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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 143 - 171, 27.06.2023


Antik Yunan geleneğinde en prestijli onurlandırma biçimi olarak kabul edilen ἰσόθεοι τιμαί (isotheoi timai) en yalın haliyle tanrılar kültüne ait uygulamaların (sunaklar, kurbanlar ve agon’lar) faniler için de kullanılmasını ifade eder. Tanrılara denk/yaraşır onurlar (ἰσόθεοι τιμαί) Helenistik Dönem hükümdarlarının ve onların mirasçısı olan Romalı magistratus’ların ismiyle anılan festivallerin (agones) ortaya çıkışının arkasındaki ana etmenlerden biridir. Bu bağlamda, makale kapsamında ἰσόθεοι τιμαί kavramından hareketle Erken İmparatorluk Çağı’ndan itibaren Küçük Asya kentlerinde Romalı magistratus’lara ithaf edilen agonistik festivaller tespit edilip etraflıca değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Aristot. Rh. (Aristoteles, Rhetorica) = Aristotle, Art of Rhetoric (Çev. J. H. Freese). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1926.
  • Cass. Dio (Cassius Dio, Historiae Romanae) = Roman History (Çev. E. Cary-H. B. Foster). Cambridge, Mass.: Londra, 1917.
  • Plut. (Plutarkhos, Bioi Paralleloi) = Plutarch’ Lives, IV: Alcibiades and Coriolanus Lysander and Sulla (Çev. B. Perrin). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1914.
  • Suet. (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum) = Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, On İki Caesar’ın Yaşamı (Çev. F. Telatar-G. Özaktürk). Ankara, 2008.
  • Tac. Ann. (Tacitus, Annales) = The Annals (Çev. J. Jackson). Cambridge, Mass.-Londra, 1969.
  • Tac. Hist. (Tacitus, Historia) = The Histories (Çev. C. H. Moore), I-II. Cambridge, Mass.-Londra, 1968.
  • Vell. Pat. (C. Velleius Paterculus, Historiae Romanae) = Roman History (Çev. F. Shipley). Londra, 1924.
  • Altın, Recep. Roma İmparatorluk Çağı Küçük Asya’sında Özel Şahıs İsmiyle Anılan Agon’lar, (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Bölümü. Bursa, 2022.
  • Atkinson, K. M. T. “The Governors of the Province Asia in the Reign of Augustus”, Historia 7 (1958): 300-330.
  • Aytüre, Sevgi. “Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi Smyrnası’nda Demos ve Boule üzerine”, TAD 36 (2017): 59-74.
  • Bengston, Hermann. Die Hellenistische Weltkultur. Sturtgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1988.
  • Boyana, Hülya ve Türkan Ahmet. “Cassius Dio Cocceianus’un Hayatı ve Tarihçiliği”, TAD 65 (2019): 1-20.
  • Bowersock, G. W. Augustus and the Greek World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965.
  • Bowersock, G. W. “C. Marcius Censorinus, Legatus Caesaris: In Memoriam A.D. Nock”, CPhil. 68 (1964): 207-210.
  • Buraselis, Kostas. “The Coordination and Combination of Traditional Civic and Ruler Cult Festivals in the Hellenistic and Roman East”, şurada: Greek and Roman Festivals Content, Meaning, and Practice (ed. J. R. Brandt-J. W. Iddeng), 247-266. Oxford, 2012.
  • Burrell, Barbara. Neokoroi Greek Cities and Roman Emperors. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2004.
  • Chaniotis, Angelos. “The Divinity of Hellenistic Rulers”, şurada: A Companion to the Hellenistic World (ed. Andrew Erskine), 431-446. Oxford, 2005.
  • Charlesworth M. P. “The refusal of divine honours”, Pap Br Sch Rome 15 (1939): 1-10.
  • Cook, John M. The Troad. An Archaeological and Topographical Survey Study. Oxford, 1973.
  • Cramer, F. H. Astrology in Roman Law and Politics. Philadelpheia, 1954.
  • Çetin, Ş. ve Engelmann, H. “Inschriften aus dem von Bodrum”, ZPE 34 (1979): 211-220.
  • Demougin, Ségolène. Prosopographie des chevaliers Romains Julio-Claudiens (43 av. J.-C.-70 ap. J.-C.), CÉFR 153. Roma, 1992.
