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Effect of Different Spring Planting Periods on Pomological and Phytochemical Characteristics of Some Strawberry Varieties

Yıl 2024, , 339 - 345, 15.07.2024


The study was carried out at Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Agricultural Application and Research Center during the period of 2020-2021. Its objective was to assess the influence of different planting dates (27 March, 10 April, 27 April, 15 May) on the pomological and phytochemical attributes of diverse strawberry cultivars (Albion, Pineberry, Monterey, and Portola). The goal was to determine the optimal spring planting periods and varieties that are well-suited for the region. The Monterey and Albion varieties achieved the highest average fruit weight during the third period, with weights of 14.76 g and 15.92 g, respectively. The Monterey variety exhibited the greatest pH level at 3.88, whilst the Pineberry had the lowest pH level at 3.67. The concentration of soluble solids ranged from 4.73% to 8.56% among the different varieties, and from 5.82% to 6.15% throughout the different planting periods. The Monterey variety exhibited the highest anthocyanin concentration (117.73 μg Plg-3-glu g-1 dw) among the various strawberry varieties, while the fourth planting period showed the highest content (84.65 μg Plg-3-glu g-1 dw) among the different times. The concentration of soluble solids ranged from 4.73% to 8.56% among the different varieties, and from 5.82% to 6.15% throughout the different planting periods. The Monterey variety exhibited the highest anthocyanin concentration (117.73 μg Plg-3-glu g-1 dw) among the various strawberry varieties, while the fourth planting period showed the highest content (84.65 μg Plg-3-glu g-1 dw) among the different periods.


  • Ağaoğlu S. 1986. Üzümsü Meyveler. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, No: 984, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 123.
  • Aksu HD. 2015. The performance of some strawberry cultivars in Niksar province. MSc Thesis. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Institute of Science, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 60.
  • Alan F. 2013. Research on performance of some neutral day strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivars grown in kayseri conditions. MSc Thesis. Erzurum Ataturk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum, Türkiye, pp: 70.
  • Atasay A, Turemiş N, Demirtaş I, Goktas A. 2006. Yield and quality parameters of some strawberry cultivars with summer planting in Eğirdir (Isparta) conditions. In: II. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, September 14-16, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 100-105.
  • Balci G, Demirsoy H. 2006. A study on comparing classical and organic strawberry growing system in terms of yield and fruit quality. In: II. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, September 14-16, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 94-99.
  • Batu A, Thompson AK, Ghafir SAM, Abdel-Rahmen NA. 1997. Minolta ve hunter renk ölçüm aletleri ile domates, elma ve muzun renk değerlerinin karşılaştırılması. Gıda, 22(4): 301-307.
  • Capocasa F, Diamantia J, Mezzetti B, Tulipani S, Battino M. 2009. Breeding strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch) to increase fruit nutritional quality. Biofactors 34: 67-72.
  • Cemeroglu B. 2007. Gıda Analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 682.
  • Ceran MB. 2023. Determination of the yield and quality characteristics of some strawberry varieties growed in the open field of Yahyali (Kayseri) ecological conditions. MSc Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Science, Kayseri, Türkiye, pp: 55.
  • Creasy LL. 1966. The role of low temperature in anthocyanine synthesis in macintoch apples. American Soc Horticul Sci, 93: 716-724.
  • Cekic C, Aksu HD. 2012. Bazı çilek çeşitlerinin Niksar ekolojisindeki (Kelkit Vadisi) performansları. In: IV. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, October 03-05, Antalya, Türkiye, pp: 340-341.
  • Dzhanfezova T, Barba-Espín G, Müller R, Joernsgaard B, Hegelund JN, Madsen B, Larsen DH, Vega MM, Toldam-Andersen TB. 2020. Anthocyanin profle, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of a strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) genetic resource collection. Food Biosci, 36: 100620.
  • Erenoglu B, Bas M, Ufuk S, Erbil Y. 2000. Marmara bölgesine uygun yeni çilek çeşitlerinin seçimi. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Bilimsel Araştırma ve İncelemeler, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 128.
  • Erenoğlu B, Seniz V. 1999. Melezleme ile elde edilen çileklerde verim ve kalite farklılıkları üzerinde araştırmalar. Türkiye III. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Congresi, September 14-17, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 52-56.
  • Ergun M. 2015. Agronomic evaluation of the some strawberry cultivars, were cultivated under high tunnel under Menemen conditions. MSc Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science, İzmir, Türkiye, pp: 100.
