Yıl 2022,
, 150 - 159, 01.04.2022
Abdulkerim Diler
Veysel Fatih Özdemir
Recep Aydın
Mete Yanar
Rıdvan Koçyiğit
Mesut Tosun
- Ahikiriza E, Wesana J, Gellynck X, Van Huylenbroeck G, Lauwers L. 2021. Context specificity and time dependency in classifying sub-saharan africa dairy cattle farmers for targeted extension farm advice: the case of uganda. Agriculture, 11(9): 836.
- Amimo JO, Thumbi S, Inyangala B, Junga J, Mosi R. 2011. Socio-economic characteristics and perceptions of cattle keepers and constraints to cattle production in western Kenya. URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (access date: December 04, 2021).
- Anonymous. 2021. İspir Kaymakamlığı. URL: http://www.ispir.gov.tr/ (access date: September 23, 2021).
- Anonymous. 2022a. Address Based population registration system. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr (access date: March, 03, 2022).
- Anonymous. 2022b. Animal production statistics. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr (access date: March 15, 2022).
- Anonymous. 2022c. Animal production statistics data for 2019. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr (access date: March 03, 2022).
- Arıkan R. 2007. Araştırma teknikleri ve rapor hazırlama. Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd., Ankara, Turkey, pp: 387.
- Ayenew YA, Wurzinger M, Tegegne A, Zollitsc, W. 2011. Socioe-conomic characteristics of urban and peri-urban dairy production systems in the North western Ethiopian highlands. Trop Anim Health Prod, 43(6): 1145-1152.
- Bakan Ö, Aydın R. 2016. Socio-economic characteristics of dairy cattle enterprises in Ağrı province. Atatürk Univ J Agri Fac, 47(2): 113-122.
- Daş A, İnci H, Karakaya E, Şengül A. 2014. The current state of the dairy farms that members of cattle breeders associations in Bingol. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 1(3): 421-429.
- Datta AK, Haider MZ, Ghosh SK. 2019. Economic analysis of dairy farming in Bangladesh. Tropical Anim Health Prod, 51(1): 55-64.
- Demir P, Aral Y, Sarıözkan S. 2014. Socio-economic structure and production costs of dairy cattle farms in Kars province. Van Vet J, 25(1): 1-6.
- Dou Z, Galligan D, Ramberg Jr C, Meadows C, Ferguson J. 2001. A survey of dairy farming in Pennsylvania: Nutrient management practices and implications. J Dairy Sci, 84(4): 966-973.
- Duguma B, Kechero Y, Janssens GP. 2012. Survey of major diseases affecting dairy cattle in Jimma town, Oromia, Ethiopia. Global Vet, 8(1): 62-66.
- Goonewardene L, Spicer H, McNeil A, Slack W. 1995. A survey of production characteristics, ownership and extension needs of the Alberta dairy industry. Can J Anim Sci, 75(2): 181-184.
- Grobler S, Scholtz M, Bester J, Mamabolo J, Ramsay K. 2008. Dairy production systems in the emerging and communal sectors of South Africa: Results from a structured survey. Appl Anim Husb Rural Devel, 1: 25-30.
- Güler O, Aydın R, Yanar M, Diler A, Koçyiğit R, Avcı M. 2016. Erzurum ili Hınıs ilçesi sığırcılık işletmelerinin sosyo-ekonomik yapısı. Alinteri J Agri Sci, 30(1): 27-37.
- Gürel C, Akay M. 2008. Study on the structure of socio-economic and field and income distribution of the farms of county of Sinop province. J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 25(1): 7-14.
- Houessou SO, Dossa LH, Diogo RV, Houinato M, Buerkert A, Schlecht E. 2019. Change and continuity in traditional cattle farming systems of West African Coast countries: A case study from Benin. Agri Syst, 168: 112-122.
- Hozman SB, Akçay H. 2016. Some technical and economical characteristics of dairy cattle farms that are member of cattle breeder's association of Sivas province. Turkish J Agric Econ, 22(1): 57-65.
