Yıl 2022,
, 288 - 299, 01.07.2022
Fatih Öner
Gökhan Kayhan
Erhan Ergün
Ferda Özkorkmaz
Recai Oktaş
Mehmet Serhat Odabaş
- Acer S. 2004. Effects of different irrigation times with nitrogen doses on yield and quality specially in some durum wheat varieties. PhD Thesis, Ankara University, Institute of Science, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 122.
- Akgün N, Topal A. 2006. Lodging in cereals. J Bahri Dagdas Crop Res, 1: 36-42.
- Altuntaş A, Akgün İ. 2016. The effect of different nitrogen dosage and liquid fertilizer applications on yield and yield components on kızıltan-91 wheat variety under uşak conditions. Süleyman Demirel Univ J Inst Sci, 20(3): 496-503.
- Asif M, Tunc CE, Yazıcı MA, Tutus Y, Rehman R, Rehman A, Özturk I. 2019. Effect of predicted climate change on growth and yield performance of wheat under varied nitrogen and zinc supply. Plant Soil, 434: 231-244.
- Atar B, Akman Z. 2014. Effects of seed priming and nitrogen doses on grain yield and some yield components of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Süleyman Demirel Univ J Agri, 9(2): 69-82.
- Atlı A, Koçak N, Aktan M. 1999. Evaluation of the environmental conditions of our country in terms of suitability for growing quality durum wheat. Problems of Grain Agriculture in Central Anatolia and Solutions Symposium. pp: 345-351. Konya, Türkiye.
- Aydın N, Bayramoğlu HO, Mut Z, Özcan H. 2005. Determination of yield and quality characters of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and lines under black sea region conditions of Turkey. J Agri Sci, 11(3): 257-262.
- Bayram S, Öztürk A, Aydın M. 2017. Evaluation of yield components and grain yield of bread wheat genotypes in Erzurum conditions. Yüzüncü Yıl Univ J Agri Sci, 27(4): 569-579.
- Bogdan M, Rosenstiel W. 1999. Application of artificial neural networks for different engineering problems. In International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp: 277-294.
- Çağlar Ö, Öztürk A, Bulut S. 2006. Adaptation of some bread wheat varieties to Erzurum plain conditions. Atatürk Univ J Agri, 37(1): 1-7.
- Çekiç C. 2007. A study on physilogical parameters which can be used as selection criteria in breeding wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for drought resistance. PhD thesis Ankara University, Institute of Science, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 114.
- Çifci EA, Doğan R. 2013. The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer doses on yield and quality of Gediz-75 and Flamura-85 wheat varieties. J Agri Sci, 19(1): 1-11.
- Coşkun Y, Öktem A. 2003. The effects of different nitrogen dosages and application times on yield and yield components of durum wheat. J Agri Fac HRU, 7(3-4): 1-10.
- Destro D, Miglioranza É, Arias CAA, Vendrame JM, Almeida JCVD. 2001. Main stem and tiller contribution to wheat cultivars yield under different irrigation regimes. Brazilian Arch of Biol Tech, 44(4): 325-330.
- Dhillion SS, Svarstad H, Amundsen C, Bugge HC. 2002. Bioprospecting: effects on development and environment. Ambio, 31: 491-493.
- Dokuyucu T, Akkaya A. 1999. Path coefficient analysis and correlation of grain yield and yield components of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) genotypes. Barley and Wheat Newslet, 18(2): 17-20.
- Dönmez E. 2002. A research on genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis in some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. PhD Thesis, Gaziosmanpaşa Univ, Institute of Science, Tokat, Türkiye, pp:152.
- El Temsah M. 2017. Response of wheat yield, its components and technological characteristics to different nitrogen rates and planting methods. Egyptian J Agron,39(3): 421-429.
- Freeman JA, Skapura DM. 1991. Neural networks algorithms, applications and programming techniques. Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. New York, US.
- Gaines CS, Finney PL, Andrews LC. 1997. Influence of kernel size and shriveling on soft wheat milling and baking quality. Cereal Chemi, 74(6): 700-704.
- Gao WY, Fan I, Peak KY. 2000. Yellow and red pigment production by cell cultures of Carthamus tinctorius in a bioreactor. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult, 60: 95-100.
