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The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 266 - 273, 25.12.2018


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate), organic selenium (selenomethionine) and their combination on some bioelements in some tissues of laying hens. Ninety-six white Lohman LSL laying hens aged of 24 weeks were randomly divided into 4 equal groups. The groups were fed with the diets consisting of basal diet (Control), basal diet + 250 mg/kg Vit-E (Trial-I), basal diet + 0.9mg/kg Se (Trial-II) and basal diet + 250 mg/kg Vit-E + 0,9 mg/kg Se (Trial-III), respectively. At the end of the experiment, 12 laying hens from each group were sacrificed, and aforementioned tissues were collected and stored at -20 ºC until analyzes. In tissue samples bioelements levels were determined by ICP-MS. It was found out that when the treatment and control groups were compared in terms of bioelements in some important tissues while Se, Zn and Fe levels increased (P<0.05) and the levels of Cu decreased in the tissues of treatment groups (P<0.05). In addition, the levels of Ca and Mg were not affected by treatment in present study. Organic selenium and vitamin E, consideration of antagonist and synergistic effects of bioelement levels changes in tissues.


  • 1. Korhonen H., 2002. Technology options for new nutritional concept. Int J Daıry Technol, 55 (2): 79-87.
  • 2. Jimenez-Colmenero F., Carballo J., Cofrades S., 2001. Healthier meat and meat products: their role as functional foods. Meat Science 59: 5-13.
  • 3. Acıkgoz Z., Onenç SS., 2006. Functional egg production. Animal Production, 47 (1): 36-46.
  • 4. Tekeli A., Yıldız G., 2012. Egg nutritional value and health-enhancing components. Feed Magazine, 63: 48-56.
  • 5. Narabari D., 2001. Nutritionally enriched. Poultry International,40 (12): 22.
  • 6. Costa FGP., Nobre IS., Silva LPG., 2008. The use of prebiotic and organic minerals in rations for Japanese laying quail. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (4): 339-343.
  • 7. Kasnak C., Palamutoglu R., 2015. Classification of natural antioxidants and their effects on human health. Turkish Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3(5): 226-234.
  • 8. Habibian M., Sadeghi G., Ghazi S., Moeini MM., 2015. Selenium as a feed supplement for heat-stressed poultry. Biol Trace Elem Res, 165(2):183–193.
  • 9. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2014. Scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of DL-selenomethionine as a feed additive for all animal species, EFSA J., 12: 3567
  • 10. Surai PF., Fisinin VI., 2014. Selenium in poultry breeder nutrition: An update, Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 191:1-15.
  • 11. Habibian M., Ghazi S., Moeini MM., Abdolmohammadi A., 2014. Effects of dietary selenium and vitamin E on immune response and biological blood parameters of broilers reared under thermoneutral or heat stress conditions. Int J Biometeorol, 58: 741–752.
  • 12. Surai PF., Fisinin VI., Karadas F. 2016. Antioxidant systems in chick embryo development. Part 1. Vitamin E, carotenoids and selenium. Animal Nutrition 2:1-11
  • 13. Canogulları S., Ayaşan T., Baylan M., Çopur G., 2010. The effect of organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on egg production parameters and egg selenium content of laying. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, 16 (5): 743-749
  • 14. Rengaraj D., Hong Y., 2015. Effects of dietary vitamin E on fertility functions in poultry species. Int J Mol Sci, 16: 9910–9921.
  • 15. Fan C., Yu B., Chen D., 2009. Effects of different sources and levels of selenium on performance, thyroid function and antioxidant status in stressed broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 8 (6): 583-587.
  • 16. Seven I., Seven PT., Yılmaz S., 2009. Responses of broilers under cold conditioning (15°C) to dietary triiodothyronine and iodine combined to antioxidants (Selenium and Vitamin C). Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, 15 (4): 499-504.
  • 17. Urso UR., Dahlke F., Maiorka A., Bueno IJ., Schneider AF., Surek D., 2015. Vitamin E and selenium in broiler breeder diets: effect on live performance, hatching process, and chick quality. Poultry Science, 94: 976-983.
  • 18. Rakha BA, Ansari MS, Hussain I, Malik MF, Akhter S, Blesbois E (2015) Semen characteristics of the Indian Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus murghi). European Journal of Wildlife Research 61: 379-386.
  • 19. Dhama K., Tiwari R., Khan RU., Chakraborty S., Gopi M., Karthik K., Saminathan M., Desingu PA., Sunkara LT., 2014. Growth promoters and novel feed additives improving poultry production and health, bioactive principles and beneficial applications: The trends and advances- A Review. International Journal of Pharmacology, 10: 129-159.
