Effects of Breeding Practices on Reproductive Efficiency of Ewes and Fattening Performance of Lambs
Yıl 2024,
, 266 - 273, 15.05.2024
Hilal Tozlu Çelik
Mustafa Olfaz
Tevfik Dağ
In this study, the data obtained by questionnaire from small ruminant farms in Tekkeköy district of Samsun province were evaluated. Among the enterprises in the study, 50% of them breed Karayaka sheep, and 33.4% of them breed Bafra sheep. It was determined that 95.8% of the farmers applied flushing before ram siring, 83.3% of the farmers applied feed supplements to the ewes after birth, 95.8% of the farmers applied additional vitamin supplements to the lambs, and 83.3% of the farmers used salt-containing licking stones for the lambs. In the study, internal and external parasites were applied to the lambs to be fattened in all of the farms, and all of them were not released to pasture until sale. Winter lambs were fattened in 91.7% of the farms. The average age of the breeders is 50, and the number of ram sires per year is 1.08 on the farms. The average age of lambs sent to slaughter is 4 months, and the average carcass weight at slaughter is 19.15 kg. Feed supplementation to the ewes after birth and application of salt-containing licking stones to the lambs had a positive effect on the average carcass weight of the fattened lambs. In this study, it was determined that winter lambs were preferred more than summer lambs. According to this result, by fattening winter lambs in this period when there is no pasture opportunity, both seasonal meat needs can be met, and it provides the opportunity to sell at high prices in the winter period. In this case, the small ruminant farms will earn more income.
Etik Beyan
The authors confirm that the ethical policies of the journal, as noted on the journal's author guidelines page, have been adhered to. Permission to conduct the study was obtained with the decision of the Ondokuz Mayıs University Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Committee dated August 26, 2022 (protocol code: 2022-707).
The authors thank the sheep breeders who participated in the survey in Tekkeköy district for their support.
- Adıgüzel Işık S, Sarı M, Tilki M, Önk K. 2023. The effect of fattening time on fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics in Tuj male lambs. J Applied Sci, 8(2): 256–264.
- Akçapınar H. 2000. Sheep breeding. Ismat Matbaacılık, ISBN: 975-96978-1-5, Ankara, Türkiye, Renewed 2nd ed., pp: 25.
- Akçapınar H, Atasoy F, Ünal N, Aytaç M, Aylanç A. 2002. The fattening and carcass characteristics of Bafra (Chios X Karayaka B1) lambs). Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg, 42 (2): 19-28.
- Alkan S, Türkmen Z. 2021. Determination of important diseases and problems in sheep enterprises in Ordu province. Akademik Zir Derg, 10(2): 427-432.
- Alshamiry FA, Alharthi AS, Al-Baadani HH, Aljumaah RS, Alhidary IA. 2023. Growth rates, carcass traits, meat yield, and fatty acid composition in growing lambs under different feeding regimes. Life, 13, 409.
- Altın T, Karaca O, Cemal İ, Yılmaz M, Yılmaz O. 2005. The fattening and carcass characteristics of Kıvırcık and Karya lambs. Hayvansal Üretim, 46(1): 19-29.
- Bittante G, Cecchinato A, Tagliapietra F, Pazzola M, Vacca GM, Schiavon S. 2021. Effects of feeding system and CLA supplementation on animal, carcase and meat characteristics of fattened lambs and ewes. Italian J Anim Sci, 20(1): 1270-1281.
- Bozgüllü Ö, Macit M. 2022. Determination of performance characteristics of Morkaraman lambs grazed on pasture. Palandöken J Anim Sci T E, 1(1): 24-32.
- Cam MA, Kuran M. 2004. Effects of a single injection of hCG or GnRH agonist on day 12 post mating on fetal growth and reproductive performance of sheep. Anim R Sci, 80, 81-90.
- Çam MA, Olfaz M, Garipoglu AV. 2007. Shearing male lambs in the cold season improves the carcass yield without affecting fattening performance. Anim Sci J, 78: 259-265.
