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The Improvements on Service Quality of Turkish Railway Corporation (TCDD) in the Process of Reorganization

Yıl 2014, , 65 - 76, 01.09.2014


This study has been conducted to assess the perceived service quality of Turkish Railways Corporation (TCDD), which is in the process of reorganization. For achievement of the purpose of the study, the relationships between service quality and demographic characteristics of customers have been examined and the results have been compared to the service quality measurements done in 2004. Perceived service quality is measured using widely accepted SERVQUAL scale that is developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry. Data has been collected from primary sources. Respondents have been given the statements in proportional way. Data analysis is performed by reliability checks, computation of means, t-test for independent samples and finally ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Using the results, the most important dimension for respondents is selected among the five dimensions of service quality. It has been observed that there are meaningful improvements in the each of service quality dimensions from angel of the amount of investments. However, it is also seen that the improvements are not enough and customers expect more than current service quality in all the dimensions of service quality.


  • Alakavuk, Elif. (2007). “Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar”, Ed. Akbaba, A., Tav- mergen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Ya- yıncılık, Ankara
  • Anderson. Elizabeth A., (1995).“Measuring Service Quality at a University Health Clinic”, Internatio- nal Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol.8 No.2, 1995, Pp. 32-37
  • Anderson. Elizabeth A., Zwelling, L.A.,(1996). “Me- asuring Service Quality at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center”, International Jour- nal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol.9 No.7, Pp. 9-22
  • Aydin, Şule. (2007). “Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yak- laşımlar ve Uygulamalar”, Ed. Akbaba, A., Tavmer- gen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Yayıncı- lık, Ankara
  • Babakus, Emin& Mangold, Glynn,W. (1992). Adap- ting the Servqual Scale to Hospital Services: An Empirical Investigation, Health Services Research, 26(6),768-786.
  • Beugre, C. D, (1998). Implementing business process reengineering: The role of organizational justice. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,34. 3, s.347-360.
  • Bektaş B. (2005). “Türkiye’nin Hizmet Sektörü İhracatı ve Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Öneriler”, İgeme Rapo- ru, www. İgeme. Org.Tr/Tur/ Pratik/ Hizmetson Pdf17.10.2006
  • Brown, S.W, Gummesson, E., Edvardsson, B., & Gus- tavsson, B. (Eds).(1991). Service Quality: Multidis- ciplinary and Multinational Perspectives, Lexing- ton: Lexington Books
  • Carman. James, (1990). “ Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of the Servqual Dimensions”, Journal of Retailing, Vol: 66 No.1, Pp. 33-55
  • Caruana, Albert, & Pitt, Leyland.(1997). Intqual-An Measure of Service Quality and the Link Between Service Quality and Business Performance, Euro- pean Journal of Marketing, 31(8), 604-616
  • Coşkun, R.,(2001). Stratejik Endüstrisi Analizi İçin Porter’ın Beş Güç Modelinin KOBİ’lere Uygulan- ması: Adapazarı Örneği, 9.Ulusal Yönetim ve Orga- nizasyon Kongresi, İstanbul
  • Cronin, Joseph ve Taylor Steven (1992). “Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.56,No.3,pp. 55-68
  • Çetin, C. (1996). Yeniden Yapılanma, Girişimcilik, Kü- çük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler ve Bunların Özendirilme- si, Der Yayınları, 202, İstanbul.
  • Davis, J and Mehta, K. T.(1997). Reengineering a scho- ol of business of the future: A mission/vision mo- del for higher education in transformational times. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 62. 2 . s. 8-15.
  • Dinçer, Ömer. (1998). Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Po- litikası, 5. Baskı, Beta Yayın, İstanbul
  • Donnelly, J and Jim, G.,(1996). “Why Should Local Goverment Show an Interest in Service Quality ?”. The TQM Magazine, Vol:8, Number 5, s. 32-38.
  • Gulledge, T. R., Sommer, J and Rainer, A.,(2002). Busi- ness Process Management Public Sector Implicati- ons, Business Process Management Journal, Vol.8/4, 364
  • Hair,J., Anderson,E.R., Tatham,L., William,C.B.(1998). Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • Halachmi, A and Bovaird, T.,(1997). Process Reengi- neering in the Public Sector: Learning Some Pri- vate Sector Lessons, Tehnovation. Vo.17, Issue.5, ss.227-235.
