It is known that the majority of the Ahlu Sunnah scholars exclude the sahabah, admitting them all trustworthy, from the study of Jarh and Ta’dil (investigating the truthfulness of the narrator). This approach adopted by Ahlu Sunnah is criticised by some of the contemporary specialists, and in this sense, particular verses and hadiths are called for evidence on Fısq (unrighteousness) of the sahabah. It is also claimed that some of the sahabah such as Velid b. Ukbe were analysed, because of their faults, in terms of Fısq’ur Ravi (unrighteousness of the narrator). The purpose of this article is to decide if the verses and hadiths claimed as evidence on Fısq of sahabah are actually available for canceling the adalah (reliability) of sahabah, or not. Also, the claims about Velid Bin Ukbe are inquired in the article. He is known, according to some narrations, as the person who was described as Fasıq by Quran and drunk alcahol. In the article, the authenticity of these narrations are also analysed. It is also discussed that if all these narrations are available for canceling the adalah of Velid Bin Ukbe or not. Finally, what is meant by the term "adalah of the sahabah" is discussed.