- Gençtan T, Sağlam N. 1987. The effect of sowing time and sowing frequency on yield and yield components in 3 bread wheat cultivars. TUBITAK Turkey cereals symposium.1987; TOAG, pp: 171-182, Bursa, Türkiye.
- Gomm JB, Yu DL. 2000. Selecting radial basis function network centers with recursive orthogonal least squares training. IEEE Transact Neural Networks, 11(2): 306-314.
- Hagan MT, Menhaj MB. 1994. Training feedforward networks with the Marquardt algorithm. IEEE Transact Neutral Networks, 5(6): 989-993.
- Haque A, Hossain M, Haque M, Hasan MM, Rafii MM, Shamsuzzaman SM. 2017. Response of yield, nitrogen use efficiency and grain protein content of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) varieties to different nitrogen levels. Bangladesh J Bot, 46: 389-396.
- Haykin S. 1994. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall. NJ, US.
- Hoareau L, DaSilva EJ. 1999. Medicinal plants: a re-emerging health aid. Elect J Biotechnol, 2: 56-70.
- Hussain I, Khan MA, Khan EA. 2006. Bread wheat varieties as influenced by different nitrogen levels. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 7(1): 70-78.
- Kara B, Akman Z. 2007. The effect of different grain size and sowing depth of wheat’s (Triticum aestivum L.) root and shoot organs on the first development stages. Akdeniz Univ J Agri Fac, 20(2): 193-202.
- Kaydan D, Yağmur M. 2008. A research on yield and yield components of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Van ecological conditions. Ankara Univ J Agri Sci, 14(4): 350-358.
- Kermani BG, Schiffman SS, Nagle HT. 2005. Performance of the Levenberg-Marquardt neural network training method in electronic nose applications. Sens Actuators B: Chem, 1(13): 110.
- Kınacı G, Kınacı E. 2004. Effects of foliar fertilizers on sedimentation, gluten and gluten index of winter wheat variety Kırgız 95. Akdeniz Univ J Agri Fac, 17(1): 75-80.
- Koç A, Akgün İ. 2018. Comparing yield and quality of Icarda- Cimmyt bread wheat lines in the west Mediterranean. Agri Eng, 365: 22-33.
- Kocabaş, Z. 1995. Creation of a plant simulation model and considerations. Cooperativeness, 110: 99-109.
- Koçak N, Atlı A, Karaba E, Tuncer T. 1992. A research on the quality properties of Hungarian-Yugoslavia bread wheat varieties. J Field Crops Central Res Inst, 1(1): 27-45.
- Kun E. 1988. Cereals. Ankara University Agricultural Faculty Press, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 332.
- Mert B, Çiftçi C, Atak M. 2003. Effects of different nitrogen doses on some yield components in breed wheat cultıvars. J Field Crops Cent Res Inst, 12: 72-85.
- Monteith JL. 1996. The quest for balance in crop modeling. Agron J, 88: 695-697.
- Mou B, Kronstad WE. 2002. Duration and rate of grain filling in selected winter wheat populations: 1. inheritance. Crop Sci, 34: 833-837.
- Mut Z, Aydın N, Özcan H, Bayramoğlu OH. 2005. Determination of yield and some quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the Middle Black Sea Region. GOÜ J Agri Fac, 22(2): 85-93.
- Mut Z, Bayramoğlu HO, Özcan H. 2007. Determination of yield and main quality characteristics of some common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. J Fac Agri OMU, 22(2): 193- 201.
- Naneli İ, Sakin MA, Kıral AS. 2015. Determination of yield and quality of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties at Tokat-Kazova conditions. J Agril Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 32(1): 91-103.
- Neruda R, Kudova P. 2005. Learning methods for radial basis function networks. Future Gener Comput Syst, 21(7): 1131-1142.
- Odabas MS, Aydin A, Kevseroglu K, Cirak C. 2009. Prediction model of leaf area for Trigonella foneum Graecum L. Turkish J Field Crops, 14(2): 144-149.
- Önder O. 2007. A research on tillering dynamics of some bread wheat varieties grown in central anatolian dry conditions. Master thesis, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Türkiye, pp: 118.
