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Green Supplier Selection Using IMF SWARA and Fuzzy WASPAS Techniques for the Supply of Agricultural Pesticides

Yıl 2024, , 377 - 390, 15.07.2024


The concept of sustainability is constantly increasing in importance in all areas of life with its human, social, economic and environmental dimensions. With the impact of global climate change and other environmental factors, concerns about sustainable agriculture and access to sufficient and reliable food are increasing. Reports of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other international organizations also confirm this. For this reason, awareness has been created all over the world regarding the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).With the increasing awareness of environmental protection worldwide, green supply chain management (GSCM) has become an important issue for businesses to achieve environmental sustainability. Nowadays, many managers and business owners pay special attention to green supplier selection to gain competitive advantage. Therefore, green supplier selection remains a critical decision for businesses. Businesses need to consider many economic and environmental criteria in the decision process to select the most suitable supplier. The aim of this study is to choose the most suitable green supplier for the supply of agricultural pesticides. Decision makers in selecting the most suitable green supplier for agricultural pesticide supply are business managers and academicians who are experts in the relevant field. In this study, an effective solution based on the combination of IMF SWARA (Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) and fuzzy WASPAS (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment) methods is proposed to help agricultural enterprises that need to choose the best pesticide supplier. According to the research results, the criteria were determined as cost, quality and green product in order of importance, starting from the most important. In the ranking of the alternatives, alternative 1 ranked first with the highest value. This research proposes a framework to determine the most suitable alternative for green supplier selection through a combined approach of fuzzy multi-criteria decision making involving relevant stakeholders.

Etik Beyan

It is declared that scientific and ethical principles have been followed while carrying out and writing this study and that all the sources used have been properly cited.

Destekleyen Kurum

The author(s) acknowledge that they received no external funding in support of this research.


