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Analyzing the Nexus between Personal Values and Consumption Values of Consumers’ Preference for Fresh Fish

Yıl 2024, , 29 - 38, 01.01.2024


This study aimed to investigate the nexus between personal values and consumption values towards consumers' preferences for fresh fish. A cross-sectional data of 300 respondents was selected using a multi-stage random sampling procedure. A well-structured questionnaire and personal interview were used to collect data from the respondents. Factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis were conducted to achieve the study’s objectives. Findings showed that females (67.5%) were the majority of respondents, household size ranged between 4-6 persons, and many (76.7%) were married. The mean age was 41 years, and 83.3% were formally educated. The relationship between personal values and consumption values was positive and statistically significant at the 1% level. The study revealed that variables like benevolence, security and self-direction were strongly correlated with emotional and functional values of the first canonical covariates. The study concludes that high benevolence, security and self-direction evoke high emotional and functional values when consumers buy fresh fish. Based on these findings, the study recommends that fresh fish marketers should pay more attention to the price-quality relationship, the performance and content of the product and the quality of packaging, as most respondents place more value on what they consume.

Etik Beyan

This study did not require ethics Committee approval because of there was no study on animals or humans

Proje Numarası



  • Altaf SN, Selvan P, Zolkifli H. 2017. Consumption values and consumer attitude towards automobile purchase. Paradigms, 11(1): 1-5.
  • Andleeb N. 2016. Brand loyalty and consumption values: Empirical analysis of personal care products. Arabian J Busin Manag Rev, 6(5): 55-68.
  • Cabrera SA, Williams CL. 2012. Consuming for the social good: Marketing, consumer citizenship, and the possibilities of ethical consumption. SAGE J, 40(3): 349-367.
  • Candan B, Yıldırım S. 2013. Investigating the relationship between consumption values and personal values of green product buyers. Int J Econ Manag Sci, 2(12): 29-40.
  • Carmen G. 2016. Peruvian Spanish speakers’ cultural preferences in expressing gratitude. Pragmatics, 26(1): 21-49.
  • Chiu CM, Cheng HL, Huang HY, Chen CF. 2013. Exploring individuals’ subjective well-being and loyalty towards social network sites from the perspective of network externalities: The Facebook case. Int J Info Manag, 33: 539-552.
  • Colombo PE, Elimder LS, Lindroos AK, Parlesak A. 2021. Designing nutritionally adequate and climate-friendly diets for omnivorous, pescataria vegetarian and vegan adolescents in Sweden using linear optimization. Nutrients, 13(8): 2507.
  • Dattalo P. 2014. A demonstration of canonical correlation analysis with orthogonal rotation to facilitate interpretation. Unpublished manuscript, School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, US.
  • De Medeiros JF, José Luis DR, Marcelo NC. 2016. Influence of perceived value on purchasing decisions of green products in Brazil. J Cleaner Prod, 110: 158-69.
  • Ertosun OG, Adiguzel Z. 2018. Leadership, personal values and organizational culture. Strat Design Innov Think Busin Oper, 2018: 51-74.
  • Garcı´aGo´meza B, Arranz AMGR, Cillan JG. 2012. Drivers of customer likelihood to join grocery retail loyalty programs. An analysis of reward programs and loyalty cards. J Retail Consum Serv, 19: 492-500.
  • Gleim M, Lawson S. 2014. Spanning the gap: an examination of the factors leading to the green gap. J Consum Market, 31(6/7): 503-514.
  • Gonçalves HM, Lourenço TF, Silva GM. 2016. Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzy-set approach. J Busin Res, 69(4): 1484-1491.
  • Han H, Hwan J. 2015. Norm-based loyalty model (NLM): Investigating delegates’ loyalty formation for environmentally responsible conventions. Int J Hospitality Manag, 46: 1-14.