- Kaygısız A, Tümer R, Orhan H, Vanlı Y. 2010. The structural situation of the dairy cattle farms in Kahramanmaraş province 4 social and cultural sitiation in farmers. Atatürk Univ J Agri Fac, 41(1): 39-44.
- Kilic O, Aydin Eryilmaz G. 2020. Structural characteristics of dairy cattle farms in Samsun province. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 7(3): 637-645.
- Koçyiğit R, Diler A, Yanar M, Güler O, Aydın R, Avcı M. 2016. Animal health, veterinary health services and satisfaction of the producer: An example of Hınıs county of Erzurum province. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 3(1): 24-32.
- Koçyiğit R, Yanar M, Aydın R, Diler A, Güler O. 2018. Animal health, veterinarian health services and expectation and satisfaction of cattle breeders in cattle enterprises: A sample of Narman county of Erzurum Province. KSU J Agric Nat, 21(2): 203-208.
- Koçyiğit R, Yanar M, Özdemir VF, Diler A, Aydın R, Tosun M. 2022. A study on the milking practices and some structural characteristics of the cattle enterprises located in İspir county of Erzurum province. Palandöken J Anim Sci Tech Econ, 1(1): 7-15.
- Kutlar İ, Kızılay H, Turhanoğulları Z. 2013. Determining the socio-economic factors affecting on labor force and decision participations of women in rural areas: A case study in the province of Burdur. Akdeniz Univ J Fac Agri, 26(1): 27-32.
- Mat B, Cevger Y. 2020. Structural characteristics and problems of dairy farms in Balıkesir province. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 36(4): 277-286.
- Mingoas Kilekoung JP, Zoli Pagnah A, Tchoumboue J, Ebene Nyoungui J, Toukala JP. 2014. Socio-economic characteristics and husbandry practices of cattle breeders in the Vina division, Cameroon. Int J Livest Prod, 5(3): 36-46.
- Mzingula EP. 2019. Socio-economic Impacts of Smallholder Dairy Cattle Farming on Livelihood in Sunga Ward of Lushoto District, Tanzania. Int J Econ Manag, 1(2): 41-49.
- Neudert R, Allahverdiyeva N, Mammadov N, Didebulidze A, Beckmann V. 2020. Diversification of livestock-keeping smallholders in mountainous rural regions of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Land, 9(8): 267.
- Neves Md CR, Silva Fd F, Freitas COd, Braga MJ. 2021. The role of cooperatives in Brazilian agricultural production. Agriculture, 11(10): 948.
- Özder AÖM, Özder M. 2008. Structural characteristic of the dairy farms that members of cattle breeders associations in Edirne. J Tekirdag Agri Fac, 5(2): 197-203.
- Özsağlıcak S, Yanar M. 2021. Feed usage and cattle feeding practices in cattle enterprises in the Eastern Anatolia Region: The case of central County of Erzincan Province. J Anim Sci Prod, 4(2): 136-152.
- Öztürk D, Karkacıer O. 2008. Economic analysis of dairy farms (The case of Yeşilyurt District of Tokat Province). J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 25(1): 15-22.
- Paksoy M, Bulut OD. 2020. Investigation of socio-economic characteristics and cooperative-partner relationships of cooperative partners engaged in dairy cattle in Aksaray province. Int J Agri Wildlife Sci, 6(2): 252-262.
- Rhone J, Koonawootrittriron S, Elzo M. 2008. A survey of decision making practices, educational experiences, and economic performance of two dairy farm populations in Central Thailand. Trop Anim Health Prod, 40(7): 475-482.
- Sahlström L, Virtanen T, Kyyrö J, Lyytikäinen T. 2014. Biosecurity on Finnish cattle, pig and sheep farms–results from a questionnaire. Prevent Vet Medic, 117(1): 59-67.
- Saleh M. 2018. Socio-economic characteristics of dairy cattle farmers in Northern Nigeria. J Agric Ext, 22(1): 266-276.
- Savaş S, Yenice G. 2016. Investigation of current situation of dairy cattle in Rize Province. Atatürk Univ J Vet Sci, 11(1): 74-83.
