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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 168 - 175, 30.06.2020



  • Aeberli, I., Biebinger, R., Lehmann, R., L’allemand, D., Spinas, G.A., Zimmermann, M.B. 2007. Serum retinol-binding protein 4 concentration and its ratio to serum retinol are associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome components in children. J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 92: 4359-4365.
  • Alkhouri, N., Lopez, R., Berk, M., Feldstein, A.E. 2009. Serum retinol-binding protein 4 levels in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Clin Gastroenterol; 43: 985-989.
  • Bar-El Dadon, S., Reifen, R. 2017. Vitamin A and the epigenome. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr; 57: 2404-2411.
  • Bellovino, D., Lanyau, Y., Garaguso, I., Amicone, L., Cavallari, C., Tripodi, M., Gaetani, S. 1999. MMH cells: An in vitro model for the study of retinol-binding protein secretion regulated by retinol. J Cell Physiol; 181: 24-32.
  • Bitetto, D., Bortolotti, N., Falleti, E., Vescovo, S., Fabris, C., Fattovich, G., Cussigh, A., Cmet, S., Fornasiere, E., Ceriani, E., Pirisi, M., Toniutto, P. 2013. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with hepatitis C virus chronic infection and with unresponsiveness to interferon-based antiviral therapy. Hepatology; 57: 925-933.
  • Blomhoff, R., Blomhoff, H.K. 2006. Overview of retinoid metabolism and function. J. Neurobiol; 66: 606-630.
  • Bono, M.R., Tejon, G., Flores-Santibañez, F., Fernandez, D., Rosemblatt, M., Sauma, D. 2016. Retinoic Acid as a Modulator of T Cell Immunity. Nutrients; 8(6):349.
  • Botella-Carretero, J.I., Balsa, J.A., Vázquez, C., Peromingo, R., Díaz-Enriquez, M., Escobar-Morreale, H.F. 2010. Retinol and alpha-tocopherol in morbid obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Obes Surg; 20: 69-76.
  • Chaves, G.V., Pereira, S.E., Saboya, C.J., Spitz, D., Rodrigues, C.S., Ramalho, A. 2014. Association between liver vitamin A reserves and severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the class III obese following bariatric surgery. Obes Surg; 24: 219-224.
  • Clemente, C., Elba, S., Buongiorno, G., Berloco, P., Guerra, V., Di Leo, A. 2002. Serum retinol and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with child-Pugh class A cirrhosis. Cancer Lett; 178: 123-129.
  • Comerford, K.B., Buchan,W., Karakas, S.E. 2014. The effects of weight loss on FABP4 and RBP4 in obese women with metabolic syndrome. Horm Metab Res; 46: 224-231.
  • During, A., Harrison, E.H. 2007. Mechanisms of provitamin A (carotenoid) and vitamin A (retinol) transport into and out of intestinal Caco-2 cells. J Lipid Res; 48: 2283-2294.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü,, Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2019.
  • Erikstrup, C., Mortensen, O.H., Nielsen, A.R., Fischer, C.P., Plomgaard, P., Petersen, A.M., Krogh-Madsen, R., Lindegaard, B., Erhardt, J.G., Ullum, H., et al. 2009. RBP-to-retinol ratio, but not total RBP, is elevated in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab; 11: 204-212.
  • Godala, M.M., Materek-Kusmierkiewicz, I., Moczulski, D., Rutkowski, M., Szatko, F., Gaszynska, E., Tokarski, S., Kowalski, J. 2017. The risk of plasma vitamin A, C, E and D deficiency in patients with metabolic syndrome: A case-control study. Adv Clin Exp Med; 26(4):581-586.
  • Hannah, W.N., Harrison, S.A. 2016. Lifestyle and Dietary Interventions in the Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Dig Dis Sci;61: 1365-1374.
  • Huang, P., Chandra, V., Rastinejad, F. 2014. Retinoic acid actions through mammalian nuclear receptors. Chem Rev; 114: 233-254.
  • Hussain, M.M. 2000. A proposed model for the assembly of chylomicrons. Atherosclerosis; 148: 1-15.
  • Ishibashi, S., Perrey, S., Chen, Z., Osuga, J., Shimada, M., Ohashi, K., Harada, K., Yazaki, Y., Yamada, N. 1996. Role of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor pathway in the metabolism of chylomicron remnants. A quantitative study in knockout mice lacking the LDL receptor, apolipoprotein E, or both. J Biol Chem; 271: 22422-22427.
