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Determination of Heavy Metal Levels in Some Moss Samples Collected from Near the Highways in Burdur Province

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 33 - 43, 15.06.2021


The main sources of atmospheric heavy metals deposition are agricultural activities, fossil fuels, central heating stations and the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. In this study, the total of 29 mosses samples were collected from contaminated points near the Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) and Burdur-Antalya highways (2-20m) and uncontaminated areas in 2012. Samples were analyzed by flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) later microwave digestion methods. The highest accumulation levels detected as µg.g−1 Fe (1419.02)>Zn (158.44)>Mn (362.77)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd (35.866)>Cu (25.17) for mosses. Element levels are differ depending on moss species and the location of collecting localities.


  • Adamo P. Giordano S. Vingiani S. Cobianchi R.C. Violente P. 2003. Trace element accumulation by moss and lichen exposed in bags in the city of Naples (Italy). Environmental Pollution. 122, 91-103.
  • Akçay N. Batan N. Çınar Y. 2016. Investigate of atmospheric arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury levels in moss species found around Zilkale, by EDXRF Spectrometry. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1726, 020124.
  • Ares A. Fernandez J.A. Aboal J.R. Carballeira A. 2011. Study of the air quality in industrial areas of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) by active biomonitoring with Pseudoscleropodium purum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 74, 533-541.
  • Barandovski L. Cekova M. Frontasyeva M.V. Pavlov S.S. Stafilov T. Steinnes E. Urumov V. 2008. Atmospheric deposition of trace element pollutions in Macedonia studied by the moss biomonitoring technique. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 138, 107-118.
  • Brown D.H. Bates J.W. 1990. Bryophytes and nutrient cycling. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 104, 129-147.
  • Chakrabortty S. Paratkar G.T. 2006. Biomonitoring of trace element air pollution using mosses. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 6:3, 247-258.
  • Farid G. Sarwar N. Ahmad A. Ghafoor A. Rehman M. 2015. Heavy Metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) Contamination of Soils, Plants and Waters in Madina Town of Faisalabad Metropolitan and Preparation of Gis Based Maps. Advances in Crop Science and Technology. 4, 199. doi:10.4172/2329-8863.1000199.
  • Giordano S. Adamo P. Sorbo S. Vingiana S. 2005. Atmospheric trace metal pollution in the Naples urban area based on results from moss and lichen bags. Environmental Pollution. 136, 431-442.
  • Harmens H. Norris D.A. Steinnes E. Kubin E. Piispanen J. Alber R. Aleksiayenak Y. Blum O. Coşkun M. Dam M. et al. 2010. Mosses as biomonitors of atmospheric heavy metal deposition: Spatial patterns and temporal trends in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 158, 3144-3156.
  • Herpin U. Markert B. Weckert V. Berlecamp J. Friese K. Siewers U. Lieth H. 1997. Retrospective analysis of heavy metal concentrations at selected locations in the Federal Republic of Germany using moss material from a herbarium. Science of the Total Environment. 205: 1-12.
  • Namik K. Aras O. Ataman Y. 2006. Trace Element Analiysis of Food and Diet (Chapter 1: Importance of trace elements in Food). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
  • Onianwa P.C. 2001. Monitoring athmospheric metal pollution: A review of the use of mosses as indicators. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 71, 13-50.
  • Ötvös E. Pazmandi T. Tuba Z. 2003. First national survey of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Hungary by the analysis of mosses. Science of the Total Environment. 309, 151–160.
  • Özdemir T. Apaydin G. Mendil D. Bulut V.N. Cengiz E. Gündoğdu A. Aylikci V. 2010. Determination of some elements in moss samples from North Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Asian Journal of Chemestry. 22, 1, 346-352.
  • Özdemir T. Mendil D. 2008. Determination of trace elements in some moss samples by atomic absorption spectrometry. Asian Journal of Chemestry. 20:3, 1786-1790.
  • Rühling A. Steinnes E. 1998. Atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Europe 1995-1996. Nordic Council of Ministers (ed) 15, 1-67.
  • Ruhling A. Taylor G. 2004. Changes in the atmospheric deposition of minor and rare elements between 1975-2000 in South Sweden, as measured by moss analysis. Environmental Pollution. 131, 417- 423.
  • Sari H. Mendil D. Tüzen M. Hasdemir E. Özdemir T. 2005. AAS Determination Of Trace Metals in Some Moss Samples From Trabzon Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 14:6, 473-477.
  • Strain J.J. Cashman K.D. 2009. Minerals and trace elements (in: Introduction to human nutrition, second edition).
  • Tüzen M. Mendil D. Sarı H. Hasdemir E. 2003. AAS Determination of Heavy Metals in Moss Samples of Giresun-Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 12:10, 1283-1286.
  • Tyler G. 1990. Bryophytes and heavy metals: a literature review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 104, 231-253.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Yildirim Y. Ince M. 2007a. Mosses as indicators of atmospheric heavy metal deposition around a coal-fired power plant in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 16:2, 182-192.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Ince M. 2007b. Atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Düzce province by using mosses as biomonitors. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 16:2, 145-153.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Yildirim Y. Öncel S. 2008. Biomonitoring of metal deposition in the vicinity of Eregli steel plant in Turkey. Environmental Forensics. 9, 350-363.
  • Uyar G. Avcil E. Ören M. Karaca F. Oncel M.S. 2009. Determination of heavy metal pollution in Zonguldak (Turkey) by moss analysis (Hypnum cupressiforme). Environmental Engineering Science. 26:1, 183-194.
  • Vargha B. Ötvös E. Tuba Z. 2002. Investigations on ecological effects of heavy metal pollution in Hungary by mossdwelling water bears (Tardigrada), as bioindicators. Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine 9, 141-146.
  • Zeichmeister H.G. Grodzinska K. Szarek-Lukaszewska G. 2003. Bryophytes. Markert, BA. Breure, A.M. & Zeichmeister, H. G.(Eds.). Elsevier, Oxford.