  • Akın NG. 2021. Genelleştirilmiş trapezoidal bulanık esnek kümeler: Yeşil tedarikçi seçimi problemine uygulanması. Afyon Kocatepe Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 23(1): 158-171.
  • Arslankaya D, Göraltay K. 2019. Çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinde güncel yaklaşımlar. Iksad, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 106.
  • Atli HF. 2024. Safety of agricultural machinery and tractor maintenance planning with fuzzy logic and MCDM for agricultural productivity. Int J Agri Environ Food Sci, 8(1): 25- 43.
  • Bai C, Sarkis J. 2010. Integrating sustainability into supplier selection with grey system and rough set methodologies. Int J Prod Econ, 124(1): 252-264.
  • Bali O, Kose E, Gumus S. 2013. Green supplier selection based on IFS and GRA. Grey Syst Theory Appl, 3(2): 158-176.
  • Çalık A. 2018. Yeşil tedarikçi seçiminde bulanik çok amaçli doğrusal programlama yaklaşımlarının karşılaştırılması. E-Turkish Stud, 13(13): 1-21.
  • Çalık A. 2021. Grup karar verme yöntemlerini kullanarak yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Gıda endüstrisinden bir örnek olay çalışması. Ekon Sos Araş Derg, 17(1): 1-16.
  • Çelik P, Ustasüleyman T. 2019. Bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçilerin değerlendirilmesi. J Acad Soc Sci, 75(75): 375-390.
  • Cezlan EÇ. 2022. Çok ölçütlü karar verme yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Sağlık sektöründe bir uygulama. Lojistik Derg, (55): 39-52.
  • Chakraborty S. 2014. Applications of WASPAS method in manufacturing decision making. Informatica, 25(1): 1-20.
  • Choi TM. 2013. Optimal apparel supplier selection with forecast updates under carbon emission taxation scheme. Comput Oper Res, 40(11): 2646–2655.
  • Dalay M, Sarı K. 2022. Tedarikçi seçiminde yeşil kriterin öneminin araştırılması: Türk gıda sektörü örneği. Endüstri Müh, 33(3): 500-513.
  • Daldır İ, Tosun Ö. 2018. Bulanık waspas ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Uludağ Üniv Müh Fak Derg, 23(4): 193-208.
  • De Brito MM, Evers M. 2016. Multi-criteria decision-making for flood risk management: A survey of the current state of the art. Natural Hazards Earth Syst Sci, 16(4): 1019-1033.
  • Denizhan B, Yalçıner AY, Berber Ş. 2017. Analitik hiyerarşi proses ve bulanık analitik hiyerarşi proses yöntemleri kullanılarak yeşil tedarikçi seçimi uygulaması. Nevşehir Bil Teknol Derg, 6(1): 63-78.
  • Duan CY, Liu HC, Zhang LJ, Shi H. 2019. An extended alternative queuing method with linguistic Z-numbers and its application for green supplier selection and order allocation. Int J Fuzzy Syst, 21: 2510-2523.
  • Erbiyik H, Kabakci G, Erdil A. 2021. ELECTRE yöntemi ile otomotiv sektöründe tedarikçi seçimi: Yeşil tedarikçi seçimi uygulaması. Avrupa Bil Teknol Derg, (24): 421-429.
  • Freeman J, Chen T. 2015. Green supplier selection using an AHP-Entropy-TOPSIS framework. Supply Chain Manag Int J, 20(3): 327-340.
  • Govindan K, Rajendran S, Sarkis J, Murugesan P. 2015. Multi criteria decision making approaches for green supplier evaluation and selection: A literature review. J Cleaner Product, 98: 66-83.
  • Gupta H, Barua MK. 2017. Supplier selection among SMEs on the basis of their green innovation ability using BWM and fuzzy TOPSIS. J Cleaner Product, 152: 242-258.
  • Gupta S, Soni U, Kumar G. 2019. Green supplier selection using multi-criterion decision making under fuzzy environment: A case study in automotive industry. Comput Indust Eng, 136: 663-680.
  • Hashemi SH, Karimi A, Tavana M. 2015. An integrated green supplier selection approach with analytic network process and improved Grey relational analysis. Int J Product Econ, 159: 178-191.
  • Hudec M. 2016. Fuzziness in information systems. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp: 198.
  • Kannan D, Khodaverdi R, Olfat L, Jafarian A, Diabat A. 2013. Integrated fuzzy multi criteria decision making method and multi-objective programming approach for supplier selection and order allocation in a green supply chain. J Cleaner Product, 47: 355-367.
  • Kara K, Yalçın GC. 2022. Küresel bulanık sayılara dayalı TOPSIS tekniğiyle yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Karadeniz Sos Bil Derg, 14(27): 483-506.
  • Karataş Ö, Özçelik TÖ. 2022. Elektrik sektöründe EDAS ve VIKOR yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Eurasian Busin Econ J, 30: 99-114.
  • Kazemitash N, Fazlollahtabar H, Abbaspour M. 2021. Rough best-worst method for supplier selection in biofuel companies based on green criteria. Operational Res Eng Sci Theory Appl, 4(2): 1-12.
  • Kersuliene V, Zavadskas E, Turskis Z. 2010. Selection of rational dispute resolution method by applying new step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA). J Busin Econ Manag, 11: 243-258.
