Araştırma Makalesi
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The Effect of Road Slope on Parameters of Disabled Vehicle Driven by PMDC Motor

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 64 - 74, 30.01.2022


In this study, the effect of road slope on the electrical and mechanical parameters of a disabled vehicle and regenerative braking was investigated on a 4 wheel disabled vehicle driven by a permanent magnet direct current (PMDC) motor. For this purpose, the test system, which was designed by the authors in order to test such vehicles in a laboratory environment, was developed in a way that allows the vehicle to be tested in external environments. This test system consists of a data acquisition card (DAC), related sensors, and an interface prepared in the C# program. Using the DAC, currents, voltages, speed, road slope, and temperatures were measured instantaneously during the test process and then transferred to the computer instantly. Using these data, the motor's speed, the motor's torque, the motor's shaft power, the yields of the motor and the driver, the vehicle's instantaneous speed, and the total covered distance were calculated during the experiment in real-time by the interface. At the same time, these data were graphed and saved. Tests were carried out on roads with a positive and negative slope. Finally, the data obtained from these tests were analyzed and the alterations in the electrical and mechanical parameters of the disabled vehicle depending on the road slope were clearly demonstrated by numerical data.

Destekleyen Kurum

Selçuk University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office

Proje Numarası



  • K. B. Kelly and H. J. Holcombe, "Aerodynamics for body engineers," SAE Transactions, pp. 570-578, 1964. A. N. Gent, and J. D. Walter, "Pneumatic Tire", Mechanical Engineering Faculty Research. 854, the University of Akron, Ohio, USA, 2006.
  • A. Akpunar, "Ergonomik Bir Elektrikli Tekerlekli Sandalye İçin Dişlisiz Ve Direkt Sürmeli Bir Elektrik Motor Tasarımı," Yüksek Lisans, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Muğla Üniversitesi, Muğla, 2007.
  • G. Marins, D. Carvalho, A. Marcato, and I. Junior, "Development of a control system for electric wheelchairs based on head movements," in Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2017, IEEE, pp. 996-1001.
  • S. Nasif and M. A. G. Khan, "Wireless head gesture controlled wheel chair for disable persons," in Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2017 IEEE Region 10, 2017: IEEE, pp. 156-161.
  • S. Yokota, H. Hashimoto, Y. Ohyama, J.-H. She, D. Chugo, H. Kobayashi, and P. Blazevic, "Study on human body motion interface," in ICCAS-SICE, 2009, pp. 3264-3267.
  • D. Kupetz, S. Wentzell, and B. Busha, "Head motion controlled power wheelchair," in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2010, pp. 1-2.
  • J. M. Ford and S. J. Sheredos, "Ultrasonic head controller for powered wheelchairs," Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, vol. 32, pp. 280-284, 1995.
  • F. A. Kondori, S. Yousefi, L. Liu, and H. Li, "Head operated electric wheelchair," in 2014 Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, 2014: IEEE, pp. 53-56.
  • P. Ghule, M. Bhalerao, R. Chile, and V. G. Asutkar, "Wheelchair control using speech recognition," in 9th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2016: IEEE, pp. 1-6.
  • R. Chauhan, Y. Jain, H. Agarwal, and A. Patil, "Study of implementation of Voice Controlled Wheelchair," in 3rd International Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2016, pp. 1-4.
