Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4, 282 - 293, 07.01.2025



  • [1] H. F. Bilgin. "Design and Implementation of A Current Source Converter Based STATCOM For Reactive Power Compensation, " PhD thesis, METU, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Middle East Technical University, 2007.
  • [2] A.K., Khan. "Monitoring power for the future, " Power Engineering, 15 (2), 2001, pp81–85.
  • [3] M.H.J., Bollen. "Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions, " Wiley-IEEE. New York. 672.
  • [4] G, Yalcınkaya, M.H.J., Bollen and P.A., Crossley. "Characterization of voltage sags in industrial distribution systems, " IEEE Transactions on 34 (4), 1998, pp 682–688.
  • [5] Rashid, M. H., Power Electronic Handbook. Academic Press, Canada, 2001 p. 895.
  • [6] R., Çöteli, "Control of Three-Level H-Bridge Inverter Based Distribution STATCOM By Neuro-Fuzzy Controller, " PhD thesis, FU, Institute of Science, 2010, Elazığ.
  • [7] Z.A., Zakaria, B.C., Chen, M.O., Hassan and J.X., Yuan. "Distribution static compensator used as custom power equipment and its simulation using PSCAD, " Information Technology Journal, 10 (23), 2008, pp 1141-1148.
  • [8] M. R., Tur, "Investigation of Optimum Reserve Capacity Requirement in Ancillary Services with Extreme Learning Machine, " Electric Power Components and Systems, 49(20), 2022, pp. 1555–1566.
  • [9] A., Mokhtari, F.Z., Gherbi, C., Mokhtar, K. D. E., Kerrouche and A. F., "Aimer, Study, analysis and simulation of a static compensator D-STATCOM for distribution systems of electric power, " Leonardo Journal of Sciences, 25, 2014, pp 117-130.
  • [10] T., Roy and M., Singh, "PSCAD simulation model of D-Statcom for voltage sag improvement, " International Journal of Computer Applications, 59 (2), 2012, pp 75-87.
  • [11] D., Kumar, J N., eureka and P., Chaturvedi, Modeling, and simulation of D-STATCOM for voltage regulation imparting various control strategies, National conference on Trends & Challenges in Applied Science and Engineering, 21-22 January 2014 (M.P). 1-5.
  • [12] M.M., Khaleel, and M.A., Faraj, Modeling and controlling a D-STATCOM with Sugeno fuzzy controller (SFC) and Mamdani fuzzy controller (MFC) for voltage sag mitigation. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 30-31 May 2014, London, UK. 114-119.
  • [13] R., Manikanta and S.N.V.S.K., Chaitanya, "A fuzzy logic based D-STATCOM topology with reduced VSI rating, DC link voltage, and filter size, " International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ), 5 (10), 2014, pp 1586-1593.
  • [14] A., Gupta and P. R., Sharma, "Design and simulation of the fuzzy logic controller for DSTATCOM in power system, " International Journal of Engineering Science and (IJEST), 3 (10), 2011, pp 15-22.
  • [15] P.S., Reddy and C., Sreenivasulu, "Fuzzy controlled cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter based DSTATCOM for compensation of reactive power and harmonics, " Internatıonal Journal of Professional Engıneerıng Studies (IJPRES), 2 (3), 2014, pp 31-36.
  • [16] N, Geddada, S.B., Karanki, and M. K., Mishra, DSTATCOM with LCL filter using synchronous reference frame current controller, International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, 11-13 July 2013, Alghero, Italy. 796-802.
  • [17] V. M., Awasthi, V. A. Huchche, Reactive power compensation using D-STATCOM, 2016 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, 7-8 April 2016, India. 1-3.
  • [18] Hossain, E., Tür, M. R., Padmanaban, S., Ay, S., & Khan, I. (2018). Analysis and mitigation of power quality issues in distributed generation systems using custom power devices. Ieee Access, 6, 16816-16833.
