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Coronavirus ve Fitoterapi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 49 - 57, 09.05.2020


Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından, 2020 yılının şubat ayında, SARS-CoV-2 olarak adlandırılan ve COVID-19 hastalığına neden olan virüs pandemi nedeni olarak ilan edilmiştir. Ani gelişen solunum sıkıntısıyla ortaya çıkan alt solunum sistemi tutulumu özellikle immun yetersizliği olan bireylerde mortal seyretmektedir.
Halihazırda SARS-CoV-2’yi hedefleyen etkili spesifik bir ilaç tanımlanmış değildir. Esas olan; hastalık öncesinde immuniteyi artırmak, hastalık etkeniyle karşılaşıldığında ise kimyasal ilaçların beklenen/olası yan etkilerini belirli oranda azaltılarak hastanın tedaviye uyumunun artırılmasıdır.
COVID-19 enfeksiyonunun tedavisinde fitoterapötik düzeyde Curcuma Longa, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zn, Fe, Propolis, Scutellaria baicalensis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Allium cepa, Malus domestica, Solanum lycopersicum, Fragaria, Matricaria recutita, Petroselinum crispum, Apium graveolens, Allium sativum, Quercetin, Astragalus membranaceus, Miselyum Mantarı Ekstresi, Mentha piperita, Andrographis paniculata, Rheum Palmatum, Aloe vera, Salvia officinalis, Melissa officinalis ,Rosa canina, Nigella Sativa ve Rhus typhina kullanılabilir.
Ayrıca Geleneksel Çin Tıbbı’na ait Saposhnikoviae divaricata, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, Fructus forsythia, Atractylodis Rhizoma, Radix platycodonis, Agastache rugosa, Cyrtomium fortune J. Sm, ShuFengJieDu ve Lianhuaqingwen kapsülleri önerilebilir.
GÇT'da kullanılan tıbbi bitkilerin viruslerin hücreye tutunmasını, hücre içine girmesini, sinsisyal formasyon oluşumunu inhibe ettiği, hava yolu inflamasyonunu azalttığı, interferon sekresyonu ve immun sistem stimulasyonu yaptığı bildirilmiştir.
Coronavirus tedavisinde konvansiyonel tedavinin yanında fitoterapinin integratif bir tedavi yöntemi olarak kullanılmasının faydalı olacağı öngörülmektedir.


