The Prophet Moḥammed stated in a hadith that it is not lawful for training to sing, buying, and gaining fee of selling the female singers. A relationship was established between the ḥadith and verse "But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge, to mislead from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty." (Loqmān 31/6) and in addition to people such as Mojāhid, Sofyān al-Thawrī, and Ibn Wahb, many later commentators interpreted the lahw al-ḥadith in the verse as music. Based on the explanation of lahw al-ḥadith as music in many fiqh books, this verse is considered as evidence that music is prohibited in Islam. In our opinion, the problem originates from the allocation of the term lahw al-ḥadith to music. In this framework, the concepts determined for research consists of allocation, interpretation, lahw al-ḥadith and music.
Allocation is the opposite of generalization, which means keeping one thing separate from the whole so that others do not participate in it by rule. This occurs as a result of an interpretation. The determination of the meaning to be given to the law text is called interpretation, as well as the science that mentions the state of utterance of the words of the Qur’ān, the meanings attributed to them, and the elements that complement them. At this point, ijtihād is an activity of interpretation, in other words, is a commentary. The comment may be accurate as well as inaccurate; because the interpretation of lahw al-ḥadith as music is not a definite interpretation. When the allocation of something is legally ordered that is freedom and prohibition or whatever is ruled between the two; it means that this provision is reserved only for it. In this case, those who are excluded from allocation are considered separately from the provision in question.
The article primarily sought to determine whether lahw al-ḥadith, which is obscure and general was allocated by some commentators. For this purpose, starting from the classical age of Islam the views of some commentators was consulted. It is really thought to claim that what is meant by lahw al-ḥadith is music by referring to a ḥadith that is described as "weak" and "ġarīb" in terms of deed and text as if its signification is definite.
In the Qur’ān, there is no verse stating that music is forbidden such as alcohol, interest and other forbidden things, and there is also no verse indicating this in the context of the interpretation of the Qu’rān with the Qu’rān. However, it cannot be said that there is no evidence for music in the form of obscenity and unlawful. In this case, the way in which The Prophet includes music in his life
in the context of the interpretation of the Qu’rān with sunnah will reveal as a measure for Muslims. It is known that He allows the use of music in weddings, festivals and entertainments within legitimate boundaries, and sometimes even encourages them; but it is also the case that he has a harsh attitude towards those who entertain themselves and neglect their religious duties and responsibilities. But based on this, to claim that music is completely forbidden, it contains all the branches of the known art performed by sound and instrument as mentioned in the description of music leading to salah, adhan and reading the beautiful Qu’rān is also forbidden. So there is a limit and a measure set by religion for legitimate music. However, the phrase lahw al-ḥadith, which is mentioned in the verse, is different from all these expressions.
In the article, the data in some classical tafsir and fiqh sources were collected, and the discussions of today's theology researchers on the subject were included. By making an evaluation in the light of the data, it has been tried to clarify whether it is possible or not to allocate lahw al-ḥadith to music and if possible, to what extent it is possible According to this, considering the context and other methods of interpretation, it has been concluded that it would be more appropriate to explain the lahw al-ḥadith not only as music, but as all kinds of words that prevent from the path of Allah and His Messenger in general. As a result of such an approach, it was emphasized that Muslims would be in agreement within the framework of legitimate limits with music, which is the concrete manifestation of feelings that Allah has places on human nature.