- Soyak A, Soysal Mİ, Gürcan EK. 2007. An investigation of structural properties of dairy enterprises and morphologic characteristics of black and white cattle in Tekirdag Province. J Tekirdag Agri Fac, 4(3): 297-305.
- SPSS 2011. SPSS for Windows Release 13.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL. SPSS for Windows Release 13.0.
- Şahin H. 2015. The Socio-economic dynamics of internal migration in Turkey: Agrı provincial instance. PhD Theis, Sakarya Univ Graduate School of Social Sciences, Sakarya, Turkey, pp: 213.
- Şahin K, Karadağ Gürsoy A. 2016. Socio-economic structure of dairy cattle raising enterprises in Iğdır Province. Nevşehir J Sci Tech, 5: 118-129.
- Şahin K, Gül A, Koç B, Dağıstan E. 2001. Intensive dairy cattle production economics in Adana Province. J Agric Sci, 11(2): 19-28.
- Şeker İ, Tasalı H, Güler H. 2012. The structural features of cattle farms in Muş province. Fırat Üniv Sağlık Bil Vet Derg, 26(1): 9-16.
- Tapkı N, Tapkı İ, Dağıstan E, Selvi MH, Aybüke K, Güzey YZ, Demirtaş B, Çelik AD. 2018. Socio-economic characteristics of members of cattle breeders association in Hatay province. J Anim Prod, 59(1): 25-32.
- Terin M, Ateş HÇ. 2010. A Study on the level of cooperation among the farmers and their expectations from the associations: The case of Van province. Ege Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg, 47(3): 265-274.
- Tilki M, Sarı M, Aydın E, Işık S, Aksoy AR. 2013. Current status of cattle shelters in livestock enterprises and breeder demands in Kars: I. current status. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 19(1): 109-116.
- Tugay A, Bakır G. 2006. Farmers’ of preference of private dairy cattle farms in Giresun province and the structural situation of barns. Atatürk Univ Agri Fac, 37(1): 39-47.
- Tugay A, Bakır G. 2009. The structural features of dairy cattle farms in Giresun province. Atatürk Univ Agri Fac, 40(1): 37-47.
- Ünalan A, Serbester U, Çınar M, Ceyhan A, Akyol E, Şekeroğlu A, Erdem T, Yılmaz S. 2013. The current status, main problems and solutions of dairy cattle farms in Niğde. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Tech, 1(2): 67-72.
- Van den Berg J. 2013. Socio-economic factors affecting adoption of improved agricultural practices by small scale farmers in South Africa. African J Agri Res, 8(35): 4490-4500.
- Yanbykh R, Saraikin V, Lerman Z. 2019. Cooperative tradition in Russia: a revival of agricultural service cooperatives? Post-Communist Econ, 31(6): 750-771.
- Yılmaz H, Ayasan T, Sağlam C, Gül M. 2020. Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinin sosyo-ekonomik özellikleri ve süt sığırcılığı faaliyetinde yem kullanım durumu. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Tech, 8(1): 89-94.
- Yılmaz H, Demircan V, Gül M, Kart M. 2014. Gender analysis of family labour use in traditional hair goat husbandry. J Anim Plant Sci, 24(6): 1898-1903.
