Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 153 - 176, 13.02.2024
Ali Emrah Bozbayındır
Mustafa Akgün
With the end of the golden era experienced by international courts until September 11, 2001, quasior non-judicial review mechanisms have begun to take a central place in addressing issues arising from international legal norms. One of the most controversial of these entities is the Ombudsperson institution tasked with examining appeals against the listing decisions of the Da’esh and Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee. This article explores the process that led to the establishment of the Ombudsperson institution and the structural framework of the said institution. Firstly, the argument is presented that the transition from the Focal Point mechanism to the Ombudsperson institution represents significant progress in safeguarding the fundamental rights and freedoms of listed individuals and entities, taking into account the historical development of the relevant institution and the role of the European Court of Justice in this process. Subsequently, the independence and effectiveness of the Ombudsperson institution are examined to determine its place within the scope of the right to a fair trial.
- Beukelmann S., ‘Vermögenssanktionen auf Grund von „UN-Terrorlisten“‘ (2013) Neue Juristische Wochen Schrift-Spezial 504-505.
- Boisson de Chazournes L., ‘Des relations entre l’ONU et les organisations régionales à l’aune des tribulations de l’affaire Kadi’ in: Ombres et lumières du droit international - Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Habib Slim. (Pedone, Paris 2016).
- Braconnier S., « La regulation des services publics », (2001) 1 RFDA.
- Conac P. H., « Un exemple étranger, la SEC aux États-Unis », in H. de Charrette (éd.), Le contrôle démocratique des autorités administratives indépendantes à caractère économique (Economica, 2002).
- Cornu G., Vocabulaire juridique (PUF, 10è éd., Paris, 2014).
Document 11-31063 (F), 18 March 2011, Strasbourg.
- Dörfler T., ‘Why Rules Matter: Shaping Security Council Sanctions Policy in Counterterrorism and Beyond’ 8:1 (2023) Journal of Global Security Studies 1.
- Dumoulin L., ‘Black lists et gel des avoirs: Bilan et perspectives du Médiateur du Comité 1267 des Nations unies’ 1 (2013) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 23.
- Fasciati D. K., ‘Due Process, Fairness, and Transparency – die Funktion der Ombudsperson für das Al-Qaida- Sanktionsregime der UN’ recht (2021) 158.
- Fassbender B., ‘Targeted Sanctions and Due Process’, Study commissioned by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, 20 March 2006.
- Garvey J. I., ‘Targeted Sanctions: Resolving the International Due Process Dilemma’ 50 (2016) 50 Texas International Law Journal 551.
- Genser J. and Barth K., ‘When Due Process Concerns become Dangerous: The Security Council’s 1267 Regime and the Need for Reform’ 33:1 (2010) Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 1.
- Halatçı Ulusoy Ü., Terörizmin Finansmanının Önlenmesi Kapsamında Birleşmiş Milletler Akıllı Yaptırımları (Turhan, Ankara 2014).
- International Ombudsman Institute <> Erişim tarihi: 2 Ocak 2024.
- Istrefi K., European Judicial Responses to Security Council Resolutions: A Consequentialist Assessment (Brill Nijhoff, Leiden 2018).
- Karagözoğlu C., ‘Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi Bireye Yönelik Ekonomik Yaptırım Kararları ve İnsan Hakları İlişkisi’ (2019) Public and Private International Law Bulletin 39:1 217.
- Lang A., ‘Alternatives to Adjudication in International Law: A Case Study of the Ombudsperson to the ISIL and Al-Qaida Sanctions Regime of the UN Security Council’ (2023) 117:1 The American Journal of International Law 48.
- Marcou G., « Les autorités administratives « dépendantes » et « indépendantes » dans le domaine de l’intervention économique de la puissance publique. Une analyse sur des secteurs sélectionnés », in G. Marcou, J. Masing (dir.), Le modèle des autorités de régulation indépendantes en France et en Allemagne (Société de législation comparée, Paris 2011).
- Prost K., ‘The office of the Ombudsperson’ in Jeremy Farrall, Hilary Charlesworth, Strengthening the rule of law through the UN Security Council (Routledge 2016).
- Saura-Estapà J., ‘The UN Security Council Ombudsperson: An Original Institution Still Under Construction’ (2017) 54 Revista Catalana de Dret Públic 185.
- Save The Children UK (2002), Iraq Sanctions: Humanitarian Implications and Options for the Future, ch. 2.
- Stricker M., Terrorlisten im Strafrecht (Jan Sramek Verlag, Wien 2016).
Ulusoy A., Bağımsız İdari Otoriteler (Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2003).
