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The Relationship between Public Health Services & Expenditures & Corruption in OECD Countries

Yıl 2020, , 535 - 556, 22.10.2020


Sağlık hizmetlerinde yolsuzluk, sağlık harcamalarını ve sonuçlarını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Önceki araştırmalar, yolsuzluğun sağlık hizmetlerini ve harcamalarını olumsuz etkilediğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de sağlık harcamaları ile yolsuzluk arasındaki ilişkinin varlığını incelemektir. 1984-2017 dönemine ait yıllık verileri kullanan çalışmayla, Türkiye'nin sağlık harcamaları ve yolsuzluk arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma veri seti, çeşitli amaçlar için birim kök testi, eşbütünleşme testi ve Granger nedensellik testi gibi bazı uygun testler kullanılarak analiz edilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Bu testlerin sonuçları çalışmada çeşitli tablolarda sunulmuştur. Araştırmamızdan elde edilen sonuçlara göre sağlık harcamaları ile yolsuzluk arasında uzun vadeli ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Granger Dışsallık Wald testi sonuçlarına göre, yolsuzluk ve kamu harcamaları ile yolsuzluk ve beş yaşın altındaki bebek ölümleri arasında iki yönlü nedensellik ilişki bulunmuştur.


  • ADB (2010). ADB’s Anticorruption Policy, Anticorruption and Integrity: Philippines, Second Edition, Asian Development Bank.
  • Akıl A. (2019). Euro/Dolar Paritesindeki Değişimin Zaman Serisi Analizi ile İncelenmesi, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta.
  • Albayrak M. (2010). Sağlık Sektöründe Yolsuzluklar: Nedensellik Analizi. Social Sciences, 5 (3) , 158-175.
  • Asghari M.(2016) The Role of Corruption and Healthcare Expenditure in Healthcare Systems of the Persian Gulf Region. Iran J Health Sci. 4 (2) :19-30
  • Azfar O. and Gurgur T. (2008). Does corruption affect health outcomes in the philippines? Economics of Governance, 9(3)
  • Bağdigen M. ve Dökmen G. (2006). Yolsuzluğun Kamu Gelir ve Giderleri Üzerine Etkisi (2006). ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 53-69.
  • Binns C, Low W-Y. What Is Public Health? Asia-Pacific J Public Heal. 2015;27(1):5-6. doi:10.1177/1010539514565740.
  • Boonyanam N. (2014). Relationship of Stock Price and Monetary Variables of Asian Small Open Emerging Economy: Evidence from Thailand, International Journal of Financial Research, 5(1), Thailand.
  • Celentani M.and Ganuza J.(2002). Corruption and competition in procurement. European Economic Review, 46(7) Çeli̇kay F, Gümüş E. (2011). Sağlıkta Dönüşümün Ampirik Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 66 (03), 55-92.
  • d’Agostino G., Dunne, J. P., and Pieroni, L.(2016). "Government Spending, Corruption and Economic Growth," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 84(C), 190-205.
  • Demir H. ve Kurt ME (2017). Yolsuzluk ve Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamaları. Dicle Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 7 (14), 363-384.
  • Factor R. and Kang M.(2015). Corruption and population health outcomes: An analysis of data from 133 countries using structural equation modeling. International Journal of Public Health, 60(6), 633-641.
  • Gujarati D. (2001). Temel Ekonometri (Çev. Ümit-Gülay Şenesen), İstanbul, Literatür Yay.
  • Gupta S., Davoodi H., and Tiongson E. (2000). Corruption and the Provision of Health Care and Education Services, USA, IMF (WP/00/116.2000).
  • Howell L.D. (2012). International Country Risk Guide Methodology, PRS Group, East Syracuse, NY.