  • Justin P, Jyoti R. 2012. Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. J Consum Market, 29(6): 412-422.
  • Khan SN, Mohsin M. 2017. The power of emotional value: exploring the effects of values on green products consumer choice behavior. J Cleaner Prod, 150(5): 65-74.
  • Latter C, Phau I, Marchegiani C. 2010. The roles of consumers' need for uniqueness and status consumption in haute couture luxury brands. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, November 29, 2010. Christchurch, New Zealand, 33: 539-552.
  • Neuman K. 1986. Personal values and commitment to energy conservation. Environ Behav, 18: 53-74.
  • Ojianwuna CC, Enwemiwe VN, Odibo EO. 2021. Nutritional composition of some insects consumed in Delta State, Nigeria. FUW Trends Sci Technol J, 6(1): 141-145.
  • Oleschuk M, Johnston J, Baumann S. 2019. Maintaining meat: Cultural repertoires and the meat paradox in a diverse sociocultural context. Soc Forum, 34(2): 337-360.
  • Paetz F. 2021. Personality traits as drivers of social preferences: A mixed logit model application. J Busin Econ. 9(1): 303-332.
  • Pankaj J, Anand K. 2022. An analytical study on consumption values and customers’ green purchase intention: A case of university students in Haryana. J Positive School Psychol, 6(6): 9015-9022.
  • Pojic M, Misan A, Tiwari B. 2018. Eco-innovative technologies for extraction of proteins for human consumption from renewable protein sources of plant origin. Trends Food Sci Technol, 75(5): 93-104.
  • Popkin BM. 2002. The shift in the nutrition transitionin the developing world differs from past experience. Health Nutri, 5: 205-214.
  • Prera AJ, Grimsrud KM, Thacher JA, McCollum DW, Berrens RP. 2014. Using canonical correlation analysis to identify environmental attitude groups: Considerations for national forest planning in the southwestern US. Environ Manag, 54: 756-767.
  • Sagynbekova S, Ince E, Ogunmokin OA, Olaoke RO, Ukeje UE. 2021. Sociamedia communication and higher education brand equity: The mediating role of eWOM. J Pub Affairs, 21(1): e2112.
  • Sanjuan-Lopez AI, Helena Resano E. 2020. Labels for a local food speciality product: The case of saffron. J Agri Econ, 71(3): 778-797.
  • Schwartz SH. 1992. Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. Adv Exp Soc Psychol, 25(C): 1-65.
  • Schwartz SH. 1994. Are there universal aspects in the structure and contents of human values? J Soc Issues, 50(4). 19-45.
  • Schwartz SH. 2016. Basic individual values: Sources and consequences. Handbook of Value: Perspectives from Economics, Neuroscience, Philosophy Chapter 4, pp: 63.
  • Shaw D, Grehan E, Shiu E, Hassan L, Thomson J. 2005. An exploration of values in ethical consumer decision making. J Consum Behav, 4: 185-200.
  • Shende V. 2014. Analysis of research in consumer behavior of automobile passenger car customer. Int J Sci Res Public, 4(2): 1-8.
  • Sheth JN, Newman BI, Gross BL. 1991a. Consumption values and marketing choices. South-Western Pub.
  • Sheth JN, Newman BI, Gross BL. 1991b. Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values. J Busin Res, 22: 159-170.
  • Sreen N, Purbey S, Sadarangani P. 2018. Impact of culture, behavior, and gender on green purchase intention. J Retail Consum Serv, 41: 177-189.
  • Steiner UK, Tuljapurkar S. 2012. Neutral theory for life histories and individual variability in fitness components. PNAS, 109(12): 4684-4689.
  • Suchánek P, Králová M. 2018. Customer satisfaction and different evaluation of it by companies. Econ Res, 31(1): 1330-1350.
  • Tuninetti M, Ridolfi L, Laio F. 2022. Compliance with EAT- lancet dietary guidelines would reduce global water footprint but increase it for 40% of the world population. Nature Food, 3: 143-151.
  • Woisetschläger DM, Lentz P, Evanschitzky H. 2011. How habits, social ties, and economic switching barriers affect customer loyalty in contractual service settings. J Busin Res, 64(8): 800-808.
  • Zaidi SMM, Yifei L, Bhutto MY, Ali R, lam F. 2019. The influence of consumption values on green purchase intention: A moderated mediation of greenwash perceptions and green trust. Pakistan J Commer Soc Sci, 13(4): 826-848.
