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The Germplasm and Systematic Examination of Honeyberry

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 53 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 132 - 139, 16.07.2024


Due to their antioxidant content and beneficial properties for health grape like fruits have become popular in our country. One of these varieties, the tetraploid honeyberry (Lonicera caerulea L. s.l., 2n=36), is both used as an ornamental plant and has edible fruits with a unique taste. Honeyberries are found in the forested and mountainous regions of the North Pole and Taiga climate zones of Eurasia. The most well-known populations of honeyberries (L.caerulea L. s.l) are found in the Kuril Islands, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Okhotsk, Yakutia, the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, along the Amur River, in the Sayan and Altai Mountains, the Urals, Pechora, Severnaya Dvina Valleys, and the Kola Peninsula. A polymorphic species, honeyberry is also densely populated in regions outside Russia, such as Hokkaido in Japan, Xeilongjiang and Xinjiang provinces in northern China, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. It is rarely seen in Europe, Scandinavia, and the Alps. The main germplasm groups of significance are found in the extremely cold climates of Russia, Japan, and the Kuril Islands, while wild forms are encountered in the northern regions of North America. It has been extensively cultivated in Russia and Japan. Forms from Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and the Altai Mountains are used for breeding purposes. Further studies are needed for the intraspecific classification of L.caerulea.


  • Plekhanova, M.N. 1999. Blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.)-a new commercial berry crop for temperate climate: genetic resources and breeding. In Eucarpia symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics 538:159-164.
  • Thompson, M.M., Barney, D.L. 2007. Evaluation and breeding of haskap in North America. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 61(1):25.
  • Gerbrandt, E.M., Bors, R.H., Chibbar, R.N., Baumann, T.E. 2017. Spring phenological adaptation of improved blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) germplasm to a temperate climate. Euphytica 213:1-17.
  • Beyaztaş, T.N. 2022. Bazı bal yemişi çeşitlerinin (Lonicera caerulea) mikroçoğaltım performanslarının belirlenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 45s, Bursa.
  • Polat, M., Durul, M.S., Arıtürk, Eskimez, İ. 2023. Bal Yemişi Yetiştiriciliği. Bölüm 11.
  • Celli, G.B., Ghanem, A., Brooks, M.S.L. 2014. Haskap berries (Lonicera caerulea L.)-A critical review of antioxidant capacity and health-related studies for potential value-added products. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(6):1541-1554.
  • Rupasinghe, H.V., Arumuggam, N., Amararathna, M., De Silva, A.B.K.H. 2018. The potential health benefits of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.): Role of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. Journal of Functional Foods 44:24-39.
  • Chaovanalikit, A., Thompson, M.M., Wrolstad, R.E. 2004. Characterization and quantification of anthocyanins and polyphenolics in blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(4):848-852.
  • Svarcova, I., Heinrich, J., Valentova, K. 2007. Berry fruits as source of biologically active compounds: the case of Lonicera caerulea. Biomed. Papers 151:163-174.
  • Molina, A.K., Vega, E.N., Pereira, C., Dias, M.I., Heleno, S.A., Rodrigues, P., Ferreira, I.C. 2019. Promising antioxidant and antimicrobial food colourants from Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica. Antioxidants 8(9):394.
  • Holubec, V., Smekalova, T., Leisova-Svobodova, L. 2019. Morphological and molecular evaluation of the Far East fruit genetic resources of Lonicera caerulea L. -vegetation, ethnobotany, use and conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 66(1):121-141.
  • Becker, R., Szakiel, A. 2019. Phytochemical characteristics and potential therapeutic properties of blue honeysuckle Lonicera caerulea L. (Caprifoliaceae). Journal of Herbal Medicine 16:100-237.
  • De Silva, A.B., Rupasinghe, H.V. 2021. Effect of growing location on anthocyanin content and total antioxidant capacity of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) berry: A preliminary investigation. Horticultural Science 48(4):183-189.
