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Siirt ili Antep fıstığı fidanlıklarının fungal toprak patojenleri yönünden araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 64 Sayı: 4, 5 - 19, 31.12.2024


Antep fıstığı (Pistacia vera L.) Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi'nde ve Siirt ili için önemli bir tarımsal üründür. Antep fıstığı fidan ihtiyacının önemli bir kısmı bu ildeki fidanlıklar tarafından karşılanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Siirt ilinde bulunan Antep fıstığı fidanlıklarında kök, kökboğazı çürüklüğü ve solgunluğa neden olan fungal toprak patojenlerinin belirlenmesi ve hastalık yaygınlık oranlarının tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Hastalık belirtileri gösteren bitkilerin görülme sıklığı incelenen fidanlıklara göre %1 ila %6 arasında bulunmuştur. Her fidanlıkta hastalık belirtileri gösteren bitkiler görüldüğünden dolayı yaygınlık %100 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sürvey sonucunda 12’si tür ve 8’i cins bazında olmak üzere 142 fungal izolat elde edilmiştir. Bu izolatlar morfolojik ve moleküler olarak da tanımlanmıştır. Patojenisite çalışmaları sonucunda çeşitli Fusarium türleri [F. solani, F. oxysporum, F. verticillioides (Syn. F. moniliforme), F. equiseti, F. avenaceum, F. proliferatum ve Fusarium spp.] ile Neoscytalidium dimitatum, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phoma spp, ve Cylindrocarpon spp.’nın koparılmış Antep fıstığı dallarını kolonize ederek dokularda renk bozulmasına yol açtığı belirlenmiştir. En virulent fungal izolatlar sırasıyla, N. dimitatum BŞR9.1, N. dimitatum AKT1.3, F. solani BŞR9.2, F. oxysporum BŞR5.4, M. phaseolina BŞR1.3 ve F. equiseti BŞR2.3.1 olmuştur. Çalışmada ayrıca bu önemli patojenlerin morfolojik ve mikroskobik görüntüleri de verilmiştir.

