Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 86 - 95, 13.12.2019


Amaç: Dijital oyun bağımlılığı, “dijital oyun oynayamadığında huzursuzluk ve/veya sinirlilik”, “oyun oynamak için ayrılan zamanın fazla olması nedeniyle sosyal izolasyon”, “oyun oynamaya ayrılan zamanın kontrol edilememesi” gibi özelliklerle karakterize bir dürtü control bozukluğu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Ebeveynleri tarafından ihmal edilen ergenlerin yalnızlık, izolasyon ve depresyon deneyimleyebilecekleri; sosyalleşebilmek ve yalnızlık duygusu ile baş edebilmek için dijital oyunlara ilgi gösterebilecekleri düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada, ergenlerde dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile ebeveyenleri tarafindan ihmal edilme düzeyleri arasindaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2018-2019 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Antalya il merkezindeki iki farklı ortaokula devam eden 303 ergen ve ebeveynleri oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada yer alan ergenlerden ve ebeveynlerinden sosyo-demografik bilgiler elde edilmesi amacıyla, araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan Kişisel Bilgi Formu, öğrencilerin dijital oyun bağımlılığını değerlendirmek amacıyla Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarını ihmal düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla ise Çok Boyutlu İhmalkar Davranış Ölçeği-Ebeveyn Formu uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışma sonucunda, ebeveynlerin ihmalkar davranış düzeyleri ile ergenlerin dijital oyun bağımlılığı düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlar literatürdeki bulgular doğrultusunda tartışılmış; anne babalara, konu ile ilgili uzmanlara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Aarsand, P. 2011. Parenting and digital games, Journal of Children and Media; 5(3): 318-333.
  • Beyazıt, U. & Bütün Ayhan, A. 2016. Kişilik gelişimi. Çocuk gelişimi. Ed. N. Aral, s. 158-189, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Beyazıt, U., & Bütün Ayhan, A. 2019. The psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale-Parents Form. Current Psychology; 38(5): 1121-1130.
  • Brian, D., & Wiemer-Hastings, P. 2005. Addiction to the Internet and online gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior; 8(2): 110-113.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. 2004. Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. (4. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Coohey, C. 2003. Making judgments about risk in substantiated cases of supervisory neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect; 27: 821–840.
  • Dubowitz, H., Pitts, S. C., Litrownik, A. J., Cox, C. E., Runyan, D., & Black, M. M. 2005. Defining child neglect based on child protective services data. Child Abuse & Neglect; 29: 493–511.
  • Festl, R., Scharkow, M., & Quandt, T. 2013. Problematic computer game use among adolescents, younger and older adults. Addiction; 108(3): 592-599.
  • Fresthler, B., Johnson-Motoyama, M., & Kepple, N. J. 2014. Inadequate child supervision: The role of alcohol outlet density, parent drinking behaviors, and social support. Children and Youth Services Review; 43: 75–84.
  • Gentile, D. A. 2009. Pathological video-game use among youth ages 8 to 18: A national study. Psychological Science; 20(5): 594-602.
  • Griffiths, M. 2008. Internet and video-game addiction, In: C. A. Essau (ed.) Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment and Treatment, pp. 231-267. USA: Academic Press.
  • Grüsser, S. M., Thalemann, R., & Griffiths, M. D. 2007. Excessive Computer Game Playing: Evidence for Addiction and Aggression? CyberPsychology & Behavior; 10(2): 290-292.
  • Günüç, S., & Kayrı, M. 2010. Türkiye’de internet bağımlılık profili ve İnternet Bağımlılık Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik-güvenirlik çalışması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi: 39: 220-232.
  • Hazar, Z. 2018. Çağın vebası dijital oyun bağımlılığı ve başa çıkma yöntemleri. Ankara: Gazi.
  • Hazar, Z., & Hazar, M. 2016. Çocuklar için dijital oyun bağımlılığı ölçeği. Journal of Human Sciences; 14(1): 203-216.
  • Holtz, P. & Appel, M. 2011. Internet use and video gaming predict problem behavior in early adolescence. Journal of Adolescence; 34(1): 49-58.
  • Ivezaj, V., Potenza, M. N. Grilo, C. M., & White, M. A. 2017. An exploratory examination of at-risk/problematic Internet use and disordered eating in adults. Addictive Behaviors; 64: 301-307.
  • Jeong, E. J., & Kim, D. H. 2011. Social activities, self-efficacy, game attitudes, and game addiction. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; 14(4): 213-221.Karabekiroğlu K. 2011. Çocuğuma nasıl davranmalıyım. İstanbul: Say.