  • Harb, J., Khraiwesh, B., Streif, J., Reski, R., Frank, W. 2010. Characterization of blueberry monodehydroascorbate reductase gene and changes in levels of ascorbic acid and the antioxidative capacity of water-soluble antioxidants upon storage of fruits under various conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 125(3):390-395.
  • Tanaka, T., Tanaka, A. 1998. Chemical composition and characteristics of Hasukappu berries in various cultivars and strains. Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi 45(2):129-133.
  • Arus, L., Kask, K. 2007. Edible honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. edulis) underutilized berry crop in Estonia. NJF Report 3(1):33-35.
  • Skupień, K., Oszmiański, J., Ochmian, I., Grajkowski, J. 2007. Characterization of selected physico-chemical features of blue honeysuckle fruit cultivar ‘Zielona’. Polish Journal of Natural Science 2007(Suppl. 4):101-107.
  • Palíková, I., Heinrich, J., Bednář, P., Marhol, P., Křen, V., Cvak, L. 2008. Constituents and antimicrobial properties of blue honeysuckle: A novel source for phenolic antioxidants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(24):11883-11889.
  • Thompson, M.M. 2008. Caprifoliaceae. In J. Janick, R.E. Pauli (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts, pp:232-235.
  • Ochmian, I., Oszmianski, J., Skupień, K. 2009. Chemical composition, phenolics, and firmness of small black fruits. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 83(1):64-69.
  • Jurikova, T., Sochor, J., Rop, O., Mlček, J., Balla, Š., Szekeres, L.L., Zitný, R., Zitka, O., Kizek, R. 2012. Evaluation of polyphenolic profile and nutritional value of non-traditional fruit species in the Czech Republic-A comparative study. Molecules 17(8):8968-8981.
  • Cassells, L.J. 2017. Wnioski z ostatnich siedmiu lat uprawy jagody kamczackiej w Ameryce Północnej, In: Konferencja Kamczacka, Hortus Media, Krakow, Poland, pp:78-88.
  • Czernienko, A. 2019. Trendy w rozwoju ogorodnictwa przemyslowego wicikrzewu w Rosji oraz ocena odmian pod katem potrzeb rynkowych. III Miedzynarodowa konferencja Kamczacka.
  • Naugžemys, D., Žilinskaitė, S., Denkovskij, J., Patamsytė, J., Literskis, J., Žvingila, D. 2007. RAPD based study of genetic variation and relationships among Lonicera germplasm accessions. Biologija 53(3).
  • Plekhanova, M.N., Rostova, N.S. 1994. Analiz izmenchivosti morfologicheskikh, anatomicheskikh, biokhimicheskikh priznakov Lonicera iz podsektsii Caeruleae (Caprifoliaceae) metodom glavnykh komponent. Botanicheskii zhurnal 79:45-64.
  • Streltsina, S.A., Sorokin, A.A., Plekhanova, M.N., Lobanova, E.V. 2006. Sostav biologicheski aktivnykh fenol’nykh soedinenii sortov zhimolosti v usloviiakh severo-zapadnoi zony plodovodstva RF. Agrarnaia Rossiia 6:67-72.
  • Rehder, A. 1903. Synopsis of the genus Lonicera. Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Garden, pp:27-232.
  • Rehder, A. 1940. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs hardy in North America. 2. Edition, revised and enlarged, Dioscorides Press, Portland, Oregon, 996p.
  • Bailey, L.H. 1949. Manual of cultivated plants most commonly grown in the continental United States and Canada. The MacMillan Company, New York, 1116p.
  • Plekhanova, M.N., Streltsyna, S.A., Rostova, N.S. 1993. Phenolic compounds in berries of Lonicera subsect. Caerulea species. Plant Res, 29:16-25.
  • Poyarkova, A.I. 2000. The honeysuckle-Lonicera L. In: Schischkin BK (ed) Flora of the USSR, Science Publishers, Moscow 23:446-549.
  • Hummer, K. 2006. Blue honeysuckle: A new berry crop for North America. Journal of the American Pomological Society 60(1):3-8.