  • Zehir C, Uahin A, Kitapçı Özşahin M. 2011. The effects of brand communication and service quality in building brand loyalty through brand trust; the empirical research on global brands. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 24: 1218-1231.
  • Zubair H. 2017. Impact of social, epistemic and conditional values on customer satisfaction and loyalty in automobile industry: A structural equation modelling. J Market Consum Behav Emerg Market, 1(5): 29-44.
Yıl 2024, , 29 - 38, 01.01.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Altaf SN, Selvan P, Zolkifli H. 2017. Consumption values and consumer attitude towards automobile purchase. Paradigms, 11(1): 1-5.
  • Andleeb N. 2016. Brand loyalty and consumption values: Empirical analysis of personal care products. Arabian J Busin Manag Rev, 6(5): 55-68.
  • Cabrera SA, Williams CL. 2012. Consuming for the social good: Marketing, consumer citizenship, and the possibilities of ethical consumption. SAGE J, 40(3): 349-367.
  • Candan B, Yıldırım S. 2013. Investigating the relationship between consumption values and personal values of green product buyers. Int J Econ Manag Sci, 2(12): 29-40.
  • Carmen G. 2016. Peruvian Spanish speakers’ cultural preferences in expressing gratitude. Pragmatics, 26(1): 21-49.
  • Chiu CM, Cheng HL, Huang HY, Chen CF. 2013. Exploring individuals’ subjective well-being and loyalty towards social network sites from the perspective of network externalities: The Facebook case. Int J Info Manag, 33: 539-552.
  • Colombo PE, Elimder LS, Lindroos AK, Parlesak A. 2021. Designing nutritionally adequate and climate-friendly diets for omnivorous, pescataria vegetarian and vegan adolescents in Sweden using linear optimization. Nutrients, 13(8): 2507.
  • Dattalo P. 2014. A demonstration of canonical correlation analysis with orthogonal rotation to facilitate interpretation. Unpublished manuscript, School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, US.
  • De Medeiros JF, José Luis DR, Marcelo NC. 2016. Influence of perceived value on purchasing decisions of green products in Brazil. J Cleaner Prod, 110: 158-69.
  • Ertosun OG, Adiguzel Z. 2018. Leadership, personal values and organizational culture. Strat Design Innov Think Busin Oper, 2018: 51-74.
  • Garcı´aGo´meza B, Arranz AMGR, Cillan JG. 2012. Drivers of customer likelihood to join grocery retail loyalty programs. An analysis of reward programs and loyalty cards. J Retail Consum Serv, 19: 492-500.
  • Gleim M, Lawson S. 2014. Spanning the gap: an examination of the factors leading to the green gap. J Consum Market, 31(6/7): 503-514.
  • Gonçalves HM, Lourenço TF, Silva GM. 2016. Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzy-set approach. J Busin Res, 69(4): 1484-1491.
  • Han H, Hwan J. 2015. Norm-based loyalty model (NLM): Investigating delegates’ loyalty formation for environmentally responsible conventions. Int J Hospitality Manag, 46: 1-14.
  • Justin P, Jyoti R. 2012. Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. J Consum Market, 29(6): 412-422.
  • Khan SN, Mohsin M. 2017. The power of emotional value: exploring the effects of values on green products consumer choice behavior. J Cleaner Prod, 150(5): 65-74.
  • Latter C, Phau I, Marchegiani C. 2010. The roles of consumers' need for uniqueness and status consumption in haute couture luxury brands. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, November 29, 2010. Christchurch, New Zealand, 33: 539-552.
  • Neuman K. 1986. Personal values and commitment to energy conservation. Environ Behav, 18: 53-74.
  • Ojianwuna CC, Enwemiwe VN, Odibo EO. 2021. Nutritional composition of some insects consumed in Delta State, Nigeria. FUW Trends Sci Technol J, 6(1): 141-145.
  • Oleschuk M, Johnston J, Baumann S. 2019. Maintaining meat: Cultural repertoires and the meat paradox in a diverse sociocultural context. Soc Forum, 34(2): 337-360.
  • Paetz F. 2021. Personality traits as drivers of social preferences: A mixed logit model application. J Busin Econ. 9(1): 303-332.
