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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 115 - 129, 24.01.2025


Bu makale, nüfusun yaklaşık %10’ununa tekabül eden 21 milyondan fazla insanın temiz içme suyuna erişim sorunu yaşadığı Pakistan’da, ciddi bir sorun olarak görülebilen yetersiz sanitasyon (hijyen) tesisleri ve su arıtma sistemlerini ele almaktadır. Toplam nüfusun %92’sinin içme suyuna erişimi olmasına karşın toplam suyun sadece %36’sı içmek için güvenlidir. Buna ek olarak, nüfusun neredeyse %75’inin uygun sanitasyona erişimi yoktur, bu durum da su ile bulaşan hastalıkların görülme olasılığını artırmaktadır. Temel insani ihtiyaçları karşılama noktasındaki yetersizliğimiz nedeniyle aslında büyük ölçüde kaçınılabilir olan bir sefalet ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma, bireysel tüketim için temiz su elde etme hakkının 1973 Pakistan İslam Cumhuriyeti Anayasası tarafından örtülü olarak, uluslararası insan hakları hukuku kuralları ve Pakistan mahkemelerinin yorumları tarafından ise açıkça desteklendiğini iddia etmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında güvenli suya erişimi hakkı hukuken ileri sürülebilir bir hak olarak yorumlanmak suretiyle hükümet tüm sakinlerin temiz suya erişimini sağlamaya çağrılmaktadır.