  • Nakai, T. 1938. A new classification of the genus Lonicera in the Japanese Empire, together with the diagnoses of new species and new varieties. J. Japan. Bot. 14:359-376.
  • Hultén, E. 1971. Circumpolar plants. Stockholm, Vetenskapsakad. Handl. Fj¨arde Ser. 4:13.
  • Browicz, K. 1974. Caprifoliaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68:267-281.
  • Plekhanova, M.N. 1989. Actinidia, Schizandra, and blue honeysuckle. Agronomy, Leningrad, 88.
  • Pojarkova, A. 1958. Caprifoliaceae. In: Schischkin B.K. (ed.) Flora USSR, Academia Scientiarum URSS 23:467-503.
  • Riabova N.V. 1980. Zhimolost’. Itogi introduktsii v Moskve. Moskva, Nauka, 160p.
  • Voroshilov, V.N. 1992. Etapno-khorologicheskiy analiz zhimolosti Lonicera L. (Caprifoliaceae) iz podsektsii Caeruleae Rehd. sektsii Isika (Adans) Rehd. Byul. MOIP Otd. Biol. 97:89-94.
  • Boyarskih, I.G., Chernyak, E.I. 2012. Osobennosti nakopleniia biologicheski aktivnykh fenolnykh soedinenii Lonicera caerulea v sviazi s ekologiei. Materialy Vserossiiskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Yekaterinburg, pp:183-184.
  • Handa, T., Kita, K., Wongsawad, P., Kurashige, Y., Yukawa, T. 2006. Molecular phylogeny-assisted breeding of ornamentals. J. Crop Improv. 17:51-68.
  • Skvortsov, A.K. 1986. Blue honeysuckles (Lonicera subsect. caeruleae) of Eurasia: Distribution, taxonomy, chromosome numbers, domestication. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses (Sweden).
  • Nedoluzhko, V.A. 1986. Systematic and geographic review of honeysuckle from Northeastern Eurasia. Komarov Readings, Vladivostok, 33:54-109.
  • Nedoluzhko, V.A. 1987. Honeysuckle family-Caprifoliacea. Vascular Plants of the Soviet Far East, 2:277-301.
  • Skvortsov, A.K., Kuklina, A.G. 2002. Blue honeysuckles, M. Nauka (in Russian).
  • Plekhanova, M. 1987. Potential and perspectives of blue honeysuckle hybridization. Breeding and cultivar studies of berry crops. Michurinsk, pp:162-167.
  • Plekhanova, M.N. 2007. On the specific composition of the blue honeysuckle Lonicera subsect. caeruleae (fam. Caprifoliaceae). Genetic resources of fruit, small fruit crops and grape: Keeping and study. Bull. Appl. Bot. Genet. Plant Breed, 161:57-68.
  • Thompson, M.M., Chaovanalikit, A. 2002. August). Preliminary observations on adaptation and nutraceutical values of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea) in Oregon, USA. In 26. International Horticultural Congress: Berry Crop Breeding, Production and Utilization for a New Century 626:65-72.
  • Bors, B. 2009. Breeding of Lonicera caerulea L. for Saskatchewan and Canada. In Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Scientific Conference on Lonicera caerulea L., Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 23:88-98.
  • Miyashita, T., Araki, H., Hoshino, Y. 2011. Ploidy distribution and DNA content variations of Lonicera caerulea (Caprifoliaceae) in Japan. J. Plant Res. 124:1-9.
  • Hayes, D.J., Peterson, B.J. 2020. Growth of Lonicera caerulea across fertility and moisture conditions: comparisons with Lonicera villosa and inv asive congeners. HortScience 55(2):149-155. Hummer, K.E., Pomper, K.W., Postman, J., Graham, C.J., Stover, E., Mercure, E.W., ... & Zee, F. 2012. Emerging fruit crops. Fruit Breeding, pp:97-147.
