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Yıl 2022, , 434 - 439, 01.10.2022


Destekleyen Kurum

Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



Çalışmama destek veren Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesine teşekkürü borç bilirim.


  • Borin M, Tocchetto D. 2007. Five-year water and nitrogen balance for a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural drainage waters. Sci Total Environ, 380(1-3): 38-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.12.039.
  • Bialowiec A, Sobieraj K, Pilarski G, Manczarski P. 2019. The oxygen transfer capacity of submerged plant elodea densa in wastewater constructed wetland. Water, 11: 575. DOI: 10.3390/w11030575.
  • Brix H. 2003. Plants used in constructed wetland and their functions. Wetland Plants Manual, Department of Plant Ecology, Institute of Biological Science, University of Aarchus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Foroughi M, Honarjoo N. 2013. Nitrogen removals by ceratophyllum demersum from wastewater phosphorus distribution in different land use and landscape overtime view project. J Resid Sci Tech, 10(2): 63-68.
  • Gaballah MS, Ismail K, Beltagy A, Zein Eldin AM, Ismail MM. 2019. Wastewater treatment potential of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) with modified engineering design. J Water Chem Techn, 41(3): 197-205. DOI: 10.3103/S1063455X1903010X.
  • Juliet Selvarani A, Padmavathy P, Srinivasan Professor A, Jawahar P, Srinivasan A. 2015. Performance of Duckweed (Lemna minor) on different types of wastewater treatment. Int J Fisher Aquatic Stud, 2(4): 208-212.
  • Kadlec RH, Wallace SD. 2009. Treatment wetlands. Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 348.
  • Leslie J. 2007. Mehrhoff. URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Liu C, Dai Z, Sun H. 2017. Potential of duckweed (Lemna minor) for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from water under salt stress. J Environ Manag, 187: 497-503. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.11.006.
  • Lovell G. 2009. Alabama Koruma ve Doğal Kaynaklar Departmanı, URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Ölmez M, Saraç D. 2009. Su ürünleri için pH’nın önemi. Zir Müh, 353: 12-17.
  • Shaun W. 2018. Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3, USDA APHIS PPQ. URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Shutes RBE. 2001. Artificial wetlands and water quality improvement. Environ Int, 26: 441-447.
  • Tanji KK, Kielen NC. 2002. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Agricultural drainage water management in arid and semi-arid areas. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Teles CC, Mohedano RA, Tonon G, Belli Filho P, Costa RHR. 2017. Ecology of duckweed ponds used for nutrient recovery from wastewater. Water Sci Tech, 75(12): 2926-2934. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.172.
  • Tırınk S. 2021. Environmental effects and diffuse pollution load calculation of animal wastes in Iğdır province and districts. BSJ Eng Sci, 4(2): 43-50. DOI: 10.34248/bsengineering.841821.
  • Victor KK, Séka Y, Norbert KK, Sanogo TA, Celestin AB. 2016. Phytoremediation of wastewater toxicity using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes). Int J Phytoremediation, 18(10): 949-955. DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2016.1183567.
  • Vidéki, R. 2009. Doronicum Kft. URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Vymazal J. 2019. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Encyc Ecol, 1: 14-21. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11238-2.
  • Wu H, Zhang J, Ngo HH, Guo W, Hu Z, Liang S, Fan J, Liu H. 2015. A review on the sustainability of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: Design and operation. Bioresource Tech, 175: 594-601. DOI: 10.1016/j.biotech.2014.10.068.

The Investigation of Artificial Wetland Systems for the Improvement of Agricultural Drainage Water

Yıl 2022, , 434 - 439, 01.10.2022


Harmful substances in the wastewater negatively affect the ecological balance by reducing the dissolved oxygen concentration. High phosphorus and nitrogen compounds discharged into surface water resources may cause to eutrophication, due to increased algal growth. In this study, Elodea densa (Egeria), Lemna minor (Duckweed), Micranthemum micranthemoides (Micra), Pistia (Water Lettuce), Ceratophyllum demersum (Foxtail) plants were investigated for the removal of nitrate and ammonium from rice field drainage water. Synthetic drainage water was prepared to rely on the literature and real rice field drainage water composition from the Samsun Bafra region. Artificial wetland studies were carried out as individual systems in order to understand the treatment ability of each plant and as a combined system in batch and continuous flow mode. pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and ammonium values were measured periodically. Results of the individual plant wetland system represented that the wetland plant Elodea densa revealed the highest nitrate removal efficiency (77%) at the end of 1 day, followed by Pistia (76%). It was observed that the treatment efficiency increased with increasing hydraulic retention time. In the combined system, the nitrate removal efficiency was 40%, while the ammonium removal efficiency was 51% at the end of the first day. It was concluded that the wetland plants successfully reduced the ammonium and nitrate content of the drainage water and showed resistance to the drainage water with high salinity. In the wetland experiments carried out under continuous flow mode, ammonium was reduced from 0.80 mg/L to 0.10 mg/L, while nitrate was reduced from 1.90 mg/L to 1.40 mg/L, yielding approximately 90% and 30% at the end of the 16th day. Studies have in general revealed the importance of plant type as well as residence time.