  • Hammer,M., Champy.J., (1993). Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution., Harper Collins, London.
  • James Y. L. Thong, Chee-Sing Yap, Kin-Lee Seah., (2000). Business Process Reengineering in the Public Sector: The Case of the Housing Develop- ment Board in Singapore. Journal of Management Information Systems.Vol. 17(1): 245-270.
  • Kilbourne, William., Duffy,Ann.,Duffy Micheal and Giarchi, George.(2004). “The Applicability of Serv- qual in Cross-National Measurements of Health- Care Quality”, Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 18, N.7, Pp.524-533
  • Kotler, P.,(1980). Marketing Management. PowerPoint by Milton M. Pressley, University of New Orleans.
  • Le Blanc, G., Nguyen, N.(1988). Customers’percepti- ons of Sq in Financial Institutions, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 6(4), Pp: 7-18
  • Lee,S.,Kim,Y.,Hemmington, N., Yun, D., (2004). “Competative Service Quality Improvement: A Case Study in the Fast Food Industry”, Food Servi- ce Technology, Blackwell Publishing, S. 75-84
  • Li, M. & Yang, J. B. (2003). A Decision Model For Self- Assessment of Business Process Based on the Efqm Excellence Model, International Journal of Quality And Reliability Management, 20(2), Pp: 164–188. Doi: 10.1108/02656710310456608
  • Libbey, M. G.,(1994). Reengineering Public Innovati- on. Public Performance and Management Review, Vo.18, Issue.2, p.163.
  • MacAdam, R &Mitchell, N (1998). Development of a Business Process Re-engineering Model Applicab- le to The Public Sector. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol.9/45, pp. 160-163G
  • MacNulty.,(2002). Quality, Reliability and Ma- intenance.QRM 2002, Wiley Publisher, ISBN:97818605833698
  • Mangold,W.G.&Babakus,E.,(1991). Service Quality: The Front Stage vs. The Back Stage Perspective, The Journal of Services Marketing, 5(4), Pp: 59-70
  • Mihyar, H.,(2007). Business Progress Reengineering in UAE Public Sector: A Naturalization and Resi- dency Case Study. Business Progress Management Journal, Vol. 13, Issue.5, pp. 707-727.
  • Mihyar, H., AlAmeed, H and Samak, M.,(2007). Busi- ness Process Reengineering in UAE Public Sector: A Town Planning Case Study. Business Process Ma- nagement Journal, Vol.3, Issue.3, pp. 348-378.
  • Mucuk,İsmet. (1994). “Pazarlama İlkeleri”,Der Yayın- ları, 6. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Ongaro, E,.(2004). Process Management in the Public Sector: The Experience of One-Stop Shop in Italy. The International Ournal of Public Sector Manage- ment, Vol.17, Issue.1, pp.81-107.
  • Özer, Pınar ve Özdemir Pınar.,(2007). Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar , Ed. Ak- baba, A., Tavmergen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • Özkul, Emrah. (2007). “Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar”, Ed. Akbaba, A., Tav- mergen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Ya- yıncılık, Ankara
  • Parasuraman. A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L.( 1985). “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality And Its Implecations For Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 49 No.4, Pp. 41-50
  • Parasuraman. A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L.(1988). “Servqual: A Multiple-Item Scale For Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, Vol: 64 No.1, Pp. 12-40
  • Poyraz, Kemal., Taşkin, E ve Kara, Hakan (2004). De- miryolları İşletmesinde Müşteri Tatmininin Ölçül- mesi Ve Bir Uygulama, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 4, No: 2, Ss: 73-88.
  • Reeves, C. A, David A.B, Lawrance, R.C., (1995). “Back to the Beginning: What Do Customer Care About in Service Firms?”. Quality Management Journal, Vol.3, No. 1,
  • Peyrot, Mark.,Cooper, Philip., Schnapf, Donald.(1993). “Consumer Satisfaction and Perceived Quality of Outpatient Health Servces”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol.13, No. 1, S. 24-33
  • Reschenthaler, G. B. (1996). “The information revolu- tion and the New Public Management”, Journal of PA Research&Theory, 16, 1:125-144.