  • Kanaka-Gantenbein, C., Margeli, A., Pervanidou, P., Sakka, S., Mastorakos, G., Chrousos, G.P., Papassotiriou, I. 2008. Retinol-binding protein 4 and lipocalin-2 in childhood and adolescent obesity: When children are not just “small adults”. Clin Chem; 54: 1176-1182.
  • Kim, H. Lee, K.-W., Lee, K., Seo, S., Park, M.-Y., Ahn, S.W., Hong, S.K., Yoon, K.C., Kim, H.-S., Choi, Y., et al. 2018. Effect of PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism on histologically proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in liver transplant recipients. Hepatol Res; 48(3): E162-E171.
  • Krawczyk, M., Jiménez-Agüero, R., Alustiza, J.M., Emparanza, J.I., Perugorria, M.J., Bujanda, L., Lammert, F., Banales, J.M. 2016. PNPLA3 p.I148M variant is associated with greater reduction of liver fat content after bariatric surgery. Surg Obes Relat Dis; 12: 1838-1846.
  • Linke, T., Dawson, H., Harrison, E.H. 2005. Isolation and characterization of a microsomal acid retinyl ester hydrolase. J Biol Chem; 280: 23287-23294.
  • Liu, Y., Chen, H., Mu, D., Fan, J. Song, J., Zhong, Y., Li, D., Xia, M. 2016. Circulating Retinoic Acid Levels and the Development of Metabolic Syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 101: 1686-1692.
  • Liu, Y., Chen, H., Wang, J., Zhou,W., Sun, R., Xia, M. 2015. Association of serum retinoic acid with hepatic steatosis and liver injury in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Am J Clin Nutr; 102: 130-137.
  • Malik, N.A. 2016. Solubilization and Interaction Studies of Bile Salts with Surfactants and Drugs: A Review. Appl Biochem Biotechnol; 179: 179-201.
  • Mello, T., Nakatsuka, A., Fears, S. Davis, W., Tsukamoto, H., Bosron, W.F., Sanghani, S.P. 2008. Expression of carboxylesterase and lipase genes in rat liver cell-types. Biochem Biophys Res Commun; 374: 460-464.
  • Mills, J.P., Furr, H.C., Tanumihardjo, S.A. 2008. Retinol to retinol-binding protein (RBP) is low in obese adults due to elevated apo-RBP. Exp Biol Med; 233: 1255-1261.
  • Mondul, A., Mancina, R.M., Merlo, A., Dongiovanni, P., Rametta, R., Montalcini, T., Valenti, L., Albanes, D., Romeo, S. 2015. PNPLA3 I148M Variant Influences Circulating Retinol in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or Obesity. J Nutr; 145: 1687-1691.
  • Newsome, P.N., Beldon, I., Moussa, Y., Delahooke, T.E., Poulopoulos, G., Hayes, P.C., Plevris, J.N. 2000. Low serum retinol levels are associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic liver disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther; 14: 1295-1301.
  • Nguyen, V., George, J. 2015. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Management: Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications. Semin. Liver Dis; 35: 318-337.
  • Pang, W., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Jia, A., Dong, W., Cai, C., Hua, Z., Zhang, J. 2011. The mPlrp2 and mClps genes are involved in the hydrolysis of retinyl esters in the mouse liver. J Lipid Res; 52: 934-941.
  • Pirazzi, C., Valenti, L., Motta, B.M., Pingitore, P., Hedfalk, K., Mancina, R.M., Burza, M.A., Indiveri, C., Ferro, Y. Montalcini, T., et al. 2014. PNPLA3 has retinyl-palmitate lipase activity in human hepatic stellate cells. Hum Mol Genet; 23: 4077-4085.
  • Reinehr, T., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Roth, C.L. 2008. Retinol-binding protein 4 and its relation to insulin resistance in obese children before and after weight loss. J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 93: 2287-2293.
  • Saeed, A., Dullaart, R.P.F., Schreuder, T.C.M.A., Blokzill, H., Faber, K.N. 2018. Disturbed Vitamin A Metabolism in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Nutrients; 10(1).
  • Saeed, A., Hoekstra, M., Hoeke, M.O., Heegsma, J., Faber, K.N. 2017. The interrelationship between bile acid and vitamin A homeostasis. Biochim Biophys Acta; 1862: 496-512.
  • Suano de Souza, F.I., Silverio Amancio, O.M., Saccardo Sarni, R.O., Sacchi Pitta, T., Fernandes, A.P., Affonso Fonseca, F.L., Hix, S., Ramalho, R.A. 2008. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in overweight children and its relationship with retinol serum levels. Int J Vitam Nutr Res; 78: 27-32.