  • D. Wang and H. Yu, "Development of the control system of a voice-operated wheelchair with multi-posture characteristics," in 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems, 2017, pp. 151-155.
  • A. Škraba, R. Stojanović, A. Zupan, A. Koložvari, and D. Kofjač, "Speech-controlled cloud-based wheelchair platform for disabled persons," Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 39, pp. 819-828, 2015.
  • M. F. Ruzaij, S. Neubert, N. Stoll, and K. Thurow, "Design and testing of low cost three-modes of operation voice controller for wheelchairs and rehabilitation robotics," in IEEE 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP) Proceedings, 2015, pp. 1-6.
  • M. F. Ruzaij and S. Poonguzhali, "Design and implementation of low cost intelligent wheelchair," in International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, 2012, pp. 468-471.
  • M. A. Alim, S. Setumin, A. D. Rosli, and A. I. C. Ani, "Development of a Voice-controlled Intelligent Wheelchair System using Raspberry Pi," in 2021 IEEE 11th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 2021, pp. 274-278.
  • M. S. Amin, S. T. H. Rizvi, S. Malik, Z. B. Faheem, and A. Liaqat, "Smart Wheelchair-An Implementation of Voice and Android Controlled System," in 2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2), 2021, pp. 1-6.
  • P. S. Gajwani and S. A. Chhabria, "Eye motion tracking for wheelchair control," International Journal of Information Technology, vol. 2, pp. 185-187, 2010.
  • M. Jain, S. Puri, and S. Unishree, "Eyeball motion controlled wheelchair using IR sensors," International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 906-909, 2015.
  • J. Sharma, M. Anbarasu, C. Chakraborty, and M. Shanmugasundaram, "Iris movement based wheel chair control using raspberry Pi—A state of art," in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2017, pp. 1-5.
  • K. Arai and R. Mardiyanto, "Eyes based electric wheel chair control system," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), vol. 2, 2011.
  • Q. X. Nguyen and S. Jo, "Electric wheelchair control using head pose free eye-gaze tracker," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, pp. 750-752, 2012.
  • M. Subramanian, N. Songur, D. Adjei, P. Orlov, and A. A. Faisal, "A. Eye Drive: Gaze-based semi-autonomous wheelchair interface," in 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019, pp. 5967-5970.
  • M. Subramanian, S. Park, P. Orlov, A. Shafti, and A. A. Faisal, "Gaze-contingent decoding of human navigation intention on an autonomous wheelchair platform," in 2021 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2021, pp. 335-338.
  • J. Ju, Y. Shin, and E. Kim, "Intelligent wheelchair using head tilt and mouth shape," IET Electronics letters, vol. 45, pp. 873-875, 2009.
  • E. Ko, J. S. Ju, E. Y. Kim, and N. S. Goo, "An intelligent wheelchair to enable mobility of severely disabled and elder people," in Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2009, pp. 1-2.
  • J. S. Ju, Y. H. Shin, E. Y. Kim, and S. H. Park, "Intelligent wheelchair using face and mouth shape recognition," in Digest of Technical Papers-International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2008, pp. 1-2.
  • V. Sankardoss and P. Geethanjali, "Design and low-cost implementation of an electric wheelchair control," IETE Journal of Research, pp. 1-10, 2019.
  • N. Tanohata, H. Murakami, and H. Seki, "Battery friendly driving control of electric power-assisted wheelchair based on fuzzy algorithm," in Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference, 2010, pp. 1595-1598.
