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Prosodic Features of Turkish and Hindi: A Comparative Analysis

Year 2018, Volume: 2 - Prof. Dr. Seyyare DUMAN (Special Issue), 57 - 77, 31.08.2018


Universally, the functioning of each language
system is composed of some specific sequences. As one of these regulations,
prosodic structure, a phonological component, includes supraaural facts above
segmental phonemes. Although the suprasegmental phonemes, which can
functionally be semantically distinctive, appear in every language, they may
not exhibit a contrastive relationship in each language as a result of varying
structures of languages and thus they may not function as a prosodeme as well.
In this review article, for the first time in Turkish linguistics literature, some
suprasegmental phonemes, word stress, duration, juncture, intonation and focus
phonemes have been discussed comparatively in Hindi and Turkish. Thus, it has
been aimed to describe how the conditions of the suprasegmental phonemes
function as a prosodeme vary among languages. Within the framework of observed
regulations, the possible reasons of the similarities and differences in the
sequences of both languages ​​are discussed. 


  • Arun, V. B. (1961). A comparative phonology of Hindi and Panjabi. Panjabi Sahitya Akademi.Bansal, R.K. (1969). The intelligibility of Indian English. Monograph 4. Hyderabad, India: Central Yay.Barbara F. (2001). Ethnologue: languages of the world. 14th Edition. SIL International.Başkan, Ö. (1967). Lengüistik Metodu. İstanbul: Çağlayan Yay.Cyristal., D. (1992). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (2. baskı). Oxford: Blackwell Yay.Demircan., Ö. (1975). Türk Dilinde Ek Vurgusu. TD294, TDK, Ankara, 196-200. Demircan., Ö. (1979). Türkiye Türkçesinin Ses Düzeni, Türkiye Türkçesinde Sesler. TDK, Ankara. Demircan., Ö. (1980). Türkçe Ezgilemeye Giriş. TDAY Belleten, Ankara, 72-77. Demircan., Ö. (1996). Türkçenin Sesdizimi. İstanbul: Der yay.Dyrud, L. O. (2001). Hindi-Urdu: Stress Accent or Non-Stress Accent. Doktora Tezi. University of North Dakota.Ergenç, İ. (2002). Konuşma Dili ve Türkçenin Söyleyiş Sözlüğü. Multilingual Yay.Ergenç., İ. (1989). Türkiye Türkçesinin Görevsel Sesbilimi, Ankara: Engin Yay.Grimes, B. F. (2001). Global language viability. Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim, Lectures on Endangered Languages, 2, 45-61.Gussenhoven, C. (2004). The phonology of tone and intonation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Yay. Hayes, B. (1989). Compensatory lengthening in moraic phonology. Linguistic Inquiry, 20.253-306.Hayes, B. (1995). Metrical Stress Theory: Principles and Case Studies. Chicago, University of Chicago Yay.Hussain, Sarmad, (1997). Phonetic correlates of lexical stress in Hindi-Urdu. Northwestern University, Illinois.Hyman, L. (1985). A theory of phonological weight. Dordrecht: Foris.Jain, B. D. (1927). Stress-accent in Indo-Aryan. London: Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies. 4: 315-323.Kachru, Y. (1980). Aspects of Hindi grammar. South Asia Books.Kapoor, K. (2007). Akshara in Indian Thought. P.G. Patel, P. Pandey ve D. Rajgor (Eds.) içinde, The Indic scripts: Palaeographic and linguistic perspectives, (syf. 1–8). New Delhi: DK Printworld.Kelkar, Ashok R. (1968). Studies in Hindi-Urdu I: Introduction and Word Phonology. Poona: Deccan College Institute of English.Kim, H.J. ve Perlman, A. (2010). Acoustic Cues to Lexical Stress in Spastic Dysarthria, Speech Prosody, 5th Speech Prosody Conference. Chicago, ABD.Koul., O. N. (2008). Modern Hindi Grammar. Dunwoody Press, 978-1-931546-06-5.Levin, J. (1985). A Metrical Theory of Syllabicity. Doktora Tezi. MIT.Maddieson, I. & Gandour, J. (1976). Vowel length before aspirated consonants. UCLA working papers in phonetics 31: 47-52.Masica, C. P. (1991). The Indo-AryanLanguages. Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.Mehrotra, R. C. (1965). Stress in Hindi. Indian Linguistics 26, 96-105.Nair, R. (2001). Acoustic correlates of lexical stress in Hindi. In A. Abbi, R. Gupta, and A. Kidwai, eds., Linguistic Structure and Language Dynamics in South Asia — papers from the proceedings of SALA XVIII roundtable.Ohala, M. (1986). A search for the phonetic correlates of Hindi stress. South Asian languages: structure, convergence, and diglossia, ed. by Bh. Krishnamurti, C. Masica, and A. Sinha, 81-92. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.Ohala, M. (1994). Hindi. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 24(01), 35-38.Pandey, P. (2007). Phonology–orthography interface in Devanāgarī for Hindi. Written Language & Literacy, 10(2), 139-156.Prince, A., Smolensky, P. (1993). Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar. Cambridge, MA: MIT Yay.Trofimov, M., Daniel J. (1923). The Pronunciation of Russian. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.van Der Hulst, H. (2014). Word Stress. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Vardar, B. (1982). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri (No. 492). Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.Vardar, B. (1998). Açıklamalı Dilbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü. 2. Basım. İstanbul: ABC Yayınevi.

