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Çalışanlarda Schadenfreude Davranışı

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 34 - 45, 31.12.2024


Schadenfreude, çalışanların işyeri faaliyetlerinde aksaklıklar oluşturabilir. Kişilerin zor durumları (acı çekmeleri) karşısında, insanlarda mutluluk veya haz duygusunun oluşmasına sebep olabilecek birçok etken söz konusudur. Bireylerin mutluluklarına karşı, kıskançlık, kin, haset, nefret gibi olumsuz duyguların sergilenmesi de normal davranışlardan değildir. Araştırmanın amacı schadenfreude kavramının oluşmasına sebep olabilecek etkenlerin neler olabileceği organizasyonel düzeyde değerlendirmektir. Amaç çerçevesinde WoS veri tabanında schadenfreude araştırmaları incelenmiştir. Araştırmada bibliyometrik analiz yönteminden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi 480 araştırmadan oluşmuştur. Analiz sonucunda schadenfreude kavramına yönelik önemli çıkarımlarda bulunulmuştur. Araştırmada schadenfreude kavramının empati, sosyal karşılaştırma, hak etme, statü, kötü niyetli kıskançlık, kıskançlık, sosyal kimlik, iyi huylu kıskançlık, sosyal duygular, sosyal davranış, kızgınlık, başkalarının talihinden duyulan mutsuzluk, duygular, fonksiyonel manyetik rezonans görüntüleme, etkileme, özdeşleşme, rekabet, kötüye kullanma, gözetim, talihsizlik, zarar, öz saygı, rekabet, grup içi, yüz ifadesi, gülme, ahlak, covid-19, etik, sosyal biliş, sempati, grup içi ilişkiler, duygu, kimlik, neşe, sosyal, karşılaştırma, motivasyon, makyavelizm, sadizm, narsisizm, karanlık üçlü, saldırganlık, karanlık tetrad, psikopati, ahlaki kopuş ile güçlü ilişkilere sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Sonuçlar organizasyonlarda schadenfreude kavramının dikkate alınmasını gerektiğini göstermiştir.