  • 20. Panda AK., Cherian G., 2014. Role of vitamin E in counteracting oxidative stress in poultry. Journal of Poultry Science, 51: 109-117.
  • 21. Panda AK., Rama Rao SV., Raju MVLN., Shyam Sunder G., Reddy MR., 2009. Effect of higher concentration of vitamin E supplementation on growth performance, immune competence and antioxidant status in broilers. Indian Journal of Poultry Science, 44: 187-190.
  • 22. Rama Rao SV., Prakash B., Raju MVLN., Panda AK., Kumari RK., Pradeep Kumar Reddy E., 2016. Effect of supplementing organic forms of zinc, selenium and chromium on performance, anti-oxidant and ımmune responses in broiler chicken reared in tropical summer. Biol Trace Elem Res, 172:511–520.
  • 23. Asadi F., Shariatmadari F., Karimi‐Torshizi MA., Mohiti‐Asli M., Ghanaatparast‐Rashti M., 2017. Comparison of Different Selenium Sources and Vitamin E in Laying Hen Diet and Their Influences on Egg Selenium and Cholesterol Content, Quality and Oxidative Stability Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 7(1): 83-89.
  • 24. Jing CL., Dong XF., Wang ZM., Liu S., Tong JM., 2015. Comparative study of DL-selenomethionine sodium selenite and seleno-yeast on antioxidant activity and selenium status in laying hens. Poultry Science, 94(5): 965–975.
  • 25. Bondi A.,1987. Animal Nutrition, A Willey-Interscience Pub. Jhon Willey, Sons Ltd. Chishester, Great Britian IX -540.
  • 26. Hartman C., Wilhelmson M., 2001. The hens egg yolk a source of biologically active substances. World's Poultry Science Journal, 57: 13-28.
  • 27. Leeson S., Caston LJ., 2003. Vitamin enrichment of eggs. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 12: 24-26.
  • 28. Bou R., Guardiola F., Barroeta AC., Codony R., 2005. Effect of dietary fat sources and zinc and selenium supplements on the composition and consumer acceptability of chicken meat. Poultry Science, 84:1129-1140.
  • 29. Dagdaş B., Yıldız AO., 2004. Effects of addıng organıc selenıum and vıtamın e to broıler ratıons on performance, carcass characterıstıcs and some tıssues selenıum concentratıons of broılers. Journal of Agricultural Faculty Suleyman Demirel University, 18(34): 94-100.
  • 30. Surai PF., 2000. Effect of the selenium and vitamin E content of the maternal diet on the antioxidant system of the yolk and the developing chick. British Poultry Science, 41: 235-243.
  • 31. Pan C., Huang K., Zhao Y., Qın S., Chen F., Hu Q., 2007. Effect of selenium source and level in hen’s diet on tissue selenium deposition and egg selenium concentrations. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55: 1027-1032
  • 32. Petrovic V., Boldizarova K., Faix S., Mellen M., Arpasova H., Leng L., 2006. Antioxidant and selenium status of laying hens fed with diets supplemented with selenite or Se-yeast. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 15: 435–444
  • 33. Sahin K., Sahin N., Sarı M., Gursu MF., 2002. Effects of vitamine E and A supplementation on lipid peroxidation and concentration of some mineral in broilers reared under heat stress (32°C). Nutrition Research, 22: 723–731
  • 34. Sahin K., Sahin N., Yaralıoglu S., 2002. Effects of vitamin C, and vitamin E on lipid peroxidation, blood serum mineral concentrations of laying hens reared at high ambient temperature. Biol Trace Elem Resc, 85: 35–45.
  • 35. Sahin K., Sahin N., Yaralıoglu S., Onderci M., 2002. Protective role of supplemental vitamin E and selenium on lipid peroxidation, vitamins E, A and mineral concentrations of Japanese quails reared under heat stress. Biol Trace Elem Res, 85: 59–70
  • 36. Ozcelik D., Dursun S., Kahraman Z., Kocabagli N., Alp M., 2001. Effect of dietary supplementation of copper at toxic level on performance and copper concentrations of some tissues in broilers. J.Fac.Vet.Med.Univ. Istanbul, 27(1): 255-262
  • 37. Skrivan M., Skrivan V., Marounek M., 2006. Effect of various copper supplements to feed of laying hens on Cu content in eggs, liver, excreta, soil, and herbage. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol 50:280–283.