Hintçe ve Türkçenin Karşılaştırmalı Bürün Dizgeleri

Year 2018, Volume: 2 - Prof. Dr. Seyyare DUMAN (Special Issue), 57 - 77, 31.08.2018


Evrensel olarak her dil sisteminin işleyişi
belli başlı dizgelerden oluşmaktadır. Bunlardan biri olan ve sesbilimsel bir
bileşen olan bürün (prosody) dizgesi, parçalı sesbirimlerin
daha üstündeki ses-üstü olguları kapsamaktadır. İşlevsel olarak anlam ayırt
edici olma özelliği taşıyabilen parçalarüstü sesbirimler her dilde var
olmalarına karşın, dillerdeki farklı yapılanmalar sonucu, her dilde karşıtlık
ilişkisi sergilemeyebilirler ve bu nedenle bürünbirim (prosedeme) olma özelliği de taşımazlar. Bu derleme yazısında Türkçe
alanyazında ilk kez,  Hintçe ve Türkçede
yer alan parçalarüstü sesbirimlerden vurgu, süre, kavşak, ezgi ve odak
sesbirimleri karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Böylelikle parçalarüstü
sesbirimlerin bürünbirim olma koşullarının dilden dile nasıl değişiklik
gösterebildiği betimlenmeye çalışılmış, gözlemlenen bulgular çerçevesinde, her
iki dilin bürün dizgelerindeki benzerlik ve farklılıkların olası nedenleri