  • Kılınç S, Yağmahan B. 2021. Sürdürülebilirlik için GİA ve AHP yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Bir otomotiv ana sanayi uygulaması. Avrupa Bil Teknol Derg, (27): 686-698.
  • Koca G, Behdioğlu S. 2019. Yeşil tedarik zinciri yönetiminde çok kriterli karar verme: Otomotiv ana sanayi örneği. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniv İİB Derg, 14(3): 675-698.
  • Kumar A, Jain V, Kumar S. 2014. A comprehensive environment friendly approach for supplier selection. Omega, 42: 109-23.
  • Kuo RJ, Wang YC, Tien FC. 2010. Integration of artificial neural network and MADA methods for green supplier selection. J Cleaner Product, 18(12): 1161-1170.
  • Kuo TC, Hsu CW, Li JY. 2015. Developing a green supplier selection model by using the DANP with VIKOR. Sustainability, 7(2): 1661-1689.
  • Lee AH, Kang HY, Hsu CF, Hung HC. 2009. A green supplier selection model for high-tech industry. Expert Syst Appl, 36(4): 7917-7927.
  • Liang W, Zhao G, Luo S. 2021. Sustainability evaluation for phosphorus mines using a hybrid multi-criteria decision making method. Environ Devel Sustain, 23: 12411-12433.
  • Madenoğlu FS. 2019. Bulanık çok kriterli karar verme ortamında yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Busin Manag Stud Int J, 7(4): 1850-1869.
  • Madenoğlu FS. 2020. Yeşil tedarikçi seçim problemi için hedef programlama ve gri ilişkisel analiz yöntemi. İşletme Araş Derg, 12(1): 955-972.
  • Mardani A, Zavadskas E, Khalifah Z, Zakuan N, Jusoh A, Nor K, Khoshnoudi M. 2017. A review of multi-criteria decision-making applications to solve energy management problems: Two decades from 1995 to 2015. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 71: 216–256.
  • Matić B, Jovanović S, Das DK, Zavadskas EK, Stević Ž, Sremac S, Marinković M. 2019. A new hybrid MCDM model: Sustainable supplier selection in a construction company. Symmetry, 11(3): 353.
  • Mavi RK, Goh M, Zarbakhshnia N. 2017. Sustainable third-party reverse logistic provider selection with fuzzy SWARA and fuzzy MOORA in plastic industry. Int J Adv Manufact Technol, 91: 2401-2418.
  • Miranda-Ackerman MA, Azzaro-Pantel C, Aguilar-Lasserre AA, Bueno-Solano A, Arredondo-Soto KC. 2019. Green supplier selection in the agro-food industry with contract farming: A multi-objective optimization approach. Sustainability, 11(24): 7017.
  • Özkır V. 2018. Belirsizlik altında çevre bilinçli tedarikçi seçimi probleminin incelenmesi. Doğuş Üniv Derg, 19(1): 23-37.
  • Öztürk, M, Paksoy T. 2020. Yeşil tedarikçi seçimi için birleştirilmiş bir DEMATEL-QFD-AT2 BAHP yaklaşımı. Gazi Üniv Müh Mim Fak Derg, 35(4): 2023-2044.
  • Phochanikorn P, Tan C. 2019. An integrated multi-criteria decision-making model based on prospect theory for green supplier selection under uncertain environment: A case study of the Thailand palm oil products industry. Sustainability, 11(7): 1872.
  • Puška A, Božanić D, Nedeljković M, Janošević M. 2022. Green supplier selection in an uncertain environment in agriculture using a hybrid MCDM model: Z-Numbers–Fuzzy LMAW–Fuzzy CRADIS model. Axioms, 11(9): 427.
  • Puška A, Nedeljković M, Hashemkhani Zolfani S, Pamučar D. 2021. Application of interval fuzzy logic in selecting a sustainable supplier on the example of agricultural production. Symmetry, 13(5): 774.
  • Ramakrishnan KR, Chakraborty S. 2020. A cloud TOPSIS model for green supplier selection. Facta Univ Series Mechan Eng, 18(3): 375-397.
  • Sergi D. 2021. Dijital dönüşüm ve endüstri 4.0 uygulamaları için kamu hizmet alanlarının bulanık z-sayılar temelli karar destek modelleri ile değerlendirilmesi ve önceliklendirilmesi. MSc Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp: 220.
  • Shi H, Quan MY, Liu HC, Duan CY. 2018. A novel integrated approach for green supplier selection with interval-valued intuitionistic uncertain linguistic information: A case study in the agri-food industry. Sustainability, 10(3): 733.
  • Şişman B. 2016. Bulanık MOORA yöntemi kullanılarak yeşil tedarikçi geliştirme programlarının seçimi ve değerlendirilmesi. Yaşar Üniv E-Derg, 11(44): 302-315.
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  • Tirkolaee EB, Dashtian Z, Weber GW, Tomaskova H, Soltani M, Mousavi NS. 2021. An integrated decision-making approach for green supplier selection in an agri-food supply chain: Threshold of robustness worthiness. Mathematics, 9(11): 1304.
  • Turna T, Solmaz A. 2022. Sürdürülebilir kent yönetimi ve yeşil altyapı kavramı kapsamında çevreci yaklaşımlar: İskenderun örneği. Dicle Üniv Müh Fak Müh Derg, 13(4): 739-748.
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Yıl 2024, , 377 - 390, 15.07.2024