  • Ahiabli P, Adatara P and Cross R, ‘‘There is water available and so our hearts are at peace’: exploring the impact of access to safe water on women’s subjective well-being in Ghana’ (2023) 13 (9) Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 735-748.
  • Ahmad N, ‘Human right to water under international law regime: an overview’ (2020) 46 (3) Commonwealth law bulletin
  • Ahmad N, ‘Human right to water under international law regime: an overview’ (2020) 46 (3) Commonwealth law bulletin
  • Ahmed J et al. ‘Drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) situation in primary schools of Pakistan: the impact of WASH-related interventions and policy on children school performance’ (2022) 29 Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Ahmed W et al., ‘Assessing and prioritizing the climate change policy objectives for sustainable development in Pakistan’ (2020) 12 (8) Symmetry 1203.
  • Ali S, ‘Clean drinking water and future prospective’ (2022) 74 (1) Pakistan Journal of Science
  • Amanullah et al. ‘Effects of climate change on irrigation water quality’ (2020) Environment, climate, plant and vegetation growth
  • Arora NK, and Isha Mishra, ‘Sustainable development goal 6: global water security’ (2022) 5 (3) Environmental Sustainability
  • Baltag V, ‘Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: global overview on the WASH programme’ (2023) 33 (2) European Journal of Public Health ckad
  • Bulto TS, ‘The emergence of the human right to water in international human rights law: Invention or discovery’ (2011) 12 Malborne Journal of International Law
  • Carey H, ‘The special rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation: an assessment of its first dozen years’ (2020) 16 (2) Utrecht Law Review
  • Cho J, Alberto Isgut, and Yusuke Tateno, ‘Pathways for adapting the Sustainable Development Goals to the national context: the case of Pakistan’ (2017) 24 (2) Fostering productivity in the rural and agricultural sector for inclusive growth in Asia and the Pacific
  • D’Amato A, The concept of Custom in International Law (1971 Cornell University Press)
  • De Beco G, ‘The indivisibility of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (2019) 68 (1) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 141-160.
  • Diemer A, and Faheem, ‘Sustainable Development Goals and Education in Pakistan: the new challenges for 2030’ (2020) Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for Strong Sustainability 359- 370.
  • Drieschova A, Mark Giordano, and Itay Fischhendler, ‘Climate change, international cooperation and adaptation in transboundary water management’ (2009) Adapting to climate change. Thresholds, values, governance
  • Fida M, et al., ‘Water contamination and human health risks in Pakistan: a review’ (2023) 15 (3) Exposure and Health
  • Fida M, et al., ‘Water contamination and human health risks in Pakistan: a review’ (2023) 15 (3) Exposure and Health
  • Fox AM, and Benjamin Mason Meier, ‘Health as freedom: addressing social determinants of global health inequities through the human right to development’ (2009) 23 (2) Bioethics
  • Geffen N, ‘Justice after AIDS Denialism: Should there be Prosecutions and Compensation?’ (2009) 51(4) Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
  • Hall PR, Van Koppen B and Van Houweling E, ‘The human right to water: the importance of domestic and productive water rights’ (2014) Science and engineering ethics
  • Hamlyn V, ‘The Indivisibility of Human Rights: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights’ (2008) 40 BLJ
  • HRCee, General Comment No. 6. The Right to Life (Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) (UN Doc. HRC/GC/6; 1982)
  • Keessen MA and van Rijswick H FMW, ‘Adaptation to climate change in European water law and policy’ (2012) Utrecht Law Review
  • Khadam N et al, ‘Constitutional Right to Water: Analyzing The Legal Framework and A Way Forward for Formal Water Governance in Pakistan’ (2023) 58 (6) Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Kojo Y, ‘Global Issues and Business in International Relations: Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Medicines’ (2018) 18 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
  • Lau M, ‘The role of environmental tribunals in Pakistan: Challenges and Prospects’ (2018) 20 (1) Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law Online
  • Ly AM, Pierce H and Cope MR, ‘Revisiting the Impact of Clean Water and Improved Sanitation on Child Mortality: Implications for Sustainable Development Goals’ (2022) 14 (15) Sustainability
  • Manulak MW, ‘Multilateral solutions to bilateral problems: The 1972 Stockholm conference and Canadian foreign environmental policy’ (2015) 70 (1) International Journal 4-22.
  • Marks SP, ‘ The Evolving Field of Health and Human Rights: Issues and Methods’ (2002) 30 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethic
  • Meshel T, ‘Human rights in investor-state arbitration: the human right to water and beyond’ (2015) 6 (2) Journal of international dispute settlement
  • Mujtaba G et al., ‘A holistic approach to embracing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-6) towards water security in Pakistan’ (2024) 57 Journal of Water Process Engineering
  • Naveed RT et al., ‘Small and medium-sized enterprises failure in providing workers’ rights concerning Sustainable Development Goals-2030 in Pakistan’ (2022) 13 Frontiers in Psychology
  • Noor R et al., ‘A comprehensive review on water pollution, South Asia Region: Pakistan’ (2023) 48 Urban Climate
  • Olise CN, Eke Emeh I, and Amujiri BA, ‘Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Programme and the Hygiene Situation in Anambra State: A Focus on Aguata and Anambra East Local Government Areas’ (2023) 20 (1) African Renaissance
  • Qamar K et al., ‘Water sanitation problem in Pakistan: A review on disease prevalence, strategies for treatment and prevention’ (2022) 82 Annals of Medicine and Surgery
  • Rahaman MZ and Varis O, ‘Integrated water resources management: evolution, prospects and future challenges, (2005) 1 (1) Sustainability: science, practice and policy
  • Rajapakse R, Otoo M and Danso G, ‘Progress in delivering SDG6: Safe water and sanitation’ (2023) 1 Cambridge Prisms: Water
  • Saheed RH Hina and Shahid M, ‘Water, Sanitation and Malnutrition in Pakistan: Challenge for Sustainable Development’ (2021) 6 Global Politics Review
  • Saleem MS, Aqsa Tasgheer, and Tehreem Fatima, ‘Investigating Judicial Activism in Pakistan: Analyzing Significant Precedents in the Promotion of Environmental Sustainability’ (2023)
  • Salman MA, ‘The human right to water and sanitation: is the obligation deliverable?’ (2014) 39 (7) Water International
  • Shah AA et al. ‘Assessment of safety of drinking water in tank district: an empirical study of water-borne diseases in rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan’ (2016) 6 (4) International journal of environmental sciences
  • Sicilianos L, ‘Preventing violations of the right to life: Positive obligations under Article 2 of the ECHR’ (2014) 3 Cyprus Human Rights Law Review
  • Sullivan ET, ‘The Stockholm conference: A step toward global environmental cooperation and involvement’ (1972) 6 Indiana Law Review 267.
  • The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • The United Nation Organisation Charter
  • United Nations Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 36 on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Right to life, para 26; UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), CCPR General Comment No. 6: Article 6 (Right to Life), 30 April 1982
  • Wani RA, and Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat, ‘Water, Essential for Survival: Scrutinizing the Water Conflict of India- Pakistan’ (2022) The Journal of Oriental Research Madras
  • Winkler IT, The human right to water; Research handbook on International Water Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)
  • Wolf J et al., ‘Burden of disease attributable to unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in domestic settings: a global analysis for selected adverse health outcomes’ (2023) 401 (10393) The Lancet
  • Xenos D. ‘Asserting the right to life (Article 2, ECHR) in the context of industry’ (2007) 8 (3) German Law Journal
  • Zhang D, et al. ‘Water scarcity and sustainability in an emerging economy: a management perspective for future’ (2020) 13 (1) Sustainability


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 115 - 129, 24.01.2025


In Pakistan, where over 21 million people, or around 10% of the population, faces challenge of access to safe drinking water, this article discusses the serious problem of insufficient sanitation facilities and water purification systems. Even though 92% of the total population has access to potable water, only 36% of the total water is safe to drink. In addition, almost 75% of the population does not have access to proper sanitation, which increases the likelihood of water-related illnesses. A great deal of avoidable misery has ensued because of our inability to satisfy fundamental human needs. This study contends that the right to obtain clean water for human consumption is upheld implicitly by Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 and explicitly by international human rights legislation, and the interpretations of Pakistani courts. By interpreting the access to safe water as a legal entitlement, it urges the government to make sure all its residents have access to clean water.