  • Kaufman Kantor, G., Holt, M., & Straus, M. A. 2003. The Parent-Report Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale. Available at: 2/NS7.pdf, (Accessed 2018 October).
  • King, D. L., & Delfabbro, P. H. 2017. Features of parent-child relationships in adolescents with internet gaming disorder. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction; 15(6):1270-1283.
  • Ko, C., Yen, J., Liu, S., Huang, C., & Yen, C. 2009. The associations between aggressive behaviors and ınternet addiction and online activities in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health; 44: 598–605.
  • Kuss, J. D.,& Griffiths, M. D. 2012. Internet gaming addiction: a systematic review of empirical research. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction; 10(2): 278-296.
  • Kwon, J., Chung, C., & Lee, J. 2011. The effects of escape from self and ınterpersonal relationship on the pathological use of Internet games. Community Mental Health Journal; 47(1): 113-121.
  • Lee, H. R., & Jeong, E. J. 2017. Therapeutic role of player self-efficacy in online gaming. Social Behavior And Personality; 45(9): 1475–1484.
  • Lemmens, J .S., Valkenberg, P. M., & Peter, J. 2011. The effects of pathological gaming on aggressive behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence; 40(1): 38-47.
  • Lopez-Fernandez, O., Honrubia-Serrano, L., Baguley, T. & Griffiths, M. D. 2014. Pathological video game playing in Spanish and British adolescents: Towards the exploration of Internet Gaming Disorder symptomatology. Computers in Human Behavior; 41: 304-312.
  • Lui, D. P. Y., Szeto, G. P. Y. & Jones, A. Y. M. 2011. The pattern of electronic game use and related bodily discomfort in Hong Kong primary school children. Computers & Education; 57(2): 1665–1674.
  • Lynn, G. T., & Johnson, C. C. 2018. Ekran bağımlılığı. İstanbul: Destek.
  • Maguire-Jack, K., & Wang, X. 2016. Pathways from neighborhood to neglect: The mediating effects of social support and parenting stress. Children and Youth Services Review, 66: 28–34.
  • Milani, L., Osualdella, D., & Di Blasio, P. 2009. Quality of interpersonal relationships and problematic internet use in adolescence. Cyberpsychology & Behavior; 12: 681–684.
  • Morrongiello, B. A., Kane, A., & Zdzieborski, D. 2011. “I Think He Is in His Room Playing a Video Game”: Parental supervision of young elementary-school children at home, Journal of Pediatric Psychology; 36(6): 708–717.
  • Olson, C. K., Kutner, L. A., Wagner, D., Almerigi, J. B., Baer, L., Nicholi, A. M., & Beresin, E. V. (2007). Factors correlated with violent video game use by adolescent boys and girls. Journal of Adolescent Health; 41: 77–83.
  • Orr, E. S., Ross, C., & Orr, R. R. (2012). Trait and symptom differences between factions in online gaming: The vulnerable side of evil. Computers in Human Behavior; 28: 739–743.
  • Ögel, K. 2017. İnternet bağımlılığı. İnternetin psikolojisini anlamak ve bağımlılıkla başa çıkmak. (3. Basım). İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür.
  • Önder A. 2004. Ailede iletişim. Konuşarak ve dinleyerek anlaşalım. İstanbul: Morpa.
  • Pawlowska, B., Potembska, E., & Szymańska, J. 2018. Demographic and family-related predictors of online gaming addiction in adolescents. Pol J Public Health; 128(1), 9-13.
  • Polat, O. 2017. Tüm boyutlarıyla çocuk istismarı: Tanımlar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Rehbein, F., & Baier, D. 2013. Family-, media-, and school-related risk factors of video game addiction. A 5-year longitudinal study. Journal of Media Psychology; 25: 118-128.
  • Richards, R., McGee, R., Williams, S. M., Welch, D., & Hancox, R. J. 2010. Adolescent Screen Time and Attachment to Parents and Peers. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.; 164(3): 258–262.
  • Ruiz-Casaresa, M., Trocmé, & N., Fallond, B. 2015. Supervisory neglect and risk of harm: Evidence from the Canadian Child Welfare System. Child Abuse & Neglect; 36: 471– 480.
  • Schoenmakers, T. M., Vermulst, A., Van Den Eijnden, R., & Van De Mheen, D. 2010. Online video game addiction: identification of addicted adolescent gamers. Addiction; 106: 205–212.