  • FAO. 2022. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. URL: (accessed date: January 14, 2024).
  • Gecer K, Gundogdu M, Basar G. 2018. Determining yield of some strawberry cultivars in ecology of Merzifon (Amasya). Iğdır Univ J Inst Sci Technol, 8(2): 11-15.
  • Giusti MM, Wrolstad RE. 2005. Characterization and measurement of anthocyanins by uv-visible spectroscopy. Unit F1.2. In: Wrolstad RE, Schwartz SJ (eds.). Handbook of food analytical chemistry. Wiley, New York, US, pp: 19–31.
  • Gul A. 2011. Investigation of growth characteristics of some day neutral strawberry cultivars in low tunnel conditions in Tekirdağ region. MSc Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, pp: 40.
  • Gunay S. 2004. Researches on determining the favorable strawberry (Fragaria spp.) cultivars for Çanakkale conditions. MSc Thesis. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, Çanakkale, Türkiye, pp: 85.
  • Gunduz K. 2003. The effect of some strawberry cultivars cultivated in field and high tunnel in Amik Plain conditions to yield, quality and earliness. MSc Thesis. Mustafa Kemal University, Institute of Science, Hatay, Türkiye, pp: 125.
  • Gunduz K, Özdemir E. 2003. Amik Ovasında Yüksek Tünel ve Açıkta Yetiştirilen Çileklerde Renklenmenin Objektif Yöntemle Belirlenmesi. IV. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Congresi, September 08-12, Antalya, Türkiye, p: 120-122.
  • Gunduz K, Bayazit S. 2017. Phenotypic variability in strawberry cultivars from different breeding program. Mustafa Kemal Univ J Agri Sci, 22(2): 35-48.
  • Gunduz K, Gokcek O. 2019. Determination of yield and fruit quality characteristics of strawberries grown in soilless and soil medium in glasshouse. Bahce, 48(Special Number 1): 6.
  • Gunduz K, Ozdemir E. 2012. The effects of different production places on earliness index, yield and fruit quality characteristics of some strawberry genotypes. J Agri Fac Ege Univ, 49: 27-36.
  • Hancock JF. 1999. Strawberries. Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, 11. CABI, Wallingford, UK.
  • Kafkas EN. 2004. Detection of aroma compounds of some strawberry genotypes and relationships between aroma compounds and fruit quality characters. PhD Thesis. Çukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 334.
  • Kaleci N, Gunay S. 2006. Determining phenological, pomological and yield characterıstıcs of some strawberry cultivars grown in Çanakkale ecological conditions. Bahce, 35(1-2): 47-54.
  • Kosar M, Kafkas E, Paydas S, Baser KHC. 2004. Phenolic composition of strawberry genotypes at different maturation stages. J Agri Food Chem, 52: 1586-1589.
  • Lopes Da Silva F, Escribano-Bailon MT, Alonso JJP, Rivas-Gonzalo JC, Santosbuelga C. 2007. Anthoccyanin pigments in strawberry. LWT Food Sci Technol, 40: 374-382.
  • Misir D. 2016. Adaptation of some strawberry cultivars. MSc Thesis. Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Science, Samsun, Türkiye, pp: 95.
  • Oguz FG, Pirlak L. 2019. Determination of strawberry planting times and cultivars in Eskişehir conditions. J Bahri Dagdas Crop Res, 8(1): 148-157.
  • Ozdemir E, Gunduz K, Serçe S. 2006. Determination of yield, earliness and quality parameters of some strawberry types on Amik plain. Bahce, 35(1- 2): 29-37.
  • Ozgen M, Reese RN, Tulio AZ, Miller AR, Scheerens JC. 2006. Modified 2,2- azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) method to measure antioxidant capacity of selected small fruits and comparison to ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2'-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods. J Agri Food Chem, 54(4): 1151-1157.
  • Ozguven AI, Yilmaz C. 2009. Pomological and morphological traits of some strawberry cultivars under Adana ecological conditions. Alatarım, 8(2): 17-21.
  • Ozok N. 2021. Pomological and morphological traits of some strawberry cultivars under Bursa ecological conditions. MSc Thesis. Uludağ University, Institute of Science, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 125.
  • Oztürk Erdem S, Cekic C. 2017. Strawberry breeding from past to today. Gaziosmanpasa J Sci Res, 6(3): 105-115.