  • Arun, V. B. (1961). A comparative phonology of Hindi and Panjabi. Panjabi Sahitya Akademi.Bansal, R.K. (1969). The intelligibility of Indian English. Monograph 4. Hyderabad, India: Central Yay.Barbara F. (2001). Ethnologue: languages of the world. 14th Edition. SIL International.Başkan, Ö. (1967). Lengüistik Metodu. İstanbul: Çağlayan Yay.Cyristal., D. (1992). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (2. baskı). Oxford: Blackwell Yay.Demircan., Ö. (1975). Türk Dilinde Ek Vurgusu. TD294, TDK, Ankara, 196-200. Demircan., Ö. (1979). Türkiye Türkçesinin Ses Düzeni, Türkiye Türkçesinde Sesler. TDK, Ankara. Demircan., Ö. (1980). Türkçe Ezgilemeye Giriş. TDAY Belleten, Ankara, 72-77. Demircan., Ö. (1996). Türkçenin Sesdizimi. İstanbul: Der yay.Dyrud, L. O. (2001). Hindi-Urdu: Stress Accent or Non-Stress Accent. Doktora Tezi. University of North Dakota.Ergenç, İ. (2002). Konuşma Dili ve Türkçenin Söyleyiş Sözlüğü. Multilingual Yay.Ergenç., İ. (1989). Türkiye Türkçesinin Görevsel Sesbilimi, Ankara: Engin Yay.Grimes, B. F. (2001). Global language viability. Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim, Lectures on Endangered Languages, 2, 45-61.Gussenhoven, C. (2004). The phonology of tone and intonation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Yay. Hayes, B. (1989). Compensatory lengthening in moraic phonology. Linguistic Inquiry, 20.253-306.Hayes, B. (1995). Metrical Stress Theory: Principles and Case Studies. Chicago, University of Chicago Yay.Hussain, Sarmad, (1997). Phonetic correlates of lexical stress in Hindi-Urdu. Northwestern University, Illinois.Hyman, L. (1985). A theory of phonological weight. Dordrecht: Foris.Jain, B. D. (1927). Stress-accent in Indo-Aryan. London: Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies. 4: 315-323.Kachru, Y. (1980). Aspects of Hindi grammar. South Asia Books.Kapoor, K. (2007). Akshara in Indian Thought. P.G. Patel, P. Pandey ve D. Rajgor (Eds.) içinde, The Indic scripts: Palaeographic and linguistic perspectives, (syf. 1–8). New Delhi: DK Printworld.Kelkar, Ashok R. (1968). Studies in Hindi-Urdu I: Introduction and Word Phonology. Poona: Deccan College Institute of English.Kim, H.J. ve Perlman, A. (2010). Acoustic Cues to Lexical Stress in Spastic Dysarthria, Speech Prosody, 5th Speech Prosody Conference. Chicago, ABD.Koul., O. N. (2008). Modern Hindi Grammar. Dunwoody Press, 978-1-931546-06-5.Levin, J. (1985). A Metrical Theory of Syllabicity. Doktora Tezi. MIT.Maddieson, I. & Gandour, J. (1976). Vowel length before aspirated consonants. UCLA working papers in phonetics 31: 47-52.Masica, C. P. (1991). The Indo-AryanLanguages. Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.Mehrotra, R. C. (1965). Stress in Hindi. Indian Linguistics 26, 96-105.Nair, R. (2001). Acoustic correlates of lexical stress in Hindi. In A. Abbi, R. Gupta, and A. Kidwai, eds., Linguistic Structure and Language Dynamics in South Asia — papers from the proceedings of SALA XVIII roundtable.Ohala, M. (1986). A search for the phonetic correlates of Hindi stress. South Asian languages: structure, convergence, and diglossia, ed. by Bh. Krishnamurti, C. Masica, and A. Sinha, 81-92. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.Ohala, M. (1994). Hindi. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 24(01), 35-38.Pandey, P. (2007). Phonology–orthography interface in Devanāgarī for Hindi. Written Language & Literacy, 10(2), 139-156.Prince, A., Smolensky, P. (1993). Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar. Cambridge, MA: MIT Yay.Trofimov, M., Daniel J. (1923). The Pronunciation of Russian. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.van Der Hulst, H. (2014). Word Stress. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Vardar, B. (1982). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri (No. 492). Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.Vardar, B. (1998). Açıklamalı Dilbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü. 2. Basım. İstanbul: ABC Yayınevi.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Article

Hazel Zeynep Kurada 0000-0003-1096-1086

Publication Date August 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 - Prof. Dr. Seyyare DUMAN (Special Issue)


APA Kurada, H. Z. (2018). Hintçe ve Türkçenin Karşılaştırmalı Bürün Dizgeleri. Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty, 2, 57-77.

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