Proje Numarası



  • Anonymous 2022. Pistachio production by country country. (accessed date: 4.11.2022).
  • Anonymous 2023. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (, (accessed date:10.05.2023).
  • Arie T., 2019. Fusarium diseases of cultivated plants, control, diagnosis, and molecular and genetic studies. Journal of Pesticide Science. 44 (4), 275-281.
  • Aydın M.H., 2019. Siirt ilinde Antep fıstığı (Pistacia vera L.) bahçelerinde hastalıkların tespiti. I. Uluslararası Harran Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, 61-64.
  • Aydın M.H., 2022. Rhizoctonia solani and its biological control. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9 (1), 118-135.
  • Aydın M.H., Ünal F., 2021. Anastomosis groups and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn isolates obtained from pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) saplings in Siirt province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (1), 18-26.
  • Aydın M.H., İnal B., Uzun T., Aydın Y., Kayalar B., 2023. Antep fıstığı (Pistacia vera L.) bahçelerinde kök çürüklüğü ve solgunluğa neden olan fungal etmenlerin araştırılması: Siirt ili lokasyonu, Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10 (3), 308-319.
  • Banihashemi Z., 1995. Identification of Phytophthora species associated with pistachio gummosis in southern Iran. Acta Horticulturae, 419 (58), 349-352.
  • Barnett H.L., Lilly V.G., 1962. A destructive mycoparasite, Gliocladium roseum. Mycologia, 54 (1), 72-77.
  • Boosalis M.G., Scharen A.L., 1959. Methods for microscopic detection of Aphanomyces euteiches and Rhizoctonia solani and for isolation of Rhizoctonia solani associated with plant debris. Phytopathology, 49 (4), 192-198.
  • Booth C., 1971. Fusarium a laboratory guide to the ıdentification of the major species. C.M.I. Kew Surrey, England.
  • Bora T., Karaca İ., 1970. Kültür bitkilerinde hastalığın ve zararın ölçülmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Yardımcı Ders Kitabı, Yayın No: 167, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, s: 43, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Canpolat S., Tülek S., Yağmur A., Duman K., Karayel R., Atmaca E., Kilinç A.T., 2022. Screening some bean genotypes for resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina in Türkiye. Biodiversity Studies, 1 (1), 13-20 p. ISSN 2791-7347.
  • Canpolat S., Woodward S., Kurbetli İ., 2023. Molecular and pathological characterization of the isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. associated with dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Türkiye. Journal of Plant Pathology, 105 (2).
  • Carling D.E., Rothrock C.S., Macnish G.C., Brainard M.W., Winters S.W., 1994. Characterization of anastomosis group 11 (AG 11) of Rhizoctoni solani. Phytopathology, 84 (12), 1387-1393.
  • Cavinder B., Sikhakolli U., Fellows K.M., Trail F., 2012. Sexual development and ascospore discharge in Fusarium graminearum. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 61, 3895.
  • Chitzanidis A., 1995. Pistachio diseases in Greece. Acta Horticulturae, 419 (57), 345-348.
  • Crespo Palomo M., Lawrence D.P., Nouri M.T., Doll D.A., Trouillas F.P., 2019. Characterization of Fusarium and Neocosmospora species associated with crown rot and stem canker of pistachio rootstocks in California. Plant Disease, 103, (8), 1931-1939.
  • Dervis S., Türkolmez S., Ciftci O., Ulubas S., Dikilitas M., 2019. First report of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum causing canker, shoot blight, and root rot of pistachio in Turkey. Plant Disease, 103 (6), 1411.
  • Doyle J.J., Doyle J.L., 1987. A rapid DNA isolation procedure from small quantities of fresh leaf tissues. Phytochemical Bulletin, 19, 11-15.
  • Eskalen A., Küsek M., Danıştı L., Karadağ S., 2001. Fungal diseases in pistachio trees in East-Mediterranean and Southeast Anatolian regions. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, 56, 261-264.
  • Ghosh T., Biswas M.K., Guin C., Roy P., 2018. A review on characterization, therapeutic approaches and pathogenesis of Macrophomina phaseolina. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 19, 72-84.
  • Güldür M.E., Dikilitas M., Ak B.E., 2011. Pistachio diseases in the South Eastern Anatolian region. ISHS Acta Horticulturae: V. Uluslararası Antep Fıstığı ve Badem Sempozyumu, 912, 739-742.
  • Hanlin R.H., 1998. Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes. Vol: 1.2, APS Press, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, 268 pp.
  • Holtz B.A., Michailides T.J., Ferguson L., Hancock J.D., Weinhold A.R., 1996. First report of Rhizoctonia solani (AG-4) on pistachio rootstock seedlings in California. Plant Diseases, 80 (11), 1303.
  • Holtz B., Teviotdale B.L., 2016. Soil-borne diseases in pistachio production manual. L. Ferguson and D.R. Haviland (Ed.). University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication, 3545, 257-264.
  • Iqbal U., Mukhtar T., 2014. Morphological and pathogenic variability among Macrophomina phaseolina isolates associated with mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Wilczek from Pakistan. The ScientificWorldJournal, 2014:950175. doi: 10.1155/2014/950175.