Socio-Economic Structure of Cattle Enterprises in Northeast Anatolia Region: An Example of İspir County of Erzurum Province
Yıl 2022,
, 150 - 159, 01.04.2022
Abdulkerim Diler
Veysel Fatih Özdemir
Recep Aydın
Mete Yanar
Rıdvan Koçyiğit
Mesut Tosun
This study was carried out to reveal the current situation regarding the socio-economic characteristics of cattle enterprises in İspir county of Erzurum province. For this purpose, a face-to-face survey was conducted with 394 cattle farm owners determined using the random sampling method. The data obtained were interpreted using frequency analysis. The enterprises were mostly small-scale family types that had less than 20 (69.3%) animals. The number of cattle in the enterprises was classified as less than 11, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, and more than 40 heads. Additionally, educational status of the owner of the enterprises were grouped as illiterate, literate, Primary School graduate, Secondary School graduate and High School graduate. The average age of the breeders was determined to be 55.2 years, with the majority between 50-70 years. The level of education of the breeders was low and the majority of them were primary school graduates (68.8%). More than half of the enterprise owners (58.4%) had more than 30 years of experience in cattle breeding. Apart from the owner, the number of people who cared for the animals was usually 2 people (43.7%) or 3 people (33.5%), and the person who cared for the animals was generally a family member. Only 27.9% of the enterprises were members of a union and 49.3% of the member enterprises preferred the Agricultural Credit Cooperative. As a result; the high average age of the population engaged in animal husbandry in the county makes it necessary to clear the way for young entrepreneurs with various supports and to prevent migration to the cities. In addition, carrying out various training and incentive activities to eliminate the disadvantages such as the low level of education of the breeders and membership of a union will make important contributions to the development of the Country’s livestock sector.
- Ahikiriza E, Wesana J, Gellynck X, Van Huylenbroeck G, Lauwers L. 2021. Context specificity and time dependency in classifying sub-saharan africa dairy cattle farmers for targeted extension farm advice: the case of uganda. Agriculture, 11(9): 836.
- Amimo JO, Thumbi S, Inyangala B, Junga J, Mosi R. 2011. Socio-economic characteristics and perceptions of cattle keepers and constraints to cattle production in western Kenya. URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (access date: December 04, 2021).
- Anonymous. 2021. İspir Kaymakamlığı. URL: http://www.ispir.gov.tr/ (access date: September 23, 2021).
- Anonymous. 2022a. Address Based population registration system. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr (access date: March, 03, 2022).
- Anonymous. 2022b. Animal production statistics. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr (access date: March 15, 2022).
- Anonymous. 2022c. Animal production statistics data for 2019. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr (access date: March 03, 2022).
- Arıkan R. 2007. Araştırma teknikleri ve rapor hazırlama. Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd., Ankara, Turkey, pp: 387.
- Ayenew YA, Wurzinger M, Tegegne A, Zollitsc, W. 2011. Socioe-conomic characteristics of urban and peri-urban dairy production systems in the North western Ethiopian highlands. Trop Anim Health Prod, 43(6): 1145-1152.
- Bakan Ö, Aydın R. 2016. Socio-economic characteristics of dairy cattle enterprises in Ağrı province. Atatürk Univ J Agri Fac, 47(2): 113-122.
- Daş A, İnci H, Karakaya E, Şengül A. 2014. The current state of the dairy farms that members of cattle breeders associations in Bingol. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 1(3): 421-429.
- Datta AK, Haider MZ, Ghosh SK. 2019. Economic analysis of dairy farming in Bangladesh. Tropical Anim Health Prod, 51(1): 55-64.
- Demir P, Aral Y, Sarıözkan S. 2014. Socio-economic structure and production costs of dairy cattle farms in Kars province. Van Vet J, 25(1): 1-6.
- Dou Z, Galligan D, Ramberg Jr C, Meadows C, Ferguson J. 2001. A survey of dairy farming in Pennsylvania: Nutrient management practices and implications. J Dairy Sci, 84(4): 966-973.
- Duguma B, Kechero Y, Janssens GP. 2012. Survey of major diseases affecting dairy cattle in Jimma town, Oromia, Ethiopia. Global Vet, 8(1): 62-66.
- Goonewardene L, Spicer H, McNeil A, Slack W. 1995. A survey of production characteristics, ownership and extension needs of the Alberta dairy industry. Can J Anim Sci, 75(2): 181-184.
- Grobler S, Scholtz M, Bester J, Mamabolo J, Ramsay K. 2008. Dairy production systems in the emerging and communal sectors of South Africa: Results from a structured survey. Appl Anim Husb Rural Devel, 1: 25-30.