  • Tajtáková, M., Semanová, Z., Ivancová, G., Petrovicová, J., Donicová, V., Zemberová, E. 2007. Serum level of retinol-binding protein 4 in obese patients with insulin resistance and in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin. Vnitr Lek; 53: 960-963.
  • Tanumihardjo, S.A., Russell, R.M., Stephensen, C.B., Gannon, B.M., Craft, N.E., Haskell, M.J., Lietz, G., Schulze, K., Raiten, D.J. 2016. Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND)-Vitamin A Review. J Nutr; 146: 1816-1848.
  • Taschler, U., Schreiber, R., Chitraju, C., Grabner, G.F., Romauch, M., Wolinski, H., Haemmerle, G., Breinbauer, R., Zechner, R. Lass, A., Zimmermann, R. 2015. Adipose triglyceride lipase is involved in the mobilization of triglyceride and retinoid stores of hepatic stellate cells. Biochim Biophys Acta; 1851: 937-945.
  • Teske, M., Melges, A.P., de Souza, F.I., Fonseca, F.L., Sarni, R.O. 2014. Plasma concentrations of retinol in obese children and adolescents: Relationship to metabolic syndrome components. Rev Paul Pediatr; 32: 50-54.
  • Trasino, S.E., Tang, X.-H., Jessurun, J., Gudas, L.J. 2015. Obesity Leads to Tissue, but not Serum Vitamin A Deficiency. Sci Rep; 5: 15893.
  • Ulgen, F., Herder, C., Kühn, M.C.,Willenberg, H.S., Schott, M., Scherbaum,W.A., Schinner, S. 2010. Association of serum levels of retinol-binding protein 4 with male sex but not with insulin resistance in obese patients. Arch Physiol Biochem; 116: 57-62.
  • Van den Berg, E.H., Amini, M., Schreuder, T.C., Dullaart, R.P., Faber, K.N., Alizadeh, B.Z., Blokzijl, H. 2017. Prevalence and determinants of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in lifelines: A large Dutch population cohort. PLoS ONE; 12: e0171502.
  • Weber, D., Grune, T. 2012. The contribution of β-carotene to vitamin A supply of humans. Mol Nutr Food Res; 56: 251-258.
  • Wei, X., Peng, R., Cao, J., Kang, Y., Qu, P., Liu, Y., Xiao, X., Li, T. 2016. Serum vitamin A status is associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome among school-age children in Chongqing, China. Asia Pac. J Clin Nutr; 25: 563-570.
  • Wolf, E., Utech, M., Stehle, P., Büsing, M., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Ellinger, S. 2015. Preoperative micronutrient status in morbidly obese patients before undergoing bariatric surgery: Results of a cross-sectional study. Surg. Obes Relat Dis; 11: 1157-1163.
  • Xia, M.-F., Ling, Y. Bian, H., Lin, H.-D., Yan, H.-M., Chang, X.-X., Li, X.-M., Ma, H., Wang, D., Zhang, L.-S., et al. 2016. I148M variant of PNPLA3 increases the susceptibility to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by obesity and metabolic disorders. Aliment Pharmacol Ther; 43,:631-642.
  • Yanagitani, A., Yamada, S., Yasui, S., Shimomura, T., Murai, R., Murawaki, Y., Hashiguchi, K., Kanbe, T., Saeki, T., Ichiba, M., et al. 2004. Retinoic acid receptor alpha dominant negative form causes steatohepatitis and liver tumors in transgenic mice. Hepatology; 40: 366-375.
  • Zhang, R., Wang, Y., Li, R., Chen, G. 2015. Transcriptional Factors Mediating Retinoic Acid Signals in the Control of Energy Metabolism. Int J Mol Sci; 16: 14210-14244.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 168 - 175, 30.06.2020


bir mikro besin ögesi olan A vitamini, karaciğerdeki glukoz ve lipid
homeostazının düzenlenmesi dahil olmak üzere çeşitli fizyolojik fonksiyonlarda
kritik rol oynamaktadır. A vitamini vücutta temel olarak karaciğerdeki pasif hepatik
yıldız hücrelerde (HYH) depolanır. Hepatositler A vitaminini metabolize eder ve
A vitamini metabolitlerine yanıt olarak glukoz ve lipid metabolizması değişikliğinde
rol oynar. Ancak aktif hale getirilmiş HYH'ler A vitamini içeriklerini kaybeder
ve karaciğer yağlanmasının alkol tüketimine bağlı olmayan türü olan non-alkolik
yağlı karaciğer hastalığı (NAYKH) gelişmesine neden olur. Bu derlemede, NAYKH 'de
A vitamini metabolizması ve karaciğer hastalığının ilerlemesindeki olası rolü
ile birlikte A vitamini metabolitlerinin terapötik potansiyelinin
değerlendirmesi amaçlanmıştır. 


