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Epiphytic Bryophyte Flora of Liquidambar orientalis Forests

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 70 - 77, 15.11.2020


Liquidambar orientalis forests which are very important for Turkey and the world continue to exist in its unique habitat. In the present study, epiphytic bryophyte flora of L. orientalis, naturally spreads in Turkey, was investigated between the years of 2016-2019. A total of 27 localities were visited and 433 envelope plant samples were taken. As a result of identifications, in total 49 bryophytes (48 moss, 1 liverwort) were determined. These taxa were taken from the base, trunk and branches of the trees and presented as a table format. And also, Orthotrichum philibertii and Zygodon catarinoi has been given as the second distributional locality for Turkey. We believe that this study will contribute to bryophyte flora of Turkey and preservation of Liquidambar orientalis forests.

Destekleyen Kurum

Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP)

Proje Numarası



Many thanks to Aydın Adnan Menderes University Scientific Research Projects department (BAP) for financial supporting our project (FEF-16023).


  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2015. Epiphytic Bryophytes and Vegetation of the East Spruce in the Orumcek Forest. Ekoloji. 24: 94, 33-42.
  • Alataş M. Kara R. Ezer T. Batan N. Özdemir T. 2016. Contribution to the epiphytic flora and vegetation of the Lake District in the Burdur region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany. 40, 329-342.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. 2018. The Life Forms, Life Strategies and Ecological Characteristics of Epiphytic Bryophytes in Kamilet Valley (Artvin-Arhavi) and Surroundings, Anatolian Bryology, 4: 1, 8-16.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. 2019a. The Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of Kamilet Valley (Artvin/Turkey), Turkish Journal of Botany, 43: 4, 551-569.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Erata H. 2019b. A new bryophyte sub-association and new record for Turkish bryophyte vegetation, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12: 1, 181-188.
  • Barkman JJ. 1958. Phytosociology and ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes. Van Gorcum, Assen.
  • Burgaz A. R. Fuertes E. Escudero A. 1994. Climax epiphytic communities in Mediterranean Spain. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 115, 35-47.
  • Campos L. V. Steege H. T. Uribe J. 2015. Epiphytic bryophyte flora of the colombian amazon. Caldasia. 37: 1, 47-59.
  • Cornelissen J. H. C. Steege H. Ter. 1989. Distribution and Ecology of Epiphytic Bryophytes and Lichens in Dry Evergreen Forest in Guyana. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 5: 2, 131-150.
  • Draper I. Lara F. Albertos B. Garilleti R. Mazimpaka V. 2003. The epiphytic bryoflora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum. Journal of Bryology. 25: 4, 271-280.
  • Draper I. Mazimpaka V. Albetros B. Garılleti R. Lara F. 2005. A survey of the epiphytic bryophyte flora of the Rif and Tazzeka Mountains (northern Morocco). Journal of Bryology. 27, 23-34.
  • Draper I. Lara F. Albertos B. Garilleti R. Mazimpaka V. 2006. Epiphytic bryoflora of the Atlas and Antiatlas Mountains, including a synthesis on the distribution of the epiphytic bryophytes in Morocco. J Bryol. 28, 312-330.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2000. Orthotrichum sprucei Mont. (Orthotrichaceae, Musci), New to the Moss Flora of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia. 71: 1-2, 145-150.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. A reference list of Turkish bryophytes. The state of knowledge from 1829 until 2017. Anatolian Bryol. 3: 2, 81-102.
  • Ezer T. Kara R. Düzenli A. 2009. The succession, habitat affinity, and life-forms of epiphytic bryophytes in the Turkish oak (Quercus cerris) forests on Mount Musa. Ekoloji. 72, 8-15.
  • Ezer T. Kara R. Atabay D. 2010. Güney Amanos Dağları’ndaki (Musa Dağı) Quercus cerris L. Ağaçlarının Epifitik Bryofitleri. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 3: 1, 139-145.
  • Ezer T. Kara R. 2013. Succession of epiphytic bryophytes in Cedrus libani forest on the Meydan Plateau (Aladağ). Turkish Journal of Botany. 37, 389-397.
  • Ezer T. 2017. Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities and Succession on Platanus orientalis Trees in Kadıncık Valley (MERSIN/TURKEY). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49: 2, 623-630.
  • Ezer T. Alataş M. Batan N. 2019. Successional trends of some epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Basin. Acta Biologica Turcica, 32: 4, 181-193.
  • Garcia C. C. Sérgio M. Sim-Sim M. 2005. Epiphytic bryophyte diversity in oak woodlands of Centre and Northern Portugal. First analyses from a national survey. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 97, 161-181.