  • T. Wang, J. i. Kaneko, and K. Kojima, "Study on relevance between electric wheelchair riding comfort and user exposure to whole-body vibration," in IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2017, pp. 1-2.
  • H. M. Hondori, P. Q. Trung, and L. Shih-Fu, "Simultaneous sensing and actuating for path condition monitoring of a power wheel chair," in First RSI/ISM International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2013, pp. 343-346.
  • Y.-K. Kim, Y.-H. Cho, N.-C. Park, S.-H. Kim, and H.-S. Mok, "In-Wheel motor drive system using 2-phase PMSM," in 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2009, pp. 1875-1879.
  • F. A. Kazan and R. Akkaya, "Use of PMSM in Electric Mobility Scooter Propulsion," in International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'19), Konya, Turkey, 2019.
  • İ. Tarımer, A. Akpunar, and R. Gürbüz, "Design of a direct sliding gearless electrical motor for an ergonomic electrical wheelchair," Elektronika IR Elektrotechnika, vol. 83, pp. 75-80, 2008.
  • B. Li, J. Zhang, H. Du, and W. Li, "Two-layer structure based adaptive estimation for vehicle mass and road slope under longitudinal motion," Measurement, vol. 95, pp. 439-455, 2017.
  • K. Jo, M. Lee, and M. Sunwoo, "Road slope aided vehicle position estimation system based on sensor fusion of GPS and automotive onboard sensors," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, pp. 250-263, 2015.
  • K. Jo, J. Kim, and M. Sunwoo, "Real-time road-slope estimation based on integration of onboard sensors with GPS using an IMMPDA filter," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 14, pp. 1718-1732, 2013.
  • J.-H. Jang, S.-H. Bae, M.-W. Park, and J.-H. Kim, "Research of velocity control on the slope road for Unmanned Ground Vehicle," in International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2010, pp. 1085-1088.
  • M. F. Ruzaij, S. Neubert, N. Stoll, and K. Thurow, "A speed compensation algorithm for a head tilts controller used for wheelchairs and rehabilitation applications," in IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 2017, pp. 497-502.
  • S. Yang, M. Li, Y. Lin, and T. Tang, "Electric vehicle’s electricity consumption on a road with different slope," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 402, pp. 41-48, 2014.
  • E. Ribar and J. Murín, "Road slope introduction in vehicle route modelling," in Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), 2016, pp. 1-5.
  • F. A. Kazan and R. Akkaya, "The Effect of Increases in User Weight and Road Slope on Energy Consumption in Disabled Vehicle Driven with PMSM," Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 1-7, 2021.
  • I. Aden, H. Kahveci, and M. E. Şahin, "Single input, multiple output dc-dc buck converter for electric vehicles," Turkish Journal of Electromechanics & Energy, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 7-13, 2017.
  • I. A. Aden, H. Kahveci, and M. E. Şahin, "Design and Implementation of Single-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC Buck converter for Electric Vehicles," Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 215-228, 2021.
  • S. Heydari, P. Fajri, M. Rasheduzzaman, and R. Sabzehgar, "Maximizing regenerative braking energy recovery of electric vehicles through dynamic low-speed cutoff point detection," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 262-270, 2019.
  • R. Akkaya and F. A. Kazan, "Design and implementation of a test setup for electric mobility scooter for the disabled," Measurement and Control, vol. 52, no. 9-10, pp. 1434-1444, 2019.
  • ACS712 Datasheet, Allegro MicroSystems, 2017.
Yıl 2022, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 64 - 74, 30.01.2022


