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Antidiabetic Effect of Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot (Bryophyta) Extract

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 89 - 94, 05.12.2024


Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is recognized as one of the most important public health problems in all nations in the 21st century. Chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs. Postprandial hyperglycemia is mainly caused by rapid absorption of glucose in the intestine, where α-glucosidase plays an important role in the hydrolysis of dietary carbohydrates. Inhibition of α-glucosidase is considered as an effective approach in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Bryophytes are the second largest taxonomic group in the plant kingdom and are an integral part of biodiversity. Recently, a large number of different bioactive substances have been isolated from liverworts and mosses. In this study, the α-glucosidase enzyme inhibition effect of the extract of the moss species Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot (Bryophyta), which was characterized for the first time by GK/KS method, was investigated and it was found to have a moderate α-glucosidase enzyme inhibition effect.

Etik Beyan

“Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot (Bryophyta) Ekstraktının Antidiyabetik Etkisi” başlıklı çalışmamızda hayvan ya da insan deneyi yapılmadığından etik kurul onayına gerek bulunmamaktadır.


  • Abu-Izneid T. Rauf A. Shariati M.A. Khalil A.A. Imran M. Rebezov M. Uddin Md.S. Mahomoodally M.F. Rengasamy K.R.R. 2020. Sesquiterpenes and their derivatives-natural anticancer compounds: An update. Pharmacological Research.161:105165.
  • Ali H. Houghton P.J. Soumyanath A. 2006. α-Amylase inhibitory activity of some Malaysian plants used to treat diabetes; with particular reference to Phyllanthus amarus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 107:3, 449-55.
  • Al-Malki A.L. 2019. Oat attenuation of hyperglycemia-induced retinal oxidative stress and NF-κκB activation in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 1-8. Asakawa Y. 2004. Chemosystematics of the Hepaticae. Phytochemistry. 65:6, 623-669.
  • Bello N.A. Pfeffer M.A. Skali H. McGill J.B. Rossert J. Olson K.A. Weinrauch L. Cooper M.E. de Zeeuw D. Rossing P. 2014. Retinopathy and clinical outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and anemia. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 2, e000011.
  • Chandra S. Chandra D. Barh A. Pandey R.K. Sharma I.P. 2017. Bryophytes: Hoard of remedies, an ethnomedicinal review. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 7:1, 94-98.
  • Delwiche C.F. Cooper E.D. 2015. The Evolutionary Origin of a Terrestrial Flora. Current Biology. 25, 899-910. Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2011. The Cinclidotus P. Beauv./Dialytrichia (Schimp.) Limpr. complex (Bryopsida, Pottiaceae) in Turkey. Botanica Serbica. 35:1, 13-29.
  • Ghani U. 2015. Re-exploring promising α-glucosidase inhibitors for potential development into oral anti-diabetic drugs: finding needle in the haystack. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 103: 133-162.
  • Ghosh S. More P. Derle A. Patil A.B. Markad P. Asok A. Kumbhar N. Shaikh M.L. Ramanamurthy B. Shinde V.S. et al. 2014. Diosgenin from Dioscorea bulbifera: novel hit for treatment of type II diabetes mellitus with inhibitory activity against α-amylase and α-glucosidase. PLoS One. 12:9(9), e106039.
  • Glime J.M. 2017. Medical uses: medical conditions. Chapt. 2-1. In: Glime, J. M. Bryophyte Ecology 5. Uses. Ebook accessed (give date) at <>.