  • González-Mancebo J. M. Losada-Lima A. McAlister S. 2003. Host specificity of epiphytic bryophyte communities of a laurel forest on Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). The Bryologist. 106, 383–394.
  • González-Mancebo J. M. Romaguera F. Losada-Lima A. Suaréz A. 2004. Epiphytic bryophytes growing on Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco in three laurel forest areas in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Acta Oecologica. 25, 159-167.
  • Gözcü M. C. Uyar G. Ören M. Ezer T. Alataş M. 2019. The bryophyte flora of the Samanlı Mountains (Sakarya, Kocaeli, Yalova, Bursa) in north-west Turkey. Arctoa. 28, 58-74.
  • Gradstein S. R. Montfoort D. Cornelissen J. H. C. 1990. Species richness and phytogeography of the bryophyte flora of the Guianas, with special reference to the lowland forest. Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution. 2: 1, 117-126.
  • Hodgetts N.G. 2015. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes – towards a new Red List for Europe. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 84. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
  • Kew Gardens. 2016. State of the World’s Plants Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
  • Kırmacı M. Agcagil E. 2016. Orthotrichum philibertii. In: New national and regional bryophyte records, 49. Journal of Bryology. 38: 4, 327-347.
  • Kırmacı M. Agcagil E. 2018. The bryophyte flora of Fethiye Babadağ (Muğla/Türkiye). Anatolian Bryol. 4: 1, 17-30.
  • Kurt L. Ketenoğlu O. 2008. Anadolu Sığla Ağacı. (Günlük Ağacı) (Liquidambar orientalis Miller). Pozitif Matbaa -Ankara
  • Kürschner H. Tonguç Ö. Yayıntaş A. 1998. Life Strategies in Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of the Southwest Anatolian Liquidambar orientalis forest. Nova Hedwigia. 66, 435-450.
  • Lara F. Mazimpaka V. 1998. Succession of epiphytic bryophytes in a Quercus pyrenaica forest from the Spanish Central Range (Iberian Peninsula). Nova Hedwigia. 67, 125-138.
  • Lara F. Mazimpaka V. Medina R. Caparros R. Garilleti R. 2010. Northeastern Turkey, an unnoticed but very important area for the Orthotrichaceae (Bryophyta) Nova Hedwigia. 138, 165-180.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Goffinet B. Draper I. Medina R. Vigalondo B. Mazimpaka V. 2016. Lewinskya, a new genus to accommodate the phaneroporous and monoicous taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Cryptogamie Bryologie. 37: 4, 361-382.
  • Leon-Vargas Y. Engwald S. Proctor M. C. F. 2006. Microclimate, light adaptation and desiccation tolerance of epiphytic bryophytes in two Venezuelan cloud forests. Journal of Biogeography. 33, 901-913.
  • Mazimpaka V. Medina N. G. Draper I. Lara F. 2009. Epiphytic bryophyte flora in dry environments from the Western Mediterranean: The special case of Sierra Alhamilla (Almeria, South-eastern Spain). Plant Biosystems. 143, 113–125.
  • Medina R. Lara F. Albertos B. Draper I. Garilleti R. Mazimpaka V. 2010. Epiphytic bryophytes in harsh environments: the Juniperus thurifera forests. Journal of Bryology. 32, 23-31.
  • Moe B. Botnen A. 2000. Epiphytic vegetation on pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in four different habitats at Grinde, Leikanger, western Norway. Plant Ecology. 151, 143-159.
  • Montfoort D. Ek R.C. 1989. Vertical distribution and ecology of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in a lowland rain forest, French Guiana. MSc Thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
  • Ódor P. 2013. Reprint of: Patterns and drivers of species composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in managed temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 321, 42-51.
  • Oliveira S. M. Steege H. 2013. Floristic overview of the epiphytic bryophytes of terra firme forests across the Amazon basin. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 27: 2, 347-363.
  • Pereira Alvarenga L. D. Porto K. C. 2007. Patch size and isolation effects on epiphytic and epiphyllous bryophytes in the fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest. Biological Conservation. 134, 415-427.
  • Privitera M. Puglisi M. 1997. Noteworty orophilous mosses from Mount Etna (Sicily). Bocconea. 5: 2, 905-911. Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T. L. Brugués M. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 2, 99-283.
  • Sim-Sim M. 2011. Epiphytic bryophyte diversity on Madeira Island: Effects of tree species on bryophyte species richness and composition. The Bryologist. 114: 1, 142-154.
  • Türkiye Orman Varlığı. 2015. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı.
  • Vanderpoorten A. Engels P. Sotiaux A. 2004. Trends in diversityand abundance of obligate epiphytic bryophytes in a highly managed landscape. Ecology. 27, 567-576.
  • Vigalando B. Lara F. Draper I. Garilleti R. 2012. Zygodon catarinoi C.A. Garcia, F. Lara, Sergio & Sim-Sim In: New national and regional bryophyte records 33. Journal of Bryology. 33: 288.
  • Walther K. 1975. Zur Moosvegetation der Liquidambar-walder Südwest- Anatoliens. Phytocoenologia. 2, 13-18.