  • Adedeji, A. O., Severson, W., Jonsson, C., Singh, K., Weiss, S. R., & Sarafianos, S. G. (2013). Novel inhibitors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus entry that act by three distinct mechanisms. Journal of virology, 87(14), 8017–8028.
  • Albanna EAM, Ali YF, & Elkashnia RAM. (2010). Vitamin D and LL-37 in children with pneumonia. Egypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010;8(2):81-86.
  • AlHariri M. (2019). Immune's-boosting agent: Immunomodulation potentials of propolis. Journal of family & community medicine, 26(1), 57–60.
  • Arreola, R., Quintero-Fabián, S., López-Roa, R. I., Flores-Gutiérrez, E. O., Reyes-Grajeda, J. P., Carrera-Quintanar, L., & Ortuño-Sahagún, D. (2015). Immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects of garlic compounds. Journal of immunology research, 2015, 401630.
  • Barak, V., Halperin, T., & Kalickman, I. (2001). The effect of Sambucol, a black elderberry-based, natural product, on the production of human cytokines: I. Inflammatory cytokines. European cytokine network, 12(2), 290–296.
  • Başer HC. (2018) Tıbbi Bitkiler ve Sağlığımız, Fitomed, Sayı 2, 8-11
  • Benson, K. F., Stamets, P., Davis, R., Nally, R., Taylor, A., Slater, S., & Jensen, G. S. (2019). The mycelium of the Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail) mushroom and its fermented substrate each show potent and complementary immune activating properties in vitro. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 19(1), 342.
  • Burger, R. A., Torres, A. R., Warren, R. P., Caldwell, V. D., & Hughes, B. G. (1997). Echinacea-induced cytokine production by human macrophages. International journal of immunopharmacology, 19(7), 371–379.
  • Chandrasekaran, C. V., Murali, B., Deepak, M., & Agarwal, A. (2012). In vitro comparative evaluation of non-leaves and leaves extracts of Andrographis paniculata on modulation of inflammatory mediators. Anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry, 11(2), 191–197.
  • Chen, C., Zuckerman, D. M., Brantley, S., Sharpe, M., Childress, K., Hoiczyk, E., & Pendleton, A. R. (2014). Sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis virus at an early point during replication. BMC veterinary research, 10, 24.
  • Chen, H., Lin, H., Xie, S., Huang, B., Qian, Y., Chen, K., Niu, Y., Shen, H. M., Cai, J., Li, P., Leng, J., Yang, H., Xia, D., & Wu, Y. (2019). Myricetin inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation via reduction of ROS-dependent ubiquitination of ASC and promotion of ROS-independent NLRP3 ubiquitination. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 365, 19–29.
  • Cheng R. (2020). Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Enfection. Orthomoleculer Medicine News Service.
  • Choe, J. Y., & Kim, S. K. (2017). Quercetin and Ascorbic Acid Suppress Fructose-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation by Blocking Intracellular Shuttling of TXNIP in Human Macrophage Cell Lines. Inflammation, 40(3), 980–994.
  • Choi, J. G., Lee, H., Kim, Y. S., Hwang, Y. H., Oh, Y. C., Lee, B., Moon, K. M., Cho, W. K., & Ma, J. Y. (2019). Aloe vera and its Components Inhibit Influenza A Virus-Induced Autophagy and Replication. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 47(6), 1307–1324.
  • Del Prete A, Scalera A, Iadevaia MD, Miranda A, Zulli C, Gaeta L, Tuccillo C Federico A, & Loguercio C. (2012). Herbal Products: Benefits, Limits and Applications in Chronic Liver Disease. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 837939 ,
  • Demirezer Ö. (2011). FFD Monografları Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler. Basım Yılı: 2011, ISBN 9789755670737
  • Ding, T., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Zai, W., Fan, J., Chen, W., Bian, Q., Luan, J., Shen, Y., Zhang, Y., Ju, D., & Mei, X. (2018). Kidney protection effects of dihydroquercetin on diabetic nephropathy through suppressing ROS and NLRP3 inflammasome. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 41, 45–53.
  • Douglas, R. M., Hemila, H., D'Souza, R., Chalker, E. B., & Treacy, B. (2004). Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (4), CD000980.
  • Erol A. (2020). High-dose intravenous Vitamin C treatment for COVID-19. Doi: 10.31219/
  • Fidancı İ, Arıkan Fİ, & Bilge YD.(2014). The Role of the Micronutrients; Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Copper Levels of Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections. J Pediatr Inf ; 8: 105-9.
