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Az Bilinen Bir Konu ‘Rapunzel Sendromu’: Bir Olgu Sunumu

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 102 - 113, 09.07.2018


Trikobezoarlar, saç çekme (trikotillomani) ve saç
yeme (trikofaji) alışkanlığı sonucu midede oluşan saç yumaklarıdır. Rapunzel
sendromu gastrik trikobezoarın nadir bir formu olup, bezoarın kuyruk şeklinde
uzantısının duodenuma geçmesi ile oluşmaktadır. Trikotillomaninin görülme
sıklığı % 0.6-1.6 arasındadır. Hastaların %30’unda trikofaji gözlenir ve bunların
sadece %1’inde cerrahi gerektirecek trikobezoarlar ortaya çıkar.
Trikobezoarlara sıklıkla psikiyatrik bozukluklar eşlik eder ve genellikle kız
ergenlerde görülür. Trikotillomani ve trikofajinin altında yatan neden tam
olarak bilinmemekle birlikte, yatkınlık yaratan psikopatalojik nedenler  arasında stres, huzursuz aile ortamı, anne
ve/veya baba kaybı, okul değişikliği gibi emosyonel etmenler sayılabilir.
Tedavi genellikle psikiyatr ve dermatologların ortak katılımı ile olur. Bu
çalışmada saç kaybı yakınması ile dermatolojiye başvurduktan sonra psikiyatri
polikliniğine yönlendirilen 18 yaşındaki kadın olgu sunulmuştur.


  • 1. Dalshaug GB, Wainer S, Hollaar GL. The rapunzel syndrome (trichobezoar) causing atypical intussusception in a child: a case report. Jpediatr Surg 1999;34:479-80.
  • 2. Ateş M. Trikobezoarın nadir bir formu: Rapunzel Sendromu olgu sunumu. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2006; 13(4): 283-285.
  • 3. Balik E, Ulman I, Taneli C, Demircan M. The Rapunzel syndrome: a case report and review of the literature Eur J Pediatr Surg 1993;3:171-173.
  • 4.Vaughan ED Jr, Sawyers JL, Scott HW Jr. The Rapunzel syndrome. An Unusual complication of intestinal bezoar. Surgery 1968;63:339-343.
  • 5. Wyllie R: Foreign Bodies and Bezoars, in Behrman RE, Kliegman RM (eds): Nelson Textbook Of Pediatrics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Saunders 2004, p:1244. 6. Keser V, Tükel R, Karalı N. Trikotilomanide klinik özellikler. Klinik Psikiyatri 1999;1:26-33.
  • 7. Christenson GA, Pyle RL, Mitchell JE. Estimated lifetime prevalence of trichotillomania in college students. J Clin Psychiatry 1991;52:415-7.
  • 8. Duke DC, Keeley ML, Geffken GR. Trichotillomania: a current review. Clin Pyschol Rev 2010;30:181-93.
  • 9. Miltenberger RG, Rapp JT, Long ES. Habit reversal treatment manual for trichotillomania, in Tic Disorders, Trichotillomania, and Other Repetitive Behavior Disorders: Behavioral Approaches to Analysis and Treatment. Edited by Woods D, Miltenberger RG. Boston, Kluwer Academic, 2001, pp 170–195.
