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Is More Than Tongue for the Taste Perception Required? A Study of Taste Test

Yıl 2015, , 127 - 134, 01.09.2015


Taste perception has not been sufficiently investigated in the consumer behavior literature. Food and beverage companies are trying to understand and control the consumer response for their products. Moreover, companies try to gain a competitive advantage by developing new flavors or modifying the taste of their products. Aım of this study, it was tried to be revealed whether the participants discriminate their favorite brand by using blind tests. This research was carried out on 57 eligible participants with pre and post tests experiment design. The findings from the study are a) The participants who expressed that they like the brand did not match it correctly in pre and post measures statistically; b) The participants who could not match the brand in pre and post measures stated that they would prefer to consume the brand they previously used. In this study, it has been revealed that assessment with only a single sensory organ is not sufficient to support taste perception, other sensory organs should also support in terms of both theory and practice.


  • Allison, R. I., Uhl, K. P. (1964). Influence of beer brand identification on taste perception. Journal of Mar- keting Research, 1(3), 36–39.
  • Barrett, K. E., Barman, S. M., Boitano, S., Brooks, H. L. (2011). Ganong’un tıbbi fizyolojisi. (Çeviri editörü: Hakkı Gökbel), 23. Baskıdan çeviri, İstanbul, No- bel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Bellizzi, J. A., Martin, W. S. (1982). The influence of national versus generic branding on taste percep- tions. Journal of Business Research, 10(3), 385–396.
  • Buchanan, B., Givon, M., Goldman, A. (1987). Measu- rement of discrimination ability in taste tests: An empirical investigation. Journal of Marketing Rese- arch, 24(2), 154-163.
  • Deloitte, (2013). Perakende sektörü değerlendirme- si 2013. tr/endustriler/tuketim/308b5b7389c5f310V gnVCM1000003256f70aRCRD.htm# Erişim Tari- hi 20.02.2014.
  • DuBose, C. N., Cardello, A. V., Maller, O. (1980). Ef- fects of colorants and flavorants on identification, perceived flavor intensity, and hedonic quality of fruit-flavored beverages and cake. Journal of Food Science, 45(5), 1393–1399.
  • Dubow, J. S., Childs, N. M. (1998). New coke, mixture perception, and the flavor balance hypothesis. Jo- urnal of Business Research, 43(3), 147–155.
  • Elder, R., Krishna, A. (2010). The effect of advertising copy on sensory thoughts and perceived taste. Jo- urnal of Consumer Research, 36(5), 748–756.
  • Guyton, A. C., Hall, J. E. (2007). Tıbbi fizyoloji (Ed. Hayrünnisa Çavuşoğlu, Berrak Çağlayan Yeğen), 11. Baskıdan çeviri, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Hoegg, T. J., Alba, J. W. (2007). Taste perception: More than meets the tongue. Journal of Consumer Rese- arch, 33(4), 490-498.
  • Ikeda, K. (2002). New seasonings. Chemical Senses, 27(9), 847–849.
  • Johnson, S. L., Sommer, R., Martino, V. (1985). Consu- mer behavior at bulk food bins. Journal of Consu- mer Research, 12(1), 114–117.
  • Keast, R. S. J., Breslin, P. A. S. (2003). An overview of binary taste–taste interactions. Food Quality and Preference, 14(2). 111–124.
  • Koppel, N. B., Berenson, M. L. (2007). Bowker proce- dure. İçinde N. J. Salkind ve K. Rasmussen (Edi- tör), Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, Sage Publications.
  • Krishna, A. (2012). An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect percepti- on, judgment and behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(3), 332–351.
  • Leclerc, F., Schmitt, B. H., Dubé, L. (1994). Foreign branding and its effects on product perceptions and attitudes. Journal of Marketing Research, 31(2), 263–270.
  • McDaniel, C., Baker, R. C. (1977). Convenience food packaging and the perception of product quality. Journal of Marketing, 41(4), 57-58.
  • Morrison, D. G. (1981). Triangle taste tests: Are the subjects who respond correctly lucky or good? Jo- urnal of Marketing, 45 (3), 111–118.
  • Moskowitz, H. R., Jacobs, B., Firtle, N. (1980). Discri- mination testing and product decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17(1), 84–90.
  • Peck, J., Childers, T. L. (2008). Effects of sensory fac- tors on consumer behaviors. İçinde C. P. Haugt- vedt, P. M. Herr ve F. R. Kardes (Editör), Handbook of consumer psychology (pp. 193–219). Florence, KY: Psychology Press.
  • Roth, H. A., Radle, L. J., Gifford, S. R., Clydesdale, F.M. (1988). Psychophysical relationships between percei- ved sweetness and color in lemon - and lime-flavored drinks. Journal of Food Science, 53(4), 1116–1119.
  • Schiffman, G. L., Kanuk, L. L. (2010). Consumer beha- vior, Pearson ed. 10th ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Solomon, R. M. (2006). Consumer behavior: Buying, selling, and being, Pearson ed. 7th ed.
  • Stillman, J. A. (1993). Color influences flavor identifi- cation in fruit-flavored beverages, Journal of Food Science, 58(4), 810–812.
  • Villani, K. E. A., Morrison D. G. (1976). A Method for analyzing new formulation decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 13(3), 284-288.
  • Wright, S. A., Hernandez, J., Sundar A., Dinsmore J., Kardes, F. R. (2013). If it tastes bad it must be good: Consumer naïve theories and the marketing place- bo effect. International Journal of Research in Mar- keting, 30(2), 197–198.