  • [19] G., Ramya and V., Ganapathy, "Comparison of five level and seven level inverter based static compensator system, " Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3 (3), 2016, pp 706
  • [20] L., Pattathurani, R. K., Dwibedi and P., Sivachidambaranathan, "A voltage controlled dstatcom for power quality improvement, " IOSR (IOSR-JEEE), 10 (6), 2015, pp 27-34.
  • [21] Tur, M. R. (2020). Reliability assessment of distribution power system when considering energy storage configuration technique. IEEE Access, 8, 77962-77971.
  • [22] K., Nagendra, Y., Damodharam, V. P., Reddy, V., Sekhar, A., Arulprakash, "Pscad analysis of voltage sag mitigation by pwm switching autotransformer to improve power quality, " International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), 5 (12), 2016, pp 3502-3513.
  • [23] J. H. Chen, K.H. Tan and Y. D. Lee, "Intelligent Controlled DSTATCOM for Power Quality, " Energies, Vol 15, 2022.
  • [24] R. Jayaraman, S. Tummapudi, R.B.R. Prakash, T. V. Muni, "Analysis of sliding mode controller based DSTATCOM for power quality improvement in distribution power system, " Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 80, Part 3, 2023, pp 3675-3681.
  • [25] K.H. Tan, M.Y. Lı and X.Y. Weng, "Droop Controlled Microgrid With DSTATCOM for Reactive Power Compensation and Power Quality Improvement, " IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 2022, pp. 121602-4.
  • [26] S. B. Pandu, C. K. Sundarabalan, N. S. Srınath, T. S. Krıshnan, G. S. Prıya, C. Balasundar, J. Sharma, G. Soundarya, P. Sıano and H. H. Alhelou, "Power Quality Enhancement in Sensitive Local Distribution Grid Using Interval Type-II Fuzzy Logic Controlled DSTATCOM, " IEEE Access, vol.9, 2021, pp. 59888-59899.
  • [27] S. Vijayakumar, A.Rajababu, V.Nirmala Devi, "Power Qualıty Improvement In Hybrıd Power System Usıng D-Statcom, " Materıal Scıence and Technology, vol.21 No.06, 2022, pp.314-317.
  • [28] M.F. Ullah and A., Hanif, "Power quality improvement in distribution system using distribution static compensator with super twisting sliding mode control, " International Transaction Electric Energy System. 2021, pp. 1-32.
  • [29] J.A., Martinez and J., Martin-Arnedo, 2006. "Voltage sag studies in distribution networks/part I: system modeling, " IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 21 (3), 2006, pp 338-345.
  • [30] MHJ., Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruption, Wiley-IEEE Press. New York, 1999, p 672.
  • [31] F. Çakmak, Z. Aydoğmuş and M. R. Tür, "Mppt Control for PV Systems with Analytical Analysis Fractional Open Circuit Voltage Method," 2022 Global Energy Conference (GEC), Batman, Turkey, 2022, pp. 130-135.
  • [32] A., Hernandez, K., Chong, G., Gallegos, E., Acha, "The implementation of a solid-state voltage source in PSCAD/EMTDC, " IEEE Power Engineering Review, 1998, pp 61-62.
  • [33] Çakmak, F., Aydoğmuş, Z., and Tür, M. R. (2023). "Analysis of Open Circuit Voltage MPPT Method with Analytical Analysis with Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT Method in PV Systems, " Electric Power Components and Systems, 52(9), 2023, pp. 1528–1542.
  • [34] B.N., Singh, A., Chandra, K., Al-Haddad, "DSP based indirect current controlled STATCOM: I. evaluation of current control techniques, " IEE Proceedings, 147 (2), 2000, pp 107-112.
  • [35] E., Acha, V. G., Agelidis, O., Anaya-Lara, T.J.E., Miller, Electronic Control in Electrical Power System, Elsevier Press. London, U.K., 2001, p 464.
  • [36] M., Karabacak, F., Kılıç, B., Saraçoğlu, A.F., Boz, A., Ferikoğlu, "LLCL filter design for grid-connected inverters; a detailed performance, "Journal of Polytechnic, 19 (3), 2015, pp: 251-260.