  • 10. O’Sullivan RL, Mansueto CS, Lerner EA, Miguel EC. Characterization of trichotillomania: a phenomenological model with clinical relevance to obsessive- compulsive spectrum disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2000;587-604.
  • 11. Bouwer C, Stein DJ. Trichobezoars in trichotillomania:case report and lietrture overview. Psychosom Med 1998;60:658-60.
  • 12. McGehee FT, Buchanan GR. Trichophagia and trichobezoar: etiologic role of iron deficiency. J Pediatric 1980;946-948.
  • 13. Oski FA.The nonhemotologic manifestation of iron deficiency, Am J Dis Child 1973;133:315.
  • 14. Frey AS, McKee M, King RA, Martin A. Hair apparent: Rapunzel syndrome. Am J Psych 2005;162:242-245.
  • 15. Alsafwah S, Alzein M.Small bowel obstruction due to trichobezoar: role of upper endoscopy in diagnosis. Gastrointest Endosc 2000; 52:784–786.
  • 16. Goldstein SS,Lewis JH, Rothstein R. Intestinal obstruction due to bezoars. Am J Gastroentrol 1984;79:313-318.
  • 17. Malpani A, Ramani SK, Wolverson MK. Role of sonography in trichobezoars. J Ultrasound Med 1988; 7:661–663.
  • 18. Ripolles T, Garcia-AguayoJ, MartinezMJ, Gil P. Gastroentestinal bezoars: sonographic and characteristics. Am J Roentgenol 2001;177:65-7.
  • 19. Walsh KH, McDougle CJ. Trichotillomania: presentation, etiol- ogy, diagnosis, and therapy. Am J Clin Dermatol 2001; 2:323– 333.
  • 20. du Toit PL, Niehaus DJH, van Kradenburg J, Stein DJ: Character- istics and phenomenology of trichotillomania: an exploration of subtypes. Compr Psychiatry 2001; 42:247–256.
  • 21. Diefenbach GJ, Reitman D, Williamson DA. Trichotillomania: a 
challenge to research and practice. Child Psychol Rev 2000; 20: 
  • 22. Christenson GA. Trichotillomania: from prevalence to comorbidity. Psychiatric Times 1995;12:44-48.
  • 23. Mansueto CS, Stemberger RM, Thomas AM, et al. Trichotillomania: a comprehensive behavioral model. Clin Psychol Rev 1997;17:567-77.
  • 24. Bettelheim B.The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. New York, Vintage Books, 1989, p.17.
  • 25. Bloch MH, Landeros-Weisenberger A, Dombrowski P. Systematic review: pharmacological and behavioral treatment for trichotillomania. Biol Psychiatry 2007;62:839-846.
  • 26. Woods DW, Wetterneck CT, Flessner CA. A controlled evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy plus habit reversal for trichotillomania. Behav Res Ther 2006;44:639-656.
  • 27. Memon SA, Mandhan P, Qureshi JN, et al.Recurrent Rapunzel syndrome - a case report. Med Sci Monit 9:CS92, 2003.
  • 28. Ventura DE, Herbella FA, Schettini ST,et al. Rapunzel syndrome with a fatal outcome in a neglected child. J Pediatr Surg 2005; 40:1665