  • Aeberli, I., Biebinger, R., Lehmann, R., L’allemand, D., Spinas, G.A., Zimmermann, M.B. 2007. Serum retinol-binding protein 4 concentration and its ratio to serum retinol are associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome components in children. J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 92: 4359-4365.
  • Alkhouri, N., Lopez, R., Berk, M., Feldstein, A.E. 2009. Serum retinol-binding protein 4 levels in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Clin Gastroenterol; 43: 985-989.
  • Bar-El Dadon, S., Reifen, R. 2017. Vitamin A and the epigenome. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr; 57: 2404-2411.
  • Bellovino, D., Lanyau, Y., Garaguso, I., Amicone, L., Cavallari, C., Tripodi, M., Gaetani, S. 1999. MMH cells: An in vitro model for the study of retinol-binding protein secretion regulated by retinol. J Cell Physiol; 181: 24-32.
  • Bitetto, D., Bortolotti, N., Falleti, E., Vescovo, S., Fabris, C., Fattovich, G., Cussigh, A., Cmet, S., Fornasiere, E., Ceriani, E., Pirisi, M., Toniutto, P. 2013. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with hepatitis C virus chronic infection and with unresponsiveness to interferon-based antiviral therapy. Hepatology; 57: 925-933.
  • Blomhoff, R., Blomhoff, H.K. 2006. Overview of retinoid metabolism and function. J. Neurobiol; 66: 606-630.
  • Bono, M.R., Tejon, G., Flores-Santibañez, F., Fernandez, D., Rosemblatt, M., Sauma, D. 2016. Retinoic Acid as a Modulator of T Cell Immunity. Nutrients; 8(6):349.
  • Botella-Carretero, J.I., Balsa, J.A., Vázquez, C., Peromingo, R., Díaz-Enriquez, M., Escobar-Morreale, H.F. 2010. Retinol and alpha-tocopherol in morbid obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Obes Surg; 20: 69-76.
  • Chaves, G.V., Pereira, S.E., Saboya, C.J., Spitz, D., Rodrigues, C.S., Ramalho, A. 2014. Association between liver vitamin A reserves and severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the class III obese following bariatric surgery. Obes Surg; 24: 219-224.
  • Clemente, C., Elba, S., Buongiorno, G., Berloco, P., Guerra, V., Di Leo, A. 2002. Serum retinol and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with child-Pugh class A cirrhosis. Cancer Lett; 178: 123-129.
  • Comerford, K.B., Buchan,W., Karakas, S.E. 2014. The effects of weight loss on FABP4 and RBP4 in obese women with metabolic syndrome. Horm Metab Res; 46: 224-231.
  • During, A., Harrison, E.H. 2007. Mechanisms of provitamin A (carotenoid) and vitamin A (retinol) transport into and out of intestinal Caco-2 cells. J Lipid Res; 48: 2283-2294.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü,, Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2019.
  • Erikstrup, C., Mortensen, O.H., Nielsen, A.R., Fischer, C.P., Plomgaard, P., Petersen, A.M., Krogh-Madsen, R., Lindegaard, B., Erhardt, J.G., Ullum, H., et al. 2009. RBP-to-retinol ratio, but not total RBP, is elevated in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab; 11: 204-212.
  • Godala, M.M., Materek-Kusmierkiewicz, I., Moczulski, D., Rutkowski, M., Szatko, F., Gaszynska, E., Tokarski, S., Kowalski, J. 2017. The risk of plasma vitamin A, C, E and D deficiency in patients with metabolic syndrome: A case-control study. Adv Clin Exp Med; 26(4):581-586.
  • Hannah, W.N., Harrison, S.A. 2016. Lifestyle and Dietary Interventions in the Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Dig Dis Sci;61: 1365-1374.
  • Huang, P., Chandra, V., Rastinejad, F. 2014. Retinoic acid actions through mammalian nuclear receptors. Chem Rev; 114: 233-254.
  • Hussain, M.M. 2000. A proposed model for the assembly of chylomicrons. Atherosclerosis; 148: 1-15.