  • Snodgrass, J .G., Lacy, M. G., Dengah, H. J. F., Eisenhauer, S., Batchelder, G., & Cookson, R. J. 2014. A vacation from your mind: Problematic online gaming is a stress response. Computers in Human Behavior; 38: 248–260.
  • Snyder, M. S., & Merritt, D. H. 2015. The ınfluence of supervisory neglect on subtypesof emerging adult substance use after controlling for familial factors, relationship status,and individual traits. Substance Abuse; 36: 507–514.
  • Smith, L. J., Gradisar, M., & King, D. L. 2015. Parental influences on adolescent video game play: a study of accessibility, rules, limit-setting, monitoring, and cybersafety. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18, 273–279.
  • Smyth, J. 2007. Beyond self-selection in video game play: An experimental examination of the consequences of massively multiplayer online role-playing game play. Cyberpsychology Behavior; 10(5): 717–721.
  • Straus, M. A. 2006. Cross-cultural reliability and validity of the Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale Adult Recall Short Form. Child Abuse & Neglect; 30: 1257–1279.
  • Sublette, V. A. & Mullan, B. 2012. Consequences of play: A systematic review of the effects of online gaming. Int J Ment Health Addiction; 10: 3–23.
  • Thompson, C. R. & Reba-Harrelson, L. 2013. Emerging clinical conditions. In: R. Rosner (ed.) Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction, pp. 247-264. U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Tuğrul, B. 2014. Çocuğun gelişimini bilmek neden önemlidir? Çocuk istismarına ve ihmaline yaklaşım. Temel bilgiler içinde. Ed. O. Derman, Ankara: Akademisyen Tıp.
  • Wei, H., Chen, M., Huang, P., & Bai, Y. 2012.The association between online gaming, social phobia, and depression: An internet survey. BMC Psychiatry; 12(92): 2-7.Yalçın Irmak, A., & Erdoğan, I. 2015. Genç ve erişkinlerde dijital oyun bağımlılığı: Güncel Bir Bakış. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi; 26: 1-11.
  • Yen, J., Yen, C., Chen, C., Chen, S., & Ko, C. 2007. Family factors of Internet addiction and substance use experience in Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychology & Behavior; 10(3): 323-331.
  • Young, K. 2009. Understanding online gaming addiction and treatment issues for adolescents. The American Journal of Family Therapy; 37: 355–372.

The Relationship between Digital Game Addiction and Being Neglected by Parents in Adolescence

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 86 - 95, 13.12.2019


Objective: Digital game addiction is defined as an impulse control disorder involving characteristics such as “feelings of restlessness and/or irritability when unable to play”, “isolation from others in order to spend more time gaming”, and “the inability to control the time spent on game-playing”. It is thought that the children who are neglected by their parents may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression, may lean on to digital games as a means of socialization and coping with feelings of loneliness. Within this concept, in this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between digital game addiction and being neglected by parents in adolescence. Method: The study was consisted of 303 adolescents, attending to two separate secondary schools in the city center of Antalya, Turkey in 2018-2019 spring semester and their 303 parents. As the data gathering instruments, a Socio-Demographic Information Form and Digital Game Addiction Scale were administered to adolescents. To the parents, Socio-Demographic Information Form and Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale-Parents Form were administered. Results and Conclusion: As a result it was found that adolescents’ level of digital game addiction increase as their parents’ level of neglectful behaviors increase. The results were discussed in terms of the relevant literature and suggestions were made in regards with the subject.


  • Aarsand, P. 2011. Parenting and digital games, Journal of Children and Media; 5(3): 318-333.
  • Beyazıt, U. & Bütün Ayhan, A. 2016. Kişilik gelişimi. Çocuk gelişimi. Ed. N. Aral, s. 158-189, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Beyazıt, U., & Bütün Ayhan, A. 2019. The psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale-Parents Form. Current Psychology; 38(5): 1121-1130.
  • Brian, D., & Wiemer-Hastings, P. 2005. Addiction to the Internet and online gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior; 8(2): 110-113.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. 2004. Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. (4. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Coohey, C. 2003. Making judgments about risk in substantiated cases of supervisory neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect; 27: 821–840.
  • Dubowitz, H., Pitts, S. C., Litrownik, A. J., Cox, C. E., Runyan, D., & Black, M. M. 2005. Defining child neglect based on child protective services data. Child Abuse & Neglect; 29: 493–511.
  • Festl, R., Scharkow, M., & Quandt, T. 2013. Problematic computer game use among adolescents, younger and older adults. Addiction; 108(3): 592-599.