- Çiçek A, Ayyıldız M, Erdal G, Erdal H. 2022. Importance and economic analysis of sheep breeding in Turkey. MAS J Applied Sci, 7: 1303-1322.
- Duman E, Ulutaş Z. 2018. The relationships between eye muscle properties, live weights and carcass weights at pre-slaughtering and post-slaughtering in Karayaka lambs. J Anim Sci Pro (JASP), 1 (1): 59-66.
- Gül S, Oflaz NZ, Keskin M, Behrem S. 2022. The structural characteristics of sheep farming in Aksaray province. J Erciyes Agr Anim Sci, 5(2):1-11.
- Güngör ÖF, Özbeyaz C, Ünal N, Akçapınar H. 2023. The evaluation of the genotype and slaughter weight effect on meat quality and fatty acid profile from two native sheep. Trop Anim Health Prod, 55: 116.
- Hafez YH, Khalifa EI, El-Shafie MH, Khalek TMMA, Ahmed ME, Shehata EI. 2011. Effect of energy flushing pre-mating and during mating season on production and reproduction performance of Zaraibi goats. Egyptian J Sheep Goat Sci, 6(1): 7-14.
- Helmer C, Hannemann R, Humann-Ziehank E, Kleinschmidt S, Koelln M, Kamphues J, Ganter M. 2021. A case of concurrent molybdenosis, secondary copper, cobalt and selenium deficiency in a small sheep herd in Northern Germany. Animals, 11: 1864.
- Kandemir Ç, Taşkın T. 2022. Current state and future of sheep breeds in Turkey: Blacksea region. YYU JNAS, 27(1): 101-112.
- Kaymakçı M. 2006. Advanced sheep breeding book, Izmir Province Breeding Sheep and Goat Breeders' Association Publications No 1, İzmir, Türkiye, pp: 1-10.
- Koçak AF. 2009. Lamb growing researches in Turkey. MSc Thesis, Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Department of Animal Science, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, pp: 64.
- Köseman A, Şeker İ, Kul S, Karaca M. 2022. Investigation of herd structure and breeding practices in sheep farms in Elazig province. KSU J Agric Nat 25 (Suppl 2): 555-565.
- Mercan L, Cam MA, Olfaz, M, Kirikci K, Tufekci H, Kilic U. 2022. Fatty acid profile and sensory properties of lamb meat from males of five indigenous breeds. Arch Anim Breed, 65: 341-352.
- Naqvi SMK, Soren NM, Karim SA. 2011. Effect of concentrate supplementation on performance, ovarian response, and some biochemical profile of Malpura ewes. Trop Anim Health Pro, 43: 905-913.
- Ölmez M, Riaz R, Karadağoğlu Ö, Şahin T, Şerbetçi İ, Yılmaz B, Uysal S, Yörük MA. 2023. Effect of SOD-Rich Melon supplement on performance, serum biochemical, antioxidant and meat quality characteristics of Tuj lambs. Agri, 13: 625.
- Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M, Duru S. 2018. Effect on fertility of PMSG applications in different doses in addition to flushing in Kivircik ewes. Mediterranean Agri Sci, 31(1): 87-91.
- Pala F, Gülşen N. 2021. Some Lamb Fattening Studies in Turkey Native Sheep Breeds. J Bahri Dagdas Anim Res, 10 (1): 87-102.
- Samarin AA, Norouzian MA, Afzalzadeh A. 2022. Effect of trace mineral source on biochemical and hematological parameters, digestibility, and performance in growing lambs. Trop Anim Health Prod, 54: 40.
- Scaramuzzi RJ, Campbell BK, Downing JA, Kendall NR, Khalid M, Munoz-Gutiérrez M, Somchit A. 2006. A review of the effects of supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive and metabolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis and ovulation rate. Rep Nutr Develop, 46: 339-354.
- Sen U, Sirin E, Ulutas Z, Kuran M. 2011. Fattening performance, slaughter, carcass and meat quality traits of Karayaka lambs. Trop Anim Health Prod, 43: 409-416.