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Proje Numarası

projeden türetilmemiştir




  • AKBAR, Muhamad Khalid. The influence of social relationships, self-esteem, and empathy on schadenfreude. Journal of Psychology, 2022, 10(1), pp. 40-52.
  • ALI, Iqra Muhammad, BASEER, Amber and ALI, Moahnoor. Schadenfreude in working women of lahore: A phenomenological study. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 2024, 5(2), pp.342-360.
  • ARIA, Massimo and CUCCURULLO, Corrado. Bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 2017, 11, pp. 959-975.
  • ATIQ, Anum, BATOOL, Iffat and TARIQ, Shah R. Development and Validation of Schadenfreude Scale in Employees. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 2023, 33(2), pp. 4-19.
  • BARLETT, Christopher P. and MEIER, Brian P. Schadenfreude in the context of opposing vaccination statuses. European Journal of Social Psychology, 2023, 53, pp. 1593-1604.
  • BERNDSEN, Mariëtte and TIGGEMANN, Marika. Multiple versus single immoral acts: an immoral person evokes more schadenfreude than an immoral action. Motivation and Emotion, 2020, 44, pp. 738-754.
  • BERNDSEN, Mariëtte, TIGGEMANN, Marika and CHAPMAN, Samantha. “It wasn’t your fault, but …...”: Schadenfreude about an undeserved misfortune. Motivation and Emotion, 2017, 41, pp. 741-748.
  • BRAMBILLA, Marco and RIVA, Paolo. Predicting pleasure at others’ misfortune: Morality trumps sociability and competence in driving deservingness and schadenfreude. Motivation and Emotion, 2017, 41, pp. 243-253.
  • BRUBAKER, Pamela Jo, MONTEZ, Daniel and CHURCH, Scott Haden. The power of schadenfreude: Predicting behaviors and perceptions of trolling among reddit users. Social Media + Society, 2021, pp. 1-13.
  • CHEN, Chen, QIN, Xin, YAM, Kai Chi and WANG, Haixia. Empathy or schadenfreude? Exploring observers’ differential responses to abusive supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2021, 36, p. 1077-1094.
  • CIKARA, Mina. Intergroup Schadenfreude: motivating participation in collective violence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 3, pp. 12-17.
  • CIKARA, Mina and FISKE, Susan T. Their pain, our pleasure: stereotype content and schadenfreude. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2013, 1299, pp. 52-59.
  • DASBOROUGH, Marie and HARVEY, Paul. Schadenfreude: The (not so) secret joy of another’s misfortune. Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, 141, pp. 693-707.
  • DIJK, Wilco W. van, OUWERKERK, Jaap W., SMITH, Ricjard H. and CIKARA, Mina. The role of self-evaluation and envy in schadenfreude. European Review of Social Psychology, 2015, 26(1), pp. 247-282.
  • DIJK, Wilco W. van, OUWERKERK, Jaap W., WESSELING, Yoka M. and KONINGSBRUGGEN, Guido M. van. Towards understanding pleasure at the misfortunes of others: The impact of self-evaluation threat on schadenfreude. Cognition and Emotion, 2011, 25(2), pp. 360-368.
  • DONTHU, Naveen, KUMAR, Satish, MUKHERJEE, Debmalya, PANDEY, Nitesh and LIM, Weng Marc. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 133, pp. 285-296.
  • EDGAR, Fiona. Emotions and environments: schadenfreude at work. Humanistic Management Journal, 2022, 7, pp. 95-116.
  • ELLEGAARD, Ole and WALLIN, Johan A. The bibliometric analysis of scholarly production: How great is the impact? Scientometrics, 2015, 105, pp. 1809-1831.
  • ERZI, Seda. Dark Triad and schadenfreude: Mediating role of moral disengagement and relational aggression. Personality and Individual Differences, 2020, 157, pp. 1-6.
  • FEATHER, N.T., WENZEL, Michael and KCKEE, Ian R. Integrating multiple perspectives on schadenfreude: The role of deservingness and emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 2013, 37, pp.574-585.
  • HAQ, Inam Ul, AZEEM, Muhammad U., RASHEED, Maria and ANWAR, Farooq. How does witnessing coworker ostracism differentially elicit victim-directed help and enacted ostracism: The mediating roles of compassion and schadenfreude, moderated by dispositional envy. Journal of Business Research, 2024, 179, pp. 1-10.
  • ILIA, Losif, RAD, Dana, DUGHI, Tiberiu, EGERAU, Anca, DEMETER, Edgar and RAD, Gavril. Schadenfreude and life satisfaction: effect of anger and aggressiveness. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2022, 28, pp. 76-88.
  • KRAMER, Thomas, YUCEL-AYBAT, Ozge and LAU-GESK, Loraine. The effect of schadenfreude on choice of conventional versus unconventional options. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2011, 116, pp. 140-147.
  • LANGE, Jens, WEIDMAN, Aaron C. and CRUSIUS, Jan. The painful duality of envy: Evidence for an integrative Theory and a meta-analysis on the relation of envy and schadenfreude. Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes, 2018, 114(4), p. 572-598.
  • LEACH, Colin Wayne and SPEARS, Russell. ‘‘A vengefulness of the impotent”: The pain of in-group inferiority and schadenfreude toward successful out-groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2008, 95(6), pp. 1383-1396.
  • LEACH, Colin Wayne, SPEARS, Russell and MANSTEAD, Antony S.R. Parsing (malicious) pleasures: schadenfreude and gloating at others’ adversity. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6, pp.1-13.
  • LI, Xinxin, MCALLISTER, Daniel J. and GLOOR, Jamie L. Schadenfreude: a counternormative observer response to workplace mistreatment. Academy of Management Review, 2020, pp. 1-43.
  • LIM, Weng Marc and KUMAR, Satish. Guidelines for interpreting the results of bibliometric analysis: A sensemaking approach. GBOE, 2024, 43, pp. 17-26.
  • RAD, Dana, DEMETER, Edgar, MAIER, Roxana and RAD, Gavril. Schadenfreude as a mediator in the relationship between empathy and difficulties in following the rules. Journal Plus Education, 2021, 29(2), p. 40-54.
  • SMITH, Richard H., POWELL, Caitlin A.J., COMBS, David J.Y. and SCHURTZ, David Ryan. Exploring the when and why of schadenfreude. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2009, 3(4), pp.530-546.
  • SPURGIN, Earl. An emotional-freedom defense of schadenfreude. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2015, 18(4), pp. 767-784.
  • WANG, Yong and RON-BERTS, Carl W. Schadenfreude: A case study of emotion as situated discursive display. Comparative Sociology, 2006, 5(1), pp. 44-63. VEN, Niels van de, HOOGLAND Charles E., SMITH, Richard H., DIJK, Wilco W. van, BREUGELMANS, Seger M. and ZEELENBERG, Marcel. When envy leads to schadenfreude. Cognition and Emotion, 2015, 29(6), p. 1007-1025. ZADEGAN, Milad Sharafi, POURHOSEIN, Reza and AZIZI, Zohreh. The mediating effects of moral disengagement and aggressive humor style: Dark Triad traits and schadenfreude. Frontiers in Psychology, 2024, 15, p.1-7.