  • Lauritzen, E., Black, B., Maughan, T. 2015. Honeysuckle (Blue Honeysuckle) in the Garden; Horticulture: Utah State University Extension: Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
  • Wu, S, Hou, D.X. 2021. Haskap (Lonicera caerulea) Berries. In: Asian berries health benefits, vol 16. Functional Foods and nutraceuticals series CRC Press FL USA, pp:327-328. B atoczenko, W. 2019. Jadalny wiciokrzew z ukraińskich karpat, In: Konferencja Kamczacka Hortus Media Krakow, Poland, pp:135-138.
  • Rüdenberg, L., Green, P.S. 1969. A karyological survey of Lonicera, II. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 50(3):449-461.
  • Nakajima, F. 1996. Small fruit growing in Hokkaido. Hokkaido Prefecture Agricultural Extension Services, Extension Publication, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Sax, K., Kribs, D.A. 1930. Chromosomes and phylogeny in Caprifoliaceae. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 11(3):147-153.
  • Leatherman, A.D. 1955. Ecological life-history of Lonicera japonica Thunb. Schierenbeck, K.A. 2004. Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) as an invasive species; history, ecology, and context. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 23(5):391-400.
  • Avena, M., Cinovskis, R. 1971. About the classification of Lonicera baltica Pojark. Botanicheskie Sady Pribaltiki.
  • Kuklina, A.G. 1985. Populjacionnaja izmenchivost’ zhimolosti goluboj v Sibiri. Bjulletin GBS 136:24-27.
  • Lamoureux, D., Sorokin, A., Lefevre, I., Alexanian, S., Eyzaguirre, P., Hausman, J.F. 2011. Investigation of genetic diversity in Russian collections of raspberry and blue honeysuckle. Plant Genetic Resources 9(2):202-205.
  • Anonim 2022. /05/10/the-fruit-that-came-in-from-the-cold/ (Erişim Tarihi: 22.10.2022).

Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 53 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 132 - 139, 16.07.2024


Sahip oldukları tat ve aromaya ek olarak, içerdikleri antioksidan türevi zengin biyokimyasallarca, sağlık üzerine pozitif etkiler gösteren yabani veya ticari öneme sahip üzümsü meyveler ülkemizde giderek popüler hale gelmektedir. Hem süs bitkisi olarak kullanılabilen hem de eşsiz tada sahip yenilebilir meyveleri olan tetraploid bal yemişi de (Lonicera caerulea L. s.l., 2n=36) bu fonksiyonel türlerden birisi olarak potansiyel taşımaktadır. Bal yemişine Avrasya’nın Kuzey Kutbu, Tayga iklim bölgelerinin ormanlık ve dağlık bölgelerinde rastlanmaktadır. En çok bilinen popülasyonlarına (L.caerulea L. s.l) Kuril Adalarında, Kamçatka Yarımadasında, Okhotiya ve Yakutya’da, Sikhote-Alin Dağlarında, Amur Nehri boyunca, Sayany ve Altay Dağlarında, Urallarda, Pechora’da, Severnaya Dvina Vadileri ve Kola Yarımadasında rastlanmaktadır. Polimorf bir tür olan bal yemişi, Rusya haricinde Japonya’da Hokkaido’da, Kuzey Çin’de Xeilongjiang ve Xinjiang eyaletlerinde, Tacikistan, Kırgızistan ve Kazakistan’da yoğun popülasyona sahiptir. Avrupa, İskandinavya ve Alplerde nadiren görülmektedir. Önemli temel germplazma grupları Rusya, Japonya ve Kuril Adalarının çok soğuk iklimleriyken, Kuzey Amerika’nın kuzeyinde yabani formlarına rastlanmaktadır. Rusya ve Japonya’da geniş çapta kültüre alınmıştır. Kamçatka, Kuril Adaları ve Altay Dağlarından gelen formların ıslah amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. L.caerulea’nın intraspesifik sınıflandırması için bu bitki üzerine daha fazla çalışma yapılması gerekmektedir


  • Plekhanova, M.N. 1999. Blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.)-a new commercial berry crop for temperate climate: genetic resources and breeding. In Eucarpia symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics 538:159-164.
  • Thompson, M.M., Barney, D.L. 2007. Evaluation and breeding of haskap in North America. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 61(1):25.