- Wolfrum R., ‘Judicial Control of Security Council Decisions’ Yearbook of Institute of International Law, Tallinn session, 12th Commission.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 153 - 176, 13.02.2024
Ali Emrah Bozbayındır
Mustafa Akgün
Uluslararası mahkemelerin 11 Eylül 2001’e kadar yaşamış oldukları altın dönemin sona ermesi ile birlikte, uluslararası hukuk normlarından kaynaklanan sorunların çözümü için yargı kurumu benzeri veya yargısal nitelikte olmayan merciler ön plana çıkmaya başlamıştır. Söze konu mercilerin en tartışmalılarından biri de DAEŞ ve Al-Kaide Yaptırım Komitesi’nin listeleme kararlarına karşı yapılan başvuruları incelemekle görevli Ombudsperson kurumudur. Bu makalede Ombudsperson kurumunun oluşumuna öncülük eden süreç ve mezkur kurumun yapısal çerçevesi incelenmektedir. İlk olarak, İrtibat Noktası uygulamasından Ombudsperson kurumuna geçişin listelenen gerçek ve tüzel kişilerin temel hak ve özgürlüklerinin korunması noktasında büyük bir ilerleme teşkil ettiği argümanı ilgili kurumun tarihsel gelişim süreci ve bahse konu süreçte Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı’nın rolü de gözetilerek ortaya konmuştur. Akabinde, Ombudsperson kurumunun adil yargılama hakkı kapsamındaki yerini tespit amacıyla bu kurumun bağımsızlığı ve etkinliği incelenmiştir.
- Beukelmann S., ‘Vermögenssanktionen auf Grund von „UN-Terrorlisten“‘ (2013) Neue Juristische Wochen Schrift-Spezial 504-505.
- Boisson de Chazournes L., ‘Des relations entre l’ONU et les organisations régionales à l’aune des tribulations de l’affaire Kadi’ in: Ombres et lumières du droit international - Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Habib Slim. (Pedone, Paris 2016).
- Braconnier S., « La regulation des services publics », (2001) 1 RFDA.
- Conac P. H., « Un exemple étranger, la SEC aux États-Unis », in H. de Charrette (éd.), Le contrôle démocratique des autorités administratives indépendantes à caractère économique (Economica, 2002).
- Cornu G., Vocabulaire juridique (PUF, 10è éd., Paris, 2014).
Document 11-31063 (F), 18 March 2011, Strasbourg.
- Dörfler T., ‘Why Rules Matter: Shaping Security Council Sanctions Policy in Counterterrorism and Beyond’ 8:1 (2023) Journal of Global Security Studies 1.
- Dumoulin L., ‘Black lists et gel des avoirs: Bilan et perspectives du Médiateur du Comité 1267 des Nations unies’ 1 (2013) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 23.
- Fasciati D. K., ‘Due Process, Fairness, and Transparency – die Funktion der Ombudsperson für das Al-Qaida- Sanktionsregime der UN’ recht (2021) 158.
- Fassbender B., ‘Targeted Sanctions and Due Process’, Study commissioned by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, 20 March 2006.
- Garvey J. I., ‘Targeted Sanctions: Resolving the International Due Process Dilemma’ 50 (2016) 50 Texas International Law Journal 551.
- Genser J. and Barth K., ‘When Due Process Concerns become Dangerous: The Security Council’s 1267 Regime and the Need for Reform’ 33:1 (2010) Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 1.
- Halatçı Ulusoy Ü., Terörizmin Finansmanının Önlenmesi Kapsamında Birleşmiş Milletler Akıllı Yaptırımları (Turhan, Ankara 2014).
- International Ombudsman Institute <> Erişim tarihi: 2 Ocak 2024.
- Istrefi K., European Judicial Responses to Security Council Resolutions: A Consequentialist Assessment (Brill Nijhoff, Leiden 2018).
- Karagözoğlu C., ‘Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi Bireye Yönelik Ekonomik Yaptırım Kararları ve İnsan Hakları İlişkisi’ (2019) Public and Private International Law Bulletin 39:1 217.
- Lang A., ‘Alternatives to Adjudication in International Law: A Case Study of the Ombudsperson to the ISIL and Al-Qaida Sanctions Regime of the UN Security Council’ (2023) 117:1 The American Journal of International Law 48.
- Marcou G., « Les autorités administratives « dépendantes » et « indépendantes » dans le domaine de l’intervention économique de la puissance publique. Une analyse sur des secteurs sélectionnés », in G. Marcou, J. Masing (dir.), Le modèle des autorités de régulation indépendantes en France et en Allemagne (Société de législation comparée, Paris 2011).
- Prost K., ‘The office of the Ombudsperson’ in Jeremy Farrall, Hilary Charlesworth, Strengthening the rule of law through the UN Security Council (Routledge 2016).
- Saura-Estapà J., ‘The UN Security Council Ombudsperson: An Original Institution Still Under Construction’ (2017) 54 Revista Catalana de Dret Públic 185.
- Save The Children UK (2002), Iraq Sanctions: Humanitarian Implications and Options for the Future, ch. 2.
- Stricker M., Terrorlisten im Strafrecht (Jan Sramek Verlag, Wien 2016).
Ulusoy A., Bağımsız İdari Otoriteler (Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2003).
- Wolfrum R., ‘Judicial Control of Security Council Decisions’ Yearbook of Institute of International Law, Tallinn session, 12th Commission.