Proje Numarası



  • K. B. Kelly and H. J. Holcombe, "Aerodynamics for body engineers," SAE Transactions, pp. 570-578, 1964. A. N. Gent, and J. D. Walter, "Pneumatic Tire", Mechanical Engineering Faculty Research. 854, the University of Akron, Ohio, USA, 2006.
  • A. Akpunar, "Ergonomik Bir Elektrikli Tekerlekli Sandalye İçin Dişlisiz Ve Direkt Sürmeli Bir Elektrik Motor Tasarımı," Yüksek Lisans, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Muğla Üniversitesi, Muğla, 2007.
  • G. Marins, D. Carvalho, A. Marcato, and I. Junior, "Development of a control system for electric wheelchairs based on head movements," in Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2017, IEEE, pp. 996-1001.
  • S. Nasif and M. A. G. Khan, "Wireless head gesture controlled wheel chair for disable persons," in Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2017 IEEE Region 10, 2017: IEEE, pp. 156-161.
  • S. Yokota, H. Hashimoto, Y. Ohyama, J.-H. She, D. Chugo, H. Kobayashi, and P. Blazevic, "Study on human body motion interface," in ICCAS-SICE, 2009, pp. 3264-3267.
  • D. Kupetz, S. Wentzell, and B. Busha, "Head motion controlled power wheelchair," in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2010, pp. 1-2.
  • J. M. Ford and S. J. Sheredos, "Ultrasonic head controller for powered wheelchairs," Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, vol. 32, pp. 280-284, 1995.
  • F. A. Kondori, S. Yousefi, L. Liu, and H. Li, "Head operated electric wheelchair," in 2014 Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, 2014: IEEE, pp. 53-56.
  • P. Ghule, M. Bhalerao, R. Chile, and V. G. Asutkar, "Wheelchair control using speech recognition," in 9th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2016: IEEE, pp. 1-6.
  • R. Chauhan, Y. Jain, H. Agarwal, and A. Patil, "Study of implementation of Voice Controlled Wheelchair," in 3rd International Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2016, pp. 1-4.
  • D. Wang and H. Yu, "Development of the control system of a voice-operated wheelchair with multi-posture characteristics," in 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems, 2017, pp. 151-155.
  • A. Škraba, R. Stojanović, A. Zupan, A. Koložvari, and D. Kofjač, "Speech-controlled cloud-based wheelchair platform for disabled persons," Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 39, pp. 819-828, 2015.
  • M. F. Ruzaij, S. Neubert, N. Stoll, and K. Thurow, "Design and testing of low cost three-modes of operation voice controller for wheelchairs and rehabilitation robotics," in IEEE 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP) Proceedings, 2015, pp. 1-6.
  • M. F. Ruzaij and S. Poonguzhali, "Design and implementation of low cost intelligent wheelchair," in International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, 2012, pp. 468-471.
  • M. A. Alim, S. Setumin, A. D. Rosli, and A. I. C. Ani, "Development of a Voice-controlled Intelligent Wheelchair System using Raspberry Pi," in 2021 IEEE 11th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 2021, pp. 274-278.
  • M. S. Amin, S. T. H. Rizvi, S. Malik, Z. B. Faheem, and A. Liaqat, "Smart Wheelchair-An Implementation of Voice and Android Controlled System," in 2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2), 2021, pp. 1-6.
  • P. S. Gajwani and S. A. Chhabria, "Eye motion tracking for wheelchair control," International Journal of Information Technology, vol. 2, pp. 185-187, 2010.
  • M. Jain, S. Puri, and S. Unishree, "Eyeball motion controlled wheelchair using IR sensors," International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 906-909, 2015.
  • J. Sharma, M. Anbarasu, C. Chakraborty, and M. Shanmugasundaram, "Iris movement based wheel chair control using raspberry Pi—A state of art," in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2017, pp. 1-5.
  • K. Arai and R. Mardiyanto, "Eyes based electric wheel chair control system," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), vol. 2, 2011.
  • Q. X. Nguyen and S. Jo, "Electric wheelchair control using head pose free eye-gaze tracker," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, pp. 750-752, 2012.
  • M. Subramanian, N. Songur, D. Adjei, P. Orlov, and A. A. Faisal, "A. Eye Drive: Gaze-based semi-autonomous wheelchair interface," in 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019, pp. 5967-5970.
  • M. Subramanian, S. Park, P. Orlov, A. Shafti, and A. A. Faisal, "Gaze-contingent decoding of human navigation intention on an autonomous wheelchair platform," in 2021 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2021, pp. 335-338.
  • J. Ju, Y. Shin, and E. Kim, "Intelligent wheelchair using head tilt and mouth shape," IET Electronics letters, vol. 45, pp. 873-875, 2009.