  • 38. Skrivan M., Skrivan V., Marounek M., 2005. Effect of dietary zinc, iron and copper in layer feed on distribution of these elements in eggs, liver, excreta, soil and herbage. Poult. Sci, 84, 1570–1575.
  • 39. Spears JW., 2003. Trace mineral bioavailability in ruminants. J. Nutr, 133: 1506-1509
  • 40. Harsini SG., Habibiyan M., Moeini MM., Abdolmohammadi AR., 2012. Effects of dietary selenium, vitamin e and their combination on growth, serum metabolites, and antioxidant defense system in skeletal muscle of broilers under heat stress. Biol Trace Elem Res, 148:322–330
  • 41. Kotyzová D., Černá P., Lešetický L., Eyb V., 2010. Trace Elements Status in Selenium-Deficient Rats-Interaction with Cadmium. Biol Trace Elem Res, 136 (3):287-93
  • 42. Pappas AC., Zoidis E, Georgiou CA., Demiris N., Surai PF., Fegeros K., 2011. Influence of organic selenium supplementation on the accumulation of toxic and essential trace elements involved in the antioxidant system of chicken. Food Additives and Contaminants, 28 (4): 446–454
  • 43. Nordberg GF., 2009. Historical perspectives on cadmium toxicology. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 238:192-200.

Diyetsel Vitamin E ve Organik Selenyumun Yumurta Tavuğu dokularındaki Bazı Biyoelement Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 266 - 273, 25.12.2018


Bu çalışma, diyetsel vitamini E (a-tokoferol asetat), organik selenyum (selenomethionine) ve bunların kombinasyonlarının yumurta tavuklarının bazı dokularında bazı biyoelementlerin düzeyleri üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada, 96 adet beyaz Lohman yumurta tavuğu, eşit sayıda 4 gruba ayrıldı. Gruplar sırasıyla bazal yem (Kontrol), bazal yem + 250 mg/kg Vit-E (D-I), bazal yem + 0.9 mg/kg Se (DII) ve bazal yem + 250 mg/kg Vit-E+ 0.9 mg/ kg Se (D-III) içeren rasyonlarla beslendi. Deneme sonunda, her gruptan 12 hayvan kesildi, belirtilen dokular alındı, analiz edilinceye kadar -20 ºC'de saklandı ve biyoelement düzeyleri ICP-MS ile analiz edildi. Deneme gruplarının dokularındaki Se, Zn ve Fe düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre önemli derecede artarken (P<0.05), Cu düzeylerinin azaldığı (P<0.05), Ca ve Mg düzeylerinin ise muameleden etkilenmediği bulundu. Organik selenyumun ve vitamin E’nin, dokularda biyoelement düzeylerindeki değişmelerin oluşturacağı antagonist ve sinerjik etkilerinin dikkate alınması önerilmektedir.


  • 1. Korhonen H., 2002. Technology options for new nutritional concept. Int J Daıry Technol, 55 (2): 79-87.
  • 2. Jimenez-Colmenero F., Carballo J., Cofrades S., 2001. Healthier meat and meat products: their role as functional foods. Meat Science 59: 5-13.
  • 3. Acıkgoz Z., Onenç SS., 2006. Functional egg production. Animal Production, 47 (1): 36-46.
  • 4. Tekeli A., Yıldız G., 2012. Egg nutritional value and health-enhancing components. Feed Magazine, 63: 48-56.
  • 5. Narabari D., 2001. Nutritionally enriched. Poultry International,40 (12): 22.
  • 6. Costa FGP., Nobre IS., Silva LPG., 2008. The use of prebiotic and organic minerals in rations for Japanese laying quail. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (4): 339-343.
  • 7. Kasnak C., Palamutoglu R., 2015. Classification of natural antioxidants and their effects on human health. Turkish Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3(5): 226-234.
  • 8. Habibian M., Sadeghi G., Ghazi S., Moeini MM., 2015. Selenium as a feed supplement for heat-stressed poultry. Biol Trace Elem Res, 165(2):183–193.
  • 9. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2014. Scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of DL-selenomethionine as a feed additive for all animal species, EFSA J., 12: 3567
  • 10. Surai PF., Fisinin VI., 2014. Selenium in poultry breeder nutrition: An update, Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 191:1-15.
  • 11. Habibian M., Ghazi S., Moeini MM., Abdolmohammadi A., 2014. Effects of dietary selenium and vitamin E on immune response and biological blood parameters of broilers reared under thermoneutral or heat stress conditions. Int J Biometeorol, 58: 741–752.