- Özcan Sümer F, Erekul O, Koca YO. 2010. The Effects of different nitrogen doses and plant density on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars yield, yield components and bread-making quality. Anadolu J AARI, 20(2): 28-44.
- Özen S, Akman Z. 2015. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat cultivars in Yozgat ecological conditions. Süleyman Demirel Univ J Inst Sci, 10(1): 35-43.
- Özkaya H, Kahveci B. 1990. Cereals and products analysis methods. J Food, 14: 146-148.
- Özseven G, Bayram ME. 2005. The effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield components in four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum var. aestivum L.) varieties in Marmara region. J Field Crops Cent Res Inst, 14: 1-2.
- Öztürk A, Akten Ş. 1999. Some morpho-physiological characteristics of winter wheat and their effects on grain yield. Turkish J Agri Forest, 23(2): 409-422.
- Pena RJ, Amaya A, Rajaram S, Mujeeb-Kazi A. 1990. Variation in quality characteristics with some spring 1b / 1r translocation wheats. J Cereal Sci, 12: 105-112.
- Schofield JD. 1994. Wheat production, properties and quality. Chapman & Hall, London, UK, pp: 27-31.
- Singh AP, Kamal TS, Kumar S. 2005. Development of ANN-based virtual fault detector for Wheatstone bridge-oriented transducers. IEEE Sensors J, 5(5): 1043-1049.
- Şener O, Kılınç M, Yağbasanlar T, Gözübenli H, Karadavut U. 1997. Determination of some bread (Triticum aestivum L. Em Thell) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) varieties and lines in Hatay conditions. Turkey II. Field Crops Congress, pp: 1-5. Samsun, Türkiye.
- Temizel KE, Odabas MS, Senyer N, Kayhan G, Bajwa S, Caliskan O, Ergun E. 2014. Comparision of some models for estimation of reflectance of hypericum leaves under stress conditions, Central European J Biol, 9(12): 1226-1234.
- Triboi E, Abad A, Michelena A, Iloveras J, Ollier JL, Daniel C. 2000. Environmental effects on the quality of two wheat genotypes: 1. quantitative and qualitive variation of storage proteins. European J Agron, 13: 47-64.
- Tunca ZŞ. 2012. Bazı buğday çeşitlerinin adaptasyon kabiliyeti, agronomik ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Master Thesis, Osmangazi University, Institute of Science, Eskişehir, Türkiye, pp: 98.
- Ünal S. 2002. Importance of quality in wheat and methods used in its determination. Cereal Products Technology Congress and Exhibition, October 3-4, 2002, Gaziantep, Türkiye, pp: 25-37.
- Uzun S, Demir Y, Özkaraman F. 1998. Light interception and dry matter production in plants. J Ondokuz Mayıs Univ Agri Fac, 13(2): 133-154.
- Williams PC, El-Haramein FJ, Ortiz-Fereiro G, Srivastava JP. 1988. Preliminary observations on the determination of wheat strength by near-infrared refl ectance. Cereal Chem, 65: 109-114.
- Yıldırım A, Sakin MA, Gökmen S. 2005.Evaluation of some common bread wheat cultivars advanced and breeding lines for yield and yield components. GOP Ziraat Fak Derg, 22: 63-72.
- Yılmaz N, Şimşek S. 2012. Determination of nitrogen fertilizer form and quantity to be used for surface fertilization wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Sivas ecological conditions. Akad Agri J, 1(2): 91-96.
- Yürür N, Turan ZM, Akmakçı S. 1987. Studies on yield and adaptability of some bread and durum wheat varieties in Bursa conditions. TUBITAK Turkey Cereals Symposium. TOAG, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 59-69.