  • Fu, S., Xu, L., Li, S., Qiu, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, Z., Ye, C., Hou, Y., & Hu, C. A. (2016). Baicalin suppresses NLRP3 inflammasome and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling during Haemophilus parasuis infection. Veterinary research, 47(1), 80.
  • Grant W. B. (2008). Hypothesis--ultraviolet-B irradiance and vitamin D reduce the risk of viral infections and thus their sequelae, including autoimmune diseases and some cancers. Photochemistry and photobiology, 84(2), 356–365.
  • Han, Y. S., Chang, G. G., Juo, C. G., Lee, H. J., Yeh, S. H., Hsu, J. T., & Chen, X. (2005). Papain-like protease 2 (PLP2) from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV): expression, purification, characterization, and inhibition. Biochemistry, 44(30), 10349–10359.
  • Hauer, J., & Anderer, F. A. (1993). Mechanism of stimulation of human natural killer cytotoxicity by arabinogalactan from Larix occidentalis. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII, 36(4), 237–244.
  • Huang K, Shi C, Min J, Li L, Zhu T, Yu H, & Deng H.(2019). Study on the Mechanism of Curcumin Regulating Lung Injury Induced by Outdoor Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5). Mediators of inflamation. Article ID 8613523 ,
  • Kuba, K., Imai, Y., Rao, S., Gao, H., Guo, F., Guan, B., Huan, Y., Yang, P., Zhang, Y., Deng, W., Bao, L., Zhang, B., Liu, G., Wang, Z., Chappell, M., Liu, Y., Zheng, D., Leibbrandt, A., Wada, T., Slutsky, A. S., … Penninger, J. M. (2005). A crucial role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in SARS coronavirus-induced lung injury. Nature medicine, 11(8), 875–879.
  • Li, F., Li, W., Farzan, M., & Harrison, S. C. (2005). Structure of SARS coronavirus spike receptor-binding domain complexed with receptor. Science (New York, N.Y.), 309(5742), 1864–1868.
  • Li, H., Peng, Y., Wang, X., Sun, X., Yang, F., Sun, Y., & Wang, B. (2019). Astragaloside inhibits IL-1β-induced inflammatory response in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes and ameliorates the progression of osteoarthritis in mice. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology, 41(4), 497–503.
  • Li T, & Peng T. (2013). Traditional Chinese herbal medicine as a source of molecules with antiviral activity. Antiviral Research, Jan;97(1):1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2012.10.006
  • Li, Y., Liu, Y., Ma, A., Bao, Y., Wang, M., & Sun, Z. (2017). In vitro antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract of Mentha piperita L. Food science and biotechnology, 26(6), 1675–1683.
  • Lim, H., Min, D. S., Park, H., & Kim, H. P. (2018). Flavonoids interfere with NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 355, 93–102.
  • Lin LL, Shan JJ, Xie T, Xu JY, Shen CS, Di LQ, Chen JB, & Wang SC (2016). ‘’Application of Traditional Chinese Medical Herbs in Prevention and Treatment of Respiratory Syncytial Virus.’’ Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 6082729 ,
  • Lindell, D. M., Morris, S. B., White, M. P., Kallal, L. E., Lundy, P. K., Hamouda, T., Baker, J. R., Jr, & Lukacs, N. W. (2011). A novel inactivated intranasal respiratory syncytial virus vaccine promotes viral clearance without Th2 associated vaccine-enhanced disease. PloS one, 6(7), e21823.
  • Liu, Z., Ma, N., Zhong, Y., & Yang, Z. Q. (2015). Antiviral effect of emodin from Rheum palmatum against coxsakievirus B5 and human respiratory syncytial virus in vitro. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical sciences = Hua zhong ke ji da xue xue bao. Yi xue Ying De wen ban = Huazhong keji daxue xuebao. Yixue Yingdewen ban, 35(6), 916–922.
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  • Luo, H., Tang, Q. L., Shang, Y. X., Liang, S. B., Yang, M., Robinson, N., & Liu, J. P. (2020). Can Chinese Medicine Be Used for Prevention of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? A Review of Historical Classics, Research Evidence and Current Prevention Programs. Chinese journal of integrative medicine, 26(4), 243–250.
  • Ma, X. L., Meng, M., Han, L. R., Li, Z., Cao, X. H., & Wang, C. L. (2015). Immunomodulatory activity of macromolecular polysaccharide isolated from Grifola frondosa. Chinese journal of natural medicines, 13(12), 906–914.
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Coronovirus and Pyhtotherapy

