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Description of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Nakhchivan in the Works of Foreign Artists of the 19 Century

Yıl 2024, , 3395 - 3405, 29.11.2024


The article examines and analyzes the images of Nakhchivan, an integral part of Azerbaijan, reflecting its ancient history and culture in the works of foreign artists of the XIX century. The engravings of artists from foreign countries such as W. Ouseley, D. Monpere, H. Klerget, Bocher, D. Lancelot, and Barbant reflect ancient traces of this history, taken from nature or from photographs during their travels to the historical places of Nakhchivan and the ancient region of Julfa. The engravings include “Nakhchivan ancient remains” by William Ouseley, “Tomb of Noah” and “Tomb of Momine-Khatun” by D. Monpere, “Nakhchivan. Tomb of Momine-Khatun” by Barbant, “Atabey kumbez in Nakhchivan,” “Ruined mosque in Nakhchivan” by H. Klerget, “The destroyed mosque in Nakhchivan” by D. Lancelot, “Carved figure of a ram” by Barbant, “General view of the necropolis of Julfa” by D. Lancelot, “The interior of the great Ordubad madrasah” by Gotorben, and “Temple of Malik Ibrahimoglu” by Bocher. These works provide graphic representations of the general appearance, historical monuments, and culture of Nakhchivan, Julfa, and Ordubad in the 19 century. The widespread use of this theme in the works of artists of the 19 century allows us to trace the history of this ancient culture in a rapidly changing, updating time. These works, depicted in a realistic style, are valuable for their artistic portrayal of the history and culture of Nakhchivan.


  • Aliyev, Z. (2019, September 30). Nakhchivan History in the Light of Colors. Cultural Newspaper.
  • Allahverdiyeva, H. R. (2022). Basics of Painting. Ajami.
  • Allahverdiyeva, H. R. (2022). Artistic Reflection of Historical and Architectural Monuments in Theatrical Decorative Art. Scientific Journal, Молодий вчений, 3(103), 75-79.
  • Allahverdiyeva, H. R. (2021). Ancient and Modern Nakhchivan in the Creativity of Artists of the World. Problems of Science, 2 (61), 52-58.
  • Bakhshaliyev, V. & Seyidov, A. (2020). Ancient Julfa. Ajami.
  • Dieulafoy, J. (1887). La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane. Librairie Hachette.
  • Ismayilova, N. (2017, February 3). Yesterday's School is Today's Monument. Sharg Gapisi Newspaper.
  • Khalilov, Y. (2021, April 259). A New Finding Regarding the Tomb of Momina Khatun. Newspaper 525.
  • Le Tour de Monde (1891). Lahur.

Description of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Nakhchivan in the Works of Foreign Artists of the 19 Century

Yıl 2024, , 3395 - 3405, 29.11.2024


The article examines and analyzes the images of Nakhchivan, an integral part of Azerbaijan, reflecting its ancient history and culture in the works of foreign artists of the XIX century. The engravings of artists from foreign countries such as W. Ouseley, D. Monpere, H. Klerget, Bocher, D. Lancelot, and Barbant reflect ancient traces of this history, taken from nature or from photographs during their travels to the historical places of Nakhchivan and the ancient region of Julfa. The engravings include “Nakhchivan ancient remains” by William Ouseley, “Tomb of Noah” and “Tomb of Momine-Khatun” by D. Monpere, “Nakhchivan. Tomb of Momine-Khatun” by Barbant, “Atabey kumbez in Nakhchivan,” “Ruined mosque in Nakhchivan” by H. Klerget, “The destroyed mosque in Nakhchivan” by D. Lancelot, “Carved figure of a ram” by Barbant, “General view of the necropolis of Julfa” by D. Lancelot, “The interior of the great Ordubad madrasah” by Gotorben, and “Temple of Malik Ibrahimoglu” by Bocher. These works provide graphic representations of the general appearance, historical monuments, and culture of Nakhchivan, Julfa, and Ordubad in the 19 century. The widespread use of this theme in the works of artists of the 19 century allows us to trace the history of this ancient culture in a rapidly changing, updating time. These works, depicted in a realistic style, are valuable for their artistic portrayal of the history and culture of Nakhchivan.


  • Aliyev, Z. (2019, September 30). Nakhchivan History in the Light of Colors. Cultural Newspaper.
  • Allahverdiyeva, H. R. (2022). Basics of Painting. Ajami.
  • Allahverdiyeva, H. R. (2022). Artistic Reflection of Historical and Architectural Monuments in Theatrical Decorative Art. Scientific Journal, Молодий вчений, 3(103), 75-79.
  • Allahverdiyeva, H. R. (2021). Ancient and Modern Nakhchivan in the Creativity of Artists of the World. Problems of Science, 2 (61), 52-58.
  • Bakhshaliyev, V. & Seyidov, A. (2020). Ancient Julfa. Ajami.
  • Dieulafoy, J. (1887). La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane. Librairie Hachette.
  • Ismayilova, N. (2017, February 3). Yesterday's School is Today's Monument. Sharg Gapisi Newspaper.
  • Khalilov, Y. (2021, April 259). A New Finding Regarding the Tomb of Momina Khatun. Newspaper 525.
  • Le Tour de Monde (1891). Lahur.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Türk Halkları ve Toplulukları
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Habiba Allahverdiyeva Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4056-9173

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Allahverdiyeva, H. (2024). Description of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Nakhchivan in the Works of Foreign Artists of the 19 Century. Akademik Tarih Ve Düşünce Dergisi, 11(5), 3395-3405.

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