  • Akın NG. 2021. Genelleştirilmiş trapezoidal bulanık esnek kümeler: Yeşil tedarikçi seçimi problemine uygulanması. Afyon Kocatepe Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 23(1): 158-171.
  • Arslankaya D, Göraltay K. 2019. Çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinde güncel yaklaşımlar. Iksad, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 106.
  • Atli HF. 2024. Safety of agricultural machinery and tractor maintenance planning with fuzzy logic and MCDM for agricultural productivity. Int J Agri Environ Food Sci, 8(1): 25- 43.
  • Bai C, Sarkis J. 2010. Integrating sustainability into supplier selection with grey system and rough set methodologies. Int J Prod Econ, 124(1): 252-264.
  • Bali O, Kose E, Gumus S. 2013. Green supplier selection based on IFS and GRA. Grey Syst Theory Appl, 3(2): 158-176.
  • Çalık A. 2018. Yeşil tedarikçi seçiminde bulanik çok amaçli doğrusal programlama yaklaşımlarının karşılaştırılması. E-Turkish Stud, 13(13): 1-21.
  • Çalık A. 2021. Grup karar verme yöntemlerini kullanarak yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Gıda endüstrisinden bir örnek olay çalışması. Ekon Sos Araş Derg, 17(1): 1-16.
  • Çelik P, Ustasüleyman T. 2019. Bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçilerin değerlendirilmesi. J Acad Soc Sci, 75(75): 375-390.
  • Cezlan EÇ. 2022. Çok ölçütlü karar verme yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Sağlık sektöründe bir uygulama. Lojistik Derg, (55): 39-52.
  • Chakraborty S. 2014. Applications of WASPAS method in manufacturing decision making. Informatica, 25(1): 1-20.
  • Choi TM. 2013. Optimal apparel supplier selection with forecast updates under carbon emission taxation scheme. Comput Oper Res, 40(11): 2646–2655.
  • Dalay M, Sarı K. 2022. Tedarikçi seçiminde yeşil kriterin öneminin araştırılması: Türk gıda sektörü örneği. Endüstri Müh, 33(3): 500-513.
  • Daldır İ, Tosun Ö. 2018. Bulanık waspas ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Uludağ Üniv Müh Fak Derg, 23(4): 193-208.
  • De Brito MM, Evers M. 2016. Multi-criteria decision-making for flood risk management: A survey of the current state of the art. Natural Hazards Earth Syst Sci, 16(4): 1019-1033.
  • Denizhan B, Yalçıner AY, Berber Ş. 2017. Analitik hiyerarşi proses ve bulanık analitik hiyerarşi proses yöntemleri kullanılarak yeşil tedarikçi seçimi uygulaması. Nevşehir Bil Teknol Derg, 6(1): 63-78.
  • Duan CY, Liu HC, Zhang LJ, Shi H. 2019. An extended alternative queuing method with linguistic Z-numbers and its application for green supplier selection and order allocation. Int J Fuzzy Syst, 21: 2510-2523.
  • Erbiyik H, Kabakci G, Erdil A. 2021. ELECTRE yöntemi ile otomotiv sektöründe tedarikçi seçimi: Yeşil tedarikçi seçimi uygulaması. Avrupa Bil Teknol Derg, (24): 421-429.
  • Freeman J, Chen T. 2015. Green supplier selection using an AHP-Entropy-TOPSIS framework. Supply Chain Manag Int J, 20(3): 327-340.
  • Govindan K, Rajendran S, Sarkis J, Murugesan P. 2015. Multi criteria decision making approaches for green supplier evaluation and selection: A literature review. J Cleaner Product, 98: 66-83.
