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Blueberry Harvest Mechanisms

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 168 - 176, 14.01.2025


Blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum L.) is a perennial plant that shed leaves in winter. It is from Ericaceae family and it is in the form of bushes. It grows in temperate climates and its motherland is America. It spread from American culture 110 years ago. It can grow in lightly textured and acidic soil. For this reason, the areas where agriculture can be done are limited. Because the production quantities are not enough, the selling prices are also high (Çelik H., 2008).
Grape berries can be harvested by hand and machine. For the Blueberry harvest, harvesters with three different types of harvesting mechanisms were produced. The first blueberry harvester was manufactured in 1956, adapted from a mechanical cranberry picker. This machine had a mechanism consisting of a six-row scraper stick (Farooque A., 2014).
These machines with high collection capacity reduce the need for labor and the cost of harvest. Blueberry manual harvesting hectare requires 1300 h of labor, while single row harvesting machine requires 25 h of labor/hectare. Thus, the cost of harvest falls from $ 2.8 per kg to $ 0.26 per kg (Takeda F., 2017).
These machines are not economical for medium and small sized farms. In machine harvest, there are some problems for this plant. These problems are fruit falling on the ground during fruit harvest, the harvest of fruit that has not reached sufficient maturity, fruit and plant damage during picking.
A lot of work has been done and continues to be done. However, sufficient harvesting efficiency has not yet been achieved. Blueberry should be harvested with a high quality and long shelf life that will appeal to the consumer.


  • Arak, M., and Olt, J. (2014). Constructive and kinematics parameters of the picking device of blueberry harvester. Agronomy Research, 12(1), 25–32.
  • Arak, M., and Olt J. (2017). Determination of the connection force between berries and stem in blueberry plants. 45. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia.
  • Brown, G. K., Schulte, N. L., Timm, E. J., Beaudry, R. M., Peterson, D. L., Hancock, J. R., Takeda, R., (1996). Estimates of mechanization effects on fresh blueberry quality. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. VOL. 12(l):21-26.
  • Cai, Y., Takeda, F., Foote, B., and DeVetter, L. W. (2021). Effects of machine-harvest interval on fruit quality of fresh market northern highbush blueberry. Horticulturae, 7(8), 245.
  • Chang, Y.K., Zaman, Q., Farooque, A.A., Schumann A. W., and Percival, D.C. (2012). An automated yield monitoring system II for commercial wild blueberry double-head harvester. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 81, 97–103.
  • Çelik H., ve İslam A., (2010). Bazı Maviyemiş Çeşitlerinin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Organik Olarak Yetiştirilmesi-I. Türkiye IV. Organik Tarim Sempozyumu, 28 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010, Erzurum (Poster Bildiri),
  • Peterson, D. L., Wolford S.D., Timm E. J., and Takeda F., (1997). Fresh market quality blueberry harvester. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, VOL. 40(3):535-540.
  • Ehlenfeldt, M.K. ( 2005). Fruit firmness and holding ability in high bush blueberry – implications for mechanical harvesting. International Journal of Fruit Science, Vol. 5(3),83-91.
  • FAO, (2024). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Classifications and Standards. Access date:10.08.2024.
  • Farooque, A., Zaman, Q. U, Groulx, D., Schumann, A. W., Yarborough, D. E., and Nguyen-Quang, T. (2014). Effect of ground speed and header revolutions on the picking efficiency of a commercial wild blueberry harvester. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Vol. 30(4): 535-546.
  • Hayden, M., and Soule, Jr. (1969). Developing a low bush blueberry harvester. Transactions Of The Asae. Jameel, M.W., Zaman, Q.U., Schumann, A.W., Nguyen-Quang, T., Farooque, A.A., Brewster, G., and Chattha, H.S. (2016). Fruit Characteristics Effect on Picking Efficiency of Wild Blueberry Harvester. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.Vol. 32(5): 589-598. Peterson, D. L. and Brown, G. K. (1996). Mechanical harvester for fresh market quality blueberries. Transactions of the ASAE, 39(3):823-827.
  • Strik B., and Buller, G. (2002). Improving yield and machine harvest efficiency of ‘Bluecrop’ through high density planting and trellising. Proc. 7th İS on Vaccinium,Ed. R. F. Hepp,ActaHort. 574, İSHS,227-231.
  • Takeda, F., Krewer, G., Andrews, E.L., Mullinix, B., Jr. and Peterson, D. L. (2008). Assessment of the V45 blueberry harvester on rabbiteye blueberry and southern highbush blueberry pruned to v-shaped canopy. Hertechnology, januvary-march,18(1),130-138.
  • Takeda, F.,Krewer, G., Li, C., MacLean, D., and Olmstead, J. W. (2013).Techniques for increasing machine harvest efficiency in highbush blueberry.Hertechnology, August 23(4).
  • Takeda, F., Yang, W. Q., Li, C., Freivalds, A., Sung, K., XuR., Hu, B. , Williamson J. and Sargent, S. (2017). Applying new technologies to transform blueberry harvesting. Agronomy, 7, 33,1-18.
  • TÜİK,(2024).Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Temel İstatistikler. Access date: 10.08.2024.
  • Van Dalfsen, K.B., and Gaye, M.M.,(1999). Yield from hand and mechanical harvesting of highbush blueberries in british columbia. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 15(5): 393-398.
  • Yarborough, D.E. (2002).Progress toward sthe Development of a Mechanical Harvester for Wild Blueberries. Proc. 7th is on Vaccinium,Ed. R. F. Hepp,ActaHort. 574, İSHS,329-334.
  • Yu, P., Li, C., Takeda, F., Krewer, G., Rains, G., and Hamrita, T.,(2012). Quantitative evaluation of a rotary blueberry mechanical harvester using a miniature instrumented sphere. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 88, 25–31.
  • Yu, P., Li, C., Takeda, F., Krewer, G., Rains, G., and Hamrita, T., (2014). Measurement of mechanical impacts created by rotary, slapper, and sway blueberry mechanical harvesters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 101, 84–92.