  • Gerbrandt, E.M., Bors, R.H., Chibbar, R.N., Baumann, T.E. 2017. Spring phenological adaptation of improved blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) germplasm to a temperate climate. Euphytica 213:1-17.
  • Beyaztaş, T.N. 2022. Bazı bal yemişi çeşitlerinin (Lonicera caerulea) mikroçoğaltım performanslarının belirlenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 45s, Bursa.
  • Polat, M., Durul, M.S., Arıtürk, Eskimez, İ. 2023. Bal Yemişi Yetiştiriciliği. Bölüm 11.
  • Celli, G.B., Ghanem, A., Brooks, M.S.L. 2014. Haskap berries (Lonicera caerulea L.)-A critical review of antioxidant capacity and health-related studies for potential value-added products. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(6):1541-1554.
  • Rupasinghe, H.V., Arumuggam, N., Amararathna, M., De Silva, A.B.K.H. 2018. The potential health benefits of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.): Role of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. Journal of Functional Foods 44:24-39.
  • Chaovanalikit, A., Thompson, M.M., Wrolstad, R.E. 2004. Characterization and quantification of anthocyanins and polyphenolics in blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(4):848-852.
  • Svarcova, I., Heinrich, J., Valentova, K. 2007. Berry fruits as source of biologically active compounds: the case of Lonicera caerulea. Biomed. Papers 151:163-174.
  • Molina, A.K., Vega, E.N., Pereira, C., Dias, M.I., Heleno, S.A., Rodrigues, P., Ferreira, I.C. 2019. Promising antioxidant and antimicrobial food colourants from Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica. Antioxidants 8(9):394.
  • Holubec, V., Smekalova, T., Leisova-Svobodova, L. 2019. Morphological and molecular evaluation of the Far East fruit genetic resources of Lonicera caerulea L. -vegetation, ethnobotany, use and conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 66(1):121-141.
  • Becker, R., Szakiel, A. 2019. Phytochemical characteristics and potential therapeutic properties of blue honeysuckle Lonicera caerulea L. (Caprifoliaceae). Journal of Herbal Medicine 16:100-237.
  • De Silva, A.B., Rupasinghe, H.V. 2021. Effect of growing location on anthocyanin content and total antioxidant capacity of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) berry: A preliminary investigation. Horticultural Science 48(4):183-189.
  • Harb, J., Khraiwesh, B., Streif, J., Reski, R., Frank, W. 2010. Characterization of blueberry monodehydroascorbate reductase gene and changes in levels of ascorbic acid and the antioxidative capacity of water-soluble antioxidants upon storage of fruits under various conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 125(3):390-395.
  • Tanaka, T., Tanaka, A. 1998. Chemical composition and characteristics of Hasukappu berries in various cultivars and strains. Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi 45(2):129-133.
  • Arus, L., Kask, K. 2007. Edible honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. edulis) underutilized berry crop in Estonia. NJF Report 3(1):33-35.
  • Skupień, K., Oszmiański, J., Ochmian, I., Grajkowski, J. 2007. Characterization of selected physico-chemical features of blue honeysuckle fruit cultivar ‘Zielona’. Polish Journal of Natural Science 2007(Suppl. 4):101-107.
  • Palíková, I., Heinrich, J., Bednář, P., Marhol, P., Křen, V., Cvak, L. 2008. Constituents and antimicrobial properties of blue honeysuckle: A novel source for phenolic antioxidants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(24):11883-11889.
  • Thompson, M.M. 2008. Caprifoliaceae. In J. Janick, R.E. Pauli (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts, pp:232-235.
  • Ochmian, I., Oszmianski, J., Skupień, K. 2009. Chemical composition, phenolics, and firmness of small black fruits. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 83(1):64-69.
  • Jurikova, T., Sochor, J., Rop, O., Mlček, J., Balla, Š., Szekeres, L.L., Zitný, R., Zitka, O., Kizek, R. 2012. Evaluation of polyphenolic profile and nutritional value of non-traditional fruit species in the Czech Republic-A comparative study. Molecules 17(8):8968-8981.