  • Proctor JTA, Creasy LL. 1971. Effect of suplementary light on anthocyanin synthesis in “Mcintoch” apples. American Soc Horticul Sci, 96: 523-526.
  • Ruan J, Lee YH, Yeoung YR. 2013. Flowering and fruiting of day-neutral and everbearing strawberry cultivars in high-elevation for summer and autumn fruit production in Korea. Hort Environ Biotechnol, 54: 109-120.
  • Rubinstein MA. 2015. Taiwan: A New History. Taylor and Francis, London, UK, pp: 534.
  • Sacks E, Shaw DV. 1994. Optimum allocation of objective color measurement for evaluating fresh strawberries. J Amer Soc Horticul Sci, 119(2): 330-334.
  • Sarac BP. 2009. Comparison of some generative and vegetative growth characteristics of day neutral strawberry cultivar fern (Fragaria × ananassa) with short day strawberry cultivars. MSc Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, pp: 40.
  • Saracoglu O, Ozgen M. 2015. The effect of different harvest period on fruit quality and phytochemical properties of short and day neutral strawberries. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Technol, 3(7): 545-54.
  • Saracoglu O. 2013. Determination of yield and quality performans of some neutral and short day strawberry cultivars in Kazova. PhD Thesis. Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Institute of Science, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 169.
  • Sarıdaş MA. 2018. Determination of yield, quality properties of selected strawberry genotypes obtained by cross breeding and molecular characterization. PhD Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 338.
  • Serce S, Ozdemir E, Gunduz K, Saracoglu O, Kaya O, Ozgen M. 2012. Bazı çilek çeşitlerinin Antakya koşullarında cam seradaki verim ve meyve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. IV. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Symposium, October 3-5, Antalya, Türkiye, pp: 432-440.
  • Sezer L. 2010. Yield and quality parameters of two strawberry cultivars with summer planting in Kızıltepe (Mardin) conditions. MSc Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 58.
  • Shiow YW, Camp MJ. 2000. Temperatures after bloom affect plant growth and fruit quality of strawberry. Sci Horticul, 85: 183-189.
  • Singh A, Singh BK, Deka BC, Sanwal SK, Patel RK, Verma MR. 2011. The genetic variability, inheritance and inter-relationships of ascorbic acid, β-caroten, phenol and anthocyanin content in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Sci Horticul, 129: 86-90.
  • Singleton VL, Rossi JL. 1965. Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. Amer J Enol Viticult, 16(3): 144-158.
  • Soysal D, Demirsoy L, Demirsoy H. 2019. Yield and quality characteristics of some strawberry varieties. Bahce, 48(1): 45-50.
  • Wan H, Liang YP, Kong LM, Liu JX, Gao ZQ, Wang LR, Tao P. 2014. Performance of twelve ıntroduced strawberry cultivars in Kunming, Yunnan province. Acta Horticul, 1059: 127-132.
Yıl 2024, , 339 - 345, 15.07.2024



  • Ağaoğlu S. 1986. Üzümsü Meyveler. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, No: 984, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 123.
  • Aksu HD. 2015. The performance of some strawberry cultivars in Niksar province. MSc Thesis. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Institute of Science, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 60.
  • Alan F. 2013. Research on performance of some neutral day strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivars grown in kayseri conditions. MSc Thesis. Erzurum Ataturk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum, Türkiye, pp: 70.
  • Atasay A, Turemiş N, Demirtaş I, Goktas A. 2006. Yield and quality parameters of some strawberry cultivars with summer planting in Eğirdir (Isparta) conditions. In: II. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, September 14-16, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 100-105.
  • Balci G, Demirsoy H. 2006. A study on comparing classical and organic strawberry growing system in terms of yield and fruit quality. In: II. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, September 14-16, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 94-99.
  • Batu A, Thompson AK, Ghafir SAM, Abdel-Rahmen NA. 1997. Minolta ve hunter renk ölçüm aletleri ile domates, elma ve muzun renk değerlerinin karşılaştırılması. Gıda, 22(4): 301-307.
  • Capocasa F, Diamantia J, Mezzetti B, Tulipani S, Battino M. 2009. Breeding strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch) to increase fruit nutritional quality. Biofactors 34: 67-72.
  • Cemeroglu B. 2007. Gıda Analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 682.
  • Ceran MB. 2023. Determination of the yield and quality characteristics of some strawberry varieties growed in the open field of Yahyali (Kayseri) ecological conditions. MSc Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Science, Kayseri, Türkiye, pp: 55.