  • [37] C., Wang, X., Yin, M., Wen, J., Liu, Q., Xiong, B., Zhang, Structure and parameters design of output LC filter in D-STATCOM, International Conference on Power System Technology, 24-28 October 2010, Hangzhou, China.
  • [38] E., Deniz, S., Tuncer, M.T., Gencoglu, Voltage regulation in a distribution system by using STATCOM with three level diode clamped inverter. 5th-International Advanced Technologies Symposium. 13-15 May 2009, Karabuk/Turkey.
  • [39] Çakmak, F., Meral M.E. and Çelik, D., 2017. Voltage Sag Compensatıon Wıth Usıng D-Statcom In Dıstrıbuted Network. International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Science, Education, and Technology (IMESET'17 Bitlis), October 27-29, 2017, Bitlis, Turkey.
  • [40] Çelik, D., Meral M.E., 2015. "Power control of grid-connected SOGI-PLL based single-phase inverter with PR and HCC, " Journal of The Institute of Natural & Applied Sciences, 20 (1), 2015, pp 10-21.

Comparative Analysis of PI and PR Control Strategies for Enhancing Voltage Quality in D-Statcom-Based Distribution Networks

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4, 282 - 293, 07.01.2025


In recent years, the rise in the number of sensitive loads in distribution networks has highlighted the importance of not only ensuring the continuity of electricity supplies but also maintaining high power quality for consumers. In the present era, one of the most prevalent power quality issues in power systems is voltage sag, which is responsible for over 80% of the observed problems. Although the duration of the disturbance is relatively brief, typically between 10 ms and 1 minute, it can have a significant impact on the production process due to a minor deviation from the rated voltage. The disturbance can occur within a second, but the restoration process can take several hours. In order to enhance the power quality of the grid, it is essential to regulate reactive power. The objective of this study is to utilise a D-STATCOM for the correction of voltage by connecting it in parallel to the bus connection point between the grid and the loads. Modelling and simulation studies have been conducted to investigate the contribution of D-STATCOM with PI (proportional-integral) or PR (proportional resonance) controllers to the system in response to various fault scenarios that cause voltage sags by commissioning various loads at low voltage (0.4 kV). The simulation of both models was conducted using the PSCAD/EMTDC program. The performance of both controllers is evaluated through a comparison with the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation program. The results demonstrate that the D-STATCOM responds to short-term voltage sags caused by a fault or other system disturbances with a high degree of efficiency, rapidly restoring the bus voltage to a level close to the nominal value. This effectively mitigates the potential disruptions associated with voltage collapse. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that D-STATCOMs employing PI and PR controllers exhibit a combination of advantages and limitations in their performance.


  • [1] H. F. Bilgin. "Design and Implementation of A Current Source Converter Based STATCOM For Reactive Power Compensation, " PhD thesis, METU, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Middle East Technical University, 2007.
  • [2] A.K., Khan. "Monitoring power for the future, " Power Engineering, 15 (2), 2001, pp81–85.
  • [3] M.H.J., Bollen. "Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions, " Wiley-IEEE. New York. 672.
  • [4] G, Yalcınkaya, M.H.J., Bollen and P.A., Crossley. "Characterization of voltage sags in industrial distribution systems, " IEEE Transactions on 34 (4), 1998, pp 682–688.
  • [5] Rashid, M. H., Power Electronic Handbook. Academic Press, Canada, 2001 p. 895.
  • [6] R., Çöteli, "Control of Three-Level H-Bridge Inverter Based Distribution STATCOM By Neuro-Fuzzy Controller, " PhD thesis, FU, Institute of Science, 2010, Elazığ.
  • [7] Z.A., Zakaria, B.C., Chen, M.O., Hassan and J.X., Yuan. "Distribution static compensator used as custom power equipment and its simulation using PSCAD, " Information Technology Journal, 10 (23), 2008, pp 1141-1148.
  • [8] M. R., Tur, "Investigation of Optimum Reserve Capacity Requirement in Ancillary Services with Extreme Learning Machine, " Electric Power Components and Systems, 49(20), 2022, pp. 1555–1566.
