Research Article
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Uludağ'ın Çayır Sivrisinekleri (Tipulidae: Diptera)faunası

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 57 - 64, 15.08.2019


Bu çalışma Uludağ'dan kaydedilmiş 3 farklı cinse ait 20 farklı Tipulidae türünü sunmaktadır. Tipula (Lunatipula) subacuminata Mannheims, 1963, Tipula (Savtshenkia) rufina Meigen, 1818, Tipula (Yamatotipula) caesia Schummel, 1833 türleri çalışma alanından ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Türlere ait Türkiye ve Dünya yayılışı bilgileri de bu çalışmada verilmektedir.


  • Oosterbroek P. (2019). Catalogue of the Cranefl ies of the World (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera, Tipuloidea). Last update: 05 Mar 2019. Retrieved from
  • Koç, H., (2006). Aydın ili Tipulidae Familyası türklerinin faunistik ve ekolojik yönden incelenmesi (Faunistic and investigation of ecological aspect of Tipulidae families in Aydın Province). Mugla Universty press.
  • Koç, H. &Oosterbroek, P., (2001). Checklist of the Turkish Tipulidae (Diptera), with new records. Studia Dipterologica 8 (2), 463–468.
  • Koç, H. &Oosterbroek, P. (2005). A new species of Tipula (Lunatipula) from Turkey, close to T. (L.) imbecilla Loew (Diptera: Tipulidae). Entomol. Fennica vol, 16 (1) , 19-22.
  • Koç, H. (2007). Two new species of Tipula (Lunatipula) Edwards (Diptera: Tipulidae) from Turkey, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 43:3, 327-332,
  • Savchenko, E. N. (1983). Crane flies (Fam. Tipulidae), Instroduction, Subfam. Dolichopezinae, Subfam. Tipulinae (start), Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(12), (N.S.), 127, 1-585.
  • Koç H., Oosterbroek P. &Özgül Ö. (2005). A new Turkish Tipula (Lunatipula) species of the acuminata group (Diptera: Tipulidae). Entomologica Fennica 16(4), 251-253.
  • Koç, H., A. Hasbenli &P. Vogtenhuber, (2007). Eine neue türkische Tipula (Lunatipula) Art aus der mellea Gruppe (Diptera: Tipulidae). Linzer biol. Beitr., 39 (2), 983-986.
  • Koç, H., Aktaş, M. &Civelek. H.S., (2008). New Records of Tipula (Savtshenkia) (Diptera: Tipulidae) from Turkey. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 19(1), 7–10.
  • Koç, H., Özgül, O., Tonguç, A., &Barlas, M., (2013). The Tipulidae fauna of Southwestern Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 57(1), 115–118.
  • Koç, H., Tonguç, A. Özgül, O. Molla Y. &Canbulat, S. (2013). Güneybatı Anadolu Bölgesi Tipulidae (Diptera) türlerinin fenolojisi. Manas Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 3 (1), 1-6.
  • Koç, H., Özgül, O. &Hasbenli, A.(2015). The Tipulidae (Diptera) fauna of the Marmara region, with nine new records and one new genus records (Tanyptera Latreille, 1804) for Turkey, Türk Entonol. Derg, 39 (1), 47-53.
  • Mannheims, B.&Theowald, B.(1980). Tipuliden. In. lindner: Die Fliegen Der Palaearktischen Region, l(15), l-538.
  • Oosterbroek, P.(1978). The Western Palaearctic species of Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Tipulidae), part 1, Beafortia, 27(337), 1-137.
  • Oosterbroek, P. (1980). The Western Palaearctic species of Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803, (Diptera, Tipulidae), part 5, Phlogeny and Biogeography, Beaufortia. 29 (346), 311-393. [26 3]
  • Savchenko, E. N. (1961). Crane flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam. Tipulinae, genus Tipula L., Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(3),(N.S.) 79, 1-488.
  • Savchenko, E.(1964). Crane flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam.Tipulinae, Genus Tipula L., Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(4) (N.S.), 89, l-503.
  • Savchenko, E. N.(1968). New and Little-Known Crane Flies Transcaucasia (Diptera, Tipulidae), Ent. Rev., 47(4), 557-571.