  • Creasy LL. 1966. The role of low temperature in anthocyanine synthesis in macintoch apples. American Soc Horticul Sci, 93: 716-724.
  • Cekic C, Aksu HD. 2012. Bazı çilek çeşitlerinin Niksar ekolojisindeki (Kelkit Vadisi) performansları. In: IV. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, October 03-05, Antalya, Türkiye, pp: 340-341.
  • Dzhanfezova T, Barba-Espín G, Müller R, Joernsgaard B, Hegelund JN, Madsen B, Larsen DH, Vega MM, Toldam-Andersen TB. 2020. Anthocyanin profle, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of a strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) genetic resource collection. Food Biosci, 36: 100620.
  • Erenoglu B, Bas M, Ufuk S, Erbil Y. 2000. Marmara bölgesine uygun yeni çilek çeşitlerinin seçimi. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Bilimsel Araştırma ve İncelemeler, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 128.
  • Erenoğlu B, Seniz V. 1999. Melezleme ile elde edilen çileklerde verim ve kalite farklılıkları üzerinde araştırmalar. Türkiye III. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Congresi, September 14-17, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 52-56.
  • Ergun M. 2015. Agronomic evaluation of the some strawberry cultivars, were cultivated under high tunnel under Menemen conditions. MSc Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science, İzmir, Türkiye, pp: 100.
  • FAO. 2022. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. URL: (accessed date: January 14, 2024).
  • Gecer K, Gundogdu M, Basar G. 2018. Determining yield of some strawberry cultivars in ecology of Merzifon (Amasya). Iğdır Univ J Inst Sci Technol, 8(2): 11-15.
  • Giusti MM, Wrolstad RE. 2005. Characterization and measurement of anthocyanins by uv-visible spectroscopy. Unit F1.2. In: Wrolstad RE, Schwartz SJ (eds.). Handbook of food analytical chemistry. Wiley, New York, US, pp: 19–31.
  • Gul A. 2011. Investigation of growth characteristics of some day neutral strawberry cultivars in low tunnel conditions in Tekirdağ region. MSc Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, pp: 40.
  • Gunay S. 2004. Researches on determining the favorable strawberry (Fragaria spp.) cultivars for Çanakkale conditions. MSc Thesis. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, Çanakkale, Türkiye, pp: 85.
  • Gunduz K. 2003. The effect of some strawberry cultivars cultivated in field and high tunnel in Amik Plain conditions to yield, quality and earliness. MSc Thesis. Mustafa Kemal University, Institute of Science, Hatay, Türkiye, pp: 125.
  • Gunduz K, Özdemir E. 2003. Amik Ovasında Yüksek Tünel ve Açıkta Yetiştirilen Çileklerde Renklenmenin Objektif Yöntemle Belirlenmesi. IV. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Congresi, September 08-12, Antalya, Türkiye, p: 120-122.
  • Gunduz K, Bayazit S. 2017. Phenotypic variability in strawberry cultivars from different breeding program. Mustafa Kemal Univ J Agri Sci, 22(2): 35-48.
  • Gunduz K, Gokcek O. 2019. Determination of yield and fruit quality characteristics of strawberries grown in soilless and soil medium in glasshouse. Bahce, 48(Special Number 1): 6.
  • Gunduz K, Ozdemir E. 2012. The effects of different production places on earliness index, yield and fruit quality characteristics of some strawberry genotypes. J Agri Fac Ege Univ, 49: 27-36.
  • Hancock JF. 1999. Strawberries. Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, 11. CABI, Wallingford, UK.
  • Kafkas EN. 2004. Detection of aroma compounds of some strawberry genotypes and relationships between aroma compounds and fruit quality characters. PhD Thesis. Çukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 334.
  • Kaleci N, Gunay S. 2006. Determining phenological, pomological and yield characterıstıcs of some strawberry cultivars grown in Çanakkale ecological conditions. Bahce, 35(1-2): 47-54.
  • Kosar M, Kafkas E, Paydas S, Baser KHC. 2004. Phenolic composition of strawberry genotypes at different maturation stages. J Agri Food Chem, 52: 1586-1589.
  • Lopes Da Silva F, Escribano-Bailon MT, Alonso JJP, Rivas-Gonzalo JC, Santosbuelga C. 2007. Anthoccyanin pigments in strawberry. LWT Food Sci Technol, 40: 374-382.