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 49 - 57, 09.05.2020


In February 2020, the virus called SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 disease was announced by the World Health Organization as the cause of the pandemia. Lower respiratory tract involvement with sudden developing respiratory distress is especially mortal in individuals with immune deficiency. An effective specific drug currently targeting SARS-CoV-2 has not been identified yet. Main purpose is; to increase the immunity before the disease and to increase the patient's compliance to the treatment by reducing the expected / possible side effects of chemical drugs during the disease. At the phytotherapeutic level in the treatment of COVID-19 infection, Curcuma Longa, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Propolis, Scutellaria baicalensis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Allium cepa, Malus domestica, Solanum lycopersicum, Fragaria, Matricaria recutita, Petroselinum crispum, Apium, Allium sativum, Quercetin, Astragalus membranaceus, Mycelium Mushroom Extract, Mentha piperita, Andrographis paniculata, Rheum Palmatum, Aloe vera, Salvia officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Rosa canina, Nigella Sativa, and Rhus typhina can be used. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Saposhnikoviae divaricata, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, Fructus forsythia, Atractylodis Rhizoma, Radix platycodonis, Agastache rugosa, Cyrtomium fortune J. Sm, Shu Feng Ji eDu and Lian hua qing wen capsules can be recommended. It has been published that medicinal plants used in TCM; inhibit the attachment of viruses to the cell, the entry into the cell, the formation of syncytial formation, reduce airway inflammation, increase interferons secretion and immune system stimulation. It is predicted that it would be beneficial to use phytotherapy as an integrative treatment method besides conventional treatment in COVID-19.