Maviyemiş hasat mekanizmaları

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 168 - 176, 14.01.2025


Maviyemiş (Vacciniumcorymbosum L.), kışın yapraklarını döken çok yıllık bir bitkidir. Ericaceae familyasından olup çalı formundadır. Ilıman iklimlerde yetişir ve anavatanı Amerika'dır. 110 yıl önce Amerikan kültüründen yayılmıştır. Hafif dokulu ve asidik topraklarda yetişebilir. Bu nedenle tarım yapılabilecek alanlar sınırlıdır. Üretim miktarları yeterli olmadığından satış fiyatları da yüksektir (Çelik H., 2008).
Maviyemiş taneleri elle ve makine ile hasat edilebilir. Maviyemiş hasadı için üç farklı hasat mekanizmasına sahip hasat makineleri üretilmiştir. İlk yaban mersini hasat makinesi, mekanik bir kızılcık toplayıcısından uyarlanarak 1956 yılında üretilmiştir. Bu makinenin altı sıralı kazıyıcı çubuktan oluşan bir mekanizması vardı (Farooque A., 2014).
Yüksek toplama kapasitesine sahip bu makineler, işgücü ihtiyacını ve hasat maliyetini azaltır. Maviyemiş elle hasadı hektar başına 1300 saat işçilik gerektirirken, tek sıralı hasat makinesi hektar başına 25 saat işçilik gerektirir. Böylece hasat maliyeti kg başına 2,8 dolardan kg başına 0,26 dolara düşer (Takeda F. ve diğerleri, 2017).
Bu makineler orta ve küçük ölçekli çiftlikler için ekonomik değildir. Makine hasadında bu bitki için bazı sorunlar vardır. Bu sorunlar meyve hasadı sırasında meyvenin yere düşmesi, yeterli olgunluğa ulaşmamış meyvelerin hasadı, toplama sırasında meyve ve bitkinin zarar görmesidir.
Bu konu ile ilgili çok fazla çalışma yapıldı ve yapılmaya devam ediliyor. Ancak yeterli hasat verimliliği henüz ulaşmamıştır. Maviyemiş, tüketicinin ilgisini çekecek yüksek kalitede ve uzun raf ömrüne sahip olarak hasat edilmelidir.