  • [9] A., Mokhtari, F.Z., Gherbi, C., Mokhtar, K. D. E., Kerrouche and A. F., "Aimer, Study, analysis and simulation of a static compensator D-STATCOM for distribution systems of electric power, " Leonardo Journal of Sciences, 25, 2014, pp 117-130.
  • [10] T., Roy and M., Singh, "PSCAD simulation model of D-Statcom for voltage sag improvement, " International Journal of Computer Applications, 59 (2), 2012, pp 75-87.
  • [11] D., Kumar, J N., eureka and P., Chaturvedi, Modeling, and simulation of D-STATCOM for voltage regulation imparting various control strategies, National conference on Trends & Challenges in Applied Science and Engineering, 21-22 January 2014 (M.P). 1-5.
  • [12] M.M., Khaleel, and M.A., Faraj, Modeling and controlling a D-STATCOM with Sugeno fuzzy controller (SFC) and Mamdani fuzzy controller (MFC) for voltage sag mitigation. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 30-31 May 2014, London, UK. 114-119.
  • [13] R., Manikanta and S.N.V.S.K., Chaitanya, "A fuzzy logic based D-STATCOM topology with reduced VSI rating, DC link voltage, and filter size, " International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEEJ), 5 (10), 2014, pp 1586-1593.
  • [14] A., Gupta and P. R., Sharma, "Design and simulation of the fuzzy logic controller for DSTATCOM in power system, " International Journal of Engineering Science and (IJEST), 3 (10), 2011, pp 15-22.
  • [15] P.S., Reddy and C., Sreenivasulu, "Fuzzy controlled cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter based DSTATCOM for compensation of reactive power and harmonics, " Internatıonal Journal of Professional Engıneerıng Studies (IJPRES), 2 (3), 2014, pp 31-36.
  • [16] N, Geddada, S.B., Karanki, and M. K., Mishra, DSTATCOM with LCL filter using synchronous reference frame current controller, International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, 11-13 July 2013, Alghero, Italy. 796-802.
  • [17] V. M., Awasthi, V. A. Huchche, Reactive power compensation using D-STATCOM, 2016 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, 7-8 April 2016, India. 1-3.
  • [18] Hossain, E., Tür, M. R., Padmanaban, S., Ay, S., & Khan, I. (2018). Analysis and mitigation of power quality issues in distributed generation systems using custom power devices. Ieee Access, 6, 16816-16833.
  • [19] G., Ramya and V., Ganapathy, "Comparison of five level and seven level inverter based static compensator system, " Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3 (3), 2016, pp 706
  • [20] L., Pattathurani, R. K., Dwibedi and P., Sivachidambaranathan, "A voltage controlled dstatcom for power quality improvement, " IOSR (IOSR-JEEE), 10 (6), 2015, pp 27-34.
  • [21] Tur, M. R. (2020). Reliability assessment of distribution power system when considering energy storage configuration technique. IEEE Access, 8, 77962-77971.
  • [22] K., Nagendra, Y., Damodharam, V. P., Reddy, V., Sekhar, A., Arulprakash, "Pscad analysis of voltage sag mitigation by pwm switching autotransformer to improve power quality, " International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), 5 (12), 2016, pp 3502-3513.
  • [23] J. H. Chen, K.H. Tan and Y. D. Lee, "Intelligent Controlled DSTATCOM for Power Quality, " Energies, Vol 15, 2022.
  • [24] R. Jayaraman, S. Tummapudi, R.B.R. Prakash, T. V. Muni, "Analysis of sliding mode controller based DSTATCOM for power quality improvement in distribution power system, " Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 80, Part 3, 2023, pp 3675-3681.
  • [25] K.H. Tan, M.Y. Lı and X.Y. Weng, "Droop Controlled Microgrid With DSTATCOM for Reactive Power Compensation and Power Quality Improvement, " IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 2022, pp. 121602-4.