  • Ruhli, E, Treichler, C and Schmidt, S. L, (1995). From business reengineering to management reengineering--a European study. Management In- ternational Review. 35. 4,s. 361.
  • Stoddard, D. B., Jarvenpaa, S. L & Littlejohn, M., (1996). The Reality of Business Reengineering: Pa- cific Bell’s Centrex Provisioning Process. California Management Review, Vol.38(3), ss.57-76.
  • Quester, P. ve Romanjuk, S.(1997). “Service Quality in Australian Adversiting Industry: A Methodologi- cal Study”, The Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 27, S: 180-188.
  • Uyguç, Nermin. (1998). Hizmet Sektöründe Kalite Yö- netimi :Stratejik Bir Yaklaşım, 1. Baskı, İzmir,Dokuz Eylül Yayınları
  • Zaher, A., Mushtag, K and Ishaq, H. M.,(2008). Reen- gineering The Procedures Progress in a Public Sec- tor Organization : A Case Study. International Bul- letin of Business Administration, Vol.3. pp.30-43.
  • Zeithaml,V.(2000). Sq, Profitability, and The Economic Worth of Costumers: What We Know And What We Need to Learn, Journal of The Academy of Mar- keting Science, 28(1) ,Pp: 67-85.

Yeniden Yapılanma Sürecinde Olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryollarında Hizmet Kalitesi

Yıl 2014, , 65 - 76, 01.09.2014


Bu çalışma, yeniden yapılanma sürecinde olan TCDD’na ilişkin algılanan hizmet kalitesi düzeyinin incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda hizmet kalitesinin müşterilerin demografik özellikleriyle ilişkisi incelenmiş ve 2004 yılında yapılan TCDD hizmet kalitesi ölçümleriyle sonuçlar kıyaslanmıştır. Algılanan hizmet kalitesi, Parasuraman, Zeithaml ve Berry tarafından geliştirilen ve literatürde sıklıkla kullanılan SERVQUAL ölçeği ile incelenmiştir. Verilerin toplanması birincil kaynaklardan oluşturulan anket formuyla sağlanmıştır. Katılımcılara TCDD tarafından verilen hizmetlere ilişkin, çeşitli yargılar verilmiş ve her bir ifadeyi beklentileri ve algıladıkları şeklinde derecelendirmeleri istenmiştir. Sırasıyla verilerin analizini güvenilirlik, ortalamaların hesaplanması, bağımsız t-testi ve ANOVA (tek yönlü varyans analizi ) tekniği oluşturmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler kullanılarak, katılımcılar için hizmet kalitesinin beş boyutu arasında en önemli görülen boyutun ve en çok geliştirilmesi gereken boyutun belirlenmesi için analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlarda 2004-2010 arasında yapılmış olan yatırımlar doğrultusunda her bir boyutta hizmet kalitesi açısından gelişmelerin olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak hala bu iyileştirme çalışmalarının yeterli olmadığı ve müşterilerin beş boyutta beklentilerini yakalayabilmenin gerekliliği ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Alakavuk, Elif. (2007). “Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar”, Ed. Akbaba, A., Tav- mergen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Ya- yıncılık, Ankara
  • Anderson. Elizabeth A., (1995).“Measuring Service Quality at a University Health Clinic”, Internatio- nal Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol.8 No.2, 1995, Pp. 32-37
  • Anderson. Elizabeth A., Zwelling, L.A.,(1996). “Me- asuring Service Quality at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center”, International Jour- nal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol.9 No.7, Pp. 9-22
  • Aydin, Şule. (2007). “Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yak- laşımlar ve Uygulamalar”, Ed. Akbaba, A., Tavmer- gen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Yayıncı- lık, Ankara
  • Babakus, Emin& Mangold, Glynn,W. (1992). Adap- ting the Servqual Scale to Hospital Services: An Empirical Investigation, Health Services Research, 26(6),768-786.
