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Economic Analysis and Efficiency of Small-Scale Catfish Farms in Delta State, Nigeria

Yıl 2024, , 694 - 702, 15.11.2024


This study was carried out to evaluate the efficiency and profitability of catfish farms in Delta State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sort to: evaluate the level of efficiency in catfish farms, ascertain the profitability of catfish farms, identify the strategies for enhancing efficiency among catfish farmers and determine the effect of socio-economic and institutional characteristics on the efficiency of cat fish farmers. A multi-stage and proportionate random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of 600 Catfish farmer. Primary data were collected using well-structured questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out on the objectives using the descriptive and inferential statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, budgetary analysis, and multiple regression technique. The result shows that majority 81% of catfish farmers were male with a mean age of 47 years. Most respondents 65% were married with a mean household size of 5 persons. Regarding education, 46.7% had secondary education and their primary sources of credit were cooperatives 41.9%. The mean farming experience was 11 years with 43.3% farming primarily for commercial purposes. The most common production method was tarpaulin 56.7%. The study identified various strategies for enhancing catfish production which include regular feeding, use of commercial feed, good water quality control, personal labor to reduce cost, and regular medication. The multiple regression model indicated that, variables such as the level of farming expertise, the type of labor employed, and educational qualification, stocking density, membership of association, pond size, and household size had significant effects on production efficiency of catfish farms. This result underscored the significance of providing customized training, group networking assistance and access to credit and extension services to enhance the overall efficiency of catfish farms in Delta State.