- Güler O, Aydın R, Yanar M, Diler A, Koçyiğit R, Avcı M. 2016. Erzurum ili Hınıs ilçesi sığırcılık işletmelerinin sosyo-ekonomik yapısı. Alinteri J Agri Sci, 30(1): 27-37.
- Gürel C, Akay M. 2008. Study on the structure of socio-economic and field and income distribution of the farms of county of Sinop province. J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 25(1): 7-14.
- Houessou SO, Dossa LH, Diogo RV, Houinato M, Buerkert A, Schlecht E. 2019. Change and continuity in traditional cattle farming systems of West African Coast countries: A case study from Benin. Agri Syst, 168: 112-122.
- Hozman SB, Akçay H. 2016. Some technical and economical characteristics of dairy cattle farms that are member of cattle breeder's association of Sivas province. Turkish J Agric Econ, 22(1): 57-65.
- Kaygısız A, Tümer R, Orhan H, Vanlı Y. 2010. The structural situation of the dairy cattle farms in Kahramanmaraş province 4 social and cultural sitiation in farmers. Atatürk Univ J Agri Fac, 41(1): 39-44.
- Kilic O, Aydin Eryilmaz G. 2020. Structural characteristics of dairy cattle farms in Samsun province. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 7(3): 637-645.
- Koçyiğit R, Diler A, Yanar M, Güler O, Aydın R, Avcı M. 2016. Animal health, veterinary health services and satisfaction of the producer: An example of Hınıs county of Erzurum province. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 3(1): 24-32.
- Koçyiğit R, Yanar M, Aydın R, Diler A, Güler O. 2018. Animal health, veterinarian health services and expectation and satisfaction of cattle breeders in cattle enterprises: A sample of Narman county of Erzurum Province. KSU J Agric Nat, 21(2): 203-208.
- Koçyiğit R, Yanar M, Özdemir VF, Diler A, Aydın R, Tosun M. 2022. A study on the milking practices and some structural characteristics of the cattle enterprises located in İspir county of Erzurum province. Palandöken J Anim Sci Tech Econ, 1(1): 7-15.
- Kutlar İ, Kızılay H, Turhanoğulları Z. 2013. Determining the socio-economic factors affecting on labor force and decision participations of women in rural areas: A case study in the province of Burdur. Akdeniz Univ J Fac Agri, 26(1): 27-32.
- Mat B, Cevger Y. 2020. Structural characteristics and problems of dairy farms in Balıkesir province. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 36(4): 277-286.
- Mingoas Kilekoung JP, Zoli Pagnah A, Tchoumboue J, Ebene Nyoungui J, Toukala JP. 2014. Socio-economic characteristics and husbandry practices of cattle breeders in the Vina division, Cameroon. Int J Livest Prod, 5(3): 36-46.
- Mzingula EP. 2019. Socio-economic Impacts of Smallholder Dairy Cattle Farming on Livelihood in Sunga Ward of Lushoto District, Tanzania. Int J Econ Manag, 1(2): 41-49.
- Neudert R, Allahverdiyeva N, Mammadov N, Didebulidze A, Beckmann V. 2020. Diversification of livestock-keeping smallholders in mountainous rural regions of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Land, 9(8): 267.
- Neves Md CR, Silva Fd F, Freitas COd, Braga MJ. 2021. The role of cooperatives in Brazilian agricultural production. Agriculture, 11(10): 948.
- Özder AÖM, Özder M. 2008. Structural characteristic of the dairy farms that members of cattle breeders associations in Edirne. J Tekirdag Agri Fac, 5(2): 197-203.
- Özsağlıcak S, Yanar M. 2021. Feed usage and cattle feeding practices in cattle enterprises in the Eastern Anatolia Region: The case of central County of Erzincan Province. J Anim Sci Prod, 4(2): 136-152.
- Öztürk D, Karkacıer O. 2008. Economic analysis of dairy farms (The case of Yeşilyurt District of Tokat Province). J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 25(1): 15-22.
- Paksoy M, Bulut OD. 2020. Investigation of socio-economic characteristics and cooperative-partner relationships of cooperative partners engaged in dairy cattle in Aksaray province. Int J Agri Wildlife Sci, 6(2): 252-262.