  • Beugre, C. D, (1998). Implementing business process reengineering: The role of organizational justice. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,34. 3, s.347-360.
  • Bektaş B. (2005). “Türkiye’nin Hizmet Sektörü İhracatı ve Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Öneriler”, İgeme Rapo- ru, www. İgeme. Org.Tr/Tur/ Pratik/ Hizmetson Pdf17.10.2006
  • Brown, S.W, Gummesson, E., Edvardsson, B., & Gus- tavsson, B. (Eds).(1991). Service Quality: Multidis- ciplinary and Multinational Perspectives, Lexing- ton: Lexington Books
  • Carman. James, (1990). “ Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of the Servqual Dimensions”, Journal of Retailing, Vol: 66 No.1, Pp. 33-55
  • Caruana, Albert, & Pitt, Leyland.(1997). Intqual-An Measure of Service Quality and the Link Between Service Quality and Business Performance, Euro- pean Journal of Marketing, 31(8), 604-616
  • Coşkun, R.,(2001). Stratejik Endüstrisi Analizi İçin Porter’ın Beş Güç Modelinin KOBİ’lere Uygulan- ması: Adapazarı Örneği, 9.Ulusal Yönetim ve Orga- nizasyon Kongresi, İstanbul
  • Cronin, Joseph ve Taylor Steven (1992). “Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.56,No.3,pp. 55-68
  • Çetin, C. (1996). Yeniden Yapılanma, Girişimcilik, Kü- çük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler ve Bunların Özendirilme- si, Der Yayınları, 202, İstanbul.
  • Davis, J and Mehta, K. T.(1997). Reengineering a scho- ol of business of the future: A mission/vision mo- del for higher education in transformational times. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 62. 2 . s. 8-15.
  • Dinçer, Ömer. (1998). Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Po- litikası, 5. Baskı, Beta Yayın, İstanbul
  • Donnelly, J and Jim, G.,(1996). “Why Should Local Goverment Show an Interest in Service Quality ?”. The TQM Magazine, Vol:8, Number 5, s. 32-38.
  • Gulledge, T. R., Sommer, J and Rainer, A.,(2002). Busi- ness Process Management Public Sector Implicati- ons, Business Process Management Journal, Vol.8/4, 364
  • Hair,J., Anderson,E.R., Tatham,L., William,C.B.(1998). Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • Halachmi, A and Bovaird, T.,(1997). Process Reengi- neering in the Public Sector: Learning Some Pri- vate Sector Lessons, Tehnovation. Vo.17, Issue.5, ss.227-235.
  • Hammer,M., Champy.J., (1993). Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution., Harper Collins, London.
  • James Y. L. Thong, Chee-Sing Yap, Kin-Lee Seah., (2000). Business Process Reengineering in the Public Sector: The Case of the Housing Develop- ment Board in Singapore. Journal of Management Information Systems.Vol. 17(1): 245-270.
  • Kilbourne, William., Duffy,Ann.,Duffy Micheal and Giarchi, George.(2004). “The Applicability of Serv- qual in Cross-National Measurements of Health- Care Quality”, Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 18, N.7, Pp.524-533
  • Kotler, P.,(1980). Marketing Management. PowerPoint by Milton M. Pressley, University of New Orleans.
  • Le Blanc, G., Nguyen, N.(1988). Customers’percepti- ons of Sq in Financial Institutions, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 6(4), Pp: 7-18
  • Lee,S.,Kim,Y.,Hemmington, N., Yun, D., (2004). “Competative Service Quality Improvement: A Case Study in the Fast Food Industry”, Food Servi- ce Technology, Blackwell Publishing, S. 75-84
  • Li, M. & Yang, J. B. (2003). A Decision Model For Self- Assessment of Business Process Based on the Efqm Excellence Model, International Journal of Quality And Reliability Management, 20(2), Pp: 164–188. Doi: 10.1108/02656710310456608
  • Libbey, M. G.,(1994). Reengineering Public Innovati- on. Public Performance and Management Review, Vo.18, Issue.2, p.163.
