Yıl 2024,
, 109 - 112, 15.03.2024
Oğuz Ağyar
Koray Kırıkçı
- Abdel-Rahman SM, Mustafa YA, Abd EH, El-Hanafy AA, Elmaghraby AM. 2013. Polymorphism in BPM-15 gene and its association with litter size in Anglo-Nubian goat. Biotechnol Anim Husbandry, 29(4): 675-683.
- Abuzahra M, Abu Eid L, Effendi MH, Mustofa I, Lamid M, Rehman S. 2023. Polymorphism studies and candidate genes associated with litter size traits in Indonesian goats. A systematic review. F1000Research, 12: 61.
- Ahlawat S, Sharmaa R, Royb M, Mandakmalec S, Prakashd V, Tantiaa MS. 2016. Genotyping of vovel SNPs in BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9 genes for association with prolificacy in seven Indian goat breeds. Anim Biotechnol, 27: 199-207. https://doi.org/10.1080/10495398.2016.1167706.
- Basheer A, Shareef M, Islam M, Zahoor I. 2019. Study of FecXG polymorphism in Beetal goat and its phylogenetic relationship. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 25(2): 239-244. https://doi.org/10.9775/kvfd.2018.20791.
- Bolacalı, M., Küçük, M., 2012. Various body measurements of Saanen kids. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv. Veteriner Fak. Dergisi, 23: 23-28.
- Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Yazıcı E, Gücüyener Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z, Çinkaya S, Demirtaş M. 2022. Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 69(1): 25-31. https://doi.org/10.33988/auvfd.795247.
- Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z. 2021. An investigation of the effects of BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9 genes on litter size in Ramlıç and Dağlıç sheep. Arch Anim Breed, 3;64(1):223-230.
- Ceyhan A, Karadağ O. 2009. Marmara araştırma enstitüsünde yetiştirilen Saanen keçilerinin bazı tanımlayıcı özellikleri. Tarım Bil Derg, 15(2): 196-203.
- Dangar NS, Pandya GM, Ramani UV, Kharadi VB, Brahmkshtri BP. 2022. Association study of fecundity gene BMP 15 with prolificacy in surti goats under farm and field condition of South Gujarat region. Indian J Vet Sci Biotechnol, 18(2): 100-104.
- Davis GH, McEwan JC, Fennessy PF, Dodds KG, Farquhar PA. 1991. Evidence for the presence of a major gene influencing ovulation rate on the X chromosome of sheep. Biol Reprod, 44(4): 620-624.
- Farhadi A, Genualdo V, Perucatti A, Hafezian SH, Rahimi-Mianji G, Lorenzi LD, Iannuzzi A. 2013. Comparative FISH mapping of BMPR1B, BMP15 and GDF9 fecundity genes on cattle, river buffalo, sheep and goat chromosomes. J Genet, 92: 595-597.
- Feng T, Chu M, Cao G, Huang D, Di R, Liu Q, Pan Z, Jin M, Zhang Y. 2014. Screening for S32G mutation of BMP15 gene in 18 goat breeds. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 38: 463-468.
- Galloway SM, McNatty KP, Cambridge LM, Laitinen MPE, Juengel JL, Jokiranta TS, McLaren RJ, Luiro K, Dodds KG, Montgomery GW, Beattie AE, Davis GH, Ritvos O. 2000. Mutations in an oocyte-derived growth factor gene (BMP15) cause increased ovulation rate and infertility in a dosage-sensitive manner. Nature Genet, 25(3): 279-283. https://doi.org/10.1038/77033.
- Gedik Y. 2021. Screening for inverdale (FecXI) mutation in bmp15 gene in prolific Turkish awash sheep. BSJ Agri, 4(4): 130-132. https://doi.org/10.47115/bsagriculture.988347.
- Gujarmale SV, Sawane MP, Shirsat SG, Pawar VD. 2023. Analysis of bone morphogenetic protein-15 gene polymorphism in Konkan Kanyal goats. Indian J Small Rumin, 29(1): 140-143.
- Hanrahan JP, Gregan SM, Mulsant P, Mullen M, Davis GH, Powell R, Galloway SM. 2004. Mutations in the genes for oocyte-derived growth factors GDF9 and BMP15 are associated with both increased ovulation rate and sterility in Cambridge and Belclare sheep (Ovis aries). Biol Reprod, 70(4): 900-909.