- Rhone J, Koonawootrittriron S, Elzo M. 2008. A survey of decision making practices, educational experiences, and economic performance of two dairy farm populations in Central Thailand. Trop Anim Health Prod, 40(7): 475-482.
- Sahlström L, Virtanen T, Kyyrö J, Lyytikäinen T. 2014. Biosecurity on Finnish cattle, pig and sheep farms–results from a questionnaire. Prevent Vet Medic, 117(1): 59-67.
- Saleh M. 2018. Socio-economic characteristics of dairy cattle farmers in Northern Nigeria. J Agric Ext, 22(1): 266-276.
- Savaş S, Yenice G. 2016. Investigation of current situation of dairy cattle in Rize Province. Atatürk Univ J Vet Sci, 11(1): 74-83.
- Soyak A, Soysal Mİ, Gürcan EK. 2007. An investigation of structural properties of dairy enterprises and morphologic characteristics of black and white cattle in Tekirdag Province. J Tekirdag Agri Fac, 4(3): 297-305.
- SPSS 2011. SPSS for Windows Release 13.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL. SPSS for Windows Release 13.0.
- Şahin H. 2015. The Socio-economic dynamics of internal migration in Turkey: Agrı provincial instance. PhD Theis, Sakarya Univ Graduate School of Social Sciences, Sakarya, Turkey, pp: 213.
- Şahin K, Karadağ Gürsoy A. 2016. Socio-economic structure of dairy cattle raising enterprises in Iğdır Province. Nevşehir J Sci Tech, 5: 118-129.
- Şahin K, Gül A, Koç B, Dağıstan E. 2001. Intensive dairy cattle production economics in Adana Province. J Agric Sci, 11(2): 19-28.
- Şeker İ, Tasalı H, Güler H. 2012. The structural features of cattle farms in Muş province. Fırat Üniv Sağlık Bil Vet Derg, 26(1): 9-16.
- Tapkı N, Tapkı İ, Dağıstan E, Selvi MH, Aybüke K, Güzey YZ, Demirtaş B, Çelik AD. 2018. Socio-economic characteristics of members of cattle breeders association in Hatay province. J Anim Prod, 59(1): 25-32.
- Terin M, Ateş HÇ. 2010. A Study on the level of cooperation among the farmers and their expectations from the associations: The case of Van province. Ege Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg, 47(3): 265-274.
- Tilki M, Sarı M, Aydın E, Işık S, Aksoy AR. 2013. Current status of cattle shelters in livestock enterprises and breeder demands in Kars: I. current status. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 19(1): 109-116.
- Tugay A, Bakır G. 2006. Farmers’ of preference of private dairy cattle farms in Giresun province and the structural situation of barns. Atatürk Univ Agri Fac, 37(1): 39-47.
- Tugay A, Bakır G. 2009. The structural features of dairy cattle farms in Giresun province. Atatürk Univ Agri Fac, 40(1): 37-47.
- Ünalan A, Serbester U, Çınar M, Ceyhan A, Akyol E, Şekeroğlu A, Erdem T, Yılmaz S. 2013. The current status, main problems and solutions of dairy cattle farms in Niğde. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Tech, 1(2): 67-72.
- Van den Berg J. 2013. Socio-economic factors affecting adoption of improved agricultural practices by small scale farmers in South Africa. African J Agri Res, 8(35): 4490-4500.
- Yanbykh R, Saraikin V, Lerman Z. 2019. Cooperative tradition in Russia: a revival of agricultural service cooperatives? Post-Communist Econ, 31(6): 750-771.
- Yılmaz H, Ayasan T, Sağlam C, Gül M. 2020. Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinin sosyo-ekonomik özellikleri ve süt sığırcılığı faaliyetinde yem kullanım durumu. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Tech, 8(1): 89-94.
- Yılmaz H, Demircan V, Gül M, Kart M. 2014. Gender analysis of family labour use in traditional hair goat husbandry. J Anim Plant Sci, 24(6): 1898-1903.