Schadenfreude Behavior in Employees

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 34 - 45, 31.12.2024


Schadenfreude can create disruptions in workplace activities. Many factors can contribute to pleasure or satisfaction in response to others' difficulties (suffering). It is also not normal for individuals to exhibit negative emotions such as jealousy, spite, envy, and hatred towards others' happiness. The research aims to evaluate the factors that may contribute to the formation of the schadenfreude concept at an organizational level. For this purpose, schadenfreude studies were reviewed in the WoS database. The study utilized bibliometric analysis methods. The study sample consisted of 480 research papers. As a result of the analysis, significant insights into the schadenfreude concept were obtained. The study found that the schadenfreude concept has strong relationships with empathy, social comparison, deservingness, status, malicious envy, jealousy, social identity, benign envy, social emotions, prosocial behavior, resentment, gluckschmerz, emotions, fMRI, affect, identification, rivalry, abuse supervision, misfortune, harm, self-esteem, competition, intergroup, facial expression, laughter, morality, COVID-19, ethics, social cognition, sympathy, intergroup relations, emotion, identity, joy, social comparison, motivation, Machiavellianism, sadism, narcissism, the dark triad, aggression, the dark tetrad, psychopathy, and moral disengagement. The results indicate that the concept of schadenfreude needs to be considered in organizations.

