Physical-Mechanical Parameters of Hazelnut Husk Bio-Briquettes Produced by a Horizontal Pressing Briquetting Machine
Yıl 2022,
, 476 - 480, 01.10.2022
Bahadır Demirel
Gürkan Gürdil
Türkiye has a big potential of hazelnut residues, especially the husks that is not used for any purposes. It is estimated that 200.000 tons of husk residue is produced per year after hazelnut harvesting. Biomass became very popular since it is alternative source of energy and provides employment facilities in rural areas. Briquetting is the most widely used waste compaction technology. A hydraulic type briquetting machine with horizontal course was manufactured to convert this particular idle residue into biofuels. Some physical and mechanical properties of briquettes produced under different pressures with different particle sizes and having differ-ent moisture contents were determined.
- Ahmad I, Ahmad SI, Zafar AW. 1991. Energy needs and production of rural areas in Punjab, Pakistan. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 22(2): 53-55.
- Bapat DW, Kulkarni SV, Bhandarkar VP. 1997. Design and operating experience on fluidized bed boiler burning biomass fuels with high alkali ash. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, New York, Vancouver, Canada, 11-16 May, ASME, 165–174.
- Bhattacharya SC, Leon MA, Rahman MM. 2002. A Study on improved biomass briquetting. Energy Sustain Develop, 6(2): 67–71.
- Biath P, Ondruska J. 2012. Idealized compression ratio for a screw briquetting press. Acta Polytechnica, 52(3): 13-16.
- Bobobee EYH. 1992. Energy use in irrigated agriculture in a developing country- a Ghana-ian experience. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(3): 34-38.
- Dash SK, Das DK. 2000. Optimal energy requirements for groundnut cultivation in Orisa, India. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America,, 31(1): 41-45.
- Demirel B, Gürdil GAK. 2014. Tarımsal faaliyetler sonucu açığa çıkan atık/artıkların katı biyoyakıt olarak değerlendirilmesi, Enerji Tarımı ve Biyoyakıtlar 4. Ulusal Çalıştayı Bildiri-ler Kitabı, 28-29 Mayıs 2014, Samsun, Türkiye, ss. 229-238.
- Elbatawi IEA, Mohri K. 1999. Comparative utilization on natural energy in agriculture. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 31(1): 9-13.
- EN 14961-1. 2010. Solid biofuels – Fuel specifications and classes – Part 1: General requirements (accessed date: July 23, 2022).
- EN 14961-2. 2010. Solid biofuels – Fuel specifications and classes – Part 2: Wood pellets for non-industrial use. (accessed date: July 23, 2022).
- EN 15210-2. 2009. Solid biofuels – Determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes – Part 2: Briquettes. (accessed date: July 23, 2022).
- Gürdil GAK, Demirel B, Acar M, Dok M. 2014. Samsun’da tarımsal faaliyetler sonucu açığa çıkan bazı tarımsal atıklardan elde edilen briketlerin özellikleri. Enerji Tarımı ve
Biyoyakıtlar 4. Ulusal Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, 28-29 Mayıs 2014, Samsun, Türkiye, ss. 123-130.
- Hetz EJ. 1992. Energy utilization in Chilean agriculture. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(2): 52-56.
- Hetz EJ. 1998. Energy utilization in fruit production Chile. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 29(2): 17-20.
- Joshi HC, Pandley HN, Jana DN, Nivsarkar AE. 1992. Manpower and energy requi-rements for different dairy farm operation. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(4): 57-61.
- Karaca C, Gürdil GAK. 2017. The biomass energy potential from agricultural production in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Sciences and Technology, ICOEST 2017. ISBN 978-605-83575-7-0, 19-23 October 2017, Budapest Hungary, pp. 97-102.
- Klass DL. 1998. Biomass for renewable energy, fuels, and chemicals. Academic Press, 1th ed., USA, pp 352.
- Križan P, Šooš L, Matúš M, Beniak J, Svátek M. 2015. Research of significant densifcation parameters influence on final briquettes quality. Wood Res, 60(2): 301-316.
- Mahapatra AK, Tsheko R, Kumar KL, Chipasha P. 2003. Physical energy input for maize production in Zambia. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 34(3): 57-60.
- Niedziolka I, Szpryngiel M, Jakubowska MK, Kraszkiewicz A, Zawislak K, Sobczak P, Nadulski R. 2015. Assessment of the energetic and mechanical properties of pellets produced from agricultural biomass. Renewable Energy, 76: 312-317.
- Öztürk HH. 2016. Energy use for wheat cultivation in southwest anatolia region of Turkey. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 47(3): 47-53.
- Öztürk HH, Ekinci K. 2016. Türkiye’de biyokütleden elektrik üretimi: Mevcut durum ve beklentiler, 2. Ulusal Biyoyakıtlar Sempozyumu, 27-30 Eylül, Samsun, Türkiye, 17-26.
- Sampson RN, Wright LL, Winjum JK, Kinsman JD, Benneman J, Kursten E, Scurlock JMO. 1993. Biomass management and energy. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut, 70(1–4): 139–59.
- Singh S, Singh G. 1992. Energy input vs crop yield relationship for four major crops of Northern India. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(2): 57-62.
- Sun B, Yu J, Tahmasebi A, Han Y. 2014. An experimental study on binderless briquetting of chinese lignite: effects of briquetting conditions. Fuel Processing Technol, 124: 243–248.