Proje Numarası



  • Borin M, Tocchetto D. 2007. Five-year water and nitrogen balance for a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural drainage waters. Sci Total Environ, 380(1-3): 38-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.12.039.
  • Bialowiec A, Sobieraj K, Pilarski G, Manczarski P. 2019. The oxygen transfer capacity of submerged plant elodea densa in wastewater constructed wetland. Water, 11: 575. DOI: 10.3390/w11030575.
  • Brix H. 2003. Plants used in constructed wetland and their functions. Wetland Plants Manual, Department of Plant Ecology, Institute of Biological Science, University of Aarchus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Foroughi M, Honarjoo N. 2013. Nitrogen removals by ceratophyllum demersum from wastewater phosphorus distribution in different land use and landscape overtime view project. J Resid Sci Tech, 10(2): 63-68.
  • Gaballah MS, Ismail K, Beltagy A, Zein Eldin AM, Ismail MM. 2019. Wastewater treatment potential of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) with modified engineering design. J Water Chem Techn, 41(3): 197-205. DOI: 10.3103/S1063455X1903010X.
  • Juliet Selvarani A, Padmavathy P, Srinivasan Professor A, Jawahar P, Srinivasan A. 2015. Performance of Duckweed (Lemna minor) on different types of wastewater treatment. Int J Fisher Aquatic Stud, 2(4): 208-212.
  • Kadlec RH, Wallace SD. 2009. Treatment wetlands. Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 348.
  • Leslie J. 2007. Mehrhoff. URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Liu C, Dai Z, Sun H. 2017. Potential of duckweed (Lemna minor) for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from water under salt stress. J Environ Manag, 187: 497-503. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.11.006.
  • Lovell G. 2009. Alabama Koruma ve Doğal Kaynaklar Departmanı, URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Ölmez M, Saraç D. 2009. Su ürünleri için pH’nın önemi. Zir Müh, 353: 12-17.
  • Shaun W. 2018. Aquarium and Pond Plants of the World, Edition 3, USDA APHIS PPQ. URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Shutes RBE. 2001. Artificial wetlands and water quality improvement. Environ Int, 26: 441-447.
  • Tanji KK, Kielen NC. 2002. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Agricultural drainage water management in arid and semi-arid areas. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Teles CC, Mohedano RA, Tonon G, Belli Filho P, Costa RHR. 2017. Ecology of duckweed ponds used for nutrient recovery from wastewater. Water Sci Tech, 75(12): 2926-2934. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.172.
  • Tırınk S. 2021. Environmental effects and diffuse pollution load calculation of animal wastes in Iğdır province and districts. BSJ Eng Sci, 4(2): 43-50. DOI: 10.34248/bsengineering.841821.
  • Victor KK, Séka Y, Norbert KK, Sanogo TA, Celestin AB. 2016. Phytoremediation of wastewater toxicity using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes). Int J Phytoremediation, 18(10): 949-955. DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2016.1183567.
  • Vidéki, R. 2009. Doronicum Kft. URL: (access date: February 02, 2022).
  • Vymazal J. 2019. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Encyc Ecol, 1: 14-21. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11238-2.
  • Wu H, Zhang J, Ngo HH, Guo W, Hu Z, Liang S, Fan J, Liu H. 2015. A review on the sustainability of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: Design and operation. Bioresource Tech, 175: 594-601. DOI: 10.1016/j.biotech.2014.10.068.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çevre Bilimleri
Bölüm Research Articles

İremnaz Gülmüş 0000-0001-8416-5272

Emre Burcu Özkaraova 0000-0001-5033-2853

Proje Numarası PYO.MUH.1904.22.013
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Haziran 2022
Kabul Tarihi 19 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Gülmüş, İ., & Özkaraova, E. B. (2022). The Investigation of Artificial Wetland Systems for the Improvement of Agricultural Drainage Water. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(4), 434-439.