Determination of the Effect of Different Nitrogen Doses on the Yield, Yield Components and Chlorophyll Contents of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars using Artificial Neural Network
Yıl 2022,
, 288 - 299, 01.07.2022
Fatih Öner
Gökhan Kayhan
Erhan Ergün
Ferda Özkorkmaz
Recai Oktaş
Mehmet Serhat Odabaş
This research investigates an artificial neural network for predicting the chlorophyll concentration index and the effect of different nitrogen doses on the yield, yield components of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plants were fertilized with 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 kg da-1 nitrogen doses. The chlorophyll concentration index of each leaf was measured using a SPAD meter. The coefficient of determination values was found to be 0.99. In artificial neural network modeling, chlorophyll concentration values were estimated with SPAD readings. Artificial neural network modeling successfully described the relationship between actual chlorophyll concentration index values and predicted chlorophyll concentration index values. Agronomic parameters plant height (110.66-92.73 cm), the number of spikes per square meter (461.01-355.50), the number of seeds per spike (43.88-23.83), the weight of seed per spike (2.07-0.91 g), hectoliter weight, thousand-grain weight (43.10-35.89 g), grain yield (638.76-343.06 kg.da-1), protein contents (11.16-8.34 %), the value of sedimentation (19.40-11.94) were found statistically important.
- Acer S. 2004. Effects of different irrigation times with nitrogen doses on yield and quality specially in some durum wheat varieties. PhD Thesis, Ankara University, Institute of Science, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 122.
- Akgün N, Topal A. 2006. Lodging in cereals. J Bahri Dagdas Crop Res, 1: 36-42.
- Altuntaş A, Akgün İ. 2016. The effect of different nitrogen dosage and liquid fertilizer applications on yield and yield components on kızıltan-91 wheat variety under uşak conditions. Süleyman Demirel Univ J Inst Sci, 20(3): 496-503.
- Asif M, Tunc CE, Yazıcı MA, Tutus Y, Rehman R, Rehman A, Özturk I. 2019. Effect of predicted climate change on growth and yield performance of wheat under varied nitrogen and zinc supply. Plant Soil, 434: 231-244.
- Atar B, Akman Z. 2014. Effects of seed priming and nitrogen doses on grain yield and some yield components of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Süleyman Demirel Univ J Agri, 9(2): 69-82.
- Atlı A, Koçak N, Aktan M. 1999. Evaluation of the environmental conditions of our country in terms of suitability for growing quality durum wheat. Problems of Grain Agriculture in Central Anatolia and Solutions Symposium. pp: 345-351. Konya, Türkiye.
- Aydın N, Bayramoğlu HO, Mut Z, Özcan H. 2005. Determination of yield and quality characters of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and lines under black sea region conditions of Turkey. J Agri Sci, 11(3): 257-262.
- Bayram S, Öztürk A, Aydın M. 2017. Evaluation of yield components and grain yield of bread wheat genotypes in Erzurum conditions. Yüzüncü Yıl Univ J Agri Sci, 27(4): 569-579.
- Bogdan M, Rosenstiel W. 1999. Application of artificial neural networks for different engineering problems. In International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp: 277-294.
- Çağlar Ö, Öztürk A, Bulut S. 2006. Adaptation of some bread wheat varieties to Erzurum plain conditions. Atatürk Univ J Agri, 37(1): 1-7.
- Çekiç C. 2007. A study on physilogical parameters which can be used as selection criteria in breeding wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for drought resistance. PhD thesis Ankara University, Institute of Science, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 114.
- Çifci EA, Doğan R. 2013. The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer doses on yield and quality of Gediz-75 and Flamura-85 wheat varieties. J Agri Sci, 19(1): 1-11.
- Coşkun Y, Öktem A. 2003. The effects of different nitrogen dosages and application times on yield and yield components of durum wheat. J Agri Fac HRU, 7(3-4): 1-10.
- Destro D, Miglioranza É, Arias CAA, Vendrame JM, Almeida JCVD. 2001. Main stem and tiller contribution to wheat cultivars yield under different irrigation regimes. Brazilian Arch of Biol Tech, 44(4): 325-330.
- Dhillion SS, Svarstad H, Amundsen C, Bugge HC. 2002. Bioprospecting: effects on development and environment. Ambio, 31: 491-493.
- Dokuyucu T, Akkaya A. 1999. Path coefficient analysis and correlation of grain yield and yield components of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) genotypes. Barley and Wheat Newslet, 18(2): 17-20.
- Dönmez E. 2002. A research on genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis in some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. PhD Thesis, Gaziosmanpaşa Univ, Institute of Science, Tokat, Türkiye, pp:152.
