ISSN: 2218-6816
e-ISSN: 2221-9501
Founded: 2010
Publisher: Elm nəşriyyatı
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The aim of Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics is to disseminate new and innovative research ideas and developments in the fields of Mathematics. Original research papers and survey articls covering all fields of mathematics are published in the journal, but special attention is paid to: mathematical analysis, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, functional analysis, probability theory.

By submitting a manuscript, the author acknowledges that it is original and not being submitted elsewhere. The Journal’s policy is to require the assignment of copyright from all contributors at the time articles are accepted for publication. Decisions concerning publication of manuscripts in the Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics rest solely with the Editors. The Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics will strive to have a distinctive and balanced international contribution and become a scientific bridge between east and west by encouraging the publication of quality papers.

Emerging Sources Citation Index
Zentralblatt Math.
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Mathematical Reviews
EBSCO Databases
Index Copernicus (IC)

Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics is covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, which means all articles published in the journal are indexed in Web of Science at the time of publication.

2024 - Volume: 14 Issue: 2

Research Article

3. Carleman’s Integral Formula in Cartesian Product of Matrix Upper Half-Plane

Research Article

6. Matrix Theory on Lorentz-Minkowski Scalar Product

Research Article

8. Approximation of the Hilbert Transform in Hölder Spaces

Research Article

10. Nonlinear Parabolic Problems in Anisotropic Sobolev Spaces

Research Article

15. On Conservative and Dissipative Difference Scheme of Dynamics of an Ideal Perfect Gas