- Hua GH, Chen SL, Ai JT, Yang LG. 2007. None of polymorphism of ovine fecundity major genes FecB and FecX was tested in goat. Anim Reprod Sci, 108(3-4): 279-286.
- Karslı T, Şahin E, Karslı BA, Alkan S, Balcıoğlu MS. 2012. An investigation of mutations (FecXG , FecXI , FecXH , FecXB ) on BMP-15 gene in some local sheep breeds raised in Turkey. Akdeniz Univ J Fac Agri, 25(1): 29-33.
- Kiraz S, Ağyar O. 2016. Investigation of polymorphism in mitochondrial 16s rRNA gene of Awassi sheep by PCR-RFLP method. Turkish J Agri Natur Sci, 3(3): 218–222.
- Kırıkçı, K. 2023a. Investigation of SNPs in BMP15 and GDF9 genes in "Çepni" and "Of" sheep in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 47: No. 3, Article 14.
- Kırıkçı, K. 2023b. Investigation of BMP15 and GDF9 gene polymorphisms and their effects on litter size in Anatolian sheep breed Akkaraman. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 47: No. 3, Article 10.
- Lin J, Du Z, Qin C, Wang J, Ran X. 2007: Polymorphism of BMP15 gene in Guizhou white goats. Anim Husbandry Vet Medic, 39(12): 21-24.
- Maitra A, Sharma R, Ahlawat S, Arora R, Prasad S, Tantia MS. 2023. Ovarian expression analysis of fecundity candidate genes in Goat breeds differing in prolificacy. Indian J Small Rumin, 29(1): 27-31.
- Maskur, Muhsinin M, Depamede SN. 2023. Identification of fecXG and fecB mutations and its association with litter size in Kacang and Boerka goat. Adv Anim Vet Sci, 11(1): 124-131.
- Massague J. 1998: TGF-beta signal transduction. Annual Rev Biochem, 67: 753-791.
- Moore RK, Shimasaki S. 2005. Molecular biology and physiological role of the oocyte factor, BMP-15. Molec Cellular Endocrinol, 234(1-2): 67-73.
- Özkaya A, Ertürk AS, Sucak MG, Ağyar O, Yılmaz E. 2017. Determination of Some Biochemical Properties of Saanen Goat Milk. Iğdır Univ J Inst Sci & Tech, 7(4): 123-129.
- Shokrollahi B. 2015. Investigation of BMP15 gene polymorphisms associated with twining in Markhoz goat. Biharean Biol, 9(1): 1-4.
- Song T, Liu Y, Cuomu R, Tan Y, Wang A, De J, Zeng X. 2023. Polymorphisms analysis of BMP15, GDF9 and BMPR1B in Tibetan Cashmere goat (Capra hircus). Genes, 14(5): 1102.
- Taşkın T, Demirören E, Kaymakçı M. 2003. Saanen ve Bornova keçilerinde oğlak veriminin üretkenliği ve etkinliği. Ege Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 40(2): 33-40.
- Ulutaş Z, Kuran M, Şirin E, Aksoy Y. 2010. Tokat şartlarında yetiştirilen Saanen ırkı keçilerin döl, süt verimi ve oğlakların gelişme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Ulusal Keçicilik Kongresi, June 24-26, Çanakkale, Türkiye, pp: 215-218.
- Wang Y, Yuanxiao L, Nana Z, zhanbin W, Junyan B. 2011. Polymorphism of Exon 2 of BMP15 Gene and Its Relationship with Litter Size of Two Chinese Goats. Anim Biosci, 24(7):905-911.
- Wang W, Liu S, Li F, Pan X, Li C, Zhang X, Li T. 2015. Polymorphisms of the ovine BMPR-IB, BMP-15 and FSHR and their associations with litter size in two Chinese indigenous sheep breeds. Int J Molec Sci, 16(5): 11385-11397.