  • Doğancı, Kâmil. Roma Principatus Dönemi (M.Ö. 27- M.S. 284) Bithynia Eyaleti Valileri (Prosopografik Bir İnceleme), (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi-SBE Tarih Anabilim Dalı. Ankara, 2007.
  • Draeger, Michael. Die Stadte der Provinz Asia in der Flavierzeit. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1993.
  • Eck, Werner. “Jahres- und Provizialfastens der senatorischen Staathalter von 69/70 bis 138/139”, Chiron 13 (1983): 147-238.
  • Ehrhardt, Norbert. “Ein milesischer Festkalender aus severischer Zeit”, MDAI (I) 34 (1984): 371-404.
  • Erkelenz, Dirk. “Keine Konkurrenz zum Kaiser-Zur Verleihung der Titel Kτίστης und Σωτήρ in der römischen Kaiserzeit”, SCI 21 (2002): 61-77.
  • Erkelenz, Dirk. “Rechtsregelungen zur Verleihung von Ehrungen in Republik und Kaiserzeit”, Hermes 131 (2003): 67-89.
  • Ferrary, Jean-Louis. “De l’évergétisme hellénistique à l'évergétisme romain”, şurada: Actes du Xe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Nîmes 4-10 Oct. 1992 (ed. M. Christol-O. Masson), 199-225. Paris, 1997.
  • Fishwick, Duncan. The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Volume 1 Studies in the Ruler Cult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire Part 1 (2 vols.). Leiden, 1993.
  • Frisch, Peter. “Nemeseia und Barbilleia in Smyrna”, ZPE 15 (1974): 162.
  • Habicht. Chr. “Review of Didyma II, edited by Albert Rehm”, Gött. Anz. 213 (1959): 145-166.
  • Habicht, Chr. “Die augusteische Zeit und das erste Jahrhundert nach Christi Geburt”, şurada: Le culte des souverains dans l’empire romain (ed. W. den Boer), 39-99. Geneve: 1972.
  • Halfmann, Helmut. “Ein neuer Statthalterkult in der Provinz Asia”, EA 10 (1987): 83-90.
  • Heller, A. ve van Nijf, O. “Introduction: Civic Honours, from Classical to Roman Times”, şurada: The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire (eds. A. Heller-O. van Nijf), 1-27. Leiden, 2017.
  • Kovacs, David. “Horace, Pindar and Censorini in Odes 4.8”, JRS 99 (2009): 23-35.
  • Kuhn, Annika B. “Honouring Senators and Equestrians in the Graeco-Roman East”, şurada: The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire, (eds. A. Heller-O. van Nijf), 317-338. Leiden, 2017.
  • Kuhn, Christina T. “The Refusal of the Highest Honours by Members of the Urban Elite in Roman Asia Minor”, şurada: The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire (eds. A. Heller-O. van Nijf), 199-219. Leiden, 2017.
  • Leake, W. M., “On the site of the temple of Apollo Smintheus”, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 2nd series vol. 5 (1856): 236-242.
  • LeBas, Philippe ve Waddington, W. H. Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Asie Mineure. Paris, 1870.
  • Lehner, Michael F. Die Agonistik im Ephesos der römischen Kaiserzeit, (Unpubl. Diss.), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Münih, 2004.
  • Leoni, A. M. Moreno. “En torno al culto al gobernante y a Dea Roma en el Mundo Helenístico: Las póleis y la política de la reciprocidad”, Anuario de la Escuela de Historia Virtual I/1 (2010): 132-150.
  • Lepke, Andrew. “Neue Agonistische Inschriften aus Patara”, ZPE 194 (2015): 135-157.
  • Magie, David. Roman Rule in Asia Minor II. Princeton, 1950.
  • Margaret, Julia T. Variation in Representation through Architectural Benefaction under Roman Rule: Five Cases from the Province of Asia c. 40 B.C.-A.D. 68, (Unpubl. Diss.), Durham University, 2020.
  • Mellor, Ronald. ΘΕΑ ΡΩΜΗ The Workship of the Goddess Roma in the Greek World. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975.
  • Mitchell, Stephen. “Imperial Building in the Eastern Roman Provinces”, HSPh 91 (1987): 333-365.
  • Mitchell, Stephen. Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor I. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
  • Nock, Arthur. D. Essays on Religion and the Ancient World 1, (ed. Zeph Stewart, 2 vols). Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Özhan, Tolga. “Five Fragmentary Inscriptions from Assos”, Gephyra 12 (2015): 179-189.