Burdur ilinde Karayollarının Yakınından Toplanan Bazı Karayosunu Örneklerinde Ağır Metal Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 33 - 43, 15.06.2021


Atmosferik Ağır metal birikiminin ana kaynakları, tarımsal faaliyetler, fosil yakıtlar, merkezi ısıtma istasyonları ve bölgedeki motorlu taşıtların egzoz gazlarıdır. Bu çalışmada, 2012 yılında Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) ve Burdur-Antalya karayollarının yakınından (2-20m) kirlenmiş bölgeden ve bu yollara uzak noktalardan temiz bölgeden 29 karayosunu örneği toplanmıştır. Örnekler mikrodalga çözünürleştirme sonrasında alev ve grafit fırın atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi (AAS) metodu ile analiz edilmiştir. Karayosunları için en yüksek birikim seviyeleri µg.g−1 olarak şu şekilde tespit edildi; Fe (1419.02)>Mn (362.77)>Zn (158.44)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd(35.866)>Cu (25.17). Element seviyesi, karayosunu türlerine ve toplanma lokalitelerinin durumuna bağlı olarak farklıdır.


  • Adamo P. Giordano S. Vingiani S. Cobianchi R.C. Violente P. 2003. Trace element accumulation by moss and lichen exposed in bags in the city of Naples (Italy). Environmental Pollution. 122, 91-103.
  • Akçay N. Batan N. Çınar Y. 2016. Investigate of atmospheric arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury levels in moss species found around Zilkale, by EDXRF Spectrometry. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1726, 020124.
  • Ares A. Fernandez J.A. Aboal J.R. Carballeira A. 2011. Study of the air quality in industrial areas of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) by active biomonitoring with Pseudoscleropodium purum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 74, 533-541.
  • Barandovski L. Cekova M. Frontasyeva M.V. Pavlov S.S. Stafilov T. Steinnes E. Urumov V. 2008. Atmospheric deposition of trace element pollutions in Macedonia studied by the moss biomonitoring technique. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 138, 107-118.
  • Brown D.H. Bates J.W. 1990. Bryophytes and nutrient cycling. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 104, 129-147.
  • Chakrabortty S. Paratkar G.T. 2006. Biomonitoring of trace element air pollution using mosses. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 6:3, 247-258.
  • Farid G. Sarwar N. Ahmad A. Ghafoor A. Rehman M. 2015. Heavy Metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) Contamination of Soils, Plants and Waters in Madina Town of Faisalabad Metropolitan and Preparation of Gis Based Maps. Advances in Crop Science and Technology. 4, 199. doi:10.4172/2329-8863.1000199.
  • Giordano S. Adamo P. Sorbo S. Vingiana S. 2005. Atmospheric trace metal pollution in the Naples urban area based on results from moss and lichen bags. Environmental Pollution. 136, 431-442.
  • Harmens H. Norris D.A. Steinnes E. Kubin E. Piispanen J. Alber R. Aleksiayenak Y. Blum O. Coşkun M. Dam M. et al. 2010. Mosses as biomonitors of atmospheric heavy metal deposition: Spatial patterns and temporal trends in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 158, 3144-3156.
  • Herpin U. Markert B. Weckert V. Berlecamp J. Friese K. Siewers U. Lieth H. 1997. Retrospective analysis of heavy metal concentrations at selected locations in the Federal Republic of Germany using moss material from a herbarium. Science of the Total Environment. 205: 1-12.
  • Namik K. Aras O. Ataman Y. 2006. Trace Element Analiysis of Food and Diet (Chapter 1: Importance of trace elements in Food). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