  • Goffinet B. Shaw A.J. 2009. Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building.
  • Gunawan-Puteri M.D.P.T. Kawabata J. 2010. Novel α-glucosidase inhibitors from Macaranga tanarius leaves. Food Chemistry. 123:2, 384-389.
  • Halder K. Mitra S. 2020. A short review of the ethnomedicinal perspectives of bryophytes.International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 46:1, 73-81.
  • Jiao Y. Hua D. Huang D. Zhang Q. Yan C. 2018. Characterization of a new heteropolysaccharide from green guava and its application as an α-glucosidase inhibitor for the treatment of type II diabetes. Food & Function. 9: 3997-4007.
  • Kocazorbaz E.K. Tok K. Moulahoum H. Ün R.N. 2021. Phytochemical and Bioactivity Analysis of Several Methanolic Extracts of Nine Bryophytes Species. Sakarya University Journal of Science. 25:4), 938-949.
  • Li M. Song L.J. Qin X.-Y. 2014. Advances in the cellular immunological pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 18: 749-758.
  • Mossang P. Chimyang N. Shankar V. Mangangcha I.R. Evelin H. 2021. Bryophytes in Medicines. Journal of Bioresources. 8:1, 1-23.
  • Mousinho N.M.H.D.C. Tonder J.J.V. Vanessa S. 2013. In vitro anti-diabetic activity of Sclerocarya birrea and Ziziphus mucronata. Natural Product Communications. 8: 1279-84.
  • Mukhia S. Mandal P. Singh D.K. Singh D. 2019. Comparison of pharmacological properties and phytochemical constituents of in vitro propagated and naturally occurring liverwort Lunularia cruciata. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 19:1, 181.
  • Patil P. Mandal S. Tomar S.K. Anand S. 2015. Food protein-derived bioactive peptides in management of type 2 diabetes. European Journal of Nutrition. 54: 863-880.
  • Rashid K. Chowdhury S. Ghosh S. Sil P.C. 2017. Curcumin attenuates oxidative stress induced NFκB mediated inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum dependent apoptosis of splenocytes in diabetes. Biochemical Pharmacology. 143: 140–155.
  • Szkudlarek A. Sułkowska A. Maciążek-Jurczyk M. Chudzik M. 2016. Równicka-Zubik J. Effects of non-enzymatic glycation in human serum albumin. Spectroscopic analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 5;152, 645-53.
  • Tusevski O. Stanoeva J.P. Stefoya M. Simic S.G. 2013. Phenolic profile of dark-grown and photoperiod exposed Hypericum perforatum L. hairy root cultures. The Scientific World Journal. Article ID 602752.
  • Xie C.F. Lou H.X. 2009. Secondary Metabolites in Bryophytes: An Ecological Aspect. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 6: 303-312.
  • Wang S. Xie X. Zhang L Hu Y.M. Wang H. Tu Z.C. 2020. Inhibition mechanism of alphaglucosidase inhibitors screened from Artemisia selengensis Turcz root. Industrial Crops and Products. 2020;143.
  • Wong S.P. Lai P.L. Jen H.W.K. 2006. Antioxidant activities of aqueous extracts of selected plants. Food Chemistry. 99:775-83.
  • Yongabi K.A. Novakovie M. Bukvicki D. Reeb C. Asakawa Y. 2016. Management of Diabetic Bacterial Foot Infections with Organic Extracts of Liverwort Marchantia debilis from Cameroon. Natural Product Communications. 11:9, 1333-1336.
  • Yuan S. Cohen D.B. Ravel J. Abdo Z. Forney L.J. 2012. Evaluation of Methods for the Extraction and Purification of DNA from the Human Microbiome. PLoS ONE 7:3, e33865.
  • Zhang L. Xu Q. Zhu J. Xia G. Zang H. 2021. Synthesis, α-glucosidase inhibition and molecular docking studies of tyrosol derivatives. Natural Product Research. 35:10, 1596-1604.
  • Zimmet P. Alberti K. Shaw, J. 2001. Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic. Nature. 414, 782.

Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot (Bryophyta) Ekstraktının Antidiyabetik Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 89 - 94, 05.12.2024


Tip 2 diyabet (T2D), 21. yüzyılda tüm uluslarda en önemli halk sağlığı sorunlarından biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Diyabetin kronik hiperglisemisi, çeşitli organların uzun vadeli hasarı, işlev bozukluğu ve yetmezliği ile ilişkilidir. Postprandiyal hiperglisemi esas olarak bağırsakta glikozun hızlı emiliminden kaynaklanır ve burada α-glukozidaz diyetle alınan karbonhidratların hidrolizinde önemli bir rol oynar. Tip 2 diyabetin tedavisinde α-glukozidaz inhibisyonu etkili bir yaklaşım olarak kabul edilmektedir. Briyofitler, bitkiler aleminin ikinci büyük taksonomik grubu olup biyoçeşitliliğin ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Son zamanlarda ciğerotlarından ve karayosunlarından çok sayıda farklı biyoaktif madde izole edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada da GK/KS yöntemiyle ilk kez karakterizasyonu yapılan karayosunu türü Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot (Bryophyta) ekstraktının α-glukozidaz enzim inhibisyon etkisi araştırılmış olup orta düzeyde α-glukozidaz enzim inhibisyon etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Abu-Izneid T. Rauf A. Shariati M.A. Khalil A.A. Imran M. Rebezov M. Uddin Md.S. Mahomoodally M.F. Rengasamy K.R.R. 2020. Sesquiterpenes and their derivatives-natural anticancer compounds: An update. Pharmacological Research.161:105165.
  • Ali H. Houghton P.J. Soumyanath A. 2006. α-Amylase inhibitory activity of some Malaysian plants used to treat diabetes; with particular reference to Phyllanthus amarus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 107:3, 449-55.
  • Al-Malki A.L. 2019. Oat attenuation of hyperglycemia-induced retinal oxidative stress and NF-κκB activation in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 1-8. Asakawa Y. 2004. Chemosystematics of the Hepaticae. Phytochemistry. 65:6, 623-669.
  • Bello N.A. Pfeffer M.A. Skali H. McGill J.B. Rossert J. Olson K.A. Weinrauch L. Cooper M.E. de Zeeuw D. Rossing P. 2014. Retinopathy and clinical outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and anemia. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 2, e000011.
  • Chandra S. Chandra D. Barh A. Pandey R.K. Sharma I.P. 2017. Bryophytes: Hoard of remedies, an ethnomedicinal review. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 7:1, 94-98.
  • Delwiche C.F. Cooper E.D. 2015. The Evolutionary Origin of a Terrestrial Flora. Current Biology. 25, 899-910. Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2011. The Cinclidotus P. Beauv./Dialytrichia (Schimp.) Limpr. complex (Bryopsida, Pottiaceae) in Turkey. Botanica Serbica. 35:1, 13-29.
  • Ghani U. 2015. Re-exploring promising α-glucosidase inhibitors for potential development into oral anti-diabetic drugs: finding needle in the haystack. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 103: 133-162.
  • Ghosh S. More P. Derle A. Patil A.B. Markad P. Asok A. Kumbhar N. Shaikh M.L. Ramanamurthy B. Shinde V.S. et al. 2014. Diosgenin from Dioscorea bulbifera: novel hit for treatment of type II diabetes mellitus with inhibitory activity against α-amylase and α-glucosidase. PLoS One. 12:9(9), e106039.
  • Glime J.M. 2017. Medical uses: medical conditions. Chapt. 2-1. In: Glime, J. M. Bryophyte Ecology 5. Uses. Ebook accessed (give date) at <>.
  • Goffinet B. Shaw A.J. 2009. Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building.
  • Gunawan-Puteri M.D.P.T. Kawabata J. 2010. Novel α-glucosidase inhibitors from Macaranga tanarius leaves. Food Chemistry. 123:2, 384-389.