A Rare Known Topic 'Rapunzel Syndrome': A Case Report

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 102 - 113, 09.07.2018


are concretions of hair casts in the stomach associated with trichotillomania
and trichophagia. The Rapunzel syndrome is a rare form of gastric trichobezoar with
a tail like extension into the intestine. The incidence of trichotillomania is
between 0.6-1.6%. Trichophagia is observed in 30% of these patients, and only
1% of them have trichobezoars that require surgery. Trichobezoars are often
accompanied by psychiatric disorders and are usually observed in adolescent
girls. Although the underlying cause of trichotillomania and trichophagia, is
not completely known, predisposing psychopathologic factors include emotional
factors such as stress, restless family environment, loss of mother and /or
father, and school change. The treatment of trichotillomania usually involves
participation of both psychiatrists and dermatologists. In this study, we
presented a case of 18 years old woman who was referred to the psychiatry
outpatient clinic after admission of dermatology with complaint of hair loss.


  • 1. Dalshaug GB, Wainer S, Hollaar GL. The rapunzel syndrome (trichobezoar) causing atypical intussusception in a child: a case report. Jpediatr Surg 1999;34:479-80.
  • 2. Ateş M. Trikobezoarın nadir bir formu: Rapunzel Sendromu olgu sunumu. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2006; 13(4): 283-285.
  • 3. Balik E, Ulman I, Taneli C, Demircan M. The Rapunzel syndrome: a case report and review of the literature Eur J Pediatr Surg 1993;3:171-173.
  • 4.Vaughan ED Jr, Sawyers JL, Scott HW Jr. The Rapunzel syndrome. An Unusual complication of intestinal bezoar. Surgery 1968;63:339-343.
  • 5. Wyllie R: Foreign Bodies and Bezoars, in Behrman RE, Kliegman RM (eds): Nelson Textbook Of Pediatrics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Saunders 2004, p:1244. 6. Keser V, Tükel R, Karalı N. Trikotilomanide klinik özellikler. Klinik Psikiyatri 1999;1:26-33.
  • 7. Christenson GA, Pyle RL, Mitchell JE. Estimated lifetime prevalence of trichotillomania in college students. J Clin Psychiatry 1991;52:415-7.
  • 8. Duke DC, Keeley ML, Geffken GR. Trichotillomania: a current review. Clin Pyschol Rev 2010;30:181-93.
  • 9. Miltenberger RG, Rapp JT, Long ES. Habit reversal treatment manual for trichotillomania, in Tic Disorders, Trichotillomania, and Other Repetitive Behavior Disorders: Behavioral Approaches to Analysis and Treatment. Edited by Woods D, Miltenberger RG. Boston, Kluwer Academic, 2001, pp 170–195.
  • 10. O’Sullivan RL, Mansueto CS, Lerner EA, Miguel EC. Characterization of trichotillomania: a phenomenological model with clinical relevance to obsessive- compulsive spectrum disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2000;587-604.
  • 11. Bouwer C, Stein DJ. Trichobezoars in trichotillomania:case report and lietrture overview. Psychosom Med 1998;60:658-60.
  • 12. McGehee FT, Buchanan GR. Trichophagia and trichobezoar: etiologic role of iron deficiency. J Pediatric 1980;946-948.
  • 13. Oski FA.The nonhemotologic manifestation of iron deficiency, Am J Dis Child 1973;133:315.
  • 14. Frey AS, McKee M, King RA, Martin A. Hair apparent: Rapunzel syndrome. Am J Psych 2005;162:242-245.
  • 15. Alsafwah S, Alzein M.Small bowel obstruction due to trichobezoar: role of upper endoscopy in diagnosis. Gastrointest Endosc 2000; 52:784–786.
  • 16. Goldstein SS,Lewis JH, Rothstein R. Intestinal obstruction due to bezoars. Am J Gastroentrol 1984;79:313-318.
  • 17. Malpani A, Ramani SK, Wolverson MK. Role of sonography in trichobezoars. J Ultrasound Med 1988; 7:661–663.
  • 18. Ripolles T, Garcia-AguayoJ, MartinezMJ, Gil P. Gastroentestinal bezoars: sonographic and characteristics. Am J Roentgenol 2001;177:65-7.
  • 19. Walsh KH, McDougle CJ. Trichotillomania: presentation, etiol- ogy, diagnosis, and therapy. Am J Clin Dermatol 2001; 2:323– 333.
  • 20. du Toit PL, Niehaus DJH, van Kradenburg J, Stein DJ: Character- istics and phenomenology of trichotillomania: an exploration of subtypes. Compr Psychiatry 2001; 42:247–256.
  • 21. Diefenbach GJ, Reitman D, Williamson DA. Trichotillomania: a 
challenge to research and practice. Child Psychol Rev 2000; 20: 
  • 22. Christenson GA. Trichotillomania: from prevalence to comorbidity. Psychiatric Times 1995;12:44-48.
  • 23. Mansueto CS, Stemberger RM, Thomas AM, et al. Trichotillomania: a comprehensive behavioral model. Clin Psychol Rev 1997;17:567-77.
  • 24. Bettelheim B.The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. New York, Vintage Books, 1989, p.17.
  • 25. Bloch MH, Landeros-Weisenberger A, Dombrowski P. Systematic review: pharmacological and behavioral treatment for trichotillomania. Biol Psychiatry 2007;62:839-846.
  • 26. Woods DW, Wetterneck CT, Flessner CA. A controlled evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy plus habit reversal for trichotillomania. Behav Res Ther 2006;44:639-656.
  • 27. Memon SA, Mandhan P, Qureshi JN, et al.Recurrent Rapunzel syndrome - a case report. Med Sci Monit 9:CS92, 2003.
  • 28. Ventura DE, Herbella FA, Schettini ST,et al. Rapunzel syndrome with a fatal outcome in a neglected child. J Pediatr Surg 2005; 40:1665
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri

Beyza Mahmudoğlu

Nursel Dilek

Çiçek Hocaoğlu 0000-0001-6613-4317

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Mahmudoğlu, B., Dilek, N., & Hocaoğlu, Ç. (2018). Az Bilinen Bir Konu ‘Rapunzel Sendromu’: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Balıkesir Medical Journal, 2(2), 102-113.