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Proje Numarası





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  • Ajao AO. 2012. Determinants of technical efficiency differentials among concrete and Earthen pond operators in Oyo State-Nigeria. Br J Arts Soc Sci, 4(2): 23-36.
  • Akpan OE. 2006, Economics of production: Theory, principles and applications. Annual Conference of the agricultural Economics Society, March 29-31, Edinburgh, UK, pp: 5-20.
  • Constantin PD, Martin LM, Rivera EBBR. 2016. Cobb-Douglas, translog stochastic production function and data envelopment analysis in total factor productivity in Brazilian agribusiness. Res Agri Appl Econ, 2(2): 20-33.
  • Dağtekin M, Ak O, Emeksiz F. 2007. Socio-economic analysis and marketing patterns of the fish farming industry in Trabzon. (January 10, 2024).
  • Ekunwe PA, Emokaro CO 2009. Technical efficiency of catfish farmers in Kaduna State. J Appl Sci Res, 5(7): 802-805.
  • Enimu S, Edet OG. 2019, A Stochastic frontier approach for measuring technical efficiency of catfish production in Delta State, Nigeria. South Asian J Agri Fisher, 1(3): 91-98.
  • FAO. 2011. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2010. Rome: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Rome, Italy, pp: 58.
  • Idowu AA, Olaoye OJ, Ifebesan A, Abdul WO, Oluwale OB. 2012. Evaluation of fishermen and fish traders in transactional sex for fish marketing in coastal areas of Ogun Waterside Local Government Areas of Ogun State, Nigeria. Global J Sci Front Res Agri Biol, 12(1): 43-54.
  • Inoni OE. 2007. Allocative efficiency in pond fish production in Delta State: A production function approach. Agri Trop Subtrop, 40(4): 127-134.
  • Kareem RO, Dipeolu AO, Aromolan AB, Akegbejo S. 2013. Analysis of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of different pond systems in Ogun State Nigeria. African J Agri Res, 3(4): 246-254.
  • Kurnaz B, Önder H, Piwczynski D, Kolenda M, Sitkowska B. 2021. Determination of the best model to predict milk dry matter in high milk yielding dairy cattle. Acta Sci Pol Zootechnica, 20(3): 41-44.
  • Lawal WL. 2002. Economic Analysis of fish culture in Benue state. PhD Thesis, University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Makurdi, Nigeria, pp: 174.
  • Mohaddes SA, Mazhari M. 2008. Total and input factor productivity analysis of poultry production in Khorasan Province, Iran. American-Eurasian J Agri Environ Sci, 2(Supple 1): 151-154.
  • Mwachiro E, Gakure R. 2011. Factors affecting the fish industry from benefiting the indigenous communities of Kilifi District- Kenya. Int J Human Soc Sci, 1(4): 1-17.
  • Mwangi MH. 2017. A Comparative economic evaluation of farming of three important aquaculture species in Kenya. A Project submitted to the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, Kenya, pp: 65.
  • Nkamigbo DC, Ovuomarie OS, Maduka JU, Isibor AC. 2014. Economic Efficiency and Profitability of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Production in Isoko Area of Delta State, Nigeria. J Agri Vet Sci, 6(2): 32-40.
  • Olagunju FI, Adesiyan IO, Ezekiel AA. 2007. Economic viability of catfish product in Oyo state. Nigeria J Human Ecol, 21(2): 121-124.
  • Tsue PT, Lawal WL, Ayuba VO. 2013. Productivity and technical efficiency of catfish farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. Adv J Agri Res, 1(2): 020-025.
  • Ugwumba COA. 2010. Profitability and technical efficiency of catfish production in Anambra State, Nigeria. PhD Thesis, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, pp: 45-78.
  • Ume SI, Ochiaka JS. 2018. Technical efficiency of catfish production among small holder farmers in Anambra State of Nigeria. Case Stud J, 5(9): 147-155.
  • Wadud IKMM. 2011. Profit efficiency and farm characteristics: evidence from the rice farmers in Bangladesh. 2011 Barcelona European Academic Conference, June 6-9, Barcelona, Spain.
  • WBG. 2011. The global program on fisheries: Strategic vision for fisheries and aquaculture. Agricultural and Rural Development Department, the World Bank Group, Washington, US.
Yıl 2024, , 694 - 702, 15.11.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Agbo AD. 2015. Bridging the fish demand, supply gap in Nigeria. Daily Trust, May 14, 2015, pp: 23.
  • Ajao AO. 2012. Determinants of technical efficiency differentials among concrete and Earthen pond operators in Oyo State-Nigeria. Br J Arts Soc Sci, 4(2): 23-36.
  • Akpan OE. 2006, Economics of production: Theory, principles and applications. Annual Conference of the agricultural Economics Society, March 29-31, Edinburgh, UK, pp: 5-20.
  • Constantin PD, Martin LM, Rivera EBBR. 2016. Cobb-Douglas, translog stochastic production function and data envelopment analysis in total factor productivity in Brazilian agribusiness. Res Agri Appl Econ, 2(2): 20-33.
  • Dağtekin M, Ak O, Emeksiz F. 2007. Socio-economic analysis and marketing patterns of the fish farming industry in Trabzon. (January 10, 2024).
  • Ekunwe PA, Emokaro CO 2009. Technical efficiency of catfish farmers in Kaduna State. J Appl Sci Res, 5(7): 802-805.
  • Enimu S, Edet OG. 2019, A Stochastic frontier approach for measuring technical efficiency of catfish production in Delta State, Nigeria. South Asian J Agri Fisher, 1(3): 91-98.
  • FAO. 2011. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2010. Rome: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Rome, Italy, pp: 58.
  • Idowu AA, Olaoye OJ, Ifebesan A, Abdul WO, Oluwale OB. 2012. Evaluation of fishermen and fish traders in transactional sex for fish marketing in coastal areas of Ogun Waterside Local Government Areas of Ogun State, Nigeria. Global J Sci Front Res Agri Biol, 12(1): 43-54.
  • Inoni OE. 2007. Allocative efficiency in pond fish production in Delta State: A production function approach. Agri Trop Subtrop, 40(4): 127-134.
  • Kareem RO, Dipeolu AO, Aromolan AB, Akegbejo S. 2013. Analysis of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of different pond systems in Ogun State Nigeria. African J Agri Res, 3(4): 246-254.
  • Kurnaz B, Önder H, Piwczynski D, Kolenda M, Sitkowska B. 2021. Determination of the best model to predict milk dry matter in high milk yielding dairy cattle. Acta Sci Pol Zootechnica, 20(3): 41-44.
  • Lawal WL. 2002. Economic Analysis of fish culture in Benue state. PhD Thesis, University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Makurdi, Nigeria, pp: 174.
  • Mohaddes SA, Mazhari M. 2008. Total and input factor productivity analysis of poultry production in Khorasan Province, Iran. American-Eurasian J Agri Environ Sci, 2(Supple 1): 151-154.
  • Mwachiro E, Gakure R. 2011. Factors affecting the fish industry from benefiting the indigenous communities of Kilifi District- Kenya. Int J Human Soc Sci, 1(4): 1-17.
  • Mwangi MH. 2017. A Comparative economic evaluation of farming of three important aquaculture species in Kenya. A Project submitted to the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, Kenya, pp: 65.
  • Nkamigbo DC, Ovuomarie OS, Maduka JU, Isibor AC. 2014. Economic Efficiency and Profitability of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Production in Isoko Area of Delta State, Nigeria. J Agri Vet Sci, 6(2): 32-40.
  • Olagunju FI, Adesiyan IO, Ezekiel AA. 2007. Economic viability of catfish product in Oyo state. Nigeria J Human Ecol, 21(2): 121-124.
  • Tsue PT, Lawal WL, Ayuba VO. 2013. Productivity and technical efficiency of catfish farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. Adv J Agri Res, 1(2): 020-025.
  • Ugwumba COA. 2010. Profitability and technical efficiency of catfish production in Anambra State, Nigeria. PhD Thesis, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, pp: 45-78.
  • Ume SI, Ochiaka JS. 2018. Technical efficiency of catfish production among small holder farmers in Anambra State of Nigeria. Case Stud J, 5(9): 147-155.
  • Wadud IKMM. 2011. Profit efficiency and farm characteristics: evidence from the rice farmers in Bangladesh. 2011 Barcelona European Academic Conference, June 6-9, Barcelona, Spain.
  • WBG. 2011. The global program on fisheries: Strategic vision for fisheries and aquaculture. Agricultural and Rural Development Department, the World Bank Group, Washington, US.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Deniz ve Nehir Ağzı Ekolojisi , Gıda Mühendisliği, Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Solomon Enimu 0000-0001-8716-7679

O. Loveth Okuma 0000-0003-0894-8659

Onome George Edet 0000-0001-5200-7763

Proje Numarası DELSU/FAG/EC/23/05
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Enimu, S., Okuma, O. L., & Edet, O. G. (2024). Economic Analysis and Efficiency of Small-Scale Catfish Farms in Delta State, Nigeria. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(6), 694-702.