  • Savchenko, E. N.(1973). Crane flies (Tipulidae), Subfam. Tipulinae (End) and Flabelliferinae. Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(5), (N.S.), 105, l-282.
  • Tangelder, I.R.M.(1985). Phylogeny of the Nephrotoma dorsalis species-group (Diptera, Tipulidae), mainly based on genital characters. Beaufortia 35, 135-174.
  • Theischinger, G. (1987). Neue Taxa von Lunatipula Edwards aus der Mediterranen Subregion der Palaearktis (Diptera, Tipulidae, Tipula Linnaeus), V. Fortsetzung, Beaufortia, 37, 99-120.
  • Theowald, B.(1984). Taxonomie, Phylogenie und Biogeographie der Untergattung Tipula (Tipula) Linnaeus, 1758, (Insecta, Diptera, Tipulidae), Tijdschr. Ent., 127(3), 33-78.
  • Theowald, B.,&Oosterbroek, P.(1990 a). Zur Zoogeography der westpalearktischen Tipuliden, IX, die Tipuliden des vorderen Orients, Tijdschr. Ent., 133, 85-95.
  • Theowald, B.&Oosterbroek, P. (1990 b). The Zoogeography of the Western palaearctic Tipulidae (Diptera), X. The Tipulidae of the Eastern Mediterranen Islands, Bjdr. Dierk., 60(3/4), 171-180.
  • Vermoolen, D.(1983).The Tipula (Acutipula) maxima Group (Insecta, Diptera, Tipulidae), l. Taxonomy and Distribition, Bijdr., Dierk., 53 (l), 49-81.
  • Koç, H., (1999). Batı karadeniz bölgesi tipulidlerinin morfologji, ekoloji and faunası. (Morphology, ecology and fauna of tipulids of the western black sea region.) Ph. D. Thesis G.U. Fen Bilimleri Enstitutusu: i-xii, 1-230 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Serçe, Ö.,&Koç, H. (2005). Türkiye Tipulidae Faunasına Katkılar (Insecta: Diptera)2, G.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 18(1), 39-50 (2005), ISSN 1303-9709 G.U.
  • Kiper, U. &Çalışkan, H.(2007). Eskişehir Tipulidae (Diptera, Nematocera) Faunası. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fak. Dergisi, 9(1),25-30.
  • Koç, H.,&Aktaş, M., (1995). Türkiye Nigrotipula Hutson et Van- Wright, 1969 and Tipula Linnaeus, 1758 Faunasına Katkılar (Diptera, Tipulidae), Journal of the Institute of Science and Tecnology, Gazi Uni., 882, 60-72.
  • Theischinger, G. (1979b). “Neue Taxa von Lunatipula Edwards aus der Mediterranen Subregion der Palaearktis (Diptera, Tipulidae, Tipula Linnaeus)”, II. Fortsetzung, Beaufortia, 29, 275-308.
  • Oosterbroek, P. (2009). New distributional records for Palaearctic Limoniidae and Tipulidae(Diptera: Craneflies), mainly from the collection of the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam. Zoosymposia 3: 179-197.
  • Oosterbroek, P. &Theowald, B.(1992). Family Tipulidae, in Soos A., Papp L. Oosterbroek P. (eds.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, l, 56-178.
  • Koç, H., 2004. Mugla ili Tipulidae and Limoniidae familyalarının faunistik and ekolojik yönden incelenmesi. (Faunistic and investigation of ecological aspects of Tipulidae and Limoniidae families in Mugla province) - Mugla Universitesi Yayınları 55 (Rektörlük Yayınları 35): i-xviii, 1-154
  • Koç, H., A. Hasbenli &H. de Jong, (1998). Tipula (Acutipula) bosnica group, with the description of a new species from Turkey (Diptera: Tipulidae). Ent. Scand., 29: 267-274.
  • Theischinger, G. (1979a). Neue Taxa von Lunatipula Edwards aus der Mediterranen Subregion der Palaearktis (Diptera, Tipulidae, Tipula Linnaeus), Beaufortia ,28, 121-150, 29, 275-308; Amsterdam.
  • Vogtenhuber, P.(2004). Neue Taxa von Pterelachisus aus der Türkei (Diptera, Tipulidae). Denisia, 13, 347-350

The Crane Flies (Tipulidae: Diptera) fauna of the Uludağ Mountain (Turkey)

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 57 - 64, 15.08.2019


This study is recorded 20 Tipulidae species belonging to 3 different genera from Uludağ Mountain. Tipula (Lunatipula) subacuminata Mannheims, 1963, Tipula (Savtshenkia) rufina Meigen, 1818, Tipula (Yamatotipula) caesia Schummel, 1833 are recorded first time from research area. In the present study distributions in Turkey and World were also given for each species.