  • Karaca M., İnce A., Safinaz Y., Elmasulu A., Onus N., Turgut K., 2005. Coisolation of genomic and organelle DNAs from 15 genera and 31 species of plants. Analytical Biochemistry, 343, 353-355.
  • Kaur S., Dhillon G.S., Brar S.K., Vallad G.E., Chand R., Chauhan V.B., 2012. Biology, economic importance and current diagnostic trends. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 38, 136-151.
  • Kurt Ş., Uysal A., Soylu E.M., Kara M., Soylu S., 2019. First record of Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae associated with pistachio dieback in the Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Mycologia Iranica, 6 (1), 55-57.
  • Liu J.K., Hyde K.D., Jones E.B.G., Ariyawansa H.A., Bhat D.J., Boonmee S., Maharachchikumbura S.S.N., McKenzie E.H.C., Phookamsak R., Phukhamsakda C.,
  • Michailides T.J., Morgan D.P., Doster M.A., 1995. Diseases of pistachio in California and their significance. Acta Horticulturae, 419, 337-343.
  • Mohammadi M., Banihashemi M., Hedjaroude G.A., Rahimian H., 2003. Genetic diversity Aamong Iranian isolates of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn anastomosis group 1 subgroups based on isozyme analysis and total soluble protein pattern. Journal of Phytopatology, 151 (3), 162-170.
  • Moral J., Lichtemberg P.S.F., Papagelis A., Sherman J., 2018. Didymella glomerata causing leaf blight on pistachio. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 151, 1095-1099.
  • Naffaa W., Rasheed A., 2017. First report of Fusarium solani causing root rot of pistachio seedlings Pistacia vera L. in nurseries in Syria. The Arab Journal for Arid Environments, 10 (1-2), 32-36.
  • Nouri M.T., Lawrence D.P., Yaghmour M.A., Michailides T.J., Trouillas F.P., 2018a. Neoscytalidium dimidiatum causing canker, shoot blight, and fruit rot of almond in California. Plant Disease, 102 (8), 1638-1647.
  • Nouri M.T., Holland L., Doll D., Kallsen C., Michailides T., Trouillas F., 2018b. Investigating canker and soil borne diseases of pistachio in California. Acta Horticulturae, 1219 (45), 295-302.
  • Nouri M.T., Lawrence D.P., Kallsen C.E., Trouillas F.P., 2020. Macrophomina crown and root rot of pistachio in California. Plants, 9 (2), 134-152.
  • Ören E., Koca G., Gencer R., Bayraktar H., 2020. First report of Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae associated with stem canker and branch dieback of almond trees. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 15 (1), 15-17.
  • Phillips A.J.L., Alves A., Abdollahzadeh J., Slippers B., Wingfield M.J., Groenewald J.Z., Crous P.W., 2013. The Botryosphaeriaceae: genera and species known from culture. Study in Mycology, 76 (1), 51- 167.
  • Roy A.K., 1989. Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani. Perspectives in Plant Pathology, 391-407.
  • Samuels G.J., 2006. Trichoderma: systematics, the sexual state, and ecology. Phytopathology, 96 (2), 195-206.
  • Seifert K., 1996. Fuskey: Fusarium interactive key. Agriculture and AgriFood, Canada, Research Branch, Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre, Ottowa.
  • Sheibani A., 1995. Pistachio production in Iran. Acta Horticulturae, 419 (27), 165-174.
  • Shenoy B.D., Abdel-Wahab M.A., Bart B., 2015. Fungal diversity notes 1-110: Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species. Fungal Diversity, 72 (1), 1-197.
  • Shephard G., 2011. Fusarium mycotoxins and human health. Plant Breed. Seed Science, 64, 113-122.
  • Sneh B., 1996. Non pathogenic isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. (np-R) and their role in biological control. In: B. Sneh., S. Jabaji-Hare., S. Neate and G. Dijst (Eds.), Rhizoctonia species: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology, pathology, and disease control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 473-483 p.
  • Swart W.J., Blodgett J.T., 1998. First report of Botryosphaeria dothidea basal canker of pistachio trees in South Africa. Plant Disease, 82, 960–960.
  • Tatlı F., 1996. Şanlıurfa Antep fıstığı alanlarında görülen fungal hastalık etmenlerinin saptanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Şanlıurfa.
  • Teviotdale B.L., Michailides T.J., Pscheidt J.W., 2002. Compendium of nut crop diseases in temperate zones. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 100 pp.
  • Triki M.A., Rhouma A., Chaabouni A.C., Ioos R., 2011. Emergence of Fusarium solani causing root rot of pistachio trees in Tunisia. Acta Horticulturae, 912 (2), 717-721.
  • Türkölmez Ş., Çiftçi O., Derviş S., Ulubaş Serçe Ç., 2015. First report of Phytophthora palmivora causing crown and root rot of pistachio trees in Turkey. Plant Disease, 99 (12), 1866.
  • Walid N., Abeer R., 2017. First report of Fusarium solani causing root rot of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) seedlings in nurseries in Syria. The Arab Journal for Arid Environments, 10 (1–2), 32–36.
  • Woudenberg J.H., Aveskamp M.M., Gruyter J., Spier A.G., Crous P.W., 2009. Multiple Didymella teleomorphs are linked to the Phoma clematidina morphotype. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 22, 56-62.

Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 64 Sayı: 4, 5 - 19, 31.12.2024


Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) is a significant agricultural product in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, particularly in the province of Siirt. A substantial portion of the region's demand for saplings is fulfilled by nurseries in this province. In this study, the objective was to identify fungal pathogens responsible for root, crown rot, and wilt symptoms, as well as to determine disease prevalence rates in pistachio nurseries located in Siirt province. The incidence of plants exhibiting disease symptoms in the examined nurseries was found to range between 1% and 6%. Since plants showing disease symptoms were observed in each nursery, the prevalence was calculated as 100%. As a result of the survey, 142 fungal isolates belonging to 12 species and 8 genera were obtained. These isolates were identified morphologically and molecularly. As a result of the pathogenicity studies, it was determined that several Fusarium species (F. solani, F. oxysporum, F. verticillioides (Syn. F. moniliforme), F. equiseti, F. avenaceum, F. proliferatum, Fusarium spp.) and Neoscytalidium dimitatum, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phoma spp., Cylindrocarpon spp. colonized the pistachio branches, leading to tissue discoloration. According to the symptoms observed on the branches, the most pathogenic fungal isolates were identified as follows: N. dimitatum BŞR9.1, N. dimitatum AKT1.3, F. solani BŞR9.2, F. oxysporum BŞR5.4, M. phaseolina BŞR1.3, and F. equiseti BŞR2.3.1, respectively. Additionally, figures depicting the morphological characteristics and microscopic images of the pathogens are provided.

Etik Beyan

Sunduğum makalenin etik kurallara uygun bir çalışma olduğunu, herhangi bir başka dergide yayımlanmak üzere verilmediğini, daha önce yayımlanmadığını bildiririz.

Destekleyen Kurum

The Rectorate of Siirt University, Agriculture and Livestock Coordination Center

Proje Numarası



We would like to thank Agricultural Engineer Abdülhamit KİREÇ from Siirt Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry and Şuayip ASLAN, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Siirt Province and Districts Pistachio Producers Association, for their contributions to the field work and material supply.