  • Arak, M., and Olt, J. (2014). Constructive and kinematics parameters of the picking device of blueberry harvester. Agronomy Research, 12(1), 25–32.
  • Arak, M., and Olt J. (2017). Determination of the connection force between berries and stem in blueberry plants. 45. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia.
  • Brown, G. K., Schulte, N. L., Timm, E. J., Beaudry, R. M., Peterson, D. L., Hancock, J. R., Takeda, R., (1996). Estimates of mechanization effects on fresh blueberry quality. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. VOL. 12(l):21-26.
  • Cai, Y., Takeda, F., Foote, B., and DeVetter, L. W. (2021). Effects of machine-harvest interval on fruit quality of fresh market northern highbush blueberry. Horticulturae, 7(8), 245.
  • Chang, Y.K., Zaman, Q., Farooque, A.A., Schumann A. W., and Percival, D.C. (2012). An automated yield monitoring system II for commercial wild blueberry double-head harvester. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 81, 97–103.
  • Çelik H., ve İslam A., (2010). Bazı Maviyemiş Çeşitlerinin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Organik Olarak Yetiştirilmesi-I. Türkiye IV. Organik Tarim Sempozyumu, 28 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010, Erzurum (Poster Bildiri),
  • Peterson, D. L., Wolford S.D., Timm E. J., and Takeda F., (1997). Fresh market quality blueberry harvester. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, VOL. 40(3):535-540.
  • Ehlenfeldt, M.K. ( 2005). Fruit firmness and holding ability in high bush blueberry – implications for mechanical harvesting. International Journal of Fruit Science, Vol. 5(3),83-91.
  • FAO, (2024). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Classifications and Standards. Access date:10.08.2024.
  • Farooque, A., Zaman, Q. U, Groulx, D., Schumann, A. W., Yarborough, D. E., and Nguyen-Quang, T. (2014). Effect of ground speed and header revolutions on the picking efficiency of a commercial wild blueberry harvester. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Vol. 30(4): 535-546.
  • Hayden, M., and Soule, Jr. (1969). Developing a low bush blueberry harvester. Transactions Of The Asae. Jameel, M.W., Zaman, Q.U., Schumann, A.W., Nguyen-Quang, T., Farooque, A.A., Brewster, G., and Chattha, H.S. (2016). Fruit Characteristics Effect on Picking Efficiency of Wild Blueberry Harvester. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.Vol. 32(5): 589-598. Peterson, D. L. and Brown, G. K. (1996). Mechanical harvester for fresh market quality blueberries. Transactions of the ASAE, 39(3):823-827.
  • Strik B., and Buller, G. (2002). Improving yield and machine harvest efficiency of ‘Bluecrop’ through high density planting and trellising. Proc. 7th İS on Vaccinium,Ed. R. F. Hepp,ActaHort. 574, İSHS,227-231.
  • Takeda, F., Krewer, G., Andrews, E.L., Mullinix, B., Jr. and Peterson, D. L. (2008). Assessment of the V45 blueberry harvester on rabbiteye blueberry and southern highbush blueberry pruned to v-shaped canopy. Hertechnology, januvary-march,18(1),130-138.
  • Takeda, F.,Krewer, G., Li, C., MacLean, D., and Olmstead, J. W. (2013).Techniques for increasing machine harvest efficiency in highbush blueberry.Hertechnology, August 23(4).
  • Takeda, F., Yang, W. Q., Li, C., Freivalds, A., Sung, K., XuR., Hu, B. , Williamson J. and Sargent, S. (2017). Applying new technologies to transform blueberry harvesting. Agronomy, 7, 33,1-18.
  • TÜİK,(2024).Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Temel İstatistikler. Access date: 10.08.2024.
  • Van Dalfsen, K.B., and Gaye, M.M.,(1999). Yield from hand and mechanical harvesting of highbush blueberries in british columbia. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 15(5): 393-398.
  • Yarborough, D.E. (2002).Progress toward sthe Development of a Mechanical Harvester for Wild Blueberries. Proc. 7th is on Vaccinium,Ed. R. F. Hepp,ActaHort. 574, İSHS,329-334.
  • Yu, P., Li, C., Takeda, F., Krewer, G., Rains, G., and Hamrita, T.,(2012). Quantitative evaluation of a rotary blueberry mechanical harvester using a miniature instrumented sphere. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 88, 25–31.
  • Yu, P., Li, C., Takeda, F., Krewer, G., Rains, G., and Hamrita, T., (2014). Measurement of mechanical impacts created by rotary, slapper, and sway blueberry mechanical harvesters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 101, 84–92.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Ali Tekgüler 0000-0002-0273-5014

Tugba Karaköse 0000-0002-1725-7027

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 7 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tekgüler, A., & Karaköse, T. (2025). Blueberry Harvest Mechanisms. Bozok Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 168-176.