- El Temsah M. 2017. Response of wheat yield, its components and technological characteristics to different nitrogen rates and planting methods. Egyptian J Agron,39(3): 421-429.
- Freeman JA, Skapura DM. 1991. Neural networks algorithms, applications and programming techniques. Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. New York, US.
- Gaines CS, Finney PL, Andrews LC. 1997. Influence of kernel size and shriveling on soft wheat milling and baking quality. Cereal Chemi, 74(6): 700-704.
- Gao WY, Fan I, Peak KY. 2000. Yellow and red pigment production by cell cultures of Carthamus tinctorius in a bioreactor. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult, 60: 95-100.
- Gençtan T, Sağlam N. 1987. The effect of sowing time and sowing frequency on yield and yield components in 3 bread wheat cultivars. TUBITAK Turkey cereals symposium.1987; TOAG, pp: 171-182, Bursa, Türkiye.
- Gomm JB, Yu DL. 2000. Selecting radial basis function network centers with recursive orthogonal least squares training. IEEE Transact Neural Networks, 11(2): 306-314.
- Hagan MT, Menhaj MB. 1994. Training feedforward networks with the Marquardt algorithm. IEEE Transact Neutral Networks, 5(6): 989-993.
- Haque A, Hossain M, Haque M, Hasan MM, Rafii MM, Shamsuzzaman SM. 2017. Response of yield, nitrogen use efficiency and grain protein content of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) varieties to different nitrogen levels. Bangladesh J Bot, 46: 389-396.
- Haykin S. 1994. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall. NJ, US.
- Hoareau L, DaSilva EJ. 1999. Medicinal plants: a re-emerging health aid. Elect J Biotechnol, 2: 56-70.
- Hussain I, Khan MA, Khan EA. 2006. Bread wheat varieties as influenced by different nitrogen levels. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 7(1): 70-78.
- Kara B, Akman Z. 2007. The effect of different grain size and sowing depth of wheat’s (Triticum aestivum L.) root and shoot organs on the first development stages. Akdeniz Univ J Agri Fac, 20(2): 193-202.
- Kaydan D, Yağmur M. 2008. A research on yield and yield components of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Van ecological conditions. Ankara Univ J Agri Sci, 14(4): 350-358.
- Kermani BG, Schiffman SS, Nagle HT. 2005. Performance of the Levenberg-Marquardt neural network training method in electronic nose applications. Sens Actuators B: Chem, 1(13): 110.
- Kınacı G, Kınacı E. 2004. Effects of foliar fertilizers on sedimentation, gluten and gluten index of winter wheat variety Kırgız 95. Akdeniz Univ J Agri Fac, 17(1): 75-80.
- Koç A, Akgün İ. 2018. Comparing yield and quality of Icarda- Cimmyt bread wheat lines in the west Mediterranean. Agri Eng, 365: 22-33.
- Kocabaş, Z. 1995. Creation of a plant simulation model and considerations. Cooperativeness, 110: 99-109.
- Koçak N, Atlı A, Karaba E, Tuncer T. 1992. A research on the quality properties of Hungarian-Yugoslavia bread wheat varieties. J Field Crops Central Res Inst, 1(1): 27-45.
- Kun E. 1988. Cereals. Ankara University Agricultural Faculty Press, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 332.
- Mert B, Çiftçi C, Atak M. 2003. Effects of different nitrogen doses on some yield components in breed wheat cultıvars. J Field Crops Cent Res Inst, 12: 72-85.
- Monteith JL. 1996. The quest for balance in crop modeling. Agron J, 88: 695-697.
- Mou B, Kronstad WE. 2002. Duration and rate of grain filling in selected winter wheat populations: 1. inheritance. Crop Sci, 34: 833-837.
- Mut Z, Aydın N, Özcan H, Bayramoğlu OH. 2005. Determination of yield and some quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the Middle Black Sea Region. GOÜ J Agri Fac, 22(2): 85-93.
- Mut Z, Bayramoğlu HO, Özcan H. 2007. Determination of yield and main quality characteristics of some common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. J Fac Agri OMU, 22(2): 193- 201.
- Naneli İ, Sakin MA, Kıral AS. 2015. Determination of yield and quality of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties at Tokat-Kazova conditions. J Agril Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 32(1): 91-103.
