
cities of Albania at least. Participation of bishops from dioceses of
Dyrrhachium (Durrës), Apollonia, Aulon (Vlora), Scampa (Elbasan), Lychnidus
(Ohri), Pulcheriopolis (Berat), Byllis, Amantia, Phoinike (Finiq), Onchesmos
(Saranda) and Buthrotum (Butrint) to the ecumenical councils such as Iznik,
Ephesus, Kadikoy and Istanbul from the) diocese as well as the archaeological
Christian remains dating back to the II - VI centuries also confirm this view.
The participation of many Albanian regions in the above mentioned ecumenical
councils is extremely important for the Albanian church due to the fact that
such a wide participation in ecumenical councils from various regions of
Albania shows how fast and in a how wider geography of Albania the Christian
faith was spreaded.
In this study,
it has been tried to bring a different point of view to the claims put forward
to the present day and at the same time to examine the subject in the light of
scientific criteria and in an objective perspective. In addition, it should be
noted that this study includes the period of Saint Paul and the geographical
borders of nowadays Albania. In this regard; in order to be able to consider
every view related to topic, efforts have been made to use relevant sources of
Albanian and other languages.
Illyricum / Albania Saint Paul’s Journeys Spread of Christianity Dyrrachium (Durrës) Albanian Church
Günümüzde Arnavutların dinî yapısına
bakıldığında, halkın çoğunluğunun Müslümanlardan oluştuğu görülse de, İslâm
dinini benimsemeden önce ekseriyetle Hıristiyan inancına sahip idiler. Bu konu
kapsamında yapılan bazı çalışmalarda Arnavutların Hıristiyanlık ile ilgili ilk
temaslarının Aziz Pavlus ile başladığı ifade edilmektedir. Bu iddiayı öne
sürenler, Aziz Pavlus’un Hıristiyan mesajını diğer milletlere duyurmak üzere
yapmış olduğu seyahatlerinden biri olan “Roma’ya Yolculukları” esnasında
Arnavutluk’un Dyrrhachium (Durrës) ve Apollonia şehirlerine uğrayarak
Hıristiyan inancını yaydığı sonucuna varmışlardır. Bu görüş her ne kadar
Arnavut Kiliseleri tarafından şiddetle savunuluyor ise de arkeolojik Hıristiyan
kalıntılarının en erken IV.-VI. yüzyıllara ait olması ve yaptığımız çalışmalar
sonucu Aziz Pavlus’un günümüz Arnavutluk’un sınırları içerisine girmediğini
göstermektedir. Ancak Aziz Pavlus bizzat Arnavutluk’ta bulunmamış olsa da Hıristiyan merkezleri olan “Dyrrhachium
(Durrës), Apollonia, Aulon (Avlonya), Pulcheriopolis
(Berat) gibi piskoposluklardan İznik, Efes, Kadıköy ve İstanbul gibi
ekümenik konsillere Arnavutluk’tan piskopos katılımının gerçekleşmiş olması,
hem bu inancın erken bir tarihte Arnavutlar arasında yayıldığını hem de hızlı
bir şekilde yayıldığını göstermektedir.
İllirikum/Arnavutluk Aziz Pavlus’un Seyahatleri Hıristiyanlığın Yayılması Dyrrachium (Durrës) Arnavut Kilisesi
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Din Araştırmaları |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makaleleri |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 20 Haziran 2019 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2019 Sayı: 12 |
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