  • Cassells, L.J. 2017. Wnioski z ostatnich siedmiu lat uprawy jagody kamczackiej w Ameryce Północnej, In: Konferencja Kamczacka, Hortus Media, Krakow, Poland, pp:78-88.
  • Czernienko, A. 2019. Trendy w rozwoju ogorodnictwa przemyslowego wicikrzewu w Rosji oraz ocena odmian pod katem potrzeb rynkowych. III Miedzynarodowa konferencja Kamczacka.
  • Naugžemys, D., Žilinskaitė, S., Denkovskij, J., Patamsytė, J., Literskis, J., Žvingila, D. 2007. RAPD based study of genetic variation and relationships among Lonicera germplasm accessions. Biologija 53(3).
  • Plekhanova, M.N., Rostova, N.S. 1994. Analiz izmenchivosti morfologicheskikh, anatomicheskikh, biokhimicheskikh priznakov Lonicera iz podsektsii Caeruleae (Caprifoliaceae) metodom glavnykh komponent. Botanicheskii zhurnal 79:45-64.
  • Streltsina, S.A., Sorokin, A.A., Plekhanova, M.N., Lobanova, E.V. 2006. Sostav biologicheski aktivnykh fenol’nykh soedinenii sortov zhimolosti v usloviiakh severo-zapadnoi zony plodovodstva RF. Agrarnaia Rossiia 6:67-72.
  • Rehder, A. 1903. Synopsis of the genus Lonicera. Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Garden, pp:27-232.
  • Rehder, A. 1940. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs hardy in North America. 2. Edition, revised and enlarged, Dioscorides Press, Portland, Oregon, 996p.
  • Bailey, L.H. 1949. Manual of cultivated plants most commonly grown in the continental United States and Canada. The MacMillan Company, New York, 1116p.
  • Plekhanova, M.N., Streltsyna, S.A., Rostova, N.S. 1993. Phenolic compounds in berries of Lonicera subsect. Caerulea species. Plant Res, 29:16-25.
  • Poyarkova, A.I. 2000. The honeysuckle-Lonicera L. In: Schischkin BK (ed) Flora of the USSR, Science Publishers, Moscow 23:446-549.
  • Hummer, K. 2006. Blue honeysuckle: A new berry crop for North America. Journal of the American Pomological Society 60(1):3-8.
  • Nakai, T. 1938. A new classification of the genus Lonicera in the Japanese Empire, together with the diagnoses of new species and new varieties. J. Japan. Bot. 14:359-376.
  • Hultén, E. 1971. Circumpolar plants. Stockholm, Vetenskapsakad. Handl. Fj¨arde Ser. 4:13.
  • Browicz, K. 1974. Caprifoliaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68:267-281.
  • Plekhanova, M.N. 1989. Actinidia, Schizandra, and blue honeysuckle. Agronomy, Leningrad, 88.
  • Pojarkova, A. 1958. Caprifoliaceae. In: Schischkin B.K. (ed.) Flora USSR, Academia Scientiarum URSS 23:467-503.
  • Riabova N.V. 1980. Zhimolost’. Itogi introduktsii v Moskve. Moskva, Nauka, 160p.
  • Voroshilov, V.N. 1992. Etapno-khorologicheskiy analiz zhimolosti Lonicera L. (Caprifoliaceae) iz podsektsii Caeruleae Rehd. sektsii Isika (Adans) Rehd. Byul. MOIP Otd. Biol. 97:89-94.
  • Boyarskih, I.G., Chernyak, E.I. 2012. Osobennosti nakopleniia biologicheski aktivnykh fenolnykh soedinenii Lonicera caerulea v sviazi s ekologiei. Materialy Vserossiiskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Yekaterinburg, pp:183-184.
  • Handa, T., Kita, K., Wongsawad, P., Kurashige, Y., Yukawa, T. 2006. Molecular phylogeny-assisted breeding of ornamentals. J. Crop Improv. 17:51-68.