- Sen U, Kuran M, Ensoy U. 2013. Growth performance, carcass and meat quality of Karayaka female lambs born in different seasons. Arch Tierz, 56(31): 315-327.
- Şahin Y, Olfaz M, 2019. Investigating the breeding and lamb growing practices applied by sheep farmers in Tokat region. BSJ Agri, 2(3): 171-180.
- Şeker İ, Kul S, Köseman A, Elçi E, 2021. Determination of features of breeding practices in sheep farms in Malatya province. J Inst Sci Tech, 11(4): 3269-3279.
- Tekel N, Şireli HD, Vural ME. 2007. The effect of fattening period on the fattening ability and carcass of male Awassi lambs. Tarım Bilim Derg, 13(4): 372-378.
- Toghdory A, Asadi M, Ghoorchi T, Hatami M. 2023. Impacts of organic manganese supplementation on blood mineral, biochemical, and hematology in Afshari Ewes and their newborn lambs in the transition period. J Trace Elements Medic Bio, 79(9): 127215.
- Tuncer SS. 2018. Determination of the levels of magnesium and phosphorus of white Karaman sheep in pasture period in Van province. Van Vet J, 29(3): 175-178.
- TUİK. 2020. Small ruminant stock of Samsun province. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=101&locale=tr (accessed date July 21, 2021)
- Tüfekci H, 2020. Determination of structural situation and development possibilities of sheep and goat husbandry in Yozgat province. J Anim Prod, 61(1): 91-100.
- Uğurlu M, Teke B, Akdağ F, Salman M, Kaya İ, Ekiz B. 2022. Fattening performance of Herik lambs underneath thermal stress in intensive conditions. Kocatepe Vet J, 15(4): 390-394.
- Ulutas Z, Sezer M, Aksoy Y, Sirin E, Sen U, Kuran M, Akbas Y. 2010. The effect of birth types on growth curve parameters of Karayaka lamb. J Anim Vet Adv, 9: 1384-1388.
- Ürüşan H, Emsen H. 2010. Effect of lambing season, lamb genotype, maternal and birth related factors on growth and viability of lambs. J Tekirdag Agr Fac, 7(3): 163-172.
- Yalcintan H, Ekiz B, Kocak O, Dogan N, Akin PD, Yilmaz A. 2017. Carcass and meat quality characteristics of lambs reared in different seasons. Arch Anim Breed, 60: 225-233.
- Yeşil M, Sarıözkan S. 2017. Certain Important Vitamins and Minerals in terms of Female Reproductive System. J Fac Vet Med, Erciyes Univ, 14(3): 201-208.
- Yilmaz O, Denk H, Bayram D. 2007. Effects of lambing season, sex and birth type on growth performance in Norduz lambs. Small Rum Res, 68(3): 336-339.
Yıl 2024,
, 266 - 273, 15.05.2024
Hilal Tozlu Çelik
Mustafa Olfaz
Tevfik Dağ
- Adıgüzel Işık S, Sarı M, Tilki M, Önk K. 2023. The effect of fattening time on fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics in Tuj male lambs. J Applied Sci, 8(2): 256–264.
- Akçapınar H. 2000. Sheep breeding. Ismat Matbaacılık, ISBN: 975-96978-1-5, Ankara, Türkiye, Renewed 2nd ed., pp: 25.
- Akçapınar H, Atasoy F, Ünal N, Aytaç M, Aylanç A. 2002. The fattening and carcass characteristics of Bafra (Chios X Karayaka B1) lambs). Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg, 42 (2): 19-28.
- Alkan S, Türkmen Z. 2021. Determination of important diseases and problems in sheep enterprises in Ordu province. Akademik Zir Derg, 10(2): 427-432.
- Alshamiry FA, Alharthi AS, Al-Baadani HH, Aljumaah RS, Alhidary IA. 2023. Growth rates, carcass traits, meat yield, and fatty acid composition in growing lambs under different feeding regimes. Life, 13, 409.