  • Pankaj J, Anand K. 2022. An analytical study on consumption values and customers’ green purchase intention: A case of university students in Haryana. J Positive School Psychol, 6(6): 9015-9022.
  • Pojic M, Misan A, Tiwari B. 2018. Eco-innovative technologies for extraction of proteins for human consumption from renewable protein sources of plant origin. Trends Food Sci Technol, 75(5): 93-104.
  • Popkin BM. 2002. The shift in the nutrition transitionin the developing world differs from past experience. Health Nutri, 5: 205-214.
  • Prera AJ, Grimsrud KM, Thacher JA, McCollum DW, Berrens RP. 2014. Using canonical correlation analysis to identify environmental attitude groups: Considerations for national forest planning in the southwestern US. Environ Manag, 54: 756-767.
  • Sagynbekova S, Ince E, Ogunmokin OA, Olaoke RO, Ukeje UE. 2021. Sociamedia communication and higher education brand equity: The mediating role of eWOM. J Pub Affairs, 21(1): e2112.
  • Sanjuan-Lopez AI, Helena Resano E. 2020. Labels for a local food speciality product: The case of saffron. J Agri Econ, 71(3): 778-797.
  • Schwartz SH. 1992. Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. Adv Exp Soc Psychol, 25(C): 1-65.
  • Schwartz SH. 1994. Are there universal aspects in the structure and contents of human values? J Soc Issues, 50(4). 19-45.
  • Schwartz SH. 2016. Basic individual values: Sources and consequences. Handbook of Value: Perspectives from Economics, Neuroscience, Philosophy Chapter 4, pp: 63.
  • Shaw D, Grehan E, Shiu E, Hassan L, Thomson J. 2005. An exploration of values in ethical consumer decision making. J Consum Behav, 4: 185-200.
  • Shende V. 2014. Analysis of research in consumer behavior of automobile passenger car customer. Int J Sci Res Public, 4(2): 1-8.
  • Sheth JN, Newman BI, Gross BL. 1991a. Consumption values and marketing choices. South-Western Pub.
  • Sheth JN, Newman BI, Gross BL. 1991b. Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values. J Busin Res, 22: 159-170.
  • Sreen N, Purbey S, Sadarangani P. 2018. Impact of culture, behavior, and gender on green purchase intention. J Retail Consum Serv, 41: 177-189.
  • Steiner UK, Tuljapurkar S. 2012. Neutral theory for life histories and individual variability in fitness components. PNAS, 109(12): 4684-4689.
  • Suchánek P, Králová M. 2018. Customer satisfaction and different evaluation of it by companies. Econ Res, 31(1): 1330-1350.
  • Tuninetti M, Ridolfi L, Laio F. 2022. Compliance with EAT- lancet dietary guidelines would reduce global water footprint but increase it for 40% of the world population. Nature Food, 3: 143-151.
  • Woisetschläger DM, Lentz P, Evanschitzky H. 2011. How habits, social ties, and economic switching barriers affect customer loyalty in contractual service settings. J Busin Res, 64(8): 800-808.
  • Zaidi SMM, Yifei L, Bhutto MY, Ali R, lam F. 2019. The influence of consumption values on green purchase intention: A moderated mediation of greenwash perceptions and green trust. Pakistan J Commer Soc Sci, 13(4): 826-848.
  • Zehir C, Uahin A, Kitapçı Özşahin M. 2011. The effects of brand communication and service quality in building brand loyalty through brand trust; the empirical research on global brands. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 24: 1218-1231.
  • Zubair H. 2017. Impact of social, epistemic and conditional values on customer satisfaction and loyalty in automobile industry: A structural equation modelling. J Market Consum Behav Emerg Market, 1(5): 29-44.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Ojuotimi Mafimisebi 0000-0001-5950-7250

Sina Johnson 0000-0002-4385-540X

Folorunso Awoseyila 0009-0009-7908-107X

Proje Numarası nil
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 25 Kasım 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Mafimisebi, O., Johnson, S., & Awoseyila, F. (2024). Analyzing the Nexus between Personal Values and Consumption Values of Consumers’ Preference for Fresh Fish. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(1), 29-38.
