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The Efficacy of Hot Water Treatments Against Fusarium Fujikuroi: The Fungal Agent of Bakanae Disease

Yıl 2022, , 300 - 305, 01.07.2022


Rice is one of the most grown agricultural products in the world. It is the most preferred food item in the Turkish diet. One of the most important fungal diseases of rice is Bakanae disease. It is a seed-borne and complex disease caused by the Fusarium species. Fusarium fujikuroi is the most virulent and widespread species. The excessive use of fungicides has raised concerns such as a decrease in the fungicide sensitivity of F. fujikuroi in the world. For this reason, alternative methods are being investigated to control the disease. In this study, the therapeutic effect of hot water treatment on contaminated seeds was investigated. Trials were carried out under in vitro and in vivo conditions, to determine the effects of hot water treatment on the germination rate of rice seeds. Hot water treatments at 55 °C and 57 °C were the most effective treatments against pathogen. However, pathogen was not inhibited at 50 °C. The lowest disease severity was determined at 57 °C (2.5%) and this was followed by hot water treatments at 55 °C (22.33%) and 52 °C (77.30%) in vivo tests, respectively. No disease symptoms were observed in the negative control plants. According to evaluations, the disease incidence decreased when treatment temperature was increased, resulting in a slightly reduced germination rate.

Destekleyen Kurum

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Republic of Turkey

Proje Numarası



The authors acknowledge the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for kindly supporting the project and also thankful to Directorate of Plant Protection Research Institute for technical support.