- Altın T, Karaca O, Cemal İ, Yılmaz M, Yılmaz O. 2005. The fattening and carcass characteristics of Kıvırcık and Karya lambs. Hayvansal Üretim, 46(1): 19-29.
- Bittante G, Cecchinato A, Tagliapietra F, Pazzola M, Vacca GM, Schiavon S. 2021. Effects of feeding system and CLA supplementation on animal, carcase and meat characteristics of fattened lambs and ewes. Italian J Anim Sci, 20(1): 1270-1281.
- Bozgüllü Ö, Macit M. 2022. Determination of performance characteristics of Morkaraman lambs grazed on pasture. Palandöken J Anim Sci T E, 1(1): 24-32.
- Cam MA, Kuran M. 2004. Effects of a single injection of hCG or GnRH agonist on day 12 post mating on fetal growth and reproductive performance of sheep. Anim R Sci, 80, 81-90.
- Çam MA, Olfaz M, Garipoglu AV. 2007. Shearing male lambs in the cold season improves the carcass yield without affecting fattening performance. Anim Sci J, 78: 259-265.
- Çiçek A, Ayyıldız M, Erdal G, Erdal H. 2022. Importance and economic analysis of sheep breeding in Turkey. MAS J Applied Sci, 7: 1303-1322.
- Duman E, Ulutaş Z. 2018. The relationships between eye muscle properties, live weights and carcass weights at pre-slaughtering and post-slaughtering in Karayaka lambs. J Anim Sci Pro (JASP), 1 (1): 59-66.
- Gül S, Oflaz NZ, Keskin M, Behrem S. 2022. The structural characteristics of sheep farming in Aksaray province. J Erciyes Agr Anim Sci, 5(2):1-11.
- Güngör ÖF, Özbeyaz C, Ünal N, Akçapınar H. 2023. The evaluation of the genotype and slaughter weight effect on meat quality and fatty acid profile from two native sheep. Trop Anim Health Prod, 55: 116.
- Hafez YH, Khalifa EI, El-Shafie MH, Khalek TMMA, Ahmed ME, Shehata EI. 2011. Effect of energy flushing pre-mating and during mating season on production and reproduction performance of Zaraibi goats. Egyptian J Sheep Goat Sci, 6(1): 7-14.
- Helmer C, Hannemann R, Humann-Ziehank E, Kleinschmidt S, Koelln M, Kamphues J, Ganter M. 2021. A case of concurrent molybdenosis, secondary copper, cobalt and selenium deficiency in a small sheep herd in Northern Germany. Animals, 11: 1864.
- Kandemir Ç, Taşkın T. 2022. Current state and future of sheep breeds in Turkey: Blacksea region. YYU JNAS, 27(1): 101-112.
- Kaymakçı M. 2006. Advanced sheep breeding book, Izmir Province Breeding Sheep and Goat Breeders' Association Publications No 1, İzmir, Türkiye, pp: 1-10.
- Koçak AF. 2009. Lamb growing researches in Turkey. MSc Thesis, Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Department of Animal Science, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, pp: 64.
- Köseman A, Şeker İ, Kul S, Karaca M. 2022. Investigation of herd structure and breeding practices in sheep farms in Elazig province. KSU J Agric Nat 25 (Suppl 2): 555-565.
- Mercan L, Cam MA, Olfaz, M, Kirikci K, Tufekci H, Kilic U. 2022. Fatty acid profile and sensory properties of lamb meat from males of five indigenous breeds. Arch Anim Breed, 65: 341-352.
- Naqvi SMK, Soren NM, Karim SA. 2011. Effect of concentrate supplementation on performance, ovarian response, and some biochemical profile of Malpura ewes. Trop Anim Health Pro, 43: 905-913.
- Ölmez M, Riaz R, Karadağoğlu Ö, Şahin T, Şerbetçi İ, Yılmaz B, Uysal S, Yörük MA. 2023. Effect of SOD-Rich Melon supplement on performance, serum biochemical, antioxidant and meat quality characteristics of Tuj lambs. Agri, 13: 625.
- Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M, Duru S. 2018. Effect on fertility of PMSG applications in different doses in addition to flushing in Kivircik ewes. Mediterranean Agri Sci, 31(1): 87-91.
- Pala F, Gülşen N. 2021. Some Lamb Fattening Studies in Turkey Native Sheep Breeds. J Bahri Dagdas Anim Res, 10 (1): 87-102.
- Samarin AA, Norouzian MA, Afzalzadeh A. 2022. Effect of trace mineral source on biochemical and hematological parameters, digestibility, and performance in growing lambs. Trop Anim Health Prod, 54: 40.
- Scaramuzzi RJ, Campbell BK, Downing JA, Kendall NR, Khalid M, Munoz-Gutiérrez M, Somchit A. 2006. A review of the effects of supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive and metabolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis and ovulation rate. Rep Nutr Develop, 46: 339-354.
- Sen U, Sirin E, Ulutas Z, Kuran M. 2011. Fattening performance, slaughter, carcass and meat quality traits of Karayaka lambs. Trop Anim Health Prod, 43: 409-416.
- Sen U, Kuran M, Ensoy U. 2013. Growth performance, carcass and meat quality of Karayaka female lambs born in different seasons. Arch Tierz, 56(31): 315-327.
- Şahin Y, Olfaz M, 2019. Investigating the breeding and lamb growing practices applied by sheep farmers in Tokat region. BSJ Agri, 2(3): 171-180.
- Şeker İ, Kul S, Köseman A, Elçi E, 2021. Determination of features of breeding practices in sheep farms in Malatya province. J Inst Sci Tech, 11(4): 3269-3279.
- Tekel N, Şireli HD, Vural ME. 2007. The effect of fattening period on the fattening ability and carcass of male Awassi lambs. Tarım Bilim Derg, 13(4): 372-378.
- Toghdory A, Asadi M, Ghoorchi T, Hatami M. 2023. Impacts of organic manganese supplementation on blood mineral, biochemical, and hematology in Afshari Ewes and their newborn lambs in the transition period. J Trace Elements Medic Bio, 79(9): 127215.
- Tuncer SS. 2018. Determination of the levels of magnesium and phosphorus of white Karaman sheep in pasture period in Van province. Van Vet J, 29(3): 175-178.
- TUİK. 2020. Small ruminant stock of Samsun province. URL: https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=101&locale=tr (accessed date July 21, 2021)
- Tüfekci H, 2020. Determination of structural situation and development possibilities of sheep and goat husbandry in Yozgat province. J Anim Prod, 61(1): 91-100.
- Uğurlu M, Teke B, Akdağ F, Salman M, Kaya İ, Ekiz B. 2022. Fattening performance of Herik lambs underneath thermal stress in intensive conditions. Kocatepe Vet J, 15(4): 390-394.
- Ulutas Z, Sezer M, Aksoy Y, Sirin E, Sen U, Kuran M, Akbas Y. 2010. The effect of birth types on growth curve parameters of Karayaka lamb. J Anim Vet Adv, 9: 1384-1388.
- Ürüşan H, Emsen H. 2010. Effect of lambing season, lamb genotype, maternal and birth related factors on growth and viability of lambs. J Tekirdag Agr Fac, 7(3): 163-172.
- Yalcintan H, Ekiz B, Kocak O, Dogan N, Akin PD, Yilmaz A. 2017. Carcass and meat quality characteristics of lambs reared in different seasons. Arch Anim Breed, 60: 225-233.
- Yeşil M, Sarıözkan S. 2017. Certain Important Vitamins and Minerals in terms of Female Reproductive System. J Fac Vet Med, Erciyes Univ, 14(3): 201-208.
- Yilmaz O, Denk H, Bayram D. 2007. Effects of lambing season, sex and birth type on growth performance in Norduz lambs. Small Rum Res, 68(3): 336-339.