  • Adedeji, A. O., Severson, W., Jonsson, C., Singh, K., Weiss, S. R., & Sarafianos, S. G. (2013). Novel inhibitors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus entry that act by three distinct mechanisms. Journal of virology, 87(14), 8017–8028.
  • Albanna EAM, Ali YF, & Elkashnia RAM. (2010). Vitamin D and LL-37 in children with pneumonia. Egypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010;8(2):81-86.
  • AlHariri M. (2019). Immune's-boosting agent: Immunomodulation potentials of propolis. Journal of family & community medicine, 26(1), 57–60.
  • Arreola, R., Quintero-Fabián, S., López-Roa, R. I., Flores-Gutiérrez, E. O., Reyes-Grajeda, J. P., Carrera-Quintanar, L., & Ortuño-Sahagún, D. (2015). Immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects of garlic compounds. Journal of immunology research, 2015, 401630.
  • Barak, V., Halperin, T., & Kalickman, I. (2001). The effect of Sambucol, a black elderberry-based, natural product, on the production of human cytokines: I. Inflammatory cytokines. European cytokine network, 12(2), 290–296.
  • Başer HC. (2018) Tıbbi Bitkiler ve Sağlığımız, Fitomed, Sayı 2, 8-11
  • Benson, K. F., Stamets, P., Davis, R., Nally, R., Taylor, A., Slater, S., & Jensen, G. S. (2019). The mycelium of the Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail) mushroom and its fermented substrate each show potent and complementary immune activating properties in vitro. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 19(1), 342.
  • Burger, R. A., Torres, A. R., Warren, R. P., Caldwell, V. D., & Hughes, B. G. (1997). Echinacea-induced cytokine production by human macrophages. International journal of immunopharmacology, 19(7), 371–379.
  • Chandrasekaran, C. V., Murali, B., Deepak, M., & Agarwal, A. (2012). In vitro comparative evaluation of non-leaves and leaves extracts of Andrographis paniculata on modulation of inflammatory mediators. Anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry, 11(2), 191–197.
  • Chen, C., Zuckerman, D. M., Brantley, S., Sharpe, M., Childress, K., Hoiczyk, E., & Pendleton, A. R. (2014). Sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis virus at an early point during replication. BMC veterinary research, 10, 24.
  • Chen, H., Lin, H., Xie, S., Huang, B., Qian, Y., Chen, K., Niu, Y., Shen, H. M., Cai, J., Li, P., Leng, J., Yang, H., Xia, D., & Wu, Y. (2019). Myricetin inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation via reduction of ROS-dependent ubiquitination of ASC and promotion of ROS-independent NLRP3 ubiquitination. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 365, 19–29.
  • Cheng R. (2020). Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Enfection. Orthomoleculer Medicine News Service.
  • Choe, J. Y., & Kim, S. K. (2017). Quercetin and Ascorbic Acid Suppress Fructose-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation by Blocking Intracellular Shuttling of TXNIP in Human Macrophage Cell Lines. Inflammation, 40(3), 980–994.
  • Choi, J. G., Lee, H., Kim, Y. S., Hwang, Y. H., Oh, Y. C., Lee, B., Moon, K. M., Cho, W. K., & Ma, J. Y. (2019). Aloe vera and its Components Inhibit Influenza A Virus-Induced Autophagy and Replication. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 47(6), 1307–1324.
  • Del Prete A, Scalera A, Iadevaia MD, Miranda A, Zulli C, Gaeta L, Tuccillo C Federico A, & Loguercio C. (2012). Herbal Products: Benefits, Limits and Applications in Chronic Liver Disease. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 837939 ,
  • Demirezer Ö. (2011). FFD Monografları Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler. Basım Yılı: 2011, ISBN 9789755670737
  • Ding, T., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Zai, W., Fan, J., Chen, W., Bian, Q., Luan, J., Shen, Y., Zhang, Y., Ju, D., & Mei, X. (2018). Kidney protection effects of dihydroquercetin on diabetic nephropathy through suppressing ROS and NLRP3 inflammasome. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 41, 45–53.
  • Douglas, R. M., Hemila, H., D'Souza, R., Chalker, E. B., & Treacy, B. (2004). Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (4), CD000980.
  • Erol A. (2020). High-dose intravenous Vitamin C treatment for COVID-19. Doi: 10.31219/
  • Fidancı İ, Arıkan Fİ, & Bilge YD.(2014). The Role of the Micronutrients; Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Copper Levels of Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections. J Pediatr Inf ; 8: 105-9.
  • Fu, S., Xu, L., Li, S., Qiu, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, Z., Ye, C., Hou, Y., & Hu, C. A. (2016). Baicalin suppresses NLRP3 inflammasome and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling during Haemophilus parasuis infection. Veterinary research, 47(1), 80.
  • Grant W. B. (2008). Hypothesis--ultraviolet-B irradiance and vitamin D reduce the risk of viral infections and thus their sequelae, including autoimmune diseases and some cancers. Photochemistry and photobiology, 84(2), 356–365.
  • Han, Y. S., Chang, G. G., Juo, C. G., Lee, H. J., Yeh, S. H., Hsu, J. T., & Chen, X. (2005). Papain-like protease 2 (PLP2) from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV): expression, purification, characterization, and inhibition. Biochemistry, 44(30), 10349–10359.
  • Hauer, J., & Anderer, F. A. (1993). Mechanism of stimulation of human natural killer cytotoxicity by arabinogalactan from Larix occidentalis. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII, 36(4), 237–244.
  • Huang K, Shi C, Min J, Li L, Zhu T, Yu H, & Deng H.(2019). Study on the Mechanism of Curcumin Regulating Lung Injury Induced by Outdoor Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5). Mediators of inflamation. Article ID 8613523 ,
  • Kuba, K., Imai, Y., Rao, S., Gao, H., Guo, F., Guan, B., Huan, Y., Yang, P., Zhang, Y., Deng, W., Bao, L., Zhang, B., Liu, G., Wang, Z., Chappell, M., Liu, Y., Zheng, D., Leibbrandt, A., Wada, T., Slutsky, A. S., … Penninger, J. M. (2005). A crucial role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in SARS coronavirus-induced lung injury. Nature medicine, 11(8), 875–879.
  • Li, F., Li, W., Farzan, M., & Harrison, S. C. (2005). Structure of SARS coronavirus spike receptor-binding domain complexed with receptor. Science (New York, N.Y.), 309(5742), 1864–1868.
  • Li, H., Peng, Y., Wang, X., Sun, X., Yang, F., Sun, Y., & Wang, B. (2019). Astragaloside inhibits IL-1β-induced inflammatory response in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes and ameliorates the progression of osteoarthritis in mice. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology, 41(4), 497–503.
  • Li T, & Peng T. (2013). Traditional Chinese herbal medicine as a source of molecules with antiviral activity. Antiviral Research, Jan;97(1):1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2012.10.006
  • Li, Y., Liu, Y., Ma, A., Bao, Y., Wang, M., & Sun, Z. (2017). In vitro antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract of Mentha piperita L. Food science and biotechnology, 26(6), 1675–1683.
  • Lim, H., Min, D. S., Park, H., & Kim, H. P. (2018). Flavonoids interfere with NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 355, 93–102.
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  • Lindell, D. M., Morris, S. B., White, M. P., Kallal, L. E., Lundy, P. K., Hamouda, T., Baker, J. R., Jr, & Lukacs, N. W. (2011). A novel inactivated intranasal respiratory syncytial virus vaccine promotes viral clearance without Th2 associated vaccine-enhanced disease. PloS one, 6(7), e21823.
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Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Derleme Makaleleri

Demet Uçar 0000-0003-3582-5515

Kanat Tayfun 0000-0002-5162-6797

Ahmet Yaser Müslümanoğlu 0000-0002-4025-7092

Mehmet Zafer Kalaycı Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8691-0886

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Uçar, D., Tayfun, K., Müslümanoğlu, A. Y., Kalaycı, M. Z. (2020). Coronavirus ve Fitoterapi. Bütünleyici Ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi, 1(2), 49-57.
Bütünleyici ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi
Journal of Integrative and Anatolian Medicine

