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Yıl 2022, , 351 - 356, 01.10.2022



  • Abu-Darwish M, Al-Fraihat A, Dalain S, Afifi F, Al-Tabbal J. 2011. Determination of essential oils and heavy metals accumulation in Salvia officinalis cultivated in three intra-raw spacing in ash-shoubak, Jordan. Int J Agri Biol, 13: 981-985.
  • Ali Y, Gashaw A, Abate A. 2019. Genetic divergence and clustering of Ethiopian fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graecum L.) genotypes in South Wollo zone of Amhara region, Ethiopia. BSJ Agri, 2(4): 203-211.
  • Angelova VR, Ivanova RV, Todorov GM, Ivanov KI. 2016. Potential of Salvia sclarea L. for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Int Schol Sci Res Innov, 10(12): 780-790.
  • Bolat I, Kara O. 2017. Plant nutrients: Sources, functions, deficiencies and excesses. J Bartin Fac of Forest, 19(1): 218-228.
  • Bosgelmez A, Bosgelmez I, Savasci S, Paslı N. 2001. Ecology-II (Soil), Başkent Cliche Printing, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Dengiz O, Gol C, Baskan O. 2007. Buyukcay basin (Çankırı) soil characteristics and mapping. J Artvin Coruh Univ Fac Forest, 8(1): 46-58.
  • Dogan G, Hayta Ş, Demirpolat A, Bağcı E. 2017. Composition of the essential oil of endemic Salvia cryptantha (Lamiaceae) Montbret & Aucher ex bentham from. Hacettepe J Biol Chem, 45(3): 315-320.
  • Follet RH. 1969. Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in Colorado Soils. Ph. D. Dissertation. Colorado State University, Colorado, US.
  • Genç S, Soysal Mİ. 2018. Parametric and nonparametric post hoc tests. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 18-27.
  • Helmke PA, Sparks DL. 1996. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium, in Sparks, D.L., (Eds). Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3, Chemical Methods, SSSA Book Series Number 5, SSSA., Madison, WI, US, pp: 551-574.
  • Jackson ML. 1962. Soil chemical analysis. Advanced course. 2nd ed. University of Wisconsin, Madison, US.
  • Jones JR, Case VW. 1990. Sampling, handling, and analyzing plant tissue samples, chapter 15. In R.L. Westerman (ed) Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Third Edition, SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, US, pp: 390-420.
  • Klute A, Weaver RW, Mickelson SH, Sparks DL, Bartels JM, Dane JH, Topp G. 1994. Methods of soil analysis: Part 3-Chemical Methods. Soil Science Society of America Book Series, Madison, Wisconsin, US.
  • Lindsay WL, Norvel WA. 1978. Development of DTPA soil test for Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu. Soil Sci Soc Amer J, 42(3): 421-428.
  • Nelson DW, Sommers LE. 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Sparks, D.L. (Ed). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3, Chemical Methods, ASA and SSSA, SSSA Book Series No: 5, Madison, WI, US, pp: 961-1010.
  • Olsen SR, Sommers LE. 1982. Phosphorus availability indices. Phosphorus soluble in sodium bicarbonate. Methods of soils analysis. Part II. Chemical and microbiological properties. Editors: A.L. Page, R.H. Miller, D.R. Keeney, pp: 404-430.
  • Rhoades JD. 1996. Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved gasses. In Sparks, D.L. (ed) Method of Soil Analysis: Chemical Methods. Part 3. SSSA, Madison, WI, US, pp: 417-437.
  • Saadia Z, Ozcan M, Bagci Y, Unver A, Arslan D, Durak G, Er F, Saglam C. 2010. Chemical composition of the essential oil of Salvia cryptantha. JEOBP, 13: 200-204.
  • Sardans J, Roda F, Penuelas J. 2004. Phosphorus limitation and competitive capacities of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex subsp rotundifolia on different soils. Plant Ecol, 174: 305-317.
  • Silanpää M. 1990. Micronutrient assessment at country level: An international study. In: FAO Soils Bulletin. N.63. Rome, Italy.
  • Sumner ME, Miller WP. 1996. Cation exchange capacity and exchange coefficients. In D.L. Sparks (ed.) Methods of soil analysis, Part 3. Chemical methods. Soil Science Society of America, Book series no. 5, US.
  • Thomas GW. 1996. Soil pH and Acidity. In D.L. Sparks (ed) Method of Soil Analysis: Chemical Methods. Part 3. SSSA, Madison, WI, US, pp: 475-491.
  • Ulgen N, Yurtsever N. 1995. Fertilizer and manure Turkey directory, general directorate of rural services. Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute Publication, Publication No: 209, Technical Publications No: 66-4. Printing, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Yılar M, Altuntaş E. 2017. Determination of some physical properties of perennial and perennial sage seeds (Salvia viridis L., Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher). Mediterr Agri Sci, 30(2): 137-141.
  • Yılar M, Bayar Y, Abacı Bayar AA, Genç N. 2020b. Chemical composition of the essential oil of Salvia bracteata Banks and the biological activity of its extracts: antioxidant, total phenolic, total flavonoid, antifungal and allelopathic effects. Botanica serbica. 44(1): 71-79.
  • Yılar M, Bayar Y, Abacı Bayar AA. 2020a. Allelopathic and Antifungal potentials of endemic Salvia absconditiflora Greuter & Burdet collected from different locations in Turkey. Allelopathy J, 49(2): 243-256. DOI: 10.26651/allelo.j/2020-49-2-1268.
  • Zhou M, Li Y. 2001. Phosphorus-Sorption characteristic of calcareous soils and limestone from the Southern Everglades and Adjacent Farmlands. Soil Sci Soc America J, 65: 1404-1412.