  • Imam A. and Habiba D, Atanda B.T (2016). On Consistency of Tests for Stationarity in Autoregressive and Moving Average Models of Different Orders, American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(3): 146-153.
  • Johnson S, Kaufmann D., and Zoido-Lobaton, P. (1998). "Regulatory Discretion and the Unofficial Economy," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 88(2), 387-392.
  • Kuznets S.(1955). “Gross Capital Formation, 1919–1933,” National Bureau of Economic Research Bulletin, 52 (11 1934).
  • Levine et Renelt (1992), « A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions », the American Economic Review, Vol 82, N 4, septembre.
  • Lichand G, Lopes M, Medeiros M. Is Corruption Good for Your Health? (Job Market Paper). Working Paper.
  • Lindelow M. and Sernells P. (2006). The performance of health workers in Ethiopia, Social Science and Medicine, “Vol. 62(9), May 2006, p. 2225-2235.
  • Mauro P. (1997). Why Worry about Corruption?. IMF Economic Issues, No: 6.
  • Mendonça H.F., Baca A.C. (2018). "Relevance of corruption on the effect of public health expenditure and taxation on economic growth". Applied Economics Letters, 25(12), 876-881.
  • Olivieri C., Martinelli B., Massucatto, P., and Silva, C.B. (2018). Municipal administration and corruption in the implementation of federal education programs.
  • Rajkumar, A. S.and Swaroop, V. (2008). Public spending and outcomes: Does governance matter? Journal of Development Economics, 86(1)
  • Rezapour A, Mousavi A, Lotfi F, Soleimani Movahed M, Alipour S. (2019). The Effects of Health Expenditure on Health Outcomes Based on the Classification of Public Health Expenditure: A Panel Data Approach, Shiraz.
  • Savedoff W.D. And Hussmann K. (2006). Why are health systems prone to corruption? Global Corruption Report 2006, , 4-16.
  • Sileem H. H. M. (2016). Health Expenditure, Climate Changes and Corruption in the MENA Region: A Granger Causality Approach. The Journal of African Development, 18(2), 61–72.
  • Tanzi V. and Davoodi H (2002) Corruption, Public Investment, and Growth, in: George T. Abed and Sanjeev Gupta (Ed.): Governance, Corruption, and Economic Performance, International Monetary Fund, Publication Services, Washington, D.C.; pp. 280-299.
  • Testori Coggi, P. and Hackbart, B. (‎2013)‎.European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Investing in health: a European Commission perspective. Eurohealth, 19 (‎3)‎, 26 - 29. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
  • Ul-Haque and N. Sahay R. (1996). Do Government Wage Cuts Close Budget Deficits? Costs of Corruption, IMF Staff Papers, 43(4), 754-778.
  • Vian T. (2020). Anti-corruption, transparency and accountability in health: concepts, frameworks, and approaches. Global health action, 13(sup1), 1694744.
  • Wambugu A, Odhiambo SA, Kiriti-Ng’ang’a T. Effect of Health Expenditure on Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Governance Perspective. University of Nairobi. 2015.
  • Wang, D. and Tomek, W. G. (2007). Commodity Prices and Unit Root Tests. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 89, November, No. 4, pp. 873-889.
  • Yorulmaz Ö. (2017). Sosyo-Ekonomik Kalkınma, Yolsuzluk ve Sağlık Göstergeleri Arasındaki İlişki: Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli Uygulaması. Alphanumeric Journal, 5(2), 191-206.
  • Yaqub J., Ojapinwa T., and Yussuff R.O. (2012). Publıc Health Expendıture And Health Outcome In Nıgerıa: The Impact Of Governance. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 8.