Genetic Screening of FecXG Polymorphism in Saanen Goat (Capra hircus) Breed in Türkiye
Yıl 2024,
, 109 - 112, 15.03.2024
Oğuz Ağyar
Koray Kırıkçı
Determination of fecundity gene mutations and utilizing them in farm animals programs offers the opportunity to improve productivity. The BMP15/FecX gene is one of the candidate genes with significant effects on multiple births in sheep. Studies in small ruminant have shown that BMP15 gene mutations increase the rate of multiple births, although the effect of BMP15 gene mutations varies at the breed level. Although there are many studies on sheep fecundity in Türkiye, there are no studies on goat. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to investigate FecXG mutation in the exon 2 region of BMP15 gene in Saanen goats (Capra hircus). A total of 24 samples were used to investigate the FecXG mutation in Saanen goats raised in the Muş Plain of Türkiye. A fragment of 141 bp of BMP15 gene was amplified by PCR and then products subjected to the digestion of restriction enzyme HinfI. This preliminary study’s findings showed that there is no FecXG mutation in Saanen goats.
- Abdel-Rahman SM, Mustafa YA, Abd EH, El-Hanafy AA, Elmaghraby AM. 2013. Polymorphism in BPM-15 gene and its association with litter size in Anglo-Nubian goat. Biotechnol Anim Husbandry, 29(4): 675-683.
- Abuzahra M, Abu Eid L, Effendi MH, Mustofa I, Lamid M, Rehman S. 2023. Polymorphism studies and candidate genes associated with litter size traits in Indonesian goats. A systematic review. F1000Research, 12: 61.
- Ahlawat S, Sharmaa R, Royb M, Mandakmalec S, Prakashd V, Tantiaa MS. 2016. Genotyping of vovel SNPs in BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9 genes for association with prolificacy in seven Indian goat breeds. Anim Biotechnol, 27: 199-207. https://doi.org/10.1080/10495398.2016.1167706.
- Basheer A, Shareef M, Islam M, Zahoor I. 2019. Study of FecXG polymorphism in Beetal goat and its phylogenetic relationship. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 25(2): 239-244. https://doi.org/10.9775/kvfd.2018.20791.
- Bolacalı, M., Küçük, M., 2012. Various body measurements of Saanen kids. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv. Veteriner Fak. Dergisi, 23: 23-28.
- Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Yazıcı E, Gücüyener Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z, Çinkaya S, Demirtaş M. 2022. Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 69(1): 25-31. https://doi.org/10.33988/auvfd.795247.
- Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z. 2021. An investigation of the effects of BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9 genes on litter size in Ramlıç and Dağlıç sheep. Arch Anim Breed, 3;64(1):223-230.
- Ceyhan A, Karadağ O. 2009. Marmara araştırma enstitüsünde yetiştirilen Saanen keçilerinin bazı tanımlayıcı özellikleri. Tarım Bil Derg, 15(2): 196-203.
- Dangar NS, Pandya GM, Ramani UV, Kharadi VB, Brahmkshtri BP. 2022. Association study of fecundity gene BMP 15 with prolificacy in surti goats under farm and field condition of South Gujarat region. Indian J Vet Sci Biotechnol, 18(2): 100-104.
- Davis GH, McEwan JC, Fennessy PF, Dodds KG, Farquhar PA. 1991. Evidence for the presence of a major gene influencing ovulation rate on the X chromosome of sheep. Biol Reprod, 44(4): 620-624.
- Farhadi A, Genualdo V, Perucatti A, Hafezian SH, Rahimi-Mianji G, Lorenzi LD, Iannuzzi A. 2013. Comparative FISH mapping of BMPR1B, BMP15 and GDF9 fecundity genes on cattle, river buffalo, sheep and goat chromosomes. J Genet, 92: 595-597.
- Feng T, Chu M, Cao G, Huang D, Di R, Liu Q, Pan Z, Jin M, Zhang Y. 2014. Screening for S32G mutation of BMP15 gene in 18 goat breeds. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 38: 463-468.
- Galloway SM, McNatty KP, Cambridge LM, Laitinen MPE, Juengel JL, Jokiranta TS, McLaren RJ, Luiro K, Dodds KG, Montgomery GW, Beattie AE, Davis GH, Ritvos O. 2000. Mutations in an oocyte-derived growth factor gene (BMP15) cause increased ovulation rate and infertility in a dosage-sensitive manner. Nature Genet, 25(3): 279-283. https://doi.org/10.1038/77033.
- Gedik Y. 2021. Screening for inverdale (FecXI) mutation in bmp15 gene in prolific Turkish awash sheep. BSJ Agri, 4(4): 130-132. https://doi.org/10.47115/bsagriculture.988347.