The Uptake of Essential Mineral Elements by Endemic Salvia absconditiflora (Greuter & Burdet) Growing in Natural Habitats

Yıl 2022, , 351 - 356, 01.10.2022


This study was conducted to determine the uptake of essential mineral elements by endemic Salvia absconditiflora species growing in the natural habitats of Kırşehir province and its dependence on some physical and chemical properties of soil. The plant and soil samples were collected from 10 different locations. It was found that in the collected plants, K concentration was inadequate (0.344%), Fe had an excessive amount (541.853 mg kg-1), while Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg and Ca concentrations were adequate (6.154 mg kg-1, 32.610 mg kg-1, 43.395 mg kg-1, 0.507% and 3.650%). The soils had sandy clay loam texture, slight alkaline reaction (pH=7.92), an average amount of organic matter (3.06%), high amount of calcareous (35.61%) and low amount of soluble salts. It was also determined that soils had adequate K, Ca and Mg concentrations and 80% of the soil samples had inadequate level of P. Since Cu concentration was adequate in terms of microelement stock, concentrations of Zn were inadequate (0.292 mg kg-1). It was found that Salvia absconditiflora plant had the ability to grow in the soil with inadequate Zn and Mn.


  • Abu-Darwish M, Al-Fraihat A, Dalain S, Afifi F, Al-Tabbal J. 2011. Determination of essential oils and heavy metals accumulation in Salvia officinalis cultivated in three intra-raw spacing in ash-shoubak, Jordan. Int J Agri Biol, 13: 981-985.
  • Ali Y, Gashaw A, Abate A. 2019. Genetic divergence and clustering of Ethiopian fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graecum L.) genotypes in South Wollo zone of Amhara region, Ethiopia. BSJ Agri, 2(4): 203-211.
  • Angelova VR, Ivanova RV, Todorov GM, Ivanov KI. 2016. Potential of Salvia sclarea L. for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Int Schol Sci Res Innov, 10(12): 780-790.
  • Bolat I, Kara O. 2017. Plant nutrients: Sources, functions, deficiencies and excesses. J Bartin Fac of Forest, 19(1): 218-228.
  • Bosgelmez A, Bosgelmez I, Savasci S, Paslı N. 2001. Ecology-II (Soil), Başkent Cliche Printing, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Dengiz O, Gol C, Baskan O. 2007. Buyukcay basin (Çankırı) soil characteristics and mapping. J Artvin Coruh Univ Fac Forest, 8(1): 46-58.
  • Dogan G, Hayta Ş, Demirpolat A, Bağcı E. 2017. Composition of the essential oil of endemic Salvia cryptantha (Lamiaceae) Montbret & Aucher ex bentham from. Hacettepe J Biol Chem, 45(3): 315-320.
  • Follet RH. 1969. Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in Colorado Soils. Ph. D. Dissertation. Colorado State University, Colorado, US.
  • Genç S, Soysal Mİ. 2018. Parametric and nonparametric post hoc tests. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 18-27.
  • Helmke PA, Sparks DL. 1996. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium, in Sparks, D.L., (Eds). Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3, Chemical Methods, SSSA Book Series Number 5, SSSA., Madison, WI, US, pp: 551-574.
  • Jackson ML. 1962. Soil chemical analysis. Advanced course. 2nd ed. University of Wisconsin, Madison, US.
  • Jones JR, Case VW. 1990. Sampling, handling, and analyzing plant tissue samples, chapter 15. In R.L. Westerman (ed) Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Third Edition, SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, US, pp: 390-420.