  • Ahiabli P, Adatara P and Cross R, ‘‘There is water available and so our hearts are at peace’: exploring the impact of access to safe water on women’s subjective well-being in Ghana’ (2023) 13 (9) Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 735-748.
  • Ahmad N, ‘Human right to water under international law regime: an overview’ (2020) 46 (3) Commonwealth law bulletin
  • Ahmad N, ‘Human right to water under international law regime: an overview’ (2020) 46 (3) Commonwealth law bulletin
  • Ahmed J et al. ‘Drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) situation in primary schools of Pakistan: the impact of WASH-related interventions and policy on children school performance’ (2022) 29 Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Ahmed W et al., ‘Assessing and prioritizing the climate change policy objectives for sustainable development in Pakistan’ (2020) 12 (8) Symmetry 1203.
  • Ali S, ‘Clean drinking water and future prospective’ (2022) 74 (1) Pakistan Journal of Science
  • Amanullah et al. ‘Effects of climate change on irrigation water quality’ (2020) Environment, climate, plant and vegetation growth
  • Arora NK, and Isha Mishra, ‘Sustainable development goal 6: global water security’ (2022) 5 (3) Environmental Sustainability
  • Baltag V, ‘Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: global overview on the WASH programme’ (2023) 33 (2) European Journal of Public Health ckad
  • Bulto TS, ‘The emergence of the human right to water in international human rights law: Invention or discovery’ (2011) 12 Malborne Journal of International Law
  • Carey H, ‘The special rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation: an assessment of its first dozen years’ (2020) 16 (2) Utrecht Law Review
  • Cho J, Alberto Isgut, and Yusuke Tateno, ‘Pathways for adapting the Sustainable Development Goals to the national context: the case of Pakistan’ (2017) 24 (2) Fostering productivity in the rural and agricultural sector for inclusive growth in Asia and the Pacific
  • D’Amato A, The concept of Custom in International Law (1971 Cornell University Press)
  • De Beco G, ‘The indivisibility of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (2019) 68 (1) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 141-160.
  • Diemer A, and Faheem, ‘Sustainable Development Goals and Education in Pakistan: the new challenges for 2030’ (2020) Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for Strong Sustainability 359- 370.
  • Drieschova A, Mark Giordano, and Itay Fischhendler, ‘Climate change, international cooperation and adaptation in transboundary water management’ (2009) Adapting to climate change. Thresholds, values, governance
  • Fida M, et al., ‘Water contamination and human health risks in Pakistan: a review’ (2023) 15 (3) Exposure and Health
  • Fida M, et al., ‘Water contamination and human health risks in Pakistan: a review’ (2023) 15 (3) Exposure and Health
  • Fox AM, and Benjamin Mason Meier, ‘Health as freedom: addressing social determinants of global health inequities through the human right to development’ (2009) 23 (2) Bioethics
  • Geffen N, ‘Justice after AIDS Denialism: Should there be Prosecutions and Compensation?’ (2009) 51(4) Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
  • Hall PR, Van Koppen B and Van Houweling E, ‘The human right to water: the importance of domestic and productive water rights’ (2014) Science and engineering ethics
  • Hamlyn V, ‘The Indivisibility of Human Rights: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights’ (2008) 40 BLJ
  • HRCee, General Comment No. 6. The Right to Life (Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) (UN Doc. HRC/GC/6; 1982)
  • Keessen MA and van Rijswick H FMW, ‘Adaptation to climate change in European water law and policy’ (2012) Utrecht Law Review
  • Khadam N et al, ‘Constitutional Right to Water: Analyzing The Legal Framework and A Way Forward for Formal Water Governance in Pakistan’ (2023) 58 (6) Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Kojo Y, ‘Global Issues and Business in International Relations: Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Medicines’ (2018) 18 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
  • Lau M, ‘The role of environmental tribunals in Pakistan: Challenges and Prospects’ (2018) 20 (1) Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law Online
  • Ly AM, Pierce H and Cope MR, ‘Revisiting the Impact of Clean Water and Improved Sanitation on Child Mortality: Implications for Sustainable Development Goals’ (2022) 14 (15) Sustainability
  • Manulak MW, ‘Multilateral solutions to bilateral problems: The 1972 Stockholm conference and Canadian foreign environmental policy’ (2015) 70 (1) International Journal 4-22.
  • Marks SP, ‘ The Evolving Field of Health and Human Rights: Issues and Methods’ (2002) 30 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethic
  • Meshel T, ‘Human rights in investor-state arbitration: the human right to water and beyond’ (2015) 6 (2) Journal of international dispute settlement
  • Mujtaba G et al., ‘A holistic approach to embracing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-6) towards water security in Pakistan’ (2024) 57 Journal of Water Process Engineering
  • Naveed RT et al., ‘Small and medium-sized enterprises failure in providing workers’ rights concerning Sustainable Development Goals-2030 in Pakistan’ (2022) 13 Frontiers in Psychology
  • Noor R et al., ‘A comprehensive review on water pollution, South Asia Region: Pakistan’ (2023) 48 Urban Climate
  • Olise CN, Eke Emeh I, and Amujiri BA, ‘Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Programme and the Hygiene Situation in Anambra State: A Focus on Aguata and Anambra East Local Government Areas’ (2023) 20 (1) African Renaissance
  • Qamar K et al., ‘Water sanitation problem in Pakistan: A review on disease prevalence, strategies for treatment and prevention’ (2022) 82 Annals of Medicine and Surgery
  • Rahaman MZ and Varis O, ‘Integrated water resources management: evolution, prospects and future challenges, (2005) 1 (1) Sustainability: science, practice and policy
  • Rajapakse R, Otoo M and Danso G, ‘Progress in delivering SDG6: Safe water and sanitation’ (2023) 1 Cambridge Prisms: Water
  • Saheed RH Hina and Shahid M, ‘Water, Sanitation and Malnutrition in Pakistan: Challenge for Sustainable Development’ (2021) 6 Global Politics Review
  • Saleem MS, Aqsa Tasgheer, and Tehreem Fatima, ‘Investigating Judicial Activism in Pakistan: Analyzing Significant Precedents in the Promotion of Environmental Sustainability’ (2023)
  • Salman MA, ‘The human right to water and sanitation: is the obligation deliverable?’ (2014) 39 (7) Water International
  • Shah AA et al. ‘Assessment of safety of drinking water in tank district: an empirical study of water-borne diseases in rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan’ (2016) 6 (4) International journal of environmental sciences
  • Sicilianos L, ‘Preventing violations of the right to life: Positive obligations under Article 2 of the ECHR’ (2014) 3 Cyprus Human Rights Law Review
  • Sullivan ET, ‘The Stockholm conference: A step toward global environmental cooperation and involvement’ (1972) 6 Indiana Law Review 267.
  • The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • The United Nation Organisation Charter
  • United Nations Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 36 on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Right to life, para 26; UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), CCPR General Comment No. 6: Article 6 (Right to Life), 30 April 1982
  • Wani RA, and Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat, ‘Water, Essential for Survival: Scrutinizing the Water Conflict of India- Pakistan’ (2022) The Journal of Oriental Research Madras
  • Winkler IT, The human right to water; Research handbook on International Water Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)
  • Wolf J et al., ‘Burden of disease attributable to unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in domestic settings: a global analysis for selected adverse health outcomes’ (2023) 401 (10393) The Lancet
  • Xenos D. ‘Asserting the right to life (Article 2, ECHR) in the context of industry’ (2007) 8 (3) German Law Journal
  • Zhang D, et al. ‘Water scarcity and sustainability in an emerging economy: a management perspective for future’ (2020) 13 (1) Sustainability
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tıbbi ve Sağlık Hukuku
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Waqar Afzal

Aisha Azeem

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Afzal, W., & Azeem, A. (2025). RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN. The Boğaziçi Law Review, 2(2), 115-129.
AMA Afzal W, Azeem A. RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN. BLR. Ocak 2025;2(2):115-129. doi:10.69800/blr.1507511
Chicago Afzal, Waqar, ve Aisha Azeem. “RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN”. The Boğaziçi Law Review 2, sy. 2 (Ocak 2025): 115-29.
EndNote Afzal W, Azeem A (01 Ocak 2025) RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN. The Boğaziçi Law Review 2 2 115–129.
IEEE W. Afzal ve A. Azeem, “RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN”, BLR, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 115–129, 2025, doi: 10.69800/blr.1507511.
ISNAD Afzal, Waqar - Azeem, Aisha. “RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN”. The Boğaziçi Law Review 2/2 (Ocak 2025), 115-129.
MLA Afzal, Waqar ve Aisha Azeem. “RIGHT TO SAFE WATER, ARGUMENTS FOR ITS LEGAL ENTITLEMENT IN PAKISTAN”. The Boğaziçi Law Review, c. 2, sy. 2, 2025, ss. 115-29, doi:10.69800/blr.1507511.