  • Oosterbroek P. (2019). Catalogue of the Cranefl ies of the World (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera, Tipuloidea). Last update: 05 Mar 2019. Retrieved from
  • Koç, H., (2006). Aydın ili Tipulidae Familyası türklerinin faunistik ve ekolojik yönden incelenmesi (Faunistic and investigation of ecological aspect of Tipulidae families in Aydın Province). Mugla Universty press.
  • Koç, H. &Oosterbroek, P., (2001). Checklist of the Turkish Tipulidae (Diptera), with new records. Studia Dipterologica 8 (2), 463–468.
  • Koç, H. &Oosterbroek, P. (2005). A new species of Tipula (Lunatipula) from Turkey, close to T. (L.) imbecilla Loew (Diptera: Tipulidae). Entomol. Fennica vol, 16 (1) , 19-22.
  • Koç, H. (2007). Two new species of Tipula (Lunatipula) Edwards (Diptera: Tipulidae) from Turkey, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 43:3, 327-332,
  • Savchenko, E. N. (1983). Crane flies (Fam. Tipulidae), Instroduction, Subfam. Dolichopezinae, Subfam. Tipulinae (start), Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(12), (N.S.), 127, 1-585.
  • Koç H., Oosterbroek P. &Özgül Ö. (2005). A new Turkish Tipula (Lunatipula) species of the acuminata group (Diptera: Tipulidae). Entomologica Fennica 16(4), 251-253.
  • Koç, H., A. Hasbenli &P. Vogtenhuber, (2007). Eine neue türkische Tipula (Lunatipula) Art aus der mellea Gruppe (Diptera: Tipulidae). Linzer biol. Beitr., 39 (2), 983-986.
  • Koç, H., Aktaş, M. &Civelek. H.S., (2008). New Records of Tipula (Savtshenkia) (Diptera: Tipulidae) from Turkey. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 19(1), 7–10.
  • Koç, H., Özgül, O., Tonguç, A., &Barlas, M., (2013). The Tipulidae fauna of Southwestern Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 57(1), 115–118.
  • Koç, H., Tonguç, A. Özgül, O. Molla Y. &Canbulat, S. (2013). Güneybatı Anadolu Bölgesi Tipulidae (Diptera) türlerinin fenolojisi. Manas Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 3 (1), 1-6.
  • Koç, H., Özgül, O. &Hasbenli, A.(2015). The Tipulidae (Diptera) fauna of the Marmara region, with nine new records and one new genus records (Tanyptera Latreille, 1804) for Turkey, Türk Entonol. Derg, 39 (1), 47-53.
  • Mannheims, B.&Theowald, B.(1980). Tipuliden. In. lindner: Die Fliegen Der Palaearktischen Region, l(15), l-538.
  • Oosterbroek, P.(1978). The Western Palaearctic species of Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Tipulidae), part 1, Beafortia, 27(337), 1-137.
  • Oosterbroek, P. (1980). The Western Palaearctic species of Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803, (Diptera, Tipulidae), part 5, Phlogeny and Biogeography, Beaufortia. 29 (346), 311-393. [26 3]
  • Savchenko, E. N. (1961). Crane flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam. Tipulinae, genus Tipula L., Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(3),(N.S.) 79, 1-488.
  • Savchenko, E.(1964). Crane flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam.Tipulinae, Genus Tipula L., Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(4) (N.S.), 89, l-503.
  • Savchenko, E. N.(1968). New and Little-Known Crane Flies Transcaucasia (Diptera, Tipulidae), Ent. Rev., 47(4), 557-571.
  • Savchenko, E. N.(1973). Crane flies (Tipulidae), Subfam. Tipulinae (End) and Flabelliferinae. Fauna USSR, Diptera, 2(5), (N.S.), 105, l-282.
  • Tangelder, I.R.M.(1985). Phylogeny of the Nephrotoma dorsalis species-group (Diptera, Tipulidae), mainly based on genital characters. Beaufortia 35, 135-174.
