Referring to meanings such as “inner sense, consciousness”, conscience is a moral feeling that is associated with intuition, being pleased with doing good deeds, feeling uneasy due to committing a crime, differing good from bad, benevolence from evil. This selective and distinguishing faculty is called conscience. For this reason, it has good or bad effects on a human being’s deeds and actions. Conscience assumes the role of "auto-control" in all deeds of a person. Although not mentioned in Qur’an, the conscience is used in many places in the same meaning as self, heart and nature, which supervise willful actions of a human being under moral standards. In this study, conscientiousness and unscrupulousness have been handled with the documentation method from a socio-religious perspective on the basis of family and surrounding and discussed theoretically. The aim is to reveal that society becomes conscientious through the conscientiousness of individuals and the social importance of this process.
No human being has innate negative characteristics, such as unscrupulousness, intolerance and disrespect against any other human being different from him/her in terms of religious, ethnic, cultural respect. If it were, it can not be stated about the material and spiritual cultural elements created by people and the effect of this culture on them by the transfer of this culture to new generations. It is known that each human being is born into a culture and lives by internalizing that culture, thereby continuing his/her socialization. Based on this perspective, the importance of education in the formation of a culture of conscientiousness can be better understood. In other words, unscrupulousness, mercilessness, intolerance are learned actions. Our innate conscience develops or regresses in accordance with the environment we live in and our experiences. While the conscience of an individual completing his/her socialization process with positive values and norms in positive environments develops, the conscience of an individual experiencing the opposite situation has a negative development course. Accordingly, it is necessary for a pure conscience to believe and to stay virtuous.
Although a human being is equipped with superior skills, s/he has the capacity for good and bad deeds, thus, sometimes achieves supreme ranks and sometimes falls to the lowest degrees. If the nature of individuals is protected, societies will be comprised of conscientious people, otherwise, societies will consist of individuals who are intolerant, unscrupulous. This will be formed as a result of the mental, physical and moral processes of an individual. Human being is not an idle creature. S/he has duties and responsibilities for himself/herself, his/her family, society and even all humanity. The most important of these is to act with a sense of responsibility towards the Absolute Being and all the creatures it creates. In order to gain this consciousness, it is necessary to socialize in the family and environmental factors, that is, to gain feelings and values such as conscience, mercy, compassion, loyalty and justice. In this respect, family is of primary importance. As the child first imitates and identifies with emotions and behaviors, the family becomes a place where values such as conscience, compassion, respect and love are gained, or where strife, conflict and ruthlessness are learned. Among these, negative values cause the formation of negative society, positive values cause the formation of positive society type. As an educational institution, the goal of a family is to build a peaceful society by providing new generations positive values and raising individuals who avoid all forms of harassment and offence. Schools, teachers, relatives, peer groups, books, novels, stories read, mass media and series that form environmental instruments in the socialization process have of paramount importance in children’s positive and negative personality characteristics. Therefore, if all these instruments based on the benefit for a human being, his/her education, raising him/her as a characterful individual, a society, in which violence, extortion, killing and similar actions are not seen, but consisting of conscientious and merciful individuals loving each other, respecting their rights, competing for doing a good deed for each other.