  • Anonymous 2022. Pistachio production by country country. (accessed date: 4.11.2022).
  • Anonymous 2023. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (, (accessed date:10.05.2023).
  • Arie T., 2019. Fusarium diseases of cultivated plants, control, diagnosis, and molecular and genetic studies. Journal of Pesticide Science. 44 (4), 275-281.
  • Aydın M.H., 2019. Siirt ilinde Antep fıstığı (Pistacia vera L.) bahçelerinde hastalıkların tespiti. I. Uluslararası Harran Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, 61-64.
  • Aydın M.H., 2022. Rhizoctonia solani and its biological control. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9 (1), 118-135.
  • Aydın M.H., Ünal F., 2021. Anastomosis groups and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn isolates obtained from pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) saplings in Siirt province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (1), 18-26.
  • Aydın M.H., İnal B., Uzun T., Aydın Y., Kayalar B., 2023. Antep fıstığı (Pistacia vera L.) bahçelerinde kök çürüklüğü ve solgunluğa neden olan fungal etmenlerin araştırılması: Siirt ili lokasyonu, Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10 (3), 308-319.
  • Banihashemi Z., 1995. Identification of Phytophthora species associated with pistachio gummosis in southern Iran. Acta Horticulturae, 419 (58), 349-352.
  • Barnett H.L., Lilly V.G., 1962. A destructive mycoparasite, Gliocladium roseum. Mycologia, 54 (1), 72-77.
  • Boosalis M.G., Scharen A.L., 1959. Methods for microscopic detection of Aphanomyces euteiches and Rhizoctonia solani and for isolation of Rhizoctonia solani associated with plant debris. Phytopathology, 49 (4), 192-198.
  • Booth C., 1971. Fusarium a laboratory guide to the ıdentification of the major species. C.M.I. Kew Surrey, England.
  • Bora T., Karaca İ., 1970. Kültür bitkilerinde hastalığın ve zararın ölçülmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Yardımcı Ders Kitabı, Yayın No: 167, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, s: 43, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Canpolat S., Tülek S., Yağmur A., Duman K., Karayel R., Atmaca E., Kilinç A.T., 2022. Screening some bean genotypes for resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina in Türkiye. Biodiversity Studies, 1 (1), 13-20 p. ISSN 2791-7347.
  • Canpolat S., Woodward S., Kurbetli İ., 2023. Molecular and pathological characterization of the isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. associated with dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Türkiye. Journal of Plant Pathology, 105 (2).
  • Carling D.E., Rothrock C.S., Macnish G.C., Brainard M.W., Winters S.W., 1994. Characterization of anastomosis group 11 (AG 11) of Rhizoctoni solani. Phytopathology, 84 (12), 1387-1393.
  • Cavinder B., Sikhakolli U., Fellows K.M., Trail F., 2012. Sexual development and ascospore discharge in Fusarium graminearum. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 61, 3895.
  • Chitzanidis A., 1995. Pistachio diseases in Greece. Acta Horticulturae, 419 (57), 345-348.
  • Crespo Palomo M., Lawrence D.P., Nouri M.T., Doll D.A., Trouillas F.P., 2019. Characterization of Fusarium and Neocosmospora species associated with crown rot and stem canker of pistachio rootstocks in California. Plant Disease, 103, (8), 1931-1939.
  • Dervis S., Türkolmez S., Ciftci O., Ulubas S., Dikilitas M., 2019. First report of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum causing canker, shoot blight, and root rot of pistachio in Turkey. Plant Disease, 103 (6), 1411.
  • Doyle J.J., Doyle J.L., 1987. A rapid DNA isolation procedure from small quantities of fresh leaf tissues. Phytochemical Bulletin, 19, 11-15.
  • Eskalen A., Küsek M., Danıştı L., Karadağ S., 2001. Fungal diseases in pistachio trees in East-Mediterranean and Southeast Anatolian regions. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, 56, 261-264.
  • Ghosh T., Biswas M.K., Guin C., Roy P., 2018. A review on characterization, therapeutic approaches and pathogenesis of Macrophomina phaseolina. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 19, 72-84.
  • Güldür M.E., Dikilitas M., Ak B.E., 2011. Pistachio diseases in the South Eastern Anatolian region. ISHS Acta Horticulturae: V. Uluslararası Antep Fıstığı ve Badem Sempozyumu, 912, 739-742.
  • Hanlin R.H., 1998. Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes. Vol: 1.2, APS Press, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, 268 pp.
  • Holtz B.A., Michailides T.J., Ferguson L., Hancock J.D., Weinhold A.R., 1996. First report of Rhizoctonia solani (AG-4) on pistachio rootstock seedlings in California. Plant Diseases, 80 (11), 1303.
  • Holtz B., Teviotdale B.L., 2016. Soil-borne diseases in pistachio production manual. L. Ferguson and D.R. Haviland (Ed.). University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication, 3545, 257-264.
  • Iqbal U., Mukhtar T., 2014. Morphological and pathogenic variability among Macrophomina phaseolina isolates associated with mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Wilczek from Pakistan. The ScientificWorldJournal, 2014:950175. doi: 10.1155/2014/950175.