  • Fresthler, B., Johnson-Motoyama, M., & Kepple, N. J. 2014. Inadequate child supervision: The role of alcohol outlet density, parent drinking behaviors, and social support. Children and Youth Services Review; 43: 75–84.
  • Gentile, D. A. 2009. Pathological video-game use among youth ages 8 to 18: A national study. Psychological Science; 20(5): 594-602.
  • Griffiths, M. 2008. Internet and video-game addiction, In: C. A. Essau (ed.) Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment and Treatment, pp. 231-267. USA: Academic Press.
  • Grüsser, S. M., Thalemann, R., & Griffiths, M. D. 2007. Excessive Computer Game Playing: Evidence for Addiction and Aggression? CyberPsychology & Behavior; 10(2): 290-292.
  • Günüç, S., & Kayrı, M. 2010. Türkiye’de internet bağımlılık profili ve İnternet Bağımlılık Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik-güvenirlik çalışması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi: 39: 220-232.
  • Hazar, Z. 2018. Çağın vebası dijital oyun bağımlılığı ve başa çıkma yöntemleri. Ankara: Gazi.
  • Hazar, Z., & Hazar, M. 2016. Çocuklar için dijital oyun bağımlılığı ölçeği. Journal of Human Sciences; 14(1): 203-216.
  • Holtz, P. & Appel, M. 2011. Internet use and video gaming predict problem behavior in early adolescence. Journal of Adolescence; 34(1): 49-58.
  • Ivezaj, V., Potenza, M. N. Grilo, C. M., & White, M. A. 2017. An exploratory examination of at-risk/problematic Internet use and disordered eating in adults. Addictive Behaviors; 64: 301-307.
  • Jeong, E. J., & Kim, D. H. 2011. Social activities, self-efficacy, game attitudes, and game addiction. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; 14(4): 213-221.Karabekiroğlu K. 2011. Çocuğuma nasıl davranmalıyım. İstanbul: Say.
  • Kaufman Kantor, G., Holt, M., & Straus, M. A. 2003. The Parent-Report Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale. Available at: 2/NS7.pdf, (Accessed 2018 October).
  • King, D. L., & Delfabbro, P. H. 2017. Features of parent-child relationships in adolescents with internet gaming disorder. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction; 15(6):1270-1283.
  • Ko, C., Yen, J., Liu, S., Huang, C., & Yen, C. 2009. The associations between aggressive behaviors and ınternet addiction and online activities in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health; 44: 598–605.
  • Kuss, J. D.,& Griffiths, M. D. 2012. Internet gaming addiction: a systematic review of empirical research. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction; 10(2): 278-296.
  • Kwon, J., Chung, C., & Lee, J. 2011. The effects of escape from self and ınterpersonal relationship on the pathological use of Internet games. Community Mental Health Journal; 47(1): 113-121.
  • Lee, H. R., & Jeong, E. J. 2017. Therapeutic role of player self-efficacy in online gaming. Social Behavior And Personality; 45(9): 1475–1484.
  • Lemmens, J .S., Valkenberg, P. M., & Peter, J. 2011. The effects of pathological gaming on aggressive behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence; 40(1): 38-47.
  • Lopez-Fernandez, O., Honrubia-Serrano, L., Baguley, T. & Griffiths, M. D. 2014. Pathological video game playing in Spanish and British adolescents: Towards the exploration of Internet Gaming Disorder symptomatology. Computers in Human Behavior; 41: 304-312.
  • Lui, D. P. Y., Szeto, G. P. Y. & Jones, A. Y. M. 2011. The pattern of electronic game use and related bodily discomfort in Hong Kong primary school children. Computers & Education; 57(2): 1665–1674.
  • Lynn, G. T., & Johnson, C. C. 2018. Ekran bağımlılığı. İstanbul: Destek.
  • Maguire-Jack, K., & Wang, X. 2016. Pathways from neighborhood to neglect: The mediating effects of social support and parenting stress. Children and Youth Services Review, 66: 28–34.
  • Milani, L., Osualdella, D., & Di Blasio, P. 2009. Quality of interpersonal relationships and problematic internet use in adolescence. Cyberpsychology & Behavior; 12: 681–684.
  • Morrongiello, B. A., Kane, A., & Zdzieborski, D. 2011. “I Think He Is in His Room Playing a Video Game”: Parental supervision of young elementary-school children at home, Journal of Pediatric Psychology; 36(6): 708–717.
