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Yıl 2022, , 100 - 103, 01.04.2022



  • Abdullah WD, Powell AA, Matthews S. 1991. Association of differences in seed vigour in long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis L.) with testa colour and imbibition damage. J Agri Sci, 116: 259-264.
  • Adebisi MA, Kehinde TO, Salau AW, Okesola LA, Porbeni JBO, Esuruoso AO, Oyekale KO. 2013. Influence of different seed size fractions on seed germination, seedling emergence and seed yield characters in tropical soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Int J Agri Res, 8(1): 26-33.
  • Balesevic-Tubic S, Tatic M, Miladinovic J. 2005. Influence of natural ageing on the dynamics of water absorption by sunflower seed. Seed Sci Tech, 33: 255-258.
  • Demir I. 1996. The effects of testa colour, temperature and seed moisture content of occurrence of imbibition damage in beans. Turkish J Agri Forest, 20: 295-298.
  • ISTA. 2020. International rules for seed testing. International Seed Testing Association. Bassersdorf, Switzerland.
  • Kigel J, Rosental L, Fait A. 2015. Seed physiology and germination of grain legumes, in Grain Legumes. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, ed A. M. De Ron. Springer, New York, NY, US, pp: 363.
  • Kolasinska K, Szyrmer J, Dul S. 2000. Relationship between laboratory seed quality tests and field emergence of common bean seed. Crop Sci, 40: 470-475.
  • Legesse N, Powell AA. 1992. Comparison of water uptake and imbibition damage in eleven cowpea cultivars. Seed Sci Tech, 20: 173-180.
  • Matthews S, Powell AA. 2011. Electrical conductivity vigour test: Physiological basis and use. Seed Testing Int, 131: 32-35.
  • Nonogaki H, Bassel GW, Bewley JD. 2010. Germination-still a mystery. Plant Sci, 176: 574-581.
  • Powell AA, Matthews S. 1978. The damaging effect of water on dry pea embryos during imbibition. J Exper Botany, 29: 1215-1229.
  • Powell AA, Oliveira MA, Matthews S. 1986. The role of imbibition damage in determining the vigour of white and coloured seed lots of dwarf French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J Exper Botany, 37: 716-722.
  • Powell AA. 2006. Seed vigour assessment. In Handbook of Seed Science (ed. A.S. Basra) Haworth Press, New York, US, pp: 648.
  • Shahi C, Vibhuti, Bargali K, Bargali SS. 2015. How seed size and water stress affect the seed germination and seedling growth in wheat varieties? Current Agri Res J, 3: 60-68.
  • Shephard HL, Naylor REL. 1996. Effect of seed coat on water uptake and electrolyte leakage of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench seeds. Annals of App Biol, 129: 125-136.
  • Zhang XK, Yang GT, Chen L, Yin JM, Tang ZL, Li JN. 2006. Physiological differences between yellow-seeded and black-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) with different testa characteristics during artificial ageing. Seed Sci Tech, 34: 373-381.

Seed Water Uptake Relates Germination and Emergence Potential of White Coated French Bean Cultivars

Yıl 2022, , 100 - 103, 01.04.2022


Water uptake was related to germination (%), seedling emergence (%), mean germination time (h), and electrical conductivity (µScm-1g-1) of nine French bean seed cultivars. Normal germination percentages were ranged between 43 and 99%, seedling emergence 45 and 88%, RE was between 43 and 100%, electrical conductivity 48.5 and 144.1 (µScm-1g-1), mean germination time (0.95 and 1.82 d). Seed water uptake at 25℃ varied 20.43 and 50.89% after 2 h and 32.47 and 56.36% after 6 h. Seed water uptake (%) after 2 and 6 h imbibition was significantly correlated with normal germination percentages (R2=0.82, P<0.01, 0.77, P < 0.05), normal seedling emergence (R2=0.76, P < 0.05, R2=0.93, P<0.001), mean germination time (R2=0.77, P < 0.05, R2=0.66, P < 0.05), and electrical conductivity (R2=0.73, P < 0.05, R2=0.83, P<0.01). Results were interpreted by prediction of water uptake in relation to seed germination and emergence.


  • Abdullah WD, Powell AA, Matthews S. 1991. Association of differences in seed vigour in long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis L.) with testa colour and imbibition damage. J Agri Sci, 116: 259-264.
  • Adebisi MA, Kehinde TO, Salau AW, Okesola LA, Porbeni JBO, Esuruoso AO, Oyekale KO. 2013. Influence of different seed size fractions on seed germination, seedling emergence and seed yield characters in tropical soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Int J Agri Res, 8(1): 26-33.
  • Balesevic-Tubic S, Tatic M, Miladinovic J. 2005. Influence of natural ageing on the dynamics of water absorption by sunflower seed. Seed Sci Tech, 33: 255-258.
  • Demir I. 1996. The effects of testa colour, temperature and seed moisture content of occurrence of imbibition damage in beans. Turkish J Agri Forest, 20: 295-298.
  • ISTA. 2020. International rules for seed testing. International Seed Testing Association. Bassersdorf, Switzerland.
  • Kigel J, Rosental L, Fait A. 2015. Seed physiology and germination of grain legumes, in Grain Legumes. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, ed A. M. De Ron. Springer, New York, NY, US, pp: 363.
  • Kolasinska K, Szyrmer J, Dul S. 2000. Relationship between laboratory seed quality tests and field emergence of common bean seed. Crop Sci, 40: 470-475.
  • Legesse N, Powell AA. 1992. Comparison of water uptake and imbibition damage in eleven cowpea cultivars. Seed Sci Tech, 20: 173-180.
  • Matthews S, Powell AA. 2011. Electrical conductivity vigour test: Physiological basis and use. Seed Testing Int, 131: 32-35.
  • Nonogaki H, Bassel GW, Bewley JD. 2010. Germination-still a mystery. Plant Sci, 176: 574-581.
  • Powell AA, Matthews S. 1978. The damaging effect of water on dry pea embryos during imbibition. J Exper Botany, 29: 1215-1229.
  • Powell AA, Oliveira MA, Matthews S. 1986. The role of imbibition damage in determining the vigour of white and coloured seed lots of dwarf French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J Exper Botany, 37: 716-722.
  • Powell AA. 2006. Seed vigour assessment. In Handbook of Seed Science (ed. A.S. Basra) Haworth Press, New York, US, pp: 648.
  • Shahi C, Vibhuti, Bargali K, Bargali SS. 2015. How seed size and water stress affect the seed germination and seedling growth in wheat varieties? Current Agri Res J, 3: 60-68.
  • Shephard HL, Naylor REL. 1996. Effect of seed coat on water uptake and electrolyte leakage of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench seeds. Annals of App Biol, 129: 125-136.
  • Zhang XK, Yang GT, Chen L, Yin JM, Tang ZL, Li JN. 2006. Physiological differences between yellow-seeded and black-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) with different testa characteristics during artificial ageing. Seed Sci Tech, 34: 373-381.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Sıtkı Ermiş 0000-0003-4919-921X

Güleda Öktem 0000-0002-1749-4903

İbrahim Demir 0000-0003-4515-0689

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2022
Kabul Tarihi 18 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Ermiş, S., Öktem, G., & Demir, İ. (2022). Seed Water Uptake Relates Germination and Emergence Potential of White Coated French Bean Cultivars. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(2), 100-103.