Liquidambar orientalis Ormanlarının Epifitik Briyofit Florası

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 70 - 77, 15.11.2020


Türkiye ve dünya için çok önemli olan Liquidambar orientalis ormanları, kendine özgü yaşam alanlarında varlıklarını sürdürmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de doğal olarak yayılan L. orientalis'in epifitik briyofit florası 2016-2019 yılları arasında araştırılmıştır. Toplam 27 lokalite ziyaret edilmiş ve 433 zarf bitki örneği alınmıştır. Teşhislerin sonucunda, toplamda 49 karayosunu (48 yapraklı karayosunu, 1 ciğerotu) kayıt edilmiştir. Bu taksonlar ağaçların taban, gövde ve yan dallarından alınmış olup, tablo formatında sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, Orthotrichum philibertii ve Zygodon catarinoi Türkiye’den ikinci kayıt olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın Türkiye karayosunları florasına ve Liquidambar orientalis ormanlarının korunmasına katkı sağlayacağı kanısındayız.

Proje Numarası



  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2015. Epiphytic Bryophytes and Vegetation of the East Spruce in the Orumcek Forest. Ekoloji. 24: 94, 33-42.
  • Alataş M. Kara R. Ezer T. Batan N. Özdemir T. 2016. Contribution to the epiphytic flora and vegetation of the Lake District in the Burdur region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany. 40, 329-342.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. 2018. The Life Forms, Life Strategies and Ecological Characteristics of Epiphytic Bryophytes in Kamilet Valley (Artvin-Arhavi) and Surroundings, Anatolian Bryology, 4: 1, 8-16.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. 2019a. The Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of Kamilet Valley (Artvin/Turkey), Turkish Journal of Botany, 43: 4, 551-569.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. Ezer T. Erata H. 2019b. A new bryophyte sub-association and new record for Turkish bryophyte vegetation, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12: 1, 181-188.
  • Barkman JJ. 1958. Phytosociology and ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes. Van Gorcum, Assen.
  • Burgaz A. R. Fuertes E. Escudero A. 1994. Climax epiphytic communities in Mediterranean Spain. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 115, 35-47.
  • Campos L. V. Steege H. T. Uribe J. 2015. Epiphytic bryophyte flora of the colombian amazon. Caldasia. 37: 1, 47-59.
  • Cornelissen J. H. C. Steege H. Ter. 1989. Distribution and Ecology of Epiphytic Bryophytes and Lichens in Dry Evergreen Forest in Guyana. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 5: 2, 131-150.
  • Draper I. Lara F. Albertos B. Garilleti R. Mazimpaka V. 2003. The epiphytic bryoflora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum. Journal of Bryology. 25: 4, 271-280.
  • Draper I. Mazimpaka V. Albetros B. Garılleti R. Lara F. 2005. A survey of the epiphytic bryophyte flora of the Rif and Tazzeka Mountains (northern Morocco). Journal of Bryology. 27, 23-34.
  • Draper I. Lara F. Albertos B. Garilleti R. Mazimpaka V. 2006. Epiphytic bryoflora of the Atlas and Antiatlas Mountains, including a synthesis on the distribution of the epiphytic bryophytes in Morocco. J Bryol. 28, 312-330.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2000. Orthotrichum sprucei Mont. (Orthotrichaceae, Musci), New to the Moss Flora of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia. 71: 1-2, 145-150.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. A reference list of Turkish bryophytes. The state of knowledge from 1829 until 2017. Anatolian Bryol. 3: 2, 81-102.