- Gujarmale SV, Sawane MP, Shirsat SG, Pawar VD. 2023. Analysis of bone morphogenetic protein-15 gene polymorphism in Konkan Kanyal goats. Indian J Small Rumin, 29(1): 140-143.
- Hanrahan JP, Gregan SM, Mulsant P, Mullen M, Davis GH, Powell R, Galloway SM. 2004. Mutations in the genes for oocyte-derived growth factors GDF9 and BMP15 are associated with both increased ovulation rate and sterility in Cambridge and Belclare sheep (Ovis aries). Biol Reprod, 70(4): 900-909.
- Hua GH, Chen SL, Ai JT, Yang LG. 2007. None of polymorphism of ovine fecundity major genes FecB and FecX was tested in goat. Anim Reprod Sci, 108(3-4): 279-286.
- Karslı T, Şahin E, Karslı BA, Alkan S, Balcıoğlu MS. 2012. An investigation of mutations (FecXG , FecXI , FecXH , FecXB ) on BMP-15 gene in some local sheep breeds raised in Turkey. Akdeniz Univ J Fac Agri, 25(1): 29-33.
- Kiraz S, Ağyar O. 2016. Investigation of polymorphism in mitochondrial 16s rRNA gene of Awassi sheep by PCR-RFLP method. Turkish J Agri Natur Sci, 3(3): 218–222.
- Kırıkçı, K. 2023a. Investigation of SNPs in BMP15 and GDF9 genes in "Çepni" and "Of" sheep in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 47: No. 3, Article 14.
- Kırıkçı, K. 2023b. Investigation of BMP15 and GDF9 gene polymorphisms and their effects on litter size in Anatolian sheep breed Akkaraman. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 47: No. 3, Article 10.
- Lin J, Du Z, Qin C, Wang J, Ran X. 2007: Polymorphism of BMP15 gene in Guizhou white goats. Anim Husbandry Vet Medic, 39(12): 21-24.
- Maitra A, Sharma R, Ahlawat S, Arora R, Prasad S, Tantia MS. 2023. Ovarian expression analysis of fecundity candidate genes in Goat breeds differing in prolificacy. Indian J Small Rumin, 29(1): 27-31.
- Maskur, Muhsinin M, Depamede SN. 2023. Identification of fecXG and fecB mutations and its association with litter size in Kacang and Boerka goat. Adv Anim Vet Sci, 11(1): 124-131.
- Massague J. 1998: TGF-beta signal transduction. Annual Rev Biochem, 67: 753-791.
- Moore RK, Shimasaki S. 2005. Molecular biology and physiological role of the oocyte factor, BMP-15. Molec Cellular Endocrinol, 234(1-2): 67-73.
- Özkaya A, Ertürk AS, Sucak MG, Ağyar O, Yılmaz E. 2017. Determination of Some Biochemical Properties of Saanen Goat Milk. Iğdır Univ J Inst Sci & Tech, 7(4): 123-129.
- Shokrollahi B. 2015. Investigation of BMP15 gene polymorphisms associated with twining in Markhoz goat. Biharean Biol, 9(1): 1-4.
- Song T, Liu Y, Cuomu R, Tan Y, Wang A, De J, Zeng X. 2023. Polymorphisms analysis of BMP15, GDF9 and BMPR1B in Tibetan Cashmere goat (Capra hircus). Genes, 14(5): 1102.
- Taşkın T, Demirören E, Kaymakçı M. 2003. Saanen ve Bornova keçilerinde oğlak veriminin üretkenliği ve etkinliği. Ege Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 40(2): 33-40.
- Ulutaş Z, Kuran M, Şirin E, Aksoy Y. 2010. Tokat şartlarında yetiştirilen Saanen ırkı keçilerin döl, süt verimi ve oğlakların gelişme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Ulusal Keçicilik Kongresi, June 24-26, Çanakkale, Türkiye, pp: 215-218.
- Wang Y, Yuanxiao L, Nana Z, zhanbin W, Junyan B. 2011. Polymorphism of Exon 2 of BMP15 Gene and Its Relationship with Litter Size of Two Chinese Goats. Anim Biosci, 24(7):905-911.
- Wang W, Liu S, Li F, Pan X, Li C, Zhang X, Li T. 2015. Polymorphisms of the ovine BMPR-IB, BMP-15 and FSHR and their associations with litter size in two Chinese indigenous sheep breeds. Int J Molec Sci, 16(5): 11385-11397.