  • Olson, C. K., Kutner, L. A., Wagner, D., Almerigi, J. B., Baer, L., Nicholi, A. M., & Beresin, E. V. (2007). Factors correlated with violent video game use by adolescent boys and girls. Journal of Adolescent Health; 41: 77–83.
  • Orr, E. S., Ross, C., & Orr, R. R. (2012). Trait and symptom differences between factions in online gaming: The vulnerable side of evil. Computers in Human Behavior; 28: 739–743.
  • Ögel, K. 2017. İnternet bağımlılığı. İnternetin psikolojisini anlamak ve bağımlılıkla başa çıkmak. (3. Basım). İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür.
  • Önder A. 2004. Ailede iletişim. Konuşarak ve dinleyerek anlaşalım. İstanbul: Morpa.
  • Pawlowska, B., Potembska, E., & Szymańska, J. 2018. Demographic and family-related predictors of online gaming addiction in adolescents. Pol J Public Health; 128(1), 9-13.
  • Polat, O. 2017. Tüm boyutlarıyla çocuk istismarı: Tanımlar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Rehbein, F., & Baier, D. 2013. Family-, media-, and school-related risk factors of video game addiction. A 5-year longitudinal study. Journal of Media Psychology; 25: 118-128.
  • Richards, R., McGee, R., Williams, S. M., Welch, D., & Hancox, R. J. 2010. Adolescent Screen Time and Attachment to Parents and Peers. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.; 164(3): 258–262.
  • Ruiz-Casaresa, M., Trocmé, & N., Fallond, B. 2015. Supervisory neglect and risk of harm: Evidence from the Canadian Child Welfare System. Child Abuse & Neglect; 36: 471– 480.
  • Schoenmakers, T. M., Vermulst, A., Van Den Eijnden, R., & Van De Mheen, D. 2010. Online video game addiction: identification of addicted adolescent gamers. Addiction; 106: 205–212.
  • Snodgrass, J .G., Lacy, M. G., Dengah, H. J. F., Eisenhauer, S., Batchelder, G., & Cookson, R. J. 2014. A vacation from your mind: Problematic online gaming is a stress response. Computers in Human Behavior; 38: 248–260.
  • Snyder, M. S., & Merritt, D. H. 2015. The ınfluence of supervisory neglect on subtypesof emerging adult substance use after controlling for familial factors, relationship status,and individual traits. Substance Abuse; 36: 507–514.
  • Smith, L. J., Gradisar, M., & King, D. L. 2015. Parental influences on adolescent video game play: a study of accessibility, rules, limit-setting, monitoring, and cybersafety. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18, 273–279.
  • Smyth, J. 2007. Beyond self-selection in video game play: An experimental examination of the consequences of massively multiplayer online role-playing game play. Cyberpsychology Behavior; 10(5): 717–721.
  • Straus, M. A. 2006. Cross-cultural reliability and validity of the Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale Adult Recall Short Form. Child Abuse & Neglect; 30: 1257–1279.
  • Sublette, V. A. & Mullan, B. 2012. Consequences of play: A systematic review of the effects of online gaming. Int J Ment Health Addiction; 10: 3–23.
  • Thompson, C. R. & Reba-Harrelson, L. 2013. Emerging clinical conditions. In: R. Rosner (ed.) Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction, pp. 247-264. U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Tuğrul, B. 2014. Çocuğun gelişimini bilmek neden önemlidir? Çocuk istismarına ve ihmaline yaklaşım. Temel bilgiler içinde. Ed. O. Derman, Ankara: Akademisyen Tıp.
  • Wei, H., Chen, M., Huang, P., & Bai, Y. 2012.The association between online gaming, social phobia, and depression: An internet survey. BMC Psychiatry; 12(92): 2-7.Yalçın Irmak, A., & Erdoğan, I. 2015. Genç ve erişkinlerde dijital oyun bağımlılığı: Güncel Bir Bakış. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi; 26: 1-11.
  • Yen, J., Yen, C., Chen, C., Chen, S., & Ko, C. 2007. Family factors of Internet addiction and substance use experience in Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychology & Behavior; 10(3): 323-331.
  • Young, K. 2009. Understanding online gaming addiction and treatment issues for adolescents. The American Journal of Family Therapy; 37: 355–372.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Utku Beyazıt 0000-0002-2596-9091

Aynur Bütün Ayhan 0000-0003-3306-9672

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Beyazıt, U., & Bütün Ayhan, A. (2019). The Relationship between Digital Game Addiction and Being Neglected by Parents in Adolescence. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 86-95.


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