Proje Numarası

projeden türetilmemiştir


  • AKBAR, Muhamad Khalid. The influence of social relationships, self-esteem, and empathy on schadenfreude. Journal of Psychology, 2022, 10(1), pp. 40-52.
  • ALI, Iqra Muhammad, BASEER, Amber and ALI, Moahnoor. Schadenfreude in working women of lahore: A phenomenological study. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 2024, 5(2), pp.342-360.
  • ARIA, Massimo and CUCCURULLO, Corrado. Bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 2017, 11, pp. 959-975.
  • ATIQ, Anum, BATOOL, Iffat and TARIQ, Shah R. Development and Validation of Schadenfreude Scale in Employees. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 2023, 33(2), pp. 4-19.
  • BARLETT, Christopher P. and MEIER, Brian P. Schadenfreude in the context of opposing vaccination statuses. European Journal of Social Psychology, 2023, 53, pp. 1593-1604.
  • BERNDSEN, Mariëtte and TIGGEMANN, Marika. Multiple versus single immoral acts: an immoral person evokes more schadenfreude than an immoral action. Motivation and Emotion, 2020, 44, pp. 738-754.
  • BERNDSEN, Mariëtte, TIGGEMANN, Marika and CHAPMAN, Samantha. “It wasn’t your fault, but …...”: Schadenfreude about an undeserved misfortune. Motivation and Emotion, 2017, 41, pp. 741-748.
  • BRAMBILLA, Marco and RIVA, Paolo. Predicting pleasure at others’ misfortune: Morality trumps sociability and competence in driving deservingness and schadenfreude. Motivation and Emotion, 2017, 41, pp. 243-253.
  • BRUBAKER, Pamela Jo, MONTEZ, Daniel and CHURCH, Scott Haden. The power of schadenfreude: Predicting behaviors and perceptions of trolling among reddit users. Social Media + Society, 2021, pp. 1-13.
  • CHEN, Chen, QIN, Xin, YAM, Kai Chi and WANG, Haixia. Empathy or schadenfreude? Exploring observers’ differential responses to abusive supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2021, 36, p. 1077-1094.
  • CIKARA, Mina. Intergroup Schadenfreude: motivating participation in collective violence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 3, pp. 12-17.
  • CIKARA, Mina and FISKE, Susan T. Their pain, our pleasure: stereotype content and schadenfreude. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2013, 1299, pp. 52-59.
  • DASBOROUGH, Marie and HARVEY, Paul. Schadenfreude: The (not so) secret joy of another’s misfortune. Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, 141, pp. 693-707.
  • DIJK, Wilco W. van, OUWERKERK, Jaap W., SMITH, Ricjard H. and CIKARA, Mina. The role of self-evaluation and envy in schadenfreude. European Review of Social Psychology, 2015, 26(1), pp. 247-282.
  • DIJK, Wilco W. van, OUWERKERK, Jaap W., WESSELING, Yoka M. and KONINGSBRUGGEN, Guido M. van. Towards understanding pleasure at the misfortunes of others: The impact of self-evaluation threat on schadenfreude. Cognition and Emotion, 2011, 25(2), pp. 360-368.
  • DONTHU, Naveen, KUMAR, Satish, MUKHERJEE, Debmalya, PANDEY, Nitesh and LIM, Weng Marc. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 133, pp. 285-296.
  • EDGAR, Fiona. Emotions and environments: schadenfreude at work. Humanistic Management Journal, 2022, 7, pp. 95-116.
  • ELLEGAARD, Ole and WALLIN, Johan A. The bibliometric analysis of scholarly production: How great is the impact? Scientometrics, 2015, 105, pp. 1809-1831.
  • ERZI, Seda. Dark Triad and schadenfreude: Mediating role of moral disengagement and relational aggression. Personality and Individual Differences, 2020, 157, pp. 1-6.
  • FEATHER, N.T., WENZEL, Michael and KCKEE, Ian R. Integrating multiple perspectives on schadenfreude: The role of deservingness and emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 2013, 37, pp.574-585.
  • HAQ, Inam Ul, AZEEM, Muhammad U., RASHEED, Maria and ANWAR, Farooq. How does witnessing coworker ostracism differentially elicit victim-directed help and enacted ostracism: The mediating roles of compassion and schadenfreude, moderated by dispositional envy. Journal of Business Research, 2024, 179, pp. 1-10.
  • ILIA, Losif, RAD, Dana, DUGHI, Tiberiu, EGERAU, Anca, DEMETER, Edgar and RAD, Gavril. Schadenfreude and life satisfaction: effect of anger and aggressiveness. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2022, 28, pp. 76-88.
  • KRAMER, Thomas, YUCEL-AYBAT, Ozge and LAU-GESK, Loraine. The effect of schadenfreude on choice of conventional versus unconventional options. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2011, 116, pp. 140-147.
  • LANGE, Jens, WEIDMAN, Aaron C. and CRUSIUS, Jan. The painful duality of envy: Evidence for an integrative Theory and a meta-analysis on the relation of envy and schadenfreude. Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes, 2018, 114(4), p. 572-598.
  • LEACH, Colin Wayne and SPEARS, Russell. ‘‘A vengefulness of the impotent”: The pain of in-group inferiority and schadenfreude toward successful out-groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2008, 95(6), pp. 1383-1396.
  • LEACH, Colin Wayne, SPEARS, Russell and MANSTEAD, Antony S.R. Parsing (malicious) pleasures: schadenfreude and gloating at others’ adversity. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6, pp.1-13.
  • LI, Xinxin, MCALLISTER, Daniel J. and GLOOR, Jamie L. Schadenfreude: a counternormative observer response to workplace mistreatment. Academy of Management Review, 2020, pp. 1-43.
  • LIM, Weng Marc and KUMAR, Satish. Guidelines for interpreting the results of bibliometric analysis: A sensemaking approach. GBOE, 2024, 43, pp. 17-26.
  • RAD, Dana, DEMETER, Edgar, MAIER, Roxana and RAD, Gavril. Schadenfreude as a mediator in the relationship between empathy and difficulties in following the rules. Journal Plus Education, 2021, 29(2), p. 40-54.
  • SMITH, Richard H., POWELL, Caitlin A.J., COMBS, David J.Y. and SCHURTZ, David Ryan. Exploring the when and why of schadenfreude. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2009, 3(4), pp.530-546.
  • SPURGIN, Earl. An emotional-freedom defense of schadenfreude. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2015, 18(4), pp. 767-784.
  • WANG, Yong and RON-BERTS, Carl W. Schadenfreude: A case study of emotion as situated discursive display. Comparative Sociology, 2006, 5(1), pp. 44-63. VEN, Niels van de, HOOGLAND Charles E., SMITH, Richard H., DIJK, Wilco W. van, BREUGELMANS, Seger M. and ZEELENBERG, Marcel. When envy leads to schadenfreude. Cognition and Emotion, 2015, 29(6), p. 1007-1025. ZADEGAN, Milad Sharafi, POURHOSEIN, Reza and AZIZI, Zohreh. The mediating effects of moral disengagement and aggressive humor style: Dark Triad traits and schadenfreude. Frontiers in Psychology, 2024, 15, p.1-7.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hukuk, Toplum ve Sosyo-Yasal Araştırma
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

İbrahim Durmuş 0000-0002-3872-2258

Proje Numarası projeden türetilmemiştir
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Durmuş, İbrahim. “Schadenfreude Behavior in Employees”. Bayburt Üniversitesi Adalet Dergisi 3, sy. 1 (Aralık 2024): 34-45.