  • Karaca M., İnce A., Safinaz Y., Elmasulu A., Onus N., Turgut K., 2005. Coisolation of genomic and organelle DNAs from 15 genera and 31 species of plants. Analytical Biochemistry, 343, 353-355.
  • Kaur S., Dhillon G.S., Brar S.K., Vallad G.E., Chand R., Chauhan V.B., 2012. Biology, economic importance and current diagnostic trends. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 38, 136-151.
  • Kurt Ş., Uysal A., Soylu E.M., Kara M., Soylu S., 2019. First record of Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae associated with pistachio dieback in the Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Mycologia Iranica, 6 (1), 55-57.
  • Liu J.K., Hyde K.D., Jones E.B.G., Ariyawansa H.A., Bhat D.J., Boonmee S., Maharachchikumbura S.S.N., McKenzie E.H.C., Phookamsak R., Phukhamsakda C.,
  • Michailides T.J., Morgan D.P., Doster M.A., 1995. Diseases of pistachio in California and their significance. Acta Horticulturae, 419, 337-343.
  • Mohammadi M., Banihashemi M., Hedjaroude G.A., Rahimian H., 2003. Genetic diversity Aamong Iranian isolates of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn anastomosis group 1 subgroups based on isozyme analysis and total soluble protein pattern. Journal of Phytopatology, 151 (3), 162-170.
  • Moral J., Lichtemberg P.S.F., Papagelis A., Sherman J., 2018. Didymella glomerata causing leaf blight on pistachio. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 151, 1095-1099.
  • Naffaa W., Rasheed A., 2017. First report of Fusarium solani causing root rot of pistachio seedlings Pistacia vera L. in nurseries in Syria. The Arab Journal for Arid Environments, 10 (1-2), 32-36.
  • Nouri M.T., Lawrence D.P., Yaghmour M.A., Michailides T.J., Trouillas F.P., 2018a. Neoscytalidium dimidiatum causing canker, shoot blight, and fruit rot of almond in California. Plant Disease, 102 (8), 1638-1647.
  • Nouri M.T., Holland L., Doll D., Kallsen C., Michailides T., Trouillas F., 2018b. Investigating canker and soil borne diseases of pistachio in California. Acta Horticulturae, 1219 (45), 295-302.
  • Nouri M.T., Lawrence D.P., Kallsen C.E., Trouillas F.P., 2020. Macrophomina crown and root rot of pistachio in California. Plants, 9 (2), 134-152.
  • Ören E., Koca G., Gencer R., Bayraktar H., 2020. First report of Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae associated with stem canker and branch dieback of almond trees. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 15 (1), 15-17.
  • Phillips A.J.L., Alves A., Abdollahzadeh J., Slippers B., Wingfield M.J., Groenewald J.Z., Crous P.W., 2013. The Botryosphaeriaceae: genera and species known from culture. Study in Mycology, 76 (1), 51- 167.
  • Roy A.K., 1989. Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani. Perspectives in Plant Pathology, 391-407.
  • Samuels G.J., 2006. Trichoderma: systematics, the sexual state, and ecology. Phytopathology, 96 (2), 195-206.
  • Seifert K., 1996. Fuskey: Fusarium interactive key. Agriculture and AgriFood, Canada, Research Branch, Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre, Ottowa.
  • Sheibani A., 1995. Pistachio production in Iran. Acta Horticulturae, 419 (27), 165-174.
  • Shenoy B.D., Abdel-Wahab M.A., Bart B., 2015. Fungal diversity notes 1-110: Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species. Fungal Diversity, 72 (1), 1-197.
  • Shephard G., 2011. Fusarium mycotoxins and human health. Plant Breed. Seed Science, 64, 113-122.
  • Sneh B., 1996. Non pathogenic isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. (np-R) and their role in biological control. In: B. Sneh., S. Jabaji-Hare., S. Neate and G. Dijst (Eds.), Rhizoctonia species: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology, pathology, and disease control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 473-483 p.
  • Swart W.J., Blodgett J.T., 1998. First report of Botryosphaeria dothidea basal canker of pistachio trees in South Africa. Plant Disease, 82, 960–960.
  • Tatlı F., 1996. Şanlıurfa Antep fıstığı alanlarında görülen fungal hastalık etmenlerinin saptanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Şanlıurfa.
  • Teviotdale B.L., Michailides T.J., Pscheidt J.W., 2002. Compendium of nut crop diseases in temperate zones. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 100 pp.
  • Triki M.A., Rhouma A., Chaabouni A.C., Ioos R., 2011. Emergence of Fusarium solani causing root rot of pistachio trees in Tunisia. Acta Horticulturae, 912 (2), 717-721.
  • Türkölmez Ş., Çiftçi O., Derviş S., Ulubaş Serçe Ç., 2015. First report of Phytophthora palmivora causing crown and root rot of pistachio trees in Turkey. Plant Disease, 99 (12), 1866.
  • Walid N., Abeer R., 2017. First report of Fusarium solani causing root rot of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) seedlings in nurseries in Syria. The Arab Journal for Arid Environments, 10 (1–2), 32–36.
  • Woudenberg J.H., Aveskamp M.M., Gruyter J., Spier A.G., Crous P.W., 2009. Multiple Didymella teleomorphs are linked to the Phoma clematidina morphotype. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 22, 56-62.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mehmet Hadi Aydın 0000-0003-3135-4621