Tat Algısı için Dilden Daha Fazlası mı Gerekli? Tat Testi Üzerine Bir Uygulama

Yıl 2015, , 127 - 134, 01.09.2015


Tüketici davranışları yazınında tat algısı ile ilgili yeterince araştırma bulunmamaktadır. Gıda ve içecek işletmeleri ürünlerine yönelik tüketici tepkilerini anlamaya ve kontrol etmeye çalışmaktadır. Bunun yanında işletmeler yeni tatlar geliştirme veya mevcut ürünlerinin tatlarını değiştirme seçeneklerini kullanarak rekabet avantajı elde etmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Araştırmanın amacı kör testler ile denekler beğendikleri markayı ayırt edip edemedikleri tespit edilmeye çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma 57 geçerli denekle ön ve son ölçümlü olarak uygulanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular a) istatistiksel olarak denekler beğendiklerini ifade ettikleri markayı ön ve son ölçümde doğru olarak eşleştirememiştirler. b) daha önce kullandığını ifade ettiği markayı ön ve son testte eşleştiremeyen denekler kullandıklarını ifade ettikleri markayı kullanmayı tercih edeceklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Yapılan araştırmada hem teorik hem de uygulama yönünden tek bir duyu organının değerlendirme açısından yeterli olmadığını diğer duyu organlarının da tat algısına destek olması gerektiği ortaya çıkarılmıştır.