  • MacAdam, R &Mitchell, N (1998). Development of a Business Process Re-engineering Model Applicab- le to The Public Sector. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol.9/45, pp. 160-163G
  • MacNulty.,(2002). Quality, Reliability and Ma- intenance.QRM 2002, Wiley Publisher, ISBN:97818605833698
  • Mangold,W.G.&Babakus,E.,(1991). Service Quality: The Front Stage vs. The Back Stage Perspective, The Journal of Services Marketing, 5(4), Pp: 59-70
  • Mihyar, H.,(2007). Business Progress Reengineering in UAE Public Sector: A Naturalization and Resi- dency Case Study. Business Progress Management Journal, Vol. 13, Issue.5, pp. 707-727.
  • Mihyar, H., AlAmeed, H and Samak, M.,(2007). Busi- ness Process Reengineering in UAE Public Sector: A Town Planning Case Study. Business Process Ma- nagement Journal, Vol.3, Issue.3, pp. 348-378.
  • Mucuk,İsmet. (1994). “Pazarlama İlkeleri”,Der Yayın- ları, 6. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Ongaro, E,.(2004). Process Management in the Public Sector: The Experience of One-Stop Shop in Italy. The International Ournal of Public Sector Manage- ment, Vol.17, Issue.1, pp.81-107.
  • Özer, Pınar ve Özdemir Pınar.,(2007). Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar , Ed. Ak- baba, A., Tavmergen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • Özkul, Emrah. (2007). “Hizmet Kalitesi Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar”, Ed. Akbaba, A., Tav- mergen, İ.G., Akan, P., Gümüşoğlu, Ş., Detay Ya- yıncılık, Ankara
  • Parasuraman. A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L.( 1985). “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality And Its Implecations For Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 49 No.4, Pp. 41-50
  • Parasuraman. A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L.(1988). “Servqual: A Multiple-Item Scale For Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, Vol: 64 No.1, Pp. 12-40
  • Poyraz, Kemal., Taşkin, E ve Kara, Hakan (2004). De- miryolları İşletmesinde Müşteri Tatmininin Ölçül- mesi Ve Bir Uygulama, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 4, No: 2, Ss: 73-88.
  • Reeves, C. A, David A.B, Lawrance, R.C., (1995). “Back to the Beginning: What Do Customer Care About in Service Firms?”. Quality Management Journal, Vol.3, No. 1,
  • Peyrot, Mark.,Cooper, Philip., Schnapf, Donald.(1993). “Consumer Satisfaction and Perceived Quality of Outpatient Health Servces”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol.13, No. 1, S. 24-33
  • Reschenthaler, G. B. (1996). “The information revolu- tion and the New Public Management”, Journal of PA Research&Theory, 16, 1:125-144.
  • Ruhli, E, Treichler, C and Schmidt, S. L, (1995). From business reengineering to management reengineering--a European study. Management In- ternational Review. 35. 4,s. 361.
  • Stoddard, D. B., Jarvenpaa, S. L & Littlejohn, M., (1996). The Reality of Business Reengineering: Pa- cific Bell’s Centrex Provisioning Process. California Management Review, Vol.38(3), ss.57-76.
  • Quester, P. ve Romanjuk, S.(1997). “Service Quality in Australian Adversiting Industry: A Methodologi- cal Study”, The Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 27, S: 180-188.
  • Uyguç, Nermin. (1998). Hizmet Sektöründe Kalite Yö- netimi :Stratejik Bir Yaklaşım, 1. Baskı, İzmir,Dokuz Eylül Yayınları
  • Zaher, A., Mushtag, K and Ishaq, H. M.,(2008). Reen- gineering The Procedures Progress in a Public Sec- tor Organization : A Case Study. International Bul- letin of Business Administration, Vol.3. pp.30-43.
  • Zeithaml,V.(2000). Sq, Profitability, and The Economic Worth of Costumers: What We Know And What We Need to Learn, Journal of The Academy of Mar- keting Science, 28(1) ,Pp: 67-85.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mine Şenel Bu kişi benim

Bilgin Şenel Bu kişi benim

Belkıs Özkara Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Şenel, M., Şenel, B., & Özkara, B. (2014). Yeniden Yapılanma Sürecinde Olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryollarında Hizmet Kalitesi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(3), 65-76.