  • Skvortsov, A.K. 1986. Blue honeysuckles (Lonicera subsect. caeruleae) of Eurasia: Distribution, taxonomy, chromosome numbers, domestication. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses (Sweden).
  • Nedoluzhko, V.A. 1986. Systematic and geographic review of honeysuckle from Northeastern Eurasia. Komarov Readings, Vladivostok, 33:54-109.
  • Nedoluzhko, V.A. 1987. Honeysuckle family-Caprifoliacea. Vascular Plants of the Soviet Far East, 2:277-301.
  • Skvortsov, A.K., Kuklina, A.G. 2002. Blue honeysuckles, M. Nauka (in Russian).
  • Plekhanova, M. 1987. Potential and perspectives of blue honeysuckle hybridization. Breeding and cultivar studies of berry crops. Michurinsk, pp:162-167.
  • Plekhanova, M.N. 2007. On the specific composition of the blue honeysuckle Lonicera subsect. caeruleae (fam. Caprifoliaceae). Genetic resources of fruit, small fruit crops and grape: Keeping and study. Bull. Appl. Bot. Genet. Plant Breed, 161:57-68.
  • Thompson, M.M., Chaovanalikit, A. 2002. August). Preliminary observations on adaptation and nutraceutical values of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea) in Oregon, USA. In 26. International Horticultural Congress: Berry Crop Breeding, Production and Utilization for a New Century 626:65-72.
  • Bors, B. 2009. Breeding of Lonicera caerulea L. for Saskatchewan and Canada. In Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Scientific Conference on Lonicera caerulea L., Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 23:88-98.
  • Miyashita, T., Araki, H., Hoshino, Y. 2011. Ploidy distribution and DNA content variations of Lonicera caerulea (Caprifoliaceae) in Japan. J. Plant Res. 124:1-9.
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Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bahçe Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Mehmet Polat 0000-0002-2415-4229

İlknur Eskimez 0000-0003-4443-505X

Kerem Mertoğlu Bu kişi benim

Deniz Gülkaya Arıtürk 0000-0001-6266-4396

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ağustos 2023
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 53 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Polat, M., Eskimez, İ., Mertoğlu, K., Gülkaya Arıtürk, D. (2024). Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi. Bahçe, 53(Özel Sayı 1), 132-139.
AMA Polat M, Eskimez İ, Mertoğlu K, Gülkaya Arıtürk D. Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi. Bahçe. Temmuz 2024;53(Özel Sayı 1):132-139. doi:10.53471/bahce.1481976
Chicago Polat, Mehmet, İlknur Eskimez, Kerem Mertoğlu, ve Deniz Gülkaya Arıtürk. “Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı Ve Sistematik İncelenmesi”. Bahçe 53, sy. Özel Sayı 1 (Temmuz 2024): 132-39.
EndNote Polat M, Eskimez İ, Mertoğlu K, Gülkaya Arıtürk D (01 Temmuz 2024) Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi. Bahçe 53 Özel Sayı 1 132–139.
IEEE M. Polat, İ. Eskimez, K. Mertoğlu, ve D. Gülkaya Arıtürk, “Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi”, Bahçe, c. 53, sy. Özel Sayı 1, ss. 132–139, 2024, doi: 10.53471/bahce.1481976.
ISNAD Polat, Mehmet vd. “Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı Ve Sistematik İncelenmesi”. Bahçe 53/Özel Sayı 1 (Temmuz 2024), 132-139.
JAMA Polat M, Eskimez İ, Mertoğlu K, Gülkaya Arıtürk D. Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi. Bahçe. 2024;53:132–139.
MLA Polat, Mehmet vd. “Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı Ve Sistematik İncelenmesi”. Bahçe, c. 53, sy. Özel Sayı 1, 2024, ss. 132-9, doi:10.53471/bahce.1481976.
Vancouver Polat M, Eskimez İ, Mertoğlu K, Gülkaya Arıtürk D. Bal Yemişinin Germplazmı ve Sistematik İncelenmesi. Bahçe. 2024;53(Özel Sayı 1):132-9.

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