  • Ishibashi, S., Perrey, S., Chen, Z., Osuga, J., Shimada, M., Ohashi, K., Harada, K., Yazaki, Y., Yamada, N. 1996. Role of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor pathway in the metabolism of chylomicron remnants. A quantitative study in knockout mice lacking the LDL receptor, apolipoprotein E, or both. J Biol Chem; 271: 22422-22427.
  • Kanaka-Gantenbein, C., Margeli, A., Pervanidou, P., Sakka, S., Mastorakos, G., Chrousos, G.P., Papassotiriou, I. 2008. Retinol-binding protein 4 and lipocalin-2 in childhood and adolescent obesity: When children are not just “small adults”. Clin Chem; 54: 1176-1182.
  • Kim, H. Lee, K.-W., Lee, K., Seo, S., Park, M.-Y., Ahn, S.W., Hong, S.K., Yoon, K.C., Kim, H.-S., Choi, Y., et al. 2018. Effect of PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism on histologically proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in liver transplant recipients. Hepatol Res; 48(3): E162-E171.
  • Krawczyk, M., Jiménez-Agüero, R., Alustiza, J.M., Emparanza, J.I., Perugorria, M.J., Bujanda, L., Lammert, F., Banales, J.M. 2016. PNPLA3 p.I148M variant is associated with greater reduction of liver fat content after bariatric surgery. Surg Obes Relat Dis; 12: 1838-1846.
  • Linke, T., Dawson, H., Harrison, E.H. 2005. Isolation and characterization of a microsomal acid retinyl ester hydrolase. J Biol Chem; 280: 23287-23294.
  • Liu, Y., Chen, H., Mu, D., Fan, J. Song, J., Zhong, Y., Li, D., Xia, M. 2016. Circulating Retinoic Acid Levels and the Development of Metabolic Syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 101: 1686-1692.
  • Liu, Y., Chen, H., Wang, J., Zhou,W., Sun, R., Xia, M. 2015. Association of serum retinoic acid with hepatic steatosis and liver injury in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Am J Clin Nutr; 102: 130-137.
  • Malik, N.A. 2016. Solubilization and Interaction Studies of Bile Salts with Surfactants and Drugs: A Review. Appl Biochem Biotechnol; 179: 179-201.
  • Mello, T., Nakatsuka, A., Fears, S. Davis, W., Tsukamoto, H., Bosron, W.F., Sanghani, S.P. 2008. Expression of carboxylesterase and lipase genes in rat liver cell-types. Biochem Biophys Res Commun; 374: 460-464.
  • Mills, J.P., Furr, H.C., Tanumihardjo, S.A. 2008. Retinol to retinol-binding protein (RBP) is low in obese adults due to elevated apo-RBP. Exp Biol Med; 233: 1255-1261.
  • Mondul, A., Mancina, R.M., Merlo, A., Dongiovanni, P., Rametta, R., Montalcini, T., Valenti, L., Albanes, D., Romeo, S. 2015. PNPLA3 I148M Variant Influences Circulating Retinol in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or Obesity. J Nutr; 145: 1687-1691.
  • Newsome, P.N., Beldon, I., Moussa, Y., Delahooke, T.E., Poulopoulos, G., Hayes, P.C., Plevris, J.N. 2000. Low serum retinol levels are associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic liver disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther; 14: 1295-1301.
  • Nguyen, V., George, J. 2015. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Management: Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications. Semin. Liver Dis; 35: 318-337.
  • Pang, W., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Jia, A., Dong, W., Cai, C., Hua, Z., Zhang, J. 2011. The mPlrp2 and mClps genes are involved in the hydrolysis of retinyl esters in the mouse liver. J Lipid Res; 52: 934-941.
  • Pirazzi, C., Valenti, L., Motta, B.M., Pingitore, P., Hedfalk, K., Mancina, R.M., Burza, M.A., Indiveri, C., Ferro, Y. Montalcini, T., et al. 2014. PNPLA3 has retinyl-palmitate lipase activity in human hepatic stellate cells. Hum Mol Genet; 23: 4077-4085.
  • Reinehr, T., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Roth, C.L. 2008. Retinol-binding protein 4 and its relation to insulin resistance in obese children before and after weight loss. J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 93: 2287-2293.
  • Saeed, A., Dullaart, R.P.F., Schreuder, T.C.M.A., Blokzill, H., Faber, K.N. 2018. Disturbed Vitamin A Metabolism in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Nutrients; 10(1).