  • Özhan, Tolga. “Anadolu’nun Antik Spor Yazıtları 2: Aleksandreia Troas’ta Agonlar ve Smintheion’dan Yeni Bir Yazıt Fragmanı”, Eskiçağ Yazıları- Akron 13 (2016): 255-280.
  • Papakonstantinou, Zinon. Sport and Identity in Ancient Greece. London-New York: Routledge, 2019.
  • Price, S. R. F. Rituals and Power: The Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor. London-New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
  • Reisch, Emil. “Agones”, RE I/1 (1893): 836-66.
  • Reitzenstein, Denise. “Agonistik und Kaiserkult in Lykien”, şurada: Kaiserkult in den Provinzen des Römischen Reiches: Organisation, Kommunikation und Repräsentation (ed. A. Kolb-M. Vitale), 2-25. Berlin-Boston, 2016.
  • Remijsen, Sofie. “The Introduction of the Antiochene Olympics: A Proposal for a New Date”, GRBS 50 (2010): 411-34.
  • Ricl, Marijana ve Akat, Sevgiser. “A New Honorary Inscription for Cn. Vergilius Capito from Miletos”, EA 40 (2007): 29-32.
  • Robert, L. “Inscriptions grecques d’Asie Mineure”, şurada: Anatolian Studies presented to William Hepburn Buckler (eds. W. M. Calder-J. Keil), 227-248. Manchester, 1939.
  • Robert, L. “Le Culte de Caligula a Milet et la Province d’Asie”, Hellenica 7 (1949): 206-238.
  • Robert, L. “Documents d'Asie Mineure”, BCH 102 (1978): 395-543.
  • Robert, J. ve Robert, L. “Bulletin épigraphique”, REG 87 (1974): 186-340.
  • Robert, J. ve Robert, L. Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie I. Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions. Paris: De Boccard, 1983.
  • Robinson, David M. “Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Sinope and Environs”, AJA 9/3 (1905): 294-333.
  • Rosso Emmanuelle. “Isotheoi timai. Les empereurs, les «honneurs divins» et leur refus, entre Orient et Occident”, şurada: Dieux des grecs, dieux des romains Panthéons en dialogue à travers l’histoire et l’historiographie (ed. C. Bonnet etc.), 211-228. Roma, 2016.
  • Schwartz, Jasques. “Ti. Claudius Balbillus (préfet d’Égypte et conseiller de Néron)”, BIFAO 49 (1950): 45-55. Thériault, Gaéten. “Culte des évergètes (magistrats) romains et agônes en Asie Mineure”, şurada: Stephanèphoros de l'économie antique à l'Asie Mineure: hommages à Raymond Descat (ed. K. Konuk), 377-387. Bordeaux, 2012.
  • Thonemann, Peter. The Maeander Valley A Historical Geography from Antiquity to Byzantium. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Uzunaslan, Abdurrahman. “Side’de Agonistik Festivaller”, Arkeoloji Dergisi 11 (2008): 117-128.
  • van Wees, Hans. Status warriors: war, violence, and society in Homer and history. Amsterdam: Gieben, 1992.
  • Wörrle, Michael. Stadt und Fest im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien. Studien zu einer agonistischen Stiftung aus Oinoanda. Münih: C.H. Beck’sche, 1988.
Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 143 - 171, 27.06.2023



  • Aristot. Rh. (Aristoteles, Rhetorica) = Aristotle, Art of Rhetoric (Çev. J. H. Freese). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1926.
  • Cass. Dio (Cassius Dio, Historiae Romanae) = Roman History (Çev. E. Cary-H. B. Foster). Cambridge, Mass.: Londra, 1917.
  • Plut. (Plutarkhos, Bioi Paralleloi) = Plutarch’ Lives, IV: Alcibiades and Coriolanus Lysander and Sulla (Çev. B. Perrin). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1914.
  • Suet. (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum) = Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, On İki Caesar’ın Yaşamı (Çev. F. Telatar-G. Özaktürk). Ankara, 2008.
  • Tac. Ann. (Tacitus, Annales) = The Annals (Çev. J. Jackson). Cambridge, Mass.-Londra, 1969.
  • Tac. Hist. (Tacitus, Historia) = The Histories (Çev. C. H. Moore), I-II. Cambridge, Mass.-Londra, 1968.
  • Vell. Pat. (C. Velleius Paterculus, Historiae Romanae) = Roman History (Çev. F. Shipley). Londra, 1924.