  • Amatulli MT, Spadaro D, Gullıno ML, Garibaldi A. 2010. Molecular identification of Fusarium spp. associated with bakanae disease of rice in Italy and assesment of their pathogenicity. Plant Pathol, 59: 839-844.
  • Amoah BK, Rezanoor HN, Nicholson P, Macdonald MV. 1995. Variation in the Fusarium section Liseola: pathogenicity and genetic studies of Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon from different hosts in Ghana. Plant Path, 44: 569-572.
  • Bashyal BM, Aggarval R, Sharma S, Gupta S, Rawat K, Singh D, Singh K, Krisnan G. 2016. Occurence identification and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with Bakanae disease of rice in India. Eur J Plant Path, 144: 457-466
  • Batsa BK, Manandhar HK. 1997. Rice disease situation in rice-wheat system in the mid hill of Nepal. In: Proceedings of International Conference of Integrated Plant Disease, November 10-15, New Delhi, pp. 456.
  • Carter LLL, Leslie FJ, Webster RK. 2008. Population structure of Fusarium fujikuroi from California rice and water grass. Phyophatol, 98: 992-998.
  • Çevik M. 2011. Ulusal hububat konseyi çeltik raporu., 7-8 (accessed date, June 07 2021).
  • Chen YC, Lai MH, Wu CY, Lin TC, Cheng AH, Yang CC, Wu HY, Chu SC, Kuo CC, Wu YF, Lin GC, Tseng MN, Tsai YC, Lin CC, Chen CY, Huang JW, Lin HA, Chung CL. 2016. The genetic structure, virulence, and fungicide sensitivity of Fusarium fujikuroi in Taiwan. Phytopathol, 106: 624-635.
  • Choi HW, Hong SK, Lee YK, Kim WG, Chun S. 2018. Taxonomy of Fusarium fujikuroi species complex associated with bakanae on rice in Korea. Australian Plan Path, 47: 23-34.
  • Copçu M, Karaca İ. 1983. Investigations on the determination of rice diseases caused by fungi, their distribution, prevalance and incidence, overwintering in the Aegan Region of Turkey. J Turkish Plant Path, 12: 61-71.
  • Crawford GW, Shen C. 1998. The origins of rice agriculture: Recent progress in East Asia. Antiquity, 72, 858–866.
  • Desjardins AE, Manandhar HK, Plattner RD, Manandhar GG, Polıng SM, Maragos CM. 2000. Fusarium species from Nepalese rice and production of mycotoxins and gibberellic acid by selected species. Appl Environ Microbiol, 66(3): 1020-1025.
  • Dodan DS, Singh R, Sunder S. 1994. Survival of Fusarium moniliforme in infected rice grains and its chemical control, Indian J Mycol Pl Path, 24: 135-138.
  • Eğerci Y, Kınay-Teksür P, Uysal-Morca A. 2020a. First Report of Rice Bakanae Disease Caused by Fusarium fujikuroi Nirenberg in Turkey. J Plant Pathol, 102: 1315.
  • Eğerci Y, Kınay-Teksür P, Uysal-Morca A. 2020b. First report of Bakanae disease caused by Fusarium proliferatum on rice in Turkey. J Plant Dis Prot (accessed date: June 07, 2021).
  • FAO 2020. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. URL: (accessed date: June 07, 2021).
  • Fukuda A, Shiratsuchi H, Yamaguchi H, Ohdaira Y, Terao T. 2013. Hot water treatment accelerates rice seed germination. The Hokuriku Crop Sci, 48: 8–10.
  • Gnanamanickam, SS. 2009. Rice and its importance to human life, Prog. Biol. Con.8:1-11
  • Gupta AK, Singh Y, Jain AK, Singh D. 2014. Prevalence and incidence of bakanae disease of rice in Northern India. J Agri Search, 1(4): 233-237.
  • Hajra KK, Ganguly LK, Khatua DC. 1994. Bakanae disease of rice in the West Bengal. J Mycop Res, 32(2): 92-99.
  • Jeon Y, Yu S, Lee Y, Park H, Lee S, Sung JS. 2013. Incidence, molecular characteristics and pathogenicity of Gibberella fujikuroi species complex associated with rice seeds from Asian countries, Mycobiology, 41(4): 225-233.
  • Karov IK, Mıtrev SK. 2009. Gibberella fujikuroi the new parasitical fungus on rice in the republic of Macedonia. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska Novi Sad, 116: 175-182p.
  • Khan JA, Jamil FF, Gill MA. 2000. Screening of rice varieties/lines against bakanae and bacterial leaf blight (BLB). Pakistan J Phytopath, 12: 6-11.