  • Saeed, A., Hoekstra, M., Hoeke, M.O., Heegsma, J., Faber, K.N. 2017. The interrelationship between bile acid and vitamin A homeostasis. Biochim Biophys Acta; 1862: 496-512.
  • Suano de Souza, F.I., Silverio Amancio, O.M., Saccardo Sarni, R.O., Sacchi Pitta, T., Fernandes, A.P., Affonso Fonseca, F.L., Hix, S., Ramalho, R.A. 2008. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in overweight children and its relationship with retinol serum levels. Int J Vitam Nutr Res; 78: 27-32.
  • Tajtáková, M., Semanová, Z., Ivancová, G., Petrovicová, J., Donicová, V., Zemberová, E. 2007. Serum level of retinol-binding protein 4 in obese patients with insulin resistance and in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin. Vnitr Lek; 53: 960-963.
  • Tanumihardjo, S.A., Russell, R.M., Stephensen, C.B., Gannon, B.M., Craft, N.E., Haskell, M.J., Lietz, G., Schulze, K., Raiten, D.J. 2016. Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND)-Vitamin A Review. J Nutr; 146: 1816-1848.
  • Taschler, U., Schreiber, R., Chitraju, C., Grabner, G.F., Romauch, M., Wolinski, H., Haemmerle, G., Breinbauer, R., Zechner, R. Lass, A., Zimmermann, R. 2015. Adipose triglyceride lipase is involved in the mobilization of triglyceride and retinoid stores of hepatic stellate cells. Biochim Biophys Acta; 1851: 937-945.
  • Teske, M., Melges, A.P., de Souza, F.I., Fonseca, F.L., Sarni, R.O. 2014. Plasma concentrations of retinol in obese children and adolescents: Relationship to metabolic syndrome components. Rev Paul Pediatr; 32: 50-54.
  • Trasino, S.E., Tang, X.-H., Jessurun, J., Gudas, L.J. 2015. Obesity Leads to Tissue, but not Serum Vitamin A Deficiency. Sci Rep; 5: 15893.
  • Ulgen, F., Herder, C., Kühn, M.C.,Willenberg, H.S., Schott, M., Scherbaum,W.A., Schinner, S. 2010. Association of serum levels of retinol-binding protein 4 with male sex but not with insulin resistance in obese patients. Arch Physiol Biochem; 116: 57-62.
  • Van den Berg, E.H., Amini, M., Schreuder, T.C., Dullaart, R.P., Faber, K.N., Alizadeh, B.Z., Blokzijl, H. 2017. Prevalence and determinants of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in lifelines: A large Dutch population cohort. PLoS ONE; 12: e0171502.
  • Weber, D., Grune, T. 2012. The contribution of β-carotene to vitamin A supply of humans. Mol Nutr Food Res; 56: 251-258.
  • Wei, X., Peng, R., Cao, J., Kang, Y., Qu, P., Liu, Y., Xiao, X., Li, T. 2016. Serum vitamin A status is associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome among school-age children in Chongqing, China. Asia Pac. J Clin Nutr; 25: 563-570.
  • Wolf, E., Utech, M., Stehle, P., Büsing, M., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Ellinger, S. 2015. Preoperative micronutrient status in morbidly obese patients before undergoing bariatric surgery: Results of a cross-sectional study. Surg. Obes Relat Dis; 11: 1157-1163.
  • Xia, M.-F., Ling, Y. Bian, H., Lin, H.-D., Yan, H.-M., Chang, X.-X., Li, X.-M., Ma, H., Wang, D., Zhang, L.-S., et al. 2016. I148M variant of PNPLA3 increases the susceptibility to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by obesity and metabolic disorders. Aliment Pharmacol Ther; 43,:631-642.
  • Yanagitani, A., Yamada, S., Yasui, S., Shimomura, T., Murai, R., Murawaki, Y., Hashiguchi, K., Kanbe, T., Saeki, T., Ichiba, M., et al. 2004. Retinoic acid receptor alpha dominant negative form causes steatohepatitis and liver tumors in transgenic mice. Hepatology; 40: 366-375.
  • Zhang, R., Wang, Y., Li, R., Chen, G. 2015. Transcriptional Factors Mediating Retinoic Acid Signals in the Control of Energy Metabolism. Int J Mol Sci; 16: 14210-14244.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güzel, S., & Yabancı Ayhan, N. (2020). A VİTAMİNİNİN NON-ALKOLİK YAĞLI KARACİĞER HASTALIĞINDAKİ ROLÜ. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 168-175.


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