  • Theischinger, G. (1987). Neue Taxa von Lunatipula Edwards aus der Mediterranen Subregion der Palaearktis (Diptera, Tipulidae, Tipula Linnaeus), V. Fortsetzung, Beaufortia, 37, 99-120.
  • Theowald, B.(1984). Taxonomie, Phylogenie und Biogeographie der Untergattung Tipula (Tipula) Linnaeus, 1758, (Insecta, Diptera, Tipulidae), Tijdschr. Ent., 127(3), 33-78.
  • Theowald, B.,&Oosterbroek, P.(1990 a). Zur Zoogeography der westpalearktischen Tipuliden, IX, die Tipuliden des vorderen Orients, Tijdschr. Ent., 133, 85-95.
  • Theowald, B.&Oosterbroek, P. (1990 b). The Zoogeography of the Western palaearctic Tipulidae (Diptera), X. The Tipulidae of the Eastern Mediterranen Islands, Bjdr. Dierk., 60(3/4), 171-180.
  • Vermoolen, D.(1983).The Tipula (Acutipula) maxima Group (Insecta, Diptera, Tipulidae), l. Taxonomy and Distribition, Bijdr., Dierk., 53 (l), 49-81.
  • Koç, H., (1999). Batı karadeniz bölgesi tipulidlerinin morfologji, ekoloji and faunası. (Morphology, ecology and fauna of tipulids of the western black sea region.) Ph. D. Thesis G.U. Fen Bilimleri Enstitutusu: i-xii, 1-230 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Serçe, Ö.,&Koç, H. (2005). Türkiye Tipulidae Faunasına Katkılar (Insecta: Diptera)2, G.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 18(1), 39-50 (2005), ISSN 1303-9709 G.U.
  • Kiper, U. &Çalışkan, H.(2007). Eskişehir Tipulidae (Diptera, Nematocera) Faunası. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fak. Dergisi, 9(1),25-30.
  • Koç, H.,&Aktaş, M., (1995). Türkiye Nigrotipula Hutson et Van- Wright, 1969 and Tipula Linnaeus, 1758 Faunasına Katkılar (Diptera, Tipulidae), Journal of the Institute of Science and Tecnology, Gazi Uni., 882, 60-72.
  • Theischinger, G. (1979b). “Neue Taxa von Lunatipula Edwards aus der Mediterranen Subregion der Palaearktis (Diptera, Tipulidae, Tipula Linnaeus)”, II. Fortsetzung, Beaufortia, 29, 275-308.
  • Oosterbroek, P. (2009). New distributional records for Palaearctic Limoniidae and Tipulidae(Diptera: Craneflies), mainly from the collection of the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam. Zoosymposia 3: 179-197.
  • Oosterbroek, P. &Theowald, B.(1992). Family Tipulidae, in Soos A., Papp L. Oosterbroek P. (eds.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, l, 56-178.
  • Koç, H., 2004. Mugla ili Tipulidae and Limoniidae familyalarının faunistik and ekolojik yönden incelenmesi. (Faunistic and investigation of ecological aspects of Tipulidae and Limoniidae families in Mugla province) - Mugla Universitesi Yayınları 55 (Rektörlük Yayınları 35): i-xviii, 1-154
  • Koç, H., A. Hasbenli &H. de Jong, (1998). Tipula (Acutipula) bosnica group, with the description of a new species from Turkey (Diptera: Tipulidae). Ent. Scand., 29: 267-274.
  • Theischinger, G. (1979a). Neue Taxa von Lunatipula Edwards aus der Mediterranen Subregion der Palaearktis (Diptera, Tipulidae, Tipula Linnaeus), Beaufortia ,28, 121-150, 29, 275-308; Amsterdam.
  • Vogtenhuber, P.(2004). Neue Taxa von Pterelachisus aus der Türkei (Diptera, Tipulidae). Denisia, 13, 347-350
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Articles

Vedat Tekinoğlu This is me

Hakan Çalışkan

Publication Date August 15, 2019
Submission Date May 10, 2019
Acceptance Date August 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Tekinoğlu, V., & Çalışkan, H. (2019). The Crane Flies (Tipulidae: Diptera) fauna of the Uludağ Mountain (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12(2), 57-64.

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