- Trebbi G. 1993. Power-production options from biomass: The vision of a southern Euorpean utility. Bioresour Technol, 46: 23-29.
- Zhang J, Guo Y. 2014. Physical properties of solid fuel briquettes made from caragana korshinskii kom. Powder Technol, 256: 293–299.
Yıl 2022,
, 476 - 480, 01.10.2022
Bahadır Demirel
Gürkan Gürdil
- Ahmad I, Ahmad SI, Zafar AW. 1991. Energy needs and production of rural areas in Punjab, Pakistan. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 22(2): 53-55.
- Bapat DW, Kulkarni SV, Bhandarkar VP. 1997. Design and operating experience on fluidized bed boiler burning biomass fuels with high alkali ash. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, New York, Vancouver, Canada, 11-16 May, ASME, 165–174.
- Bhattacharya SC, Leon MA, Rahman MM. 2002. A Study on improved biomass briquetting. Energy Sustain Develop, 6(2): 67–71.
- Biath P, Ondruska J. 2012. Idealized compression ratio for a screw briquetting press. Acta Polytechnica, 52(3): 13-16.
- Bobobee EYH. 1992. Energy use in irrigated agriculture in a developing country- a Ghana-ian experience. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(3): 34-38.
- Dash SK, Das DK. 2000. Optimal energy requirements for groundnut cultivation in Orisa, India. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America,, 31(1): 41-45.
- Demirel B, Gürdil GAK. 2014. Tarımsal faaliyetler sonucu açığa çıkan atık/artıkların katı biyoyakıt olarak değerlendirilmesi, Enerji Tarımı ve Biyoyakıtlar 4. Ulusal Çalıştayı Bildiri-ler Kitabı, 28-29 Mayıs 2014, Samsun, Türkiye, ss. 229-238.
- Elbatawi IEA, Mohri K. 1999. Comparative utilization on natural energy in agriculture. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 31(1): 9-13.
- EN 14961-1. 2010. Solid biofuels – Fuel specifications and classes – Part 1: General requirements (accessed date: July 23, 2022).
- EN 14961-2. 2010. Solid biofuels – Fuel specifications and classes – Part 2: Wood pellets for non-industrial use. (accessed date: July 23, 2022).
- EN 15210-2. 2009. Solid biofuels – Determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes – Part 2: Briquettes. (accessed date: July 23, 2022).
- Gürdil GAK, Demirel B, Acar M, Dok M. 2014. Samsun’da tarımsal faaliyetler sonucu açığa çıkan bazı tarımsal atıklardan elde edilen briketlerin özellikleri. Enerji Tarımı ve
Biyoyakıtlar 4. Ulusal Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, 28-29 Mayıs 2014, Samsun, Türkiye, ss. 123-130.
- Hetz EJ. 1992. Energy utilization in Chilean agriculture. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(2): 52-56.
- Hetz EJ. 1998. Energy utilization in fruit production Chile. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 29(2): 17-20.
- Joshi HC, Pandley HN, Jana DN, Nivsarkar AE. 1992. Manpower and energy requi-rements for different dairy farm operation. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(4): 57-61.
- Karaca C, Gürdil GAK. 2017. The biomass energy potential from agricultural production in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Sciences and Technology, ICOEST 2017. ISBN 978-605-83575-7-0, 19-23 October 2017, Budapest Hungary, pp. 97-102.
- Klass DL. 1998. Biomass for renewable energy, fuels, and chemicals. Academic Press, 1th ed., USA, pp 352.
- Križan P, Šooš L, Matúš M, Beniak J, Svátek M. 2015. Research of significant densifcation parameters influence on final briquettes quality. Wood Res, 60(2): 301-316.
- Mahapatra AK, Tsheko R, Kumar KL, Chipasha P. 2003. Physical energy input for maize production in Zambia. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 34(3): 57-60.
- Niedziolka I, Szpryngiel M, Jakubowska MK, Kraszkiewicz A, Zawislak K, Sobczak P, Nadulski R. 2015. Assessment of the energetic and mechanical properties of pellets produced from agricultural biomass. Renewable Energy, 76: 312-317.
- Öztürk HH. 2016. Energy use for wheat cultivation in southwest anatolia region of Turkey. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 47(3): 47-53.
- Öztürk HH, Ekinci K. 2016. Türkiye’de biyokütleden elektrik üretimi: Mevcut durum ve beklentiler, 2. Ulusal Biyoyakıtlar Sempozyumu, 27-30 Eylül, Samsun, Türkiye, 17-26.
- Sampson RN, Wright LL, Winjum JK, Kinsman JD, Benneman J, Kursten E, Scurlock JMO. 1993. Biomass management and energy. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut, 70(1–4): 139–59.
- Singh S, Singh G. 1992. Energy input vs crop yield relationship for four major crops of Northern India. Agri Mechan Asia, Africa Latin America, 23(2): 57-62.
- Sun B, Yu J, Tahmasebi A, Han Y. 2014. An experimental study on binderless briquetting of chinese lignite: effects of briquetting conditions. Fuel Processing Technol, 124: 243–248.
- Trebbi G. 1993. Power-production options from biomass: The vision of a southern Euorpean utility. Bioresour Technol, 46: 23-29.
- Zhang J, Guo Y. 2014. Physical properties of solid fuel briquettes made from caragana korshinskii kom. Powder Technol, 256: 293–299.