  • Kim MH, Hur SB, Lee T, Kwon UH, Hwangi SK, Park YN, Yoon JH, Cho D, Shin TH, Han US, Yeo YC, Song MH, Park DS. 2014. Large scale screening of rice accessions to evaluate resistance to bakanae diseases. J Gen Pl Path, 80(5): 408-414.
  • Kim SH, Park MR, Kim YC, Lee SW, Choi BR, Lee SW, Kim IS. 2010. Degradation of prochloraz by rice bakanae disease pathogen fusarium fujikuroi with differing sensitivity: a possible explanation for resistance mechanism. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem, 53(4): 433-439.
  • Malonek SC, Bornberg-Bauer E, Rojas MC, Hedden P, Hopkıns P, Tudzynskı B. 2005. Distribution of gibberellin biosynthetic genes and gibberellin production in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex, Phytochemistry, 66: 1296-1311.
  • Manandhar J. 1999. Fusarium moniliforme in rice seeds, its infection, isolation and longevity, Z. PFL. 106: 598-607.
  • Mishra JK, Gergon E, Mew TW. 1989. How long do fungal pathogens survive in rice seeds? Rice Seed Helatyh News. 1(1): 6.
  • Miyasaka A, Ryoıchı S, Masataka I. 2000. Control of the bakanae disease of rice by soaking seeds in hot water for the hydroponically raised seedling method in the long-mat type rice cultivation. Annual report of the Kanto-Tosan. Plant Protect Soc, 47: 31-33.
  • O'Donnel K, Cıgelnik E, Nırenberg HI. 1998. Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex. Mycologia, 90: 465-493.
  • Ooi KH (2002) Pencirian dan pengawalan kimia Fusarium oxysporum, penyebab pentakit layu vascular pada rosel. PhD thesis, University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 355.
  • Ora N, Faruq AN, Islam MT, Akhtar N, Rahman MM. 2011. Detection and ıdentification of seed borne pathogens from some cultivated hybrid rice varieties in Bangladesh. Middle East J Sci Res, 10 (4): 482-488.
  • Permana H, Murata K, Kashiwagi M, Yamada T, Kanekatsu M. 2017. Screening of Japanese rice cultivars for seeds with heat stress tolerance under hot water disinfection method. Asian J Plant Sci, 16(4): 211-220.
  • Pra MD, Tonti S, Pancaldi D, Nipoti P, Alberti I. 2010. First report of Fusarium andiyazi associated with rice bakanae in Italy. Plant Dis, 94(8): 1070.
  • Rabbi M, Ali A. 2011. Incidence and severity of rice diseases and insect pests in relation to climate change. In: Lal R, Sivakumar MVK, Faiz SMA, Rahman AHMM, Islam KR, editors. Climate change and food security in South Asia. Springer, Netherlands, 1st ed., pp. 445–457.
  • Rocha, A. 1984. Effect of hot water treatment on the quality of rice seed (Oryza sativa L.). PhD thesis, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, pp. 119.
  • Sade B, Soylu S, Sezer İ, Beşer N, Sürek H, Şahin M, Yetiş AT. 2011. Ulusal hububat konseyi çeltik raporu., 11-55 (accessed date, June 07 2021).
  • Serefica K, Cruz F. 2009. Bakanae disease of rice a potential threat to the countrys rice supply. UPLB Res, Develop Exten News, 1: 1-9.
  • Singh N, Devi RKT, Singh LNK. 1996. Withering of groving shoot of rice caused by Fusarium. Plant Disease, 11(1): 99-100.
  • Sunder S, Satyavir S. 1997. Survival of Fusarium moniliforme in soil enriched with different nutrients and their combinations. Ind Phytoph, 50(4): 474-481.
  • TUIK 2020. Turkish Statistical Institute, (accessed date, June 07 2021).
  • Webster, RK. 2004. Bakanae, How to manage the pests. Pest management guidelines. UC ANR Publication, University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources, 3465, California, USA, 1th ed., pp 425.
  • Wolf, JM. 2002. Seed health management. Plant Res Inter, 4: 1-10.
  • Zainudin NAIM, Razak AA, Salleh B. 2008. Bakanae diseases of rice in Malaysia and Indonesia: Etiology of the causal agent based on morphological, physiological and pathogenicity characteristics. J Plant Protect Res, 48(4): 476-485.
Yıl 2022, , 300 - 305, 01.07.2022


Proje Numarası



  • Amatulli MT, Spadaro D, Gullıno ML, Garibaldi A. 2010. Molecular identification of Fusarium spp. associated with bakanae disease of rice in Italy and assesment of their pathogenicity. Plant Pathol, 59: 839-844.
  • Amoah BK, Rezanoor HN, Nicholson P, Macdonald MV. 1995. Variation in the Fusarium section Liseola: pathogenicity and genetic studies of Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon from different hosts in Ghana. Plant Path, 44: 569-572.
  • Bashyal BM, Aggarval R, Sharma S, Gupta S, Rawat K, Singh D, Singh K, Krisnan G. 2016. Occurence identification and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with Bakanae disease of rice in India. Eur J Plant Path, 144: 457-466
  • Batsa BK, Manandhar HK. 1997. Rice disease situation in rice-wheat system in the mid hill of Nepal. In: Proceedings of International Conference of Integrated Plant Disease, November 10-15, New Delhi, pp. 456.
  • Carter LLL, Leslie FJ, Webster RK. 2008. Population structure of Fusarium fujikuroi from California rice and water grass. Phyophatol, 98: 992-998.
  • Çevik M. 2011. Ulusal hububat konseyi çeltik raporu., 7-8 (accessed date, June 07 2021).
  • Chen YC, Lai MH, Wu CY, Lin TC, Cheng AH, Yang CC, Wu HY, Chu SC, Kuo CC, Wu YF, Lin GC, Tseng MN, Tsai YC, Lin CC, Chen CY, Huang JW, Lin HA, Chung CL. 2016. The genetic structure, virulence, and fungicide sensitivity of Fusarium fujikuroi in Taiwan. Phytopathol, 106: 624-635.
  • Choi HW, Hong SK, Lee YK, Kim WG, Chun S. 2018. Taxonomy of Fusarium fujikuroi species complex associated with bakanae on rice in Korea. Australian Plan Path, 47: 23-34.
  • Copçu M, Karaca İ. 1983. Investigations on the determination of rice diseases caused by fungi, their distribution, prevalance and incidence, overwintering in the Aegan Region of Turkey. J Turkish Plant Path, 12: 61-71.
  • Crawford GW, Shen C. 1998. The origins of rice agriculture: Recent progress in East Asia. Antiquity, 72, 858–866.
  • Desjardins AE, Manandhar HK, Plattner RD, Manandhar GG, Polıng SM, Maragos CM. 2000. Fusarium species from Nepalese rice and production of mycotoxins and gibberellic acid by selected species. Appl Environ Microbiol, 66(3): 1020-1025.
  • Dodan DS, Singh R, Sunder S. 1994. Survival of Fusarium moniliforme in infected rice grains and its chemical control, Indian J Mycol Pl Path, 24: 135-138.
  • Eğerci Y, Kınay-Teksür P, Uysal-Morca A. 2020a. First Report of Rice Bakanae Disease Caused by Fusarium fujikuroi Nirenberg in Turkey. J Plant Pathol, 102: 1315.
  • Eğerci Y, Kınay-Teksür P, Uysal-Morca A. 2020b. First report of Bakanae disease caused by Fusarium proliferatum on rice in Turkey. J Plant Dis Prot (accessed date: June 07, 2021).
  • FAO 2020. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. URL: (accessed date: June 07, 2021).
  • Fukuda A, Shiratsuchi H, Yamaguchi H, Ohdaira Y, Terao T. 2013. Hot water treatment accelerates rice seed germination. The Hokuriku Crop Sci, 48: 8–10.
  • Gnanamanickam, SS. 2009. Rice and its importance to human life, Prog. Biol. Con.8:1-11
  • Gupta AK, Singh Y, Jain AK, Singh D. 2014. Prevalence and incidence of bakanae disease of rice in Northern India. J Agri Search, 1(4): 233-237.
  • Hajra KK, Ganguly LK, Khatua DC. 1994. Bakanae disease of rice in the West Bengal. J Mycop Res, 32(2): 92-99.
  • Jeon Y, Yu S, Lee Y, Park H, Lee S, Sung JS. 2013. Incidence, molecular characteristics and pathogenicity of Gibberella fujikuroi species complex associated with rice seeds from Asian countries, Mycobiology, 41(4): 225-233.
  • Karov IK, Mıtrev SK. 2009. Gibberella fujikuroi the new parasitical fungus on rice in the republic of Macedonia. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska Novi Sad, 116: 175-182p.
  • Khan JA, Jamil FF, Gill MA. 2000. Screening of rice varieties/lines against bakanae and bacterial leaf blight (BLB). Pakistan J Phytopath, 12: 6-11.
  • Kim MH, Hur SB, Lee T, Kwon UH, Hwangi SK, Park YN, Yoon JH, Cho D, Shin TH, Han US, Yeo YC, Song MH, Park DS. 2014. Large scale screening of rice accessions to evaluate resistance to bakanae diseases. J Gen Pl Path, 80(5): 408-414.
  • Kim SH, Park MR, Kim YC, Lee SW, Choi BR, Lee SW, Kim IS. 2010. Degradation of prochloraz by rice bakanae disease pathogen fusarium fujikuroi with differing sensitivity: a possible explanation for resistance mechanism. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem, 53(4): 433-439.
  • Malonek SC, Bornberg-Bauer E, Rojas MC, Hedden P, Hopkıns P, Tudzynskı B. 2005. Distribution of gibberellin biosynthetic genes and gibberellin production in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex, Phytochemistry, 66: 1296-1311.
  • Manandhar J. 1999. Fusarium moniliforme in rice seeds, its infection, isolation and longevity, Z. PFL. 106: 598-607.
  • Mishra JK, Gergon E, Mew TW. 1989. How long do fungal pathogens survive in rice seeds? Rice Seed Helatyh News. 1(1): 6.
  • Miyasaka A, Ryoıchı S, Masataka I. 2000. Control of the bakanae disease of rice by soaking seeds in hot water for the hydroponically raised seedling method in the long-mat type rice cultivation. Annual report of the Kanto-Tosan. Plant Protect Soc, 47: 31-33.
  • O'Donnel K, Cıgelnik E, Nırenberg HI. 1998. Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex. Mycologia, 90: 465-493.
  • Ooi KH (2002) Pencirian dan pengawalan kimia Fusarium oxysporum, penyebab pentakit layu vascular pada rosel. PhD thesis, University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 355.
  • Ora N, Faruq AN, Islam MT, Akhtar N, Rahman MM. 2011. Detection and ıdentification of seed borne pathogens from some cultivated hybrid rice varieties in Bangladesh. Middle East J Sci Res, 10 (4): 482-488.
  • Permana H, Murata K, Kashiwagi M, Yamada T, Kanekatsu M. 2017. Screening of Japanese rice cultivars for seeds with heat stress tolerance under hot water disinfection method. Asian J Plant Sci, 16(4): 211-220.
  • Pra MD, Tonti S, Pancaldi D, Nipoti P, Alberti I. 2010. First report of Fusarium andiyazi associated with rice bakanae in Italy. Plant Dis, 94(8): 1070.
  • Rabbi M, Ali A. 2011. Incidence and severity of rice diseases and insect pests in relation to climate change. In: Lal R, Sivakumar MVK, Faiz SMA, Rahman AHMM, Islam KR, editors. Climate change and food security in South Asia. Springer, Netherlands, 1st ed., pp. 445–457.
  • Rocha, A. 1984. Effect of hot water treatment on the quality of rice seed (Oryza sativa L.). PhD thesis, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, pp. 119.
  • Sade B, Soylu S, Sezer İ, Beşer N, Sürek H, Şahin M, Yetiş AT. 2011. Ulusal hububat konseyi çeltik raporu., 11-55 (accessed date, June 07 2021).
  • Serefica K, Cruz F. 2009. Bakanae disease of rice a potential threat to the countrys rice supply. UPLB Res, Develop Exten News, 1: 1-9.
  • Singh N, Devi RKT, Singh LNK. 1996. Withering of groving shoot of rice caused by Fusarium. Plant Disease, 11(1): 99-100.
  • Sunder S, Satyavir S. 1997. Survival of Fusarium moniliforme in soil enriched with different nutrients and their combinations. Ind Phytoph, 50(4): 474-481.
  • TUIK 2020. Turkish Statistical Institute, (accessed date, June 07 2021).
  • Webster, RK. 2004. Bakanae, How to manage the pests. Pest management guidelines. UC ANR Publication, University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources, 3465, California, USA, 1th ed., pp 425.
  • Wolf, JM. 2002. Seed health management. Plant Res Inter, 4: 1-10.
  • Zainudin NAIM, Razak AA, Salleh B. 2008. Bakanae diseases of rice in Malaysia and Indonesia: Etiology of the causal agent based on morphological, physiological and pathogenicity characteristics. J Plant Protect Res, 48(4): 476-485.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Yeşim Eğerci 0000-0002-3864-4958

Pervin Kınay Teksür 0000-0002-9903-9129

Ayşe Uysal-morca 0000-0001-6871-2141

Proje Numarası TAGEM-BS-15/12-04/02-09
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Kasım 2021
Kabul Tarihi 9 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Eğerci, Y., Kınay Teksür, P., & Uysal-morca, A. (2022). The Efficacy of Hot Water Treatments Against Fusarium Fujikuroi: The Fungal Agent of Bakanae Disease. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(3), 300-305.
