The works consisting of the words “Sal” (year) and “name” (written, letter) are called “Salname”. These works, also called "Nevsal", are divided into two as official and private. The State Yearbooks, which is one of the official yearbooks, provides important information such as the civil, military, and administrative information within the state organization, as well as the political structure, administrative division, officer lists, economic activities, population, geographical, agricultural, commercial, economic and educational aspects of the provinces mentioned in them. The State Yearbooks, which were published in 68 copies from 1846 to 1918, including 1918, could only be published regularly between 1846-1912, and their publication was interrupted between 1912-1916 due to the war. It was last published in 1918 after the war. These yearbooks, which were interrupted for a while, were continued in the Republican Period. In this period, the yearbooks, which were published in Ottoman Turkish from 1925 to 1928, continued to be published in Latin letters from 1929 until 1941. Balikesir, which was chosen as the subject of the study and was included in the State Yearbooks published from 1925 to 1941, was described in Ottoman Turkish in the yearbooks between 1925-1927. The State Yearbooks of the Turkish Republic of 1925-1926, 1926-1927, and 1927-1928, which shed light on the history of Balikesir in the first period of the Republic, are important in this respect. The aim of the study is to eliminate the lack of knowledge in this field by giving detailed information on many issues such as the political structure, administrative division, officer lists, economic activities, population, geography, agriculture, commerce, economy, and education of Balikesir in the first periods of the Republic through the aforementioned yearbooks.