  • Halder K. Mitra S. 2020. A short review of the ethnomedicinal perspectives of bryophytes.International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 46:1, 73-81.
  • Jiao Y. Hua D. Huang D. Zhang Q. Yan C. 2018. Characterization of a new heteropolysaccharide from green guava and its application as an α-glucosidase inhibitor for the treatment of type II diabetes. Food & Function. 9: 3997-4007.
  • Kocazorbaz E.K. Tok K. Moulahoum H. Ün R.N. 2021. Phytochemical and Bioactivity Analysis of Several Methanolic Extracts of Nine Bryophytes Species. Sakarya University Journal of Science. 25:4), 938-949.
  • Li M. Song L.J. Qin X.-Y. 2014. Advances in the cellular immunological pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 18: 749-758.
  • Mossang P. Chimyang N. Shankar V. Mangangcha I.R. Evelin H. 2021. Bryophytes in Medicines. Journal of Bioresources. 8:1, 1-23.
  • Mousinho N.M.H.D.C. Tonder J.J.V. Vanessa S. 2013. In vitro anti-diabetic activity of Sclerocarya birrea and Ziziphus mucronata. Natural Product Communications. 8: 1279-84.
  • Mukhia S. Mandal P. Singh D.K. Singh D. 2019. Comparison of pharmacological properties and phytochemical constituents of in vitro propagated and naturally occurring liverwort Lunularia cruciata. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 19:1, 181.
  • Patil P. Mandal S. Tomar S.K. Anand S. 2015. Food protein-derived bioactive peptides in management of type 2 diabetes. European Journal of Nutrition. 54: 863-880.
  • Rashid K. Chowdhury S. Ghosh S. Sil P.C. 2017. Curcumin attenuates oxidative stress induced NFκB mediated inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum dependent apoptosis of splenocytes in diabetes. Biochemical Pharmacology. 143: 140–155.
  • Szkudlarek A. Sułkowska A. Maciążek-Jurczyk M. Chudzik M. 2016. Równicka-Zubik J. Effects of non-enzymatic glycation in human serum albumin. Spectroscopic analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 5;152, 645-53.
  • Tusevski O. Stanoeva J.P. Stefoya M. Simic S.G. 2013. Phenolic profile of dark-grown and photoperiod exposed Hypericum perforatum L. hairy root cultures. The Scientific World Journal. Article ID 602752.
  • Xie C.F. Lou H.X. 2009. Secondary Metabolites in Bryophytes: An Ecological Aspect. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 6: 303-312.
  • Wang S. Xie X. Zhang L Hu Y.M. Wang H. Tu Z.C. 2020. Inhibition mechanism of alphaglucosidase inhibitors screened from Artemisia selengensis Turcz root. Industrial Crops and Products. 2020;143.
  • Wong S.P. Lai P.L. Jen H.W.K. 2006. Antioxidant activities of aqueous extracts of selected plants. Food Chemistry. 99:775-83.
  • Yongabi K.A. Novakovie M. Bukvicki D. Reeb C. Asakawa Y. 2016. Management of Diabetic Bacterial Foot Infections with Organic Extracts of Liverwort Marchantia debilis from Cameroon. Natural Product Communications. 11:9, 1333-1336.
  • Yuan S. Cohen D.B. Ravel J. Abdo Z. Forney L.J. 2012. Evaluation of Methods for the Extraction and Purification of DNA from the Human Microbiome. PLoS ONE 7:3, e33865.
  • Zhang L. Xu Q. Zhu J. Xia G. Zang H. 2021. Synthesis, α-glucosidase inhibition and molecular docking studies of tyrosol derivatives. Natural Product Research. 35:10, 1596-1604.
  • Zimmet P. Alberti K. Shaw, J. 2001. Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic. Nature. 414, 782.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bitki Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ulaş Değirmenci 0000-0001-5208-6430

Tülay Ezer 0000-0002-6485-5505

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Değirmenci, U., & Ezer, T. (2024). Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot (Bryophyta) Ekstraktının Antidiyabetik Etkisi. Anatolian Bryology, 10(2), 89-94.

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