  • Onianwa P.C. 2001. Monitoring athmospheric metal pollution: A review of the use of mosses as indicators. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 71, 13-50.
  • Ötvös E. Pazmandi T. Tuba Z. 2003. First national survey of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Hungary by the analysis of mosses. Science of the Total Environment. 309, 151–160.
  • Özdemir T. Apaydin G. Mendil D. Bulut V.N. Cengiz E. Gündoğdu A. Aylikci V. 2010. Determination of some elements in moss samples from North Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Asian Journal of Chemestry. 22, 1, 346-352.
  • Özdemir T. Mendil D. 2008. Determination of trace elements in some moss samples by atomic absorption spectrometry. Asian Journal of Chemestry. 20:3, 1786-1790.
  • Rühling A. Steinnes E. 1998. Atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Europe 1995-1996. Nordic Council of Ministers (ed) 15, 1-67.
  • Ruhling A. Taylor G. 2004. Changes in the atmospheric deposition of minor and rare elements between 1975-2000 in South Sweden, as measured by moss analysis. Environmental Pollution. 131, 417- 423.
  • Sari H. Mendil D. Tüzen M. Hasdemir E. Özdemir T. 2005. AAS Determination Of Trace Metals in Some Moss Samples From Trabzon Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 14:6, 473-477.
  • Strain J.J. Cashman K.D. 2009. Minerals and trace elements (in: Introduction to human nutrition, second edition).
  • Tüzen M. Mendil D. Sarı H. Hasdemir E. 2003. AAS Determination of Heavy Metals in Moss Samples of Giresun-Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 12:10, 1283-1286.
  • Tyler G. 1990. Bryophytes and heavy metals: a literature review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 104, 231-253.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Yildirim Y. Ince M. 2007a. Mosses as indicators of atmospheric heavy metal deposition around a coal-fired power plant in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 16:2, 182-192.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Ince M. 2007b. Atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Düzce province by using mosses as biomonitors. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 16:2, 145-153.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Yildirim Y. Öncel S. 2008. Biomonitoring of metal deposition in the vicinity of Eregli steel plant in Turkey. Environmental Forensics. 9, 350-363.
  • Uyar G. Avcil E. Ören M. Karaca F. Oncel M.S. 2009. Determination of heavy metal pollution in Zonguldak (Turkey) by moss analysis (Hypnum cupressiforme). Environmental Engineering Science. 26:1, 183-194.
  • Vargha B. Ötvös E. Tuba Z. 2002. Investigations on ecological effects of heavy metal pollution in Hungary by mossdwelling water bears (Tardigrada), as bioindicators. Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine 9, 141-146.
  • Zeichmeister H.G. Grodzinska K. Szarek-Lukaszewska G. 2003. Bryophytes. Markert, BA. Breure, A.M. & Zeichmeister, H. G.(Eds.). Elsevier, Oxford.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nevzat Batan 0000-0001-8456-5719

Turan Özdemir 0000-0002-1131-2507

Ekrem Saralıoğlu 0000-0002-0609-3338

Nilay Akçay 0000-0002-9717-4829

Durali Mendil 0000-0002-5931-9134

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Batan, N., Özdemir, T., Saralıoğlu, E., Akçay, N., vd. (2021). Determination of Heavy Metal Levels in Some Moss Samples Collected from Near the Highways in Burdur Province. Anatolian Bryology, 7(1), 33-43.

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