  • Altın, Recep. Roma İmparatorluk Çağı Küçük Asya’sında Özel Şahıs İsmiyle Anılan Agon’lar, (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Bölümü. Bursa, 2022.
  • Atkinson, K. M. T. “The Governors of the Province Asia in the Reign of Augustus”, Historia 7 (1958): 300-330.
  • Aytüre, Sevgi. “Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi Smyrnası’nda Demos ve Boule üzerine”, TAD 36 (2017): 59-74.
  • Bengston, Hermann. Die Hellenistische Weltkultur. Sturtgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1988.
  • Boyana, Hülya ve Türkan Ahmet. “Cassius Dio Cocceianus’un Hayatı ve Tarihçiliği”, TAD 65 (2019): 1-20.
  • Bowersock, G. W. Augustus and the Greek World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965.
  • Bowersock, G. W. “C. Marcius Censorinus, Legatus Caesaris: In Memoriam A.D. Nock”, CPhil. 68 (1964): 207-210.
  • Buraselis, Kostas. “The Coordination and Combination of Traditional Civic and Ruler Cult Festivals in the Hellenistic and Roman East”, şurada: Greek and Roman Festivals Content, Meaning, and Practice (ed. J. R. Brandt-J. W. Iddeng), 247-266. Oxford, 2012.
  • Burrell, Barbara. Neokoroi Greek Cities and Roman Emperors. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2004.
  • Chaniotis, Angelos. “The Divinity of Hellenistic Rulers”, şurada: A Companion to the Hellenistic World (ed. Andrew Erskine), 431-446. Oxford, 2005.
  • Charlesworth M. P. “The refusal of divine honours”, Pap Br Sch Rome 15 (1939): 1-10.
  • Cook, John M. The Troad. An Archaeological and Topographical Survey Study. Oxford, 1973.
  • Cramer, F. H. Astrology in Roman Law and Politics. Philadelpheia, 1954.
  • Çetin, Ş. ve Engelmann, H. “Inschriften aus dem von Bodrum”, ZPE 34 (1979): 211-220.
  • Demougin, Ségolène. Prosopographie des chevaliers Romains Julio-Claudiens (43 av. J.-C.-70 ap. J.-C.), CÉFR 153. Roma, 1992.
  • Doğancı, Kâmil. Roma Principatus Dönemi (M.Ö. 27- M.S. 284) Bithynia Eyaleti Valileri (Prosopografik Bir İnceleme), (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi-SBE Tarih Anabilim Dalı. Ankara, 2007.
  • Draeger, Michael. Die Stadte der Provinz Asia in der Flavierzeit. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1993.
  • Eck, Werner. “Jahres- und Provizialfastens der senatorischen Staathalter von 69/70 bis 138/139”, Chiron 13 (1983): 147-238.
  • Ehrhardt, Norbert. “Ein milesischer Festkalender aus severischer Zeit”, MDAI (I) 34 (1984): 371-404.
  • Erkelenz, Dirk. “Keine Konkurrenz zum Kaiser-Zur Verleihung der Titel Kτίστης und Σωτήρ in der römischen Kaiserzeit”, SCI 21 (2002): 61-77.
  • Erkelenz, Dirk. “Rechtsregelungen zur Verleihung von Ehrungen in Republik und Kaiserzeit”, Hermes 131 (2003): 67-89.
  • Ferrary, Jean-Louis. “De l’évergétisme hellénistique à l'évergétisme romain”, şurada: Actes du Xe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Nîmes 4-10 Oct. 1992 (ed. M. Christol-O. Masson), 199-225. Paris, 1997.
  • Fishwick, Duncan. The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Volume 1 Studies in the Ruler Cult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire Part 1 (2 vols.). Leiden, 1993.
  • Frisch, Peter. “Nemeseia und Barbilleia in Smyrna”, ZPE 15 (1974): 162.
  • Habicht. Chr. “Review of Didyma II, edited by Albert Rehm”, Gött. Anz. 213 (1959): 145-166.
  • Habicht, Chr. “Die augusteische Zeit und das erste Jahrhundert nach Christi Geburt”, şurada: Le culte des souverains dans l’empire romain (ed. W. den Boer), 39-99. Geneve: 1972.
  • Halfmann, Helmut. “Ein neuer Statthalterkult in der Provinz Asia”, EA 10 (1987): 83-90.