  • E. Ko, J. S. Ju, E. Y. Kim, and N. S. Goo, "An intelligent wheelchair to enable mobility of severely disabled and elder people," in Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2009, pp. 1-2.
  • J. S. Ju, Y. H. Shin, E. Y. Kim, and S. H. Park, "Intelligent wheelchair using face and mouth shape recognition," in Digest of Technical Papers-International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2008, pp. 1-2.
  • V. Sankardoss and P. Geethanjali, "Design and low-cost implementation of an electric wheelchair control," IETE Journal of Research, pp. 1-10, 2019.
  • N. Tanohata, H. Murakami, and H. Seki, "Battery friendly driving control of electric power-assisted wheelchair based on fuzzy algorithm," in Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference, 2010, pp. 1595-1598.
  • T. Wang, J. i. Kaneko, and K. Kojima, "Study on relevance between electric wheelchair riding comfort and user exposure to whole-body vibration," in IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2017, pp. 1-2.
  • H. M. Hondori, P. Q. Trung, and L. Shih-Fu, "Simultaneous sensing and actuating for path condition monitoring of a power wheel chair," in First RSI/ISM International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2013, pp. 343-346.
  • Y.-K. Kim, Y.-H. Cho, N.-C. Park, S.-H. Kim, and H.-S. Mok, "In-Wheel motor drive system using 2-phase PMSM," in 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2009, pp. 1875-1879.
  • F. A. Kazan and R. Akkaya, "Use of PMSM in Electric Mobility Scooter Propulsion," in International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'19), Konya, Turkey, 2019.
  • İ. Tarımer, A. Akpunar, and R. Gürbüz, "Design of a direct sliding gearless electrical motor for an ergonomic electrical wheelchair," Elektronika IR Elektrotechnika, vol. 83, pp. 75-80, 2008.
  • B. Li, J. Zhang, H. Du, and W. Li, "Two-layer structure based adaptive estimation for vehicle mass and road slope under longitudinal motion," Measurement, vol. 95, pp. 439-455, 2017.
  • K. Jo, M. Lee, and M. Sunwoo, "Road slope aided vehicle position estimation system based on sensor fusion of GPS and automotive onboard sensors," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, pp. 250-263, 2015.
  • K. Jo, J. Kim, and M. Sunwoo, "Real-time road-slope estimation based on integration of onboard sensors with GPS using an IMMPDA filter," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 14, pp. 1718-1732, 2013.
  • J.-H. Jang, S.-H. Bae, M.-W. Park, and J.-H. Kim, "Research of velocity control on the slope road for Unmanned Ground Vehicle," in International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2010, pp. 1085-1088.
  • M. F. Ruzaij, S. Neubert, N. Stoll, and K. Thurow, "A speed compensation algorithm for a head tilts controller used for wheelchairs and rehabilitation applications," in IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 2017, pp. 497-502.
  • S. Yang, M. Li, Y. Lin, and T. Tang, "Electric vehicle’s electricity consumption on a road with different slope," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 402, pp. 41-48, 2014.
  • E. Ribar and J. Murín, "Road slope introduction in vehicle route modelling," in Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), 2016, pp. 1-5.
  • F. A. Kazan and R. Akkaya, "The Effect of Increases in User Weight and Road Slope on Energy Consumption in Disabled Vehicle Driven with PMSM," Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 1-7, 2021.
  • I. Aden, H. Kahveci, and M. E. Şahin, "Single input, multiple output dc-dc buck converter for electric vehicles," Turkish Journal of Electromechanics & Energy, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 7-13, 2017.
  • I. A. Aden, H. Kahveci, and M. E. Şahin, "Design and Implementation of Single-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC Buck converter for Electric Vehicles," Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 215-228, 2021.
  • S. Heydari, P. Fajri, M. Rasheduzzaman, and R. Sabzehgar, "Maximizing regenerative braking energy recovery of electric vehicles through dynamic low-speed cutoff point detection," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 262-270, 2019.
  • R. Akkaya and F. A. Kazan, "Design and implementation of a test setup for electric mobility scooter for the disabled," Measurement and Control, vol. 52, no. 9-10, pp. 1434-1444, 2019.
  • ACS712 Datasheet, Allegro MicroSystems, 2017.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Elektrik Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fatih Alpaslan Kazan 0000-0002-5461-0117

Ramazan Akkaya 0000-0002-6314-1500

Proje Numarası 17101008
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kazan, F. A., & Akkaya, R. (2022). The Effect of Road Slope on Parameters of Disabled Vehicle Driven by PMDC Motor. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10(1), 64-74.

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