  • 12. Surai PF., Fisinin VI., Karadas F. 2016. Antioxidant systems in chick embryo development. Part 1. Vitamin E, carotenoids and selenium. Animal Nutrition 2:1-11
  • 13. Canogulları S., Ayaşan T., Baylan M., Çopur G., 2010. The effect of organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on egg production parameters and egg selenium content of laying. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, 16 (5): 743-749
  • 14. Rengaraj D., Hong Y., 2015. Effects of dietary vitamin E on fertility functions in poultry species. Int J Mol Sci, 16: 9910–9921.
  • 15. Fan C., Yu B., Chen D., 2009. Effects of different sources and levels of selenium on performance, thyroid function and antioxidant status in stressed broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 8 (6): 583-587.
  • 16. Seven I., Seven PT., Yılmaz S., 2009. Responses of broilers under cold conditioning (15°C) to dietary triiodothyronine and iodine combined to antioxidants (Selenium and Vitamin C). Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, 15 (4): 499-504.
  • 17. Urso UR., Dahlke F., Maiorka A., Bueno IJ., Schneider AF., Surek D., 2015. Vitamin E and selenium in broiler breeder diets: effect on live performance, hatching process, and chick quality. Poultry Science, 94: 976-983.
  • 18. Rakha BA, Ansari MS, Hussain I, Malik MF, Akhter S, Blesbois E (2015) Semen characteristics of the Indian Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus murghi). European Journal of Wildlife Research 61: 379-386.
  • 19. Dhama K., Tiwari R., Khan RU., Chakraborty S., Gopi M., Karthik K., Saminathan M., Desingu PA., Sunkara LT., 2014. Growth promoters and novel feed additives improving poultry production and health, bioactive principles and beneficial applications: The trends and advances- A Review. International Journal of Pharmacology, 10: 129-159.
  • 20. Panda AK., Cherian G., 2014. Role of vitamin E in counteracting oxidative stress in poultry. Journal of Poultry Science, 51: 109-117.
  • 21. Panda AK., Rama Rao SV., Raju MVLN., Shyam Sunder G., Reddy MR., 2009. Effect of higher concentration of vitamin E supplementation on growth performance, immune competence and antioxidant status in broilers. Indian Journal of Poultry Science, 44: 187-190.
  • 22. Rama Rao SV., Prakash B., Raju MVLN., Panda AK., Kumari RK., Pradeep Kumar Reddy E., 2016. Effect of supplementing organic forms of zinc, selenium and chromium on performance, anti-oxidant and ımmune responses in broiler chicken reared in tropical summer. Biol Trace Elem Res, 172:511–520.
  • 23. Asadi F., Shariatmadari F., Karimi‐Torshizi MA., Mohiti‐Asli M., Ghanaatparast‐Rashti M., 2017. Comparison of Different Selenium Sources and Vitamin E in Laying Hen Diet and Their Influences on Egg Selenium and Cholesterol Content, Quality and Oxidative Stability Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 7(1): 83-89.
  • 24. Jing CL., Dong XF., Wang ZM., Liu S., Tong JM., 2015. Comparative study of DL-selenomethionine sodium selenite and seleno-yeast on antioxidant activity and selenium status in laying hens. Poultry Science, 94(5): 965–975.
  • 25. Bondi A.,1987. Animal Nutrition, A Willey-Interscience Pub. Jhon Willey, Sons Ltd. Chishester, Great Britian IX -540.
  • 26. Hartman C., Wilhelmson M., 2001. The hens egg yolk a source of biologically active substances. World's Poultry Science Journal, 57: 13-28.
  • 27. Leeson S., Caston LJ., 2003. Vitamin enrichment of eggs. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 12: 24-26.
  • 28. Bou R., Guardiola F., Barroeta AC., Codony R., 2005. Effect of dietary fat sources and zinc and selenium supplements on the composition and consumer acceptability of chicken meat. Poultry Science, 84:1129-1140.
  • 29. Dagdaş B., Yıldız AO., 2004. Effects of addıng organıc selenıum and vıtamın e to broıler ratıons on performance, carcass characterıstıcs and some tıssues selenıum concentratıons of broılers. Journal of Agricultural Faculty Suleyman Demirel University, 18(34): 94-100.
  • 30. Surai PF., 2000. Effect of the selenium and vitamin E content of the maternal diet on the antioxidant system of the yolk and the developing chick. British Poultry Science, 41: 235-243.