  • Klute A, Weaver RW, Mickelson SH, Sparks DL, Bartels JM, Dane JH, Topp G. 1994. Methods of soil analysis: Part 3-Chemical Methods. Soil Science Society of America Book Series, Madison, Wisconsin, US.
  • Lindsay WL, Norvel WA. 1978. Development of DTPA soil test for Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu. Soil Sci Soc Amer J, 42(3): 421-428.
  • Nelson DW, Sommers LE. 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Sparks, D.L. (Ed). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3, Chemical Methods, ASA and SSSA, SSSA Book Series No: 5, Madison, WI, US, pp: 961-1010.
  • Olsen SR, Sommers LE. 1982. Phosphorus availability indices. Phosphorus soluble in sodium bicarbonate. Methods of soils analysis. Part II. Chemical and microbiological properties. Editors: A.L. Page, R.H. Miller, D.R. Keeney, pp: 404-430.
  • Rhoades JD. 1996. Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved gasses. In Sparks, D.L. (ed) Method of Soil Analysis: Chemical Methods. Part 3. SSSA, Madison, WI, US, pp: 417-437.
  • Saadia Z, Ozcan M, Bagci Y, Unver A, Arslan D, Durak G, Er F, Saglam C. 2010. Chemical composition of the essential oil of Salvia cryptantha. JEOBP, 13: 200-204.
  • Sardans J, Roda F, Penuelas J. 2004. Phosphorus limitation and competitive capacities of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex subsp rotundifolia on different soils. Plant Ecol, 174: 305-317.
  • Silanpää M. 1990. Micronutrient assessment at country level: An international study. In: FAO Soils Bulletin. N.63. Rome, Italy.
  • Sumner ME, Miller WP. 1996. Cation exchange capacity and exchange coefficients. In D.L. Sparks (ed.) Methods of soil analysis, Part 3. Chemical methods. Soil Science Society of America, Book series no. 5, US.
  • Thomas GW. 1996. Soil pH and Acidity. In D.L. Sparks (ed) Method of Soil Analysis: Chemical Methods. Part 3. SSSA, Madison, WI, US, pp: 475-491.
  • Ulgen N, Yurtsever N. 1995. Fertilizer and manure Turkey directory, general directorate of rural services. Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute Publication, Publication No: 209, Technical Publications No: 66-4. Printing, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Yılar M, Altuntaş E. 2017. Determination of some physical properties of perennial and perennial sage seeds (Salvia viridis L., Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher). Mediterr Agri Sci, 30(2): 137-141.
  • Yılar M, Bayar Y, Abacı Bayar AA, Genç N. 2020b. Chemical composition of the essential oil of Salvia bracteata Banks and the biological activity of its extracts: antioxidant, total phenolic, total flavonoid, antifungal and allelopathic effects. Botanica serbica. 44(1): 71-79.
  • Yılar M, Bayar Y, Abacı Bayar AA. 2020a. Allelopathic and Antifungal potentials of endemic Salvia absconditiflora Greuter & Burdet collected from different locations in Turkey. Allelopathy J, 49(2): 243-256. DOI: 10.26651/allelo.j/2020-49-2-1268.
  • Zhou M, Li Y. 2001. Phosphorus-Sorption characteristic of calcareous soils and limestone from the Southern Everglades and Adjacent Farmlands. Soil Sci Soc America J, 65: 1404-1412.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Ahu Alev Abacı-bayar 0000-0002-4467-7676

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2022
Kabul Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Abacı-bayar, A. A. (2022). The Uptake of Essential Mineral Elements by Endemic Salvia absconditiflora (Greuter & Burdet) Growing in Natural Habitats. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(4), 351-356.
