Determination of Relationships of Nurses’ Professional Commitment to Organizational, Work and Family Commitment by Structural Equation Model
Yıl 2014,
, 27 - 39, 29.06.2014
Serap Benligiray
Harun Sonmez
The commitment forms of individuals regarding their private and work lives have been subject to various researches in an independent or interactive way. In this study, a model has been developed and tested for defining the relationship between the nurses’ professional commitment and organizational, work and family commitment. The study was conducted with the nurses employed in 7 state hospitals with 500 or over bed capacity and 3 medicine faculties under the body of Ankara Ministry of Health through questionnaires. 355 nurses were chosen via proportional distribution method in stratified sampling. The relationship between work commitment scale and continuance commitment part of the organizational commitment scale and the relationship between family commitment scale and professional commitment scale are not significant. Except for the correlation between professional commitment scale and affective commitment part of the organizational commitment scale, the correlations are quite weak.
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