The Relationship between Public Health Services & Expenditures & Corruption in OECD Countries

Yıl 2020, , 535 - 556, 22.10.2020


Corruption in healthcare negatively affects health expenditures and outcomes. Previous research shows that corruption negatively affects health services and spending. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between corruption and the presence of health expenditures in Turkey. with the work using annual data for the period 1984-2017. Turkey aims to determine the relationship between health spending and corruption. The research data set has been analyzed and analyzed using some suitable tests such as the unit root test, cointegration test, and Granger causality test for various purposes. The results of these tests are presented in various tables in the study. According to the results obtained from our research, a long-term relationship between health expenditures and corruption has been determined. According to the Granger Externality Wald test results, a two-way causality relationship was found between corruption and public spending and corruption and infant deaths under the age of five.


  • ADB (2010). ADB’s Anticorruption Policy, Anticorruption and Integrity: Philippines, Second Edition, Asian Development Bank.
  • Akıl A. (2019). Euro/Dolar Paritesindeki Değişimin Zaman Serisi Analizi ile İncelenmesi, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta.
  • Albayrak M. (2010). Sağlık Sektöründe Yolsuzluklar: Nedensellik Analizi. Social Sciences, 5 (3) , 158-175.
  • Asghari M.(2016) The Role of Corruption and Healthcare Expenditure in Healthcare Systems of the Persian Gulf Region. Iran J Health Sci. 4 (2) :19-30
  • Azfar O. and Gurgur T. (2008). Does corruption affect health outcomes in the philippines? Economics of Governance, 9(3)
  • Bağdigen M. ve Dökmen G. (2006). Yolsuzluğun Kamu Gelir ve Giderleri Üzerine Etkisi (2006). ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 53-69.
  • Binns C, Low W-Y. What Is Public Health? Asia-Pacific J Public Heal. 2015;27(1):5-6. doi:10.1177/1010539514565740.
  • Boonyanam N. (2014). Relationship of Stock Price and Monetary Variables of Asian Small Open Emerging Economy: Evidence from Thailand, International Journal of Financial Research, 5(1), Thailand.
  • Celentani M.and Ganuza J.(2002). Corruption and competition in procurement. European Economic Review, 46(7) Çeli̇kay F, Gümüş E. (2011). Sağlıkta Dönüşümün Ampirik Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 66 (03), 55-92.
  • d’Agostino G., Dunne, J. P., and Pieroni, L.(2016). "Government Spending, Corruption and Economic Growth," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 84(C), 190-205.
  • Demir H. ve Kurt ME (2017). Yolsuzluk ve Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamaları. Dicle Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 7 (14), 363-384.
  • Factor R. and Kang M.(2015). Corruption and population health outcomes: An analysis of data from 133 countries using structural equation modeling. International Journal of Public Health, 60(6), 633-641.
  • Gujarati D. (2001). Temel Ekonometri (Çev. Ümit-Gülay Şenesen), İstanbul, Literatür Yay.
  • Gupta S., Davoodi H., and Tiongson E. (2000). Corruption and the Provision of Health Care and Education Services, USA, IMF (WP/00/116.2000).
  • Howell L.D. (2012). International Country Risk Guide Methodology, PRS Group, East Syracuse, NY.
  • Imam A. and Habiba D, Atanda B.T (2016). On Consistency of Tests for Stationarity in Autoregressive and Moving Average Models of Different Orders, American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(3): 146-153.
  • Johnson S, Kaufmann D., and Zoido-Lobaton, P. (1998). "Regulatory Discretion and the Unofficial Economy," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 88(2), 387-392.
  • Kuznets S.(1955). “Gross Capital Formation, 1919–1933,” National Bureau of Economic Research Bulletin, 52 (11 1934).
  • Levine et Renelt (1992), « A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions », the American Economic Review, Vol 82, N 4, septembre.
  • Lichand G, Lopes M, Medeiros M. Is Corruption Good for Your Health? (Job Market Paper). Working Paper.
  • Lindelow M. and Sernells P. (2006). The performance of health workers in Ethiopia, Social Science and Medicine, “Vol. 62(9), May 2006, p. 2225-2235.
  • Mauro P. (1997). Why Worry about Corruption?. IMF Economic Issues, No: 6.
  • Mendonça H.F., Baca A.C. (2018). "Relevance of corruption on the effect of public health expenditure and taxation on economic growth". Applied Economics Letters, 25(12), 876-881.
  • Olivieri C., Martinelli B., Massucatto, P., and Silva, C.B. (2018). Municipal administration and corruption in the implementation of federal education programs.
  • Rajkumar, A. S.and Swaroop, V. (2008). Public spending and outcomes: Does governance matter? Journal of Development Economics, 86(1)
  • Rezapour A, Mousavi A, Lotfi F, Soleimani Movahed M, Alipour S. (2019). The Effects of Health Expenditure on Health Outcomes Based on the Classification of Public Health Expenditure: A Panel Data Approach, Shiraz.
  • Savedoff W.D. And Hussmann K. (2006). Why are health systems prone to corruption? Global Corruption Report 2006, , 4-16.
  • Sileem H. H. M. (2016). Health Expenditure, Climate Changes and Corruption in the MENA Region: A Granger Causality Approach. The Journal of African Development, 18(2), 61–72.
  • Tanzi V. and Davoodi H (2002) Corruption, Public Investment, and Growth, in: George T. Abed and Sanjeev Gupta (Ed.): Governance, Corruption, and Economic Performance, International Monetary Fund, Publication Services, Washington, D.C.; pp. 280-299.
  • Testori Coggi, P. and Hackbart, B. (‎2013)‎.European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Investing in health: a European Commission perspective. Eurohealth, 19 (‎3)‎, 26 - 29. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
  • Ul-Haque and N. Sahay R. (1996). Do Government Wage Cuts Close Budget Deficits? Costs of Corruption, IMF Staff Papers, 43(4), 754-778.
  • Vian T. (2020). Anti-corruption, transparency and accountability in health: concepts, frameworks, and approaches. Global health action, 13(sup1), 1694744.
  • Wambugu A, Odhiambo SA, Kiriti-Ng’ang’a T. Effect of Health Expenditure on Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Governance Perspective. University of Nairobi. 2015.
  • Wang, D. and Tomek, W. G. (2007). Commodity Prices and Unit Root Tests. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 89, November, No. 4, pp. 873-889.
  • Yorulmaz Ö. (2017). Sosyo-Ekonomik Kalkınma, Yolsuzluk ve Sağlık Göstergeleri Arasındaki İlişki: Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli Uygulaması. Alphanumeric Journal, 5(2), 191-206.
  • Yaqub J., Ojapinwa T., and Yussuff R.O. (2012). Publıc Health Expendıture And Health Outcome In Nıgerıa: The Impact Of Governance. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 8.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Research Articles

Muzaffer Albayrak 0000-0001-8516-9224

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Ekim 2020
Kabul Tarihi 10 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Albayrak, M. (2020). The Relationship between Public Health Services & Expenditures & Corruption in OECD Countries. BİLTÜRK Ekonomi Ve İlişkili Çalışmalar Dergisi, 2(4), 535-556.

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