  • Allison, R. I., Uhl, K. P. (1964). Influence of beer brand identification on taste perception. Journal of Mar- keting Research, 1(3), 36–39.
  • Barrett, K. E., Barman, S. M., Boitano, S., Brooks, H. L. (2011). Ganong’un tıbbi fizyolojisi. (Çeviri editörü: Hakkı Gökbel), 23. Baskıdan çeviri, İstanbul, No- bel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Bellizzi, J. A., Martin, W. S. (1982). The influence of national versus generic branding on taste percep- tions. Journal of Business Research, 10(3), 385–396.
  • Buchanan, B., Givon, M., Goldman, A. (1987). Measu- rement of discrimination ability in taste tests: An empirical investigation. Journal of Marketing Rese- arch, 24(2), 154-163.
  • Deloitte, (2013). Perakende sektörü değerlendirme- si 2013. tr/endustriler/tuketim/308b5b7389c5f310V gnVCM1000003256f70aRCRD.htm# Erişim Tari- hi 20.02.2014.
  • DuBose, C. N., Cardello, A. V., Maller, O. (1980). Ef- fects of colorants and flavorants on identification, perceived flavor intensity, and hedonic quality of fruit-flavored beverages and cake. Journal of Food Science, 45(5), 1393–1399.
  • Dubow, J. S., Childs, N. M. (1998). New coke, mixture perception, and the flavor balance hypothesis. Jo- urnal of Business Research, 43(3), 147–155.
  • Elder, R., Krishna, A. (2010). The effect of advertising copy on sensory thoughts and perceived taste. Jo- urnal of Consumer Research, 36(5), 748–756.
  • Guyton, A. C., Hall, J. E. (2007). Tıbbi fizyoloji (Ed. Hayrünnisa Çavuşoğlu, Berrak Çağlayan Yeğen), 11. Baskıdan çeviri, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Hoegg, T. J., Alba, J. W. (2007). Taste perception: More than meets the tongue. Journal of Consumer Rese- arch, 33(4), 490-498.
  • Ikeda, K. (2002). New seasonings. Chemical Senses, 27(9), 847–849.
  • Johnson, S. L., Sommer, R., Martino, V. (1985). Consu- mer behavior at bulk food bins. Journal of Consu- mer Research, 12(1), 114–117.
  • Keast, R. S. J., Breslin, P. A. S. (2003). An overview of binary taste–taste interactions. Food Quality and Preference, 14(2). 111–124.
  • Koppel, N. B., Berenson, M. L. (2007). Bowker proce- dure. İçinde N. J. Salkind ve K. Rasmussen (Edi- tör), Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, Sage Publications.
  • Krishna, A. (2012). An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect percepti- on, judgment and behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(3), 332–351.
  • Leclerc, F., Schmitt, B. H., Dubé, L. (1994). Foreign branding and its effects on product perceptions and attitudes. Journal of Marketing Research, 31(2), 263–270.
  • McDaniel, C., Baker, R. C. (1977). Convenience food packaging and the perception of product quality. Journal of Marketing, 41(4), 57-58.
  • Morrison, D. G. (1981). Triangle taste tests: Are the subjects who respond correctly lucky or good? Jo- urnal of Marketing, 45 (3), 111–118.
  • Moskowitz, H. R., Jacobs, B., Firtle, N. (1980). Discri- mination testing and product decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17(1), 84–90.
  • Peck, J., Childers, T. L. (2008). Effects of sensory fac- tors on consumer behaviors. İçinde C. P. Haugt- vedt, P. M. Herr ve F. R. Kardes (Editör), Handbook of consumer psychology (pp. 193–219). Florence, KY: Psychology Press.
  • Roth, H. A., Radle, L. J., Gifford, S. R., Clydesdale, F.M. (1988). Psychophysical relationships between percei- ved sweetness and color in lemon - and lime-flavored drinks. Journal of Food Science, 53(4), 1116–1119.
  • Schiffman, G. L., Kanuk, L. L. (2010). Consumer beha- vior, Pearson ed. 10th ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Solomon, R. M. (2006). Consumer behavior: Buying, selling, and being, Pearson ed. 7th ed.
  • Stillman, J. A. (1993). Color influences flavor identifi- cation in fruit-flavored beverages, Journal of Food Science, 58(4), 810–812.
  • Villani, K. E. A., Morrison D. G. (1976). A Method for analyzing new formulation decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 13(3), 284-288.
  • Wright, S. A., Hernandez, J., Sundar A., Dinsmore J., Kardes, F. R. (2013). If it tastes bad it must be good: Consumer naïve theories and the marketing place- bo effect. International Journal of Research in Mar- keting, 30(2), 197–198.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Erol Ustaahmetoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). Tat Algısı için Dilden Daha Fazlası mı Gerekli? Tat Testi Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(3), 127-134.