  • Ezer T. Kara R. Düzenli A. 2009. The succession, habitat affinity, and life-forms of epiphytic bryophytes in the Turkish oak (Quercus cerris) forests on Mount Musa. Ekoloji. 72, 8-15.
  • Ezer T. Kara R. Atabay D. 2010. Güney Amanos Dağları’ndaki (Musa Dağı) Quercus cerris L. Ağaçlarının Epifitik Bryofitleri. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 3: 1, 139-145.
  • Ezer T. Kara R. 2013. Succession of epiphytic bryophytes in Cedrus libani forest on the Meydan Plateau (Aladağ). Turkish Journal of Botany. 37, 389-397.
  • Ezer T. 2017. Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities and Succession on Platanus orientalis Trees in Kadıncık Valley (MERSIN/TURKEY). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49: 2, 623-630.
  • Ezer T. Alataş M. Batan N. 2019. Successional trends of some epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Basin. Acta Biologica Turcica, 32: 4, 181-193.
  • Garcia C. C. Sérgio M. Sim-Sim M. 2005. Epiphytic bryophyte diversity in oak woodlands of Centre and Northern Portugal. First analyses from a national survey. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 97, 161-181.
  • González-Mancebo J. M. Losada-Lima A. McAlister S. 2003. Host specificity of epiphytic bryophyte communities of a laurel forest on Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). The Bryologist. 106, 383–394.
  • González-Mancebo J. M. Romaguera F. Losada-Lima A. Suaréz A. 2004. Epiphytic bryophytes growing on Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco in three laurel forest areas in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Acta Oecologica. 25, 159-167.
  • Gözcü M. C. Uyar G. Ören M. Ezer T. Alataş M. 2019. The bryophyte flora of the Samanlı Mountains (Sakarya, Kocaeli, Yalova, Bursa) in north-west Turkey. Arctoa. 28, 58-74.
  • Gradstein S. R. Montfoort D. Cornelissen J. H. C. 1990. Species richness and phytogeography of the bryophyte flora of the Guianas, with special reference to the lowland forest. Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution. 2: 1, 117-126.
  • Hodgetts N.G. 2015. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes – towards a new Red List for Europe. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 84. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
  • Kew Gardens. 2016. State of the World’s Plants Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
  • Kırmacı M. Agcagil E. 2016. Orthotrichum philibertii. In: New national and regional bryophyte records, 49. Journal of Bryology. 38: 4, 327-347.
  • Kırmacı M. Agcagil E. 2018. The bryophyte flora of Fethiye Babadağ (Muğla/Türkiye). Anatolian Bryol. 4: 1, 17-30.
  • Kurt L. Ketenoğlu O. 2008. Anadolu Sığla Ağacı. (Günlük Ağacı) (Liquidambar orientalis Miller). Pozitif Matbaa -Ankara
  • Kürschner H. Tonguç Ö. Yayıntaş A. 1998. Life Strategies in Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of the Southwest Anatolian Liquidambar orientalis forest. Nova Hedwigia. 66, 435-450.
  • Lara F. Mazimpaka V. 1998. Succession of epiphytic bryophytes in a Quercus pyrenaica forest from the Spanish Central Range (Iberian Peninsula). Nova Hedwigia. 67, 125-138.