  • Misir D. 2016. Adaptation of some strawberry cultivars. MSc Thesis. Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Science, Samsun, Türkiye, pp: 95.
  • Oguz FG, Pirlak L. 2019. Determination of strawberry planting times and cultivars in Eskişehir conditions. J Bahri Dagdas Crop Res, 8(1): 148-157.
  • Ozdemir E, Gunduz K, Serçe S. 2006. Determination of yield, earliness and quality parameters of some strawberry types on Amik plain. Bahce, 35(1- 2): 29-37.
  • Ozgen M, Reese RN, Tulio AZ, Miller AR, Scheerens JC. 2006. Modified 2,2- azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) method to measure antioxidant capacity of selected small fruits and comparison to ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2'-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods. J Agri Food Chem, 54(4): 1151-1157.
  • Ozguven AI, Yilmaz C. 2009. Pomological and morphological traits of some strawberry cultivars under Adana ecological conditions. Alatarım, 8(2): 17-21.
  • Ozok N. 2021. Pomological and morphological traits of some strawberry cultivars under Bursa ecological conditions. MSc Thesis. Uludağ University, Institute of Science, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 125.
  • Oztürk Erdem S, Cekic C. 2017. Strawberry breeding from past to today. Gaziosmanpasa J Sci Res, 6(3): 105-115.
  • Proctor JTA, Creasy LL. 1971. Effect of suplementary light on anthocyanin synthesis in “Mcintoch” apples. American Soc Horticul Sci, 96: 523-526.
  • Ruan J, Lee YH, Yeoung YR. 2013. Flowering and fruiting of day-neutral and everbearing strawberry cultivars in high-elevation for summer and autumn fruit production in Korea. Hort Environ Biotechnol, 54: 109-120.
  • Rubinstein MA. 2015. Taiwan: A New History. Taylor and Francis, London, UK, pp: 534.
  • Sacks E, Shaw DV. 1994. Optimum allocation of objective color measurement for evaluating fresh strawberries. J Amer Soc Horticul Sci, 119(2): 330-334.
  • Sarac BP. 2009. Comparison of some generative and vegetative growth characteristics of day neutral strawberry cultivar fern (Fragaria × ananassa) with short day strawberry cultivars. MSc Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, pp: 40.
  • Saracoglu O, Ozgen M. 2015. The effect of different harvest period on fruit quality and phytochemical properties of short and day neutral strawberries. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Technol, 3(7): 545-54.
  • Saracoglu O. 2013. Determination of yield and quality performans of some neutral and short day strawberry cultivars in Kazova. PhD Thesis. Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Institute of Science, Tokat, Türkiye, pp: 169.
  • Sarıdaş MA. 2018. Determination of yield, quality properties of selected strawberry genotypes obtained by cross breeding and molecular characterization. PhD Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 338.
  • Serce S, Ozdemir E, Gunduz K, Saracoglu O, Kaya O, Ozgen M. 2012. Bazı çilek çeşitlerinin Antakya koşullarında cam seradaki verim ve meyve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. IV. Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Symposium, October 3-5, Antalya, Türkiye, pp: 432-440.
  • Sezer L. 2010. Yield and quality parameters of two strawberry cultivars with summer planting in Kızıltepe (Mardin) conditions. MSc Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 58.
  • Shiow YW, Camp MJ. 2000. Temperatures after bloom affect plant growth and fruit quality of strawberry. Sci Horticul, 85: 183-189.
  • Singh A, Singh BK, Deka BC, Sanwal SK, Patel RK, Verma MR. 2011. The genetic variability, inheritance and inter-relationships of ascorbic acid, β-caroten, phenol and anthocyanin content in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Sci Horticul, 129: 86-90.
  • Singleton VL, Rossi JL. 1965. Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. Amer J Enol Viticult, 16(3): 144-158.
  • Soysal D, Demirsoy L, Demirsoy H. 2019. Yield and quality characteristics of some strawberry varieties. Bahce, 48(1): 45-50.
  • Wan H, Liang YP, Kong LM, Liu JX, Gao ZQ, Wang LR, Tao P. 2014. Performance of twelve ıntroduced strawberry cultivars in Kunming, Yunnan province. Acta Horticul, 1059: 127-132.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Sinem Öztürk Erdem 0000-0002-8978-0837

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk Erdem, S. (2024). Effect of Different Spring Planting Periods on Pomological and Phytochemical Characteristics of Some Strawberry Varieties. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(4), 339-345.