- Neruda R, Kudova P. 2005. Learning methods for radial basis function networks. Future Gener Comput Syst, 21(7): 1131-1142.
- Odabas MS, Aydin A, Kevseroglu K, Cirak C. 2009. Prediction model of leaf area for Trigonella foneum Graecum L. Turkish J Field Crops, 14(2): 144-149.
- Önder O. 2007. A research on tillering dynamics of some bread wheat varieties grown in central anatolian dry conditions. Master thesis, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Türkiye, pp: 118.
- Özcan Sümer F, Erekul O, Koca YO. 2010. The Effects of different nitrogen doses and plant density on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars yield, yield components and bread-making quality. Anadolu J AARI, 20(2): 28-44.
- Özen S, Akman Z. 2015. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat cultivars in Yozgat ecological conditions. Süleyman Demirel Univ J Inst Sci, 10(1): 35-43.
- Özkaya H, Kahveci B. 1990. Cereals and products analysis methods. J Food, 14: 146-148.
- Özseven G, Bayram ME. 2005. The effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield components in four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum var. aestivum L.) varieties in Marmara region. J Field Crops Cent Res Inst, 14: 1-2.
- Öztürk A, Akten Ş. 1999. Some morpho-physiological characteristics of winter wheat and their effects on grain yield. Turkish J Agri Forest, 23(2): 409-422.
- Pena RJ, Amaya A, Rajaram S, Mujeeb-Kazi A. 1990. Variation in quality characteristics with some spring 1b / 1r translocation wheats. J Cereal Sci, 12: 105-112.
- Schofield JD. 1994. Wheat production, properties and quality. Chapman & Hall, London, UK, pp: 27-31.
- Singh AP, Kamal TS, Kumar S. 2005. Development of ANN-based virtual fault detector for Wheatstone bridge-oriented transducers. IEEE Sensors J, 5(5): 1043-1049.
- Şener O, Kılınç M, Yağbasanlar T, Gözübenli H, Karadavut U. 1997. Determination of some bread (Triticum aestivum L. Em Thell) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) varieties and lines in Hatay conditions. Turkey II. Field Crops Congress, pp: 1-5. Samsun, Türkiye.
- Temizel KE, Odabas MS, Senyer N, Kayhan G, Bajwa S, Caliskan O, Ergun E. 2014. Comparision of some models for estimation of reflectance of hypericum leaves under stress conditions, Central European J Biol, 9(12): 1226-1234.
- Triboi E, Abad A, Michelena A, Iloveras J, Ollier JL, Daniel C. 2000. Environmental effects on the quality of two wheat genotypes: 1. quantitative and qualitive variation of storage proteins. European J Agron, 13: 47-64.
- Tunca ZŞ. 2012. Bazı buğday çeşitlerinin adaptasyon kabiliyeti, agronomik ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Master Thesis, Osmangazi University, Institute of Science, Eskişehir, Türkiye, pp: 98.
- Ünal S. 2002. Importance of quality in wheat and methods used in its determination. Cereal Products Technology Congress and Exhibition, October 3-4, 2002, Gaziantep, Türkiye, pp: 25-37.
- Uzun S, Demir Y, Özkaraman F. 1998. Light interception and dry matter production in plants. J Ondokuz Mayıs Univ Agri Fac, 13(2): 133-154.
- Williams PC, El-Haramein FJ, Ortiz-Fereiro G, Srivastava JP. 1988. Preliminary observations on the determination of wheat strength by near-infrared refl ectance. Cereal Chem, 65: 109-114.
- Yıldırım A, Sakin MA, Gökmen S. 2005.Evaluation of some common bread wheat cultivars advanced and breeding lines for yield and yield components. GOP Ziraat Fak Derg, 22: 63-72.
- Yılmaz N, Şimşek S. 2012. Determination of nitrogen fertilizer form and quantity to be used for surface fertilization wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Sivas ecological conditions. Akad Agri J, 1(2): 91-96.
- Yürür N, Turan ZM, Akmakçı S. 1987. Studies on yield and adaptability of some bread and durum wheat varieties in Bursa conditions. TUBITAK Turkey Cereals Symposium. TOAG, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 59-69.