  • [26] S. B. Pandu, C. K. Sundarabalan, N. S. Srınath, T. S. Krıshnan, G. S. Prıya, C. Balasundar, J. Sharma, G. Soundarya, P. Sıano and H. H. Alhelou, "Power Quality Enhancement in Sensitive Local Distribution Grid Using Interval Type-II Fuzzy Logic Controlled DSTATCOM, " IEEE Access, vol.9, 2021, pp. 59888-59899.
  • [27] S. Vijayakumar, A.Rajababu, V.Nirmala Devi, "Power Qualıty Improvement In Hybrıd Power System Usıng D-Statcom, " Materıal Scıence and Technology, vol.21 No.06, 2022, pp.314-317.
  • [28] M.F. Ullah and A., Hanif, "Power quality improvement in distribution system using distribution static compensator with super twisting sliding mode control, " International Transaction Electric Energy System. 2021, pp. 1-32.
  • [29] J.A., Martinez and J., Martin-Arnedo, 2006. "Voltage sag studies in distribution networks/part I: system modeling, " IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 21 (3), 2006, pp 338-345.
  • [30] MHJ., Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruption, Wiley-IEEE Press. New York, 1999, p 672.
  • [31] F. Çakmak, Z. Aydoğmuş and M. R. Tür, "Mppt Control for PV Systems with Analytical Analysis Fractional Open Circuit Voltage Method," 2022 Global Energy Conference (GEC), Batman, Turkey, 2022, pp. 130-135.
  • [32] A., Hernandez, K., Chong, G., Gallegos, E., Acha, "The implementation of a solid-state voltage source in PSCAD/EMTDC, " IEEE Power Engineering Review, 1998, pp 61-62.
  • [33] Çakmak, F., Aydoğmuş, Z., and Tür, M. R. (2023). "Analysis of Open Circuit Voltage MPPT Method with Analytical Analysis with Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT Method in PV Systems, " Electric Power Components and Systems, 52(9), 2023, pp. 1528–1542.
  • [34] B.N., Singh, A., Chandra, K., Al-Haddad, "DSP based indirect current controlled STATCOM: I. evaluation of current control techniques, " IEE Proceedings, 147 (2), 2000, pp 107-112.
  • [35] E., Acha, V. G., Agelidis, O., Anaya-Lara, T.J.E., Miller, Electronic Control in Electrical Power System, Elsevier Press. London, U.K., 2001, p 464.
  • [36] M., Karabacak, F., Kılıç, B., Saraçoğlu, A.F., Boz, A., Ferikoğlu, "LLCL filter design for grid-connected inverters; a detailed performance, "Journal of Polytechnic, 19 (3), 2015, pp: 251-260.
  • [37] C., Wang, X., Yin, M., Wen, J., Liu, Q., Xiong, B., Zhang, Structure and parameters design of output LC filter in D-STATCOM, International Conference on Power System Technology, 24-28 October 2010, Hangzhou, China.
  • [38] E., Deniz, S., Tuncer, M.T., Gencoglu, Voltage regulation in a distribution system by using STATCOM with three level diode clamped inverter. 5th-International Advanced Technologies Symposium. 13-15 May 2009, Karabuk/Turkey.
  • [39] Çakmak, F., Meral M.E. and Çelik, D., 2017. Voltage Sag Compensatıon Wıth Usıng D-Statcom In Dıstrıbuted Network. International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Science, Education, and Technology (IMESET'17 Bitlis), October 27-29, 2017, Bitlis, Turkey.
  • [40] Çelik, D., Meral M.E., 2015. "Power control of grid-connected SOGI-PLL based single-phase inverter with PR and HCC, " Journal of The Institute of Natural & Applied Sciences, 20 (1), 2015, pp 10-21.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Elektrik Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fevzi Çakmak 0000-0002-5019-2181

Mehmet Emin Meral 0000-0003-0841-4630

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 13 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Çakmak, F., & Meral, M. E. (2025). Comparative Analysis of PI and PR Control Strategies for Enhancing Voltage Quality in D-Statcom-Based Distribution Networks. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 12(4), 282-293.

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