  • 31. Pan C., Huang K., Zhao Y., Qın S., Chen F., Hu Q., 2007. Effect of selenium source and level in hen’s diet on tissue selenium deposition and egg selenium concentrations. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55: 1027-1032
  • 32. Petrovic V., Boldizarova K., Faix S., Mellen M., Arpasova H., Leng L., 2006. Antioxidant and selenium status of laying hens fed with diets supplemented with selenite or Se-yeast. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 15: 435–444
  • 33. Sahin K., Sahin N., Sarı M., Gursu MF., 2002. Effects of vitamine E and A supplementation on lipid peroxidation and concentration of some mineral in broilers reared under heat stress (32°C). Nutrition Research, 22: 723–731
  • 34. Sahin K., Sahin N., Yaralıoglu S., 2002. Effects of vitamin C, and vitamin E on lipid peroxidation, blood serum mineral concentrations of laying hens reared at high ambient temperature. Biol Trace Elem Resc, 85: 35–45.
  • 35. Sahin K., Sahin N., Yaralıoglu S., Onderci M., 2002. Protective role of supplemental vitamin E and selenium on lipid peroxidation, vitamins E, A and mineral concentrations of Japanese quails reared under heat stress. Biol Trace Elem Res, 85: 59–70
  • 36. Ozcelik D., Dursun S., Kahraman Z., Kocabagli N., Alp M., 2001. Effect of dietary supplementation of copper at toxic level on performance and copper concentrations of some tissues in broilers. J.Fac.Vet.Med.Univ. Istanbul, 27(1): 255-262
  • 37. Skrivan M., Skrivan V., Marounek M., 2006. Effect of various copper supplements to feed of laying hens on Cu content in eggs, liver, excreta, soil, and herbage. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol 50:280–283.
  • 38. Skrivan M., Skrivan V., Marounek M., 2005. Effect of dietary zinc, iron and copper in layer feed on distribution of these elements in eggs, liver, excreta, soil and herbage. Poult. Sci, 84, 1570–1575.
  • 39. Spears JW., 2003. Trace mineral bioavailability in ruminants. J. Nutr, 133: 1506-1509
  • 40. Harsini SG., Habibiyan M., Moeini MM., Abdolmohammadi AR., 2012. Effects of dietary selenium, vitamin e and their combination on growth, serum metabolites, and antioxidant defense system in skeletal muscle of broilers under heat stress. Biol Trace Elem Res, 148:322–330
  • 41. Kotyzová D., Černá P., Lešetický L., Eyb V., 2010. Trace Elements Status in Selenium-Deficient Rats-Interaction with Cadmium. Biol Trace Elem Res, 136 (3):287-93
  • 42. Pappas AC., Zoidis E, Georgiou CA., Demiris N., Surai PF., Fegeros K., 2011. Influence of organic selenium supplementation on the accumulation of toxic and essential trace elements involved in the antioxidant system of chicken. Food Additives and Contaminants, 28 (4): 446–454
  • 43. Nordberg GF., 2009. Historical perspectives on cadmium toxicology. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 238:192-200.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Necati Utlu

Şaban Çelebi

Menekşe Soydan

Esra Aktaş Şenocak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Utlu, N., Çelebi, Ş., Soydan, M., Aktaş Şenocak, E. (2018). The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 266-273.
AMA Utlu N, Çelebi Ş, Soydan M, Aktaş Şenocak E. The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2018;13(3):266-273. doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.346598
Chicago Utlu, Necati, Şaban Çelebi, Menekşe Soydan, ve Esra Aktaş Şenocak. “The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 13, sy. 3 (Aralık 2018): 266-73.
EndNote Utlu N, Çelebi Ş, Soydan M, Aktaş Şenocak E (01 Aralık 2018) The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 13 3 266–273.
IEEE N. Utlu, Ş. Çelebi, M. Soydan, ve E. Aktaş Şenocak, “The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 266–273, 2018, doi: 10.17094/ataunivbd.346598.
ISNAD Utlu, Necati vd. “The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 13/3 (Aralık 2018), 266-273.
JAMA Utlu N, Çelebi Ş, Soydan M, Aktaş Şenocak E. The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;13:266–273.
MLA Utlu, Necati vd. “The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 266-73, doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.346598.
Vancouver Utlu N, Çelebi Ş, Soydan M, Aktaş Şenocak E. The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Organic Selenium on the Levels of Some Bioelements in Tissues of Laying Hens. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;13(3):266-73.