  • Heller, A. ve van Nijf, O. “Introduction: Civic Honours, from Classical to Roman Times”, şurada: The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire (eds. A. Heller-O. van Nijf), 1-27. Leiden, 2017.
  • Kovacs, David. “Horace, Pindar and Censorini in Odes 4.8”, JRS 99 (2009): 23-35.
  • Kuhn, Annika B. “Honouring Senators and Equestrians in the Graeco-Roman East”, şurada: The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire, (eds. A. Heller-O. van Nijf), 317-338. Leiden, 2017.
  • Kuhn, Christina T. “The Refusal of the Highest Honours by Members of the Urban Elite in Roman Asia Minor”, şurada: The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire (eds. A. Heller-O. van Nijf), 199-219. Leiden, 2017.
  • Leake, W. M., “On the site of the temple of Apollo Smintheus”, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 2nd series vol. 5 (1856): 236-242.
  • LeBas, Philippe ve Waddington, W. H. Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Asie Mineure. Paris, 1870.
  • Lehner, Michael F. Die Agonistik im Ephesos der römischen Kaiserzeit, (Unpubl. Diss.), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Münih, 2004.
  • Leoni, A. M. Moreno. “En torno al culto al gobernante y a Dea Roma en el Mundo Helenístico: Las póleis y la política de la reciprocidad”, Anuario de la Escuela de Historia Virtual I/1 (2010): 132-150.
  • Lepke, Andrew. “Neue Agonistische Inschriften aus Patara”, ZPE 194 (2015): 135-157.
  • Magie, David. Roman Rule in Asia Minor II. Princeton, 1950.
  • Margaret, Julia T. Variation in Representation through Architectural Benefaction under Roman Rule: Five Cases from the Province of Asia c. 40 B.C.-A.D. 68, (Unpubl. Diss.), Durham University, 2020.
  • Mellor, Ronald. ΘΕΑ ΡΩΜΗ The Workship of the Goddess Roma in the Greek World. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975.
  • Mitchell, Stephen. “Imperial Building in the Eastern Roman Provinces”, HSPh 91 (1987): 333-365.
  • Mitchell, Stephen. Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor I. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
  • Nock, Arthur. D. Essays on Religion and the Ancient World 1, (ed. Zeph Stewart, 2 vols). Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Özhan, Tolga. “Five Fragmentary Inscriptions from Assos”, Gephyra 12 (2015): 179-189.
  • Özhan, Tolga. “Anadolu’nun Antik Spor Yazıtları 2: Aleksandreia Troas’ta Agonlar ve Smintheion’dan Yeni Bir Yazıt Fragmanı”, Eskiçağ Yazıları- Akron 13 (2016): 255-280.
  • Papakonstantinou, Zinon. Sport and Identity in Ancient Greece. London-New York: Routledge, 2019.
  • Price, S. R. F. Rituals and Power: The Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor. London-New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
  • Reisch, Emil. “Agones”, RE I/1 (1893): 836-66.
  • Reitzenstein, Denise. “Agonistik und Kaiserkult in Lykien”, şurada: Kaiserkult in den Provinzen des Römischen Reiches: Organisation, Kommunikation und Repräsentation (ed. A. Kolb-M. Vitale), 2-25. Berlin-Boston, 2016.
  • Remijsen, Sofie. “The Introduction of the Antiochene Olympics: A Proposal for a New Date”, GRBS 50 (2010): 411-34.
  • Ricl, Marijana ve Akat, Sevgiser. “A New Honorary Inscription for Cn. Vergilius Capito from Miletos”, EA 40 (2007): 29-32.
  • Robert, L. “Inscriptions grecques d’Asie Mineure”, şurada: Anatolian Studies presented to William Hepburn Buckler (eds. W. M. Calder-J. Keil), 227-248. Manchester, 1939.
  • Robert, L. “Le Culte de Caligula a Milet et la Province d’Asie”, Hellenica 7 (1949): 206-238.
  • Robert, L. “Documents d'Asie Mineure”, BCH 102 (1978): 395-543.
  • Robert, J. ve Robert, L. “Bulletin épigraphique”, REG 87 (1974): 186-340.
  • Robert, J. ve Robert, L. Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie I. Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions. Paris: De Boccard, 1983.
  • Robinson, David M. “Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Sinope and Environs”, AJA 9/3 (1905): 294-333.