  • Lara F. Mazimpaka V. Medina R. Caparros R. Garilleti R. 2010. Northeastern Turkey, an unnoticed but very important area for the Orthotrichaceae (Bryophyta) Nova Hedwigia. 138, 165-180.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Goffinet B. Draper I. Medina R. Vigalondo B. Mazimpaka V. 2016. Lewinskya, a new genus to accommodate the phaneroporous and monoicous taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Cryptogamie Bryologie. 37: 4, 361-382.
  • Leon-Vargas Y. Engwald S. Proctor M. C. F. 2006. Microclimate, light adaptation and desiccation tolerance of epiphytic bryophytes in two Venezuelan cloud forests. Journal of Biogeography. 33, 901-913.
  • Mazimpaka V. Medina N. G. Draper I. Lara F. 2009. Epiphytic bryophyte flora in dry environments from the Western Mediterranean: The special case of Sierra Alhamilla (Almeria, South-eastern Spain). Plant Biosystems. 143, 113–125.
  • Medina R. Lara F. Albertos B. Draper I. Garilleti R. Mazimpaka V. 2010. Epiphytic bryophytes in harsh environments: the Juniperus thurifera forests. Journal of Bryology. 32, 23-31.
  • Moe B. Botnen A. 2000. Epiphytic vegetation on pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in four different habitats at Grinde, Leikanger, western Norway. Plant Ecology. 151, 143-159.
  • Montfoort D. Ek R.C. 1989. Vertical distribution and ecology of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in a lowland rain forest, French Guiana. MSc Thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
  • Ódor P. 2013. Reprint of: Patterns and drivers of species composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in managed temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 321, 42-51.
  • Oliveira S. M. Steege H. 2013. Floristic overview of the epiphytic bryophytes of terra firme forests across the Amazon basin. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 27: 2, 347-363.
  • Pereira Alvarenga L. D. Porto K. C. 2007. Patch size and isolation effects on epiphytic and epiphyllous bryophytes in the fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest. Biological Conservation. 134, 415-427.
  • Privitera M. Puglisi M. 1997. Noteworty orophilous mosses from Mount Etna (Sicily). Bocconea. 5: 2, 905-911. Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T. L. Brugués M. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34: 2, 99-283.
  • Sim-Sim M. 2011. Epiphytic bryophyte diversity on Madeira Island: Effects of tree species on bryophyte species richness and composition. The Bryologist. 114: 1, 142-154.
  • Türkiye Orman Varlığı. 2015. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı.
  • Vanderpoorten A. Engels P. Sotiaux A. 2004. Trends in diversityand abundance of obligate epiphytic bryophytes in a highly managed landscape. Ecology. 27, 567-576.
  • Vigalando B. Lara F. Draper I. Garilleti R. 2012. Zygodon catarinoi C.A. Garcia, F. Lara, Sergio & Sim-Sim In: New national and regional bryophyte records 33. Journal of Bryology. 33: 288.
  • Walther K. 1975. Zur Moosvegetation der Liquidambar-walder Südwest- Anatoliens. Phytocoenologia. 2, 13-18.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mesut Kırmacı 0000-0001-8373-6520

Uğur Çatak 0000-0001-5770-8243

Proje Numarası FEF-16023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kırmacı, M., & Çatak, U. (2020). Epiphytic Bryophyte Flora of Liquidambar orientalis Forests. Anatolian Bryology, 6(2), 70-77.

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