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Comparative Studies on Blood Serum Profiles of Liver Enzymes, Proteins, Total Bilirubin and Liver Organ Morphometry of Muscovy Ducks

Yıl 2022, , 167 - 171, 01.04.2022


Twenty adult apparently healthy Muscovy ducks Cairina moschata (10 males, 10 females) were used in a study to compare between sexes blood serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total protein, albumin, and total bilirubin profiles using jugular venous blood. Comparative biometric measurements (weight, length, width and thickness) of their liver organs were also done. Total protein and albumin were significantly (P<0.05) higher in female ducks than in males while ALT, AST ALP and total bilirubin were unaffected (P > 0.05) by sex. The biometric measurements of the liver of Muscovy ducks according to sex were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in males than females. Liver biometric measurements according to lobation were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the right lobe than in the left lobe, particularly, in terms of liver lobe weight and length of both sexes of ducks while liver lobe width and thickness were statistically similar (P > 0.05) in both sexes. Therefore, sex had a significant influence on serum total protein and albumin, as well as the biometric measurements of the liver of Muscovy ducks studied.


  • Bertholf L. 2014. Proteins and albumin (Review). Lab Medic, 45(1): 25-41.
  • Bone FJ. 1979. Evaluation of two herbal spices as feed additives for finisher broilers. Biotechnol Anim Husb, 26(5-6): 383-392.
  • Chang R, Holcomb JB. 2016. Choice of fluid therapy in the initial management of sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. Shock, 46(1): 17–26. DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000577.
  • Chen X, Horn N, Cotter PF, Applegate TJ. 2014. Growth, serum biochemistry, complement activity, and liver gene expression responses of Pekin ducklings to graded levels of cultured aflatoxin B1. Poult Sci, 93: 2028-2036.
  • Clementine YF, Tar Choon AW. 2010. Liver function tests. Proc Singapore Healthcare, 19(1): 80-82.
  • Duong TV. 1994. Growth performance of Muscovy ducks. Graduate Thesis, Can Tho University, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Can Tho city, Viet Nam.
  • Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJG. 2010. Text book of veterinary anatomy (4th ed.) Sunders, Elsevier, new York, US, pp: 848.
  • Etuk IF, Abasiekong SF, Ojewola GS, Akomas SC. 2006. Carcass and organ characteristics of Muscovy ducks reared under three management systems in south eastern Nigeria. Int J Poult Sci, 5(6): 534-537.
  • Fairbrother A, Craig MA, Walker K, O’Loughlin D. 1990. Changes in Mallard (Anasplatyrhynchos) serum chemistry due to age, sex, and reproductive condition. J Wildl Dis, 26(1): 67-77.
  • Fevery J. 2008. Bilirubin in clinical Practice: A Review. Liver Int, 2008: 592–605. DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2008.01716.x.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Bertuzzi S, Giordani G. 1988b. High doses of vitamin E in broiler diets. Arch Gefltigelkd, 52:12-16.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Garella E, Montemaggi E. 1988a. Parametri ematochimici della pollastra in rapporto alia tecnica di allevamento. Avicoltura, 57(6): 53-57.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Manfreda G, Bertuzzi S. 1990b. Blood constituents of turkeys fed high doses of dietary vitamin E. In: Proceedings VIII European Poultry Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp: 236-239.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Montemaggi E, Manfreda G. 1990a. Andamento di taluni parametri ematochimici di tacchini in accrescimento. Zootec Nutr Anim, 16:145-151.
  • Gattani A, Pathak A, Kumar A, Mishra V, Bhatia JS. 2016. Influence of season and sex on hematobiochemical traits in adult turkeys under arid tropical environment. Vet World, 9(5): 530-534.