  • Rosso Emmanuelle. “Isotheoi timai. Les empereurs, les «honneurs divins» et leur refus, entre Orient et Occident”, şurada: Dieux des grecs, dieux des romains Panthéons en dialogue à travers l’histoire et l’historiographie (ed. C. Bonnet etc.), 211-228. Roma, 2016.
  • Schwartz, Jasques. “Ti. Claudius Balbillus (préfet d’Égypte et conseiller de Néron)”, BIFAO 49 (1950): 45-55. Thériault, Gaéten. “Culte des évergètes (magistrats) romains et agônes en Asie Mineure”, şurada: Stephanèphoros de l'économie antique à l'Asie Mineure: hommages à Raymond Descat (ed. K. Konuk), 377-387. Bordeaux, 2012.
  • Thonemann, Peter. The Maeander Valley A Historical Geography from Antiquity to Byzantium. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Uzunaslan, Abdurrahman. “Side’de Agonistik Festivaller”, Arkeoloji Dergisi 11 (2008): 117-128.
  • van Wees, Hans. Status warriors: war, violence, and society in Homer and history. Amsterdam: Gieben, 1992.
  • Wörrle, Michael. Stadt und Fest im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien. Studien zu einer agonistischen Stiftung aus Oinoanda. Münih: C.H. Beck’sche, 1988.

The Agones named after Roman Magistrate in Asia Minor During Principate

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 143 - 171, 27.06.2023


Ἰσόθεοι τιμαί (isotheoi timai) is considered the most prestigious form of honors in the ancient Greek tradition. At it's simplest, isotheoi timai refers to the use of the cult of the gods (altars, sacrifices, and agones) for mortals. Honors equivalent to the gods (ἰσόθεοι τιμαί) are one of the main drivers behind the emergence of festivals (agones) named after Hellenistic rulers and their inheritors, Roman magistrates. In this context, within the scope of this article, starting from the Early Imperial Age, agonistic festivals dedicated to Roman magistrates in the cities of Asia Minor were identified and evaluated, with reference to the concept of ἰσόθεοι τιμαί.


  • Aristot. Rh. (Aristoteles, Rhetorica) = Aristotle, Art of Rhetoric (Çev. J. H. Freese). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1926.
  • Cass. Dio (Cassius Dio, Historiae Romanae) = Roman History (Çev. E. Cary-H. B. Foster). Cambridge, Mass.: Londra, 1917.
  • Plut. (Plutarkhos, Bioi Paralleloi) = Plutarch’ Lives, IV: Alcibiades and Coriolanus Lysander and Sulla (Çev. B. Perrin). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1914.
  • Suet. (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum) = Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, On İki Caesar’ın Yaşamı (Çev. F. Telatar-G. Özaktürk). Ankara, 2008.
  • Tac. Ann. (Tacitus, Annales) = The Annals (Çev. J. Jackson). Cambridge, Mass.-Londra, 1969.
  • Tac. Hist. (Tacitus, Historia) = The Histories (Çev. C. H. Moore), I-II. Cambridge, Mass.-Londra, 1968.
  • Vell. Pat. (C. Velleius Paterculus, Historiae Romanae) = Roman History (Çev. F. Shipley). Londra, 1924.
  • Altın, Recep. Roma İmparatorluk Çağı Küçük Asya’sında Özel Şahıs İsmiyle Anılan Agon’lar, (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Bölümü. Bursa, 2022.
  • Atkinson, K. M. T. “The Governors of the Province Asia in the Reign of Augustus”, Historia 7 (1958): 300-330.
  • Aytüre, Sevgi. “Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi Smyrnası’nda Demos ve Boule üzerine”, TAD 36 (2017): 59-74.
  • Bengston, Hermann. Die Hellenistische Weltkultur. Sturtgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1988.
  • Boyana, Hülya ve Türkan Ahmet. “Cassius Dio Cocceianus’un Hayatı ve Tarihçiliği”, TAD 65 (2019): 1-20.
  • Bowersock, G. W. Augustus and the Greek World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965.
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Kamil Doğancı 0000-0001-6086-4386

Recep Altın 0000-0002-9605-020X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Doğancı, Kamil, ve Recep Altın. “PRINCIPATUS DEVRİ KÜÇÜK ASYA’SINDA ROMALI MAGISTRATUS’LARIN İSMİYLE ANILAN AGON’LAR”. Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri 17, sy. 1 (Haziran 2023): 143-71.