Şükran Ayaz 0000-0002-8753-3373

Behcet İnal 0000-0003-2215-2710

Berrin Arslan 0000-0002-5205-1534

Tuba Uzun 0000-0003-2625-0684

Proje Numarası 2021-SİÜİHT-ZİR-07
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 64 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, M. H., Ayaz, Ş., İnal, B., Arslan, B., vd. (2024). Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens. Plant Protection Bulletin, 64(4), 5-19.
AMA Aydın MH, Ayaz Ş, İnal B, Arslan B, Uzun T. Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens. Plant Protection Bulletin. Aralık 2024;64(4):5-19. doi:10.16955/bitkorb.1460449
Chicago Aydın, Mehmet Hadi, Şükran Ayaz, Behcet İnal, Berrin Arslan, ve Tuba Uzun. “Investigation of Pistachio Saplings in Siirt Province Regarding Soil Fungal Pathogens”. Plant Protection Bulletin 64, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 5-19.
EndNote Aydın MH, Ayaz Ş, İnal B, Arslan B, Uzun T (01 Aralık 2024) Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens. Plant Protection Bulletin 64 4 5–19.
IEEE M. H. Aydın, Ş. Ayaz, B. İnal, B. Arslan, ve T. Uzun, “Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens”, Plant Protection Bulletin, c. 64, sy. 4, ss. 5–19, 2024, doi: 10.16955/bitkorb.1460449.
ISNAD Aydın, Mehmet Hadi vd. “Investigation of Pistachio Saplings in Siirt Province Regarding Soil Fungal Pathogens”. Plant Protection Bulletin 64/4 (Aralık 2024), 5-19.
JAMA Aydın MH, Ayaz Ş, İnal B, Arslan B, Uzun T. Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2024;64:5–19.
MLA Aydın, Mehmet Hadi vd. “Investigation of Pistachio Saplings in Siirt Province Regarding Soil Fungal Pathogens”. Plant Protection Bulletin, c. 64, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 5-19, doi:10.16955/bitkorb.1460449.
Vancouver Aydın MH, Ayaz Ş, İnal B, Arslan B, Uzun T. Investigation of pistachio saplings in Siirt province regarding soil fungal pathogens. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2024;64(4):5-19.