  • Gerzilov V, Petrov P. 2015. Relationship between some blood biochemical parameters and fatty liver weight in force feeding of mule ducks. Bulgarian J Agric Sci, 21:1039-1043.
  • Iqbal J, Bhutto AL, Shah MG, Lochi, GM, Hayat S, Ali N, Khan T, Khan AM, Khan SA. 2014. Gross anatomical and histological studies on the liver of broiler. J Appl Environ Biol Sci, 4(12): 284-295.
  • Ishi PV, Dhande, DP, Kumar MA, Jagadale RB. (2000). Macroanatomical studies of the liver in broilers. J Bombay Vet Coll, 11(5/6): 97-100.
  • Jerabek M, Suchy, P, Strakova E, Kudelkova L, Simek V, Jakesova P, Machacek M, Zapletal D. 2018. Selected blood biochemical indicators of Cherry valley ducks undergoing fattening in relation to their diet and sex. Veterinarni Medicina, 63(09): 420-432. DOI: 10.17221/81/2018-VETMED.
  • Meluzzi A, Primiceri G, Giordani, R, Fabris G. 1992. Determination of blood constituents reference values in broilers. Poult Sci, 71: 337-345.
  • Moman, RN, Varacallo M. 2018. Physiology, albumin. StatPearls URL: 9198/ (access date: October 14, 2021).
  • Mulley RC. 1979. Haematology and blood chemistry of the black duck Anas superciliosa. J Wildl Dis, 15(3): 437-441.
  • Music M, Dervisevic A, Pepic E, Lepara O, Fajkic A, Ascic-Buturovic B. 2015. Metabolic syndrome and serum liver enzymes level at patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Med Arch, 69(4): 251.
  • Nwachukwu EN. 1998. Sexual dimorphism of some conformation traits and carcass composition of Muscovy ducklings raised intensively. In: Proceedings of Silver Anniversary Conference of NSAP/WASP, Inaugural Conference, pp: 298-299.
  • Odokuma EI, Omokaro EI. 2015. Comparative histologic anatomy of vertebrate liver. Ann Bioanthropol, 3: 1-5.
  • Okeudo NJ, Okoli IC, Igwe GOF. 2003. Hematological characteristics of ducks (Cairina moschata) of south eastern Nigeria. Tropicultura, 21(2): 61-65.
  • Ologbose F, Dick S. 2021. Breeds, age and sex effect on haematological and biochemical parameters of ducks in rivers state, Nigeria. BSJ Agri, 4(2): 52-57.
  • Orji BI, Okeke, GC, Ojo, OO. 1986. Hematological studies on the guinea fowl (Numida meleagris Pallas): II. Effect of age, sex and time of bleeding on protein and electrolyte levels in blood serum of guinea fowls. Nig J Anim Prod, 13: 100-106.
  • Penn R, Worthington DJ. 1983. Is serum gamma-glutamyltransferase a misleading test? Br Med J, 286: 531-535. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.286.6364.531.
  • Protais I, Bougon, M, L'Hospitalier R, Lecuyer T, Quemeneur P, Menec ML. 1982. Evoluzione comparata dell'eti dei pol U, del contenuto di sostanze minerali, di calcio e di fosforo delleossa e nel contenuto di calcio, di fosforo e difosfatasi alcalina nel siero. Zootecnica, 22(23): 2-8.
  • Rath R, Panigrahi B, Mishral SK, Pradhan CR, Maity A, Tewari H. 2019. Comparative serum biochemical profile for different breeds of ducks versus White Leghorn chickens in peak laying period. Indian J Anim Res, 53 (3): 327-331.
  • Santos ANA, Cruz FGG, Oliveira Filho PA, Farias TM, Rufino, JPF, Viana Filho GB. 2019. Serum biochemical profile of the muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata domesticus) fed diets with different levels of sodium. Rev Cient Avic Suin, 5(1): 015-026.
  • Siregar AP, Cumming RB, Farell DJ. 1982. The nutrition of meat-type ducks. I. The effects of dietary proteinin is energetic diets on biological performance. Aust J Agri Res, 33: 857- 864.
  • Verma PN, Rawat, JS, Pandey, MD. 1975. Effect of age and sex on the serum proteins of the white leghorn birds. Indian Vet J, 52(7): 544-546.
  • Vernon G, Baranova A, Younossi Z. 2011. Systematic review: the epidemiology and natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis in adults. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 34(3): 274–285.
Yıl 2022, , 167 - 171, 01.04.2022



  • Bertholf L. 2014. Proteins and albumin (Review). Lab Medic, 45(1): 25-41.
  • Bone FJ. 1979. Evaluation of two herbal spices as feed additives for finisher broilers. Biotechnol Anim Husb, 26(5-6): 383-392.
  • Chang R, Holcomb JB. 2016. Choice of fluid therapy in the initial management of sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. Shock, 46(1): 17–26. DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000577.
  • Chen X, Horn N, Cotter PF, Applegate TJ. 2014. Growth, serum biochemistry, complement activity, and liver gene expression responses of Pekin ducklings to graded levels of cultured aflatoxin B1. Poult Sci, 93: 2028-2036.
  • Clementine YF, Tar Choon AW. 2010. Liver function tests. Proc Singapore Healthcare, 19(1): 80-82.
  • Duong TV. 1994. Growth performance of Muscovy ducks. Graduate Thesis, Can Tho University, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Can Tho city, Viet Nam.
  • Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJG. 2010. Text book of veterinary anatomy (4th ed.) Sunders, Elsevier, new York, US, pp: 848.
  • Etuk IF, Abasiekong SF, Ojewola GS, Akomas SC. 2006. Carcass and organ characteristics of Muscovy ducks reared under three management systems in south eastern Nigeria. Int J Poult Sci, 5(6): 534-537.
  • Fairbrother A, Craig MA, Walker K, O’Loughlin D. 1990. Changes in Mallard (Anasplatyrhynchos) serum chemistry due to age, sex, and reproductive condition. J Wildl Dis, 26(1): 67-77.
  • Fevery J. 2008. Bilirubin in clinical Practice: A Review. Liver Int, 2008: 592–605. DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2008.01716.x.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Bertuzzi S, Giordani G. 1988b. High doses of vitamin E in broiler diets. Arch Gefltigelkd, 52:12-16.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Garella E, Montemaggi E. 1988a. Parametri ematochimici della pollastra in rapporto alia tecnica di allevamento. Avicoltura, 57(6): 53-57.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Manfreda G, Bertuzzi S. 1990b. Blood constituents of turkeys fed high doses of dietary vitamin E. In: Proceedings VIII European Poultry Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp: 236-239.
  • Franchini A, Meluzzi A, Montemaggi E, Manfreda G. 1990a. Andamento di taluni parametri ematochimici di tacchini in accrescimento. Zootec Nutr Anim, 16:145-151.
  • Gattani A, Pathak A, Kumar A, Mishra V, Bhatia JS. 2016. Influence of season and sex on hematobiochemical traits in adult turkeys under arid tropical environment. Vet World, 9(5): 530-534.
  • Gerzilov V, Petrov P. 2015. Relationship between some blood biochemical parameters and fatty liver weight in force feeding of mule ducks. Bulgarian J Agric Sci, 21:1039-1043.
  • Iqbal J, Bhutto AL, Shah MG, Lochi, GM, Hayat S, Ali N, Khan T, Khan AM, Khan SA. 2014. Gross anatomical and histological studies on the liver of broiler. J Appl Environ Biol Sci, 4(12): 284-295.
  • Ishi PV, Dhande, DP, Kumar MA, Jagadale RB. (2000). Macroanatomical studies of the liver in broilers. J Bombay Vet Coll, 11(5/6): 97-100.
  • Jerabek M, Suchy, P, Strakova E, Kudelkova L, Simek V, Jakesova P, Machacek M, Zapletal D. 2018. Selected blood biochemical indicators of Cherry valley ducks undergoing fattening in relation to their diet and sex. Veterinarni Medicina, 63(09): 420-432. DOI: 10.17221/81/2018-VETMED.
  • Meluzzi A, Primiceri G, Giordani, R, Fabris G. 1992. Determination of blood constituents reference values in broilers. Poult Sci, 71: 337-345.
  • Moman, RN, Varacallo M. 2018. Physiology, albumin. StatPearls URL: 9198/ (access date: October 14, 2021).
  • Mulley RC. 1979. Haematology and blood chemistry of the black duck Anas superciliosa. J Wildl Dis, 15(3): 437-441.
  • Music M, Dervisevic A, Pepic E, Lepara O, Fajkic A, Ascic-Buturovic B. 2015. Metabolic syndrome and serum liver enzymes level at patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Med Arch, 69(4): 251.
  • Nwachukwu EN. 1998. Sexual dimorphism of some conformation traits and carcass composition of Muscovy ducklings raised intensively. In: Proceedings of Silver Anniversary Conference of NSAP/WASP, Inaugural Conference, pp: 298-299.
  • Odokuma EI, Omokaro EI. 2015. Comparative histologic anatomy of vertebrate liver. Ann Bioanthropol, 3: 1-5.
  • Okeudo NJ, Okoli IC, Igwe GOF. 2003. Hematological characteristics of ducks (Cairina moschata) of south eastern Nigeria. Tropicultura, 21(2): 61-65.
  • Ologbose F, Dick S. 2021. Breeds, age and sex effect on haematological and biochemical parameters of ducks in rivers state, Nigeria. BSJ Agri, 4(2): 52-57.
  • Orji BI, Okeke, GC, Ojo, OO. 1986. Hematological studies on the guinea fowl (Numida meleagris Pallas): II. Effect of age, sex and time of bleeding on protein and electrolyte levels in blood serum of guinea fowls. Nig J Anim Prod, 13: 100-106.
  • Penn R, Worthington DJ. 1983. Is serum gamma-glutamyltransferase a misleading test? Br Med J, 286: 531-535. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.286.6364.531.
  • Protais I, Bougon, M, L'Hospitalier R, Lecuyer T, Quemeneur P, Menec ML. 1982. Evoluzione comparata dell'eti dei pol U, del contenuto di sostanze minerali, di calcio e di fosforo delleossa e nel contenuto di calcio, di fosforo e difosfatasi alcalina nel siero. Zootecnica, 22(23): 2-8.
  • Rath R, Panigrahi B, Mishral SK, Pradhan CR, Maity A, Tewari H. 2019. Comparative serum biochemical profile for different breeds of ducks versus White Leghorn chickens in peak laying period. Indian J Anim Res, 53 (3): 327-331.
  • Santos ANA, Cruz FGG, Oliveira Filho PA, Farias TM, Rufino, JPF, Viana Filho GB. 2019. Serum biochemical profile of the muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata domesticus) fed diets with different levels of sodium. Rev Cient Avic Suin, 5(1): 015-026.
  • Siregar AP, Cumming RB, Farell DJ. 1982. The nutrition of meat-type ducks. I. The effects of dietary proteinin is energetic diets on biological performance. Aust J Agri Res, 33: 857- 864.
  • Verma PN, Rawat, JS, Pandey, MD. 1975. Effect of age and sex on the serum proteins of the white leghorn birds. Indian Vet J, 52(7): 544-546.
  • Vernon G, Baranova A, Younossi Z. 2011. Systematic review: the epidemiology and natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis in adults. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 34(3): 274–285.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Shima Chia 0000-0002-3160-3854

Jethro Adagi Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8585-0626

Mamfe Ate Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9361-616X

Kumawuese Uma Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8126-8273

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 22 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Chia, S., Adagi, J., Ate, M., Uma, K. (2022). Comparative Studies on Blood Serum Profiles of Liver Enzymes, Proteins, Total Bilirubin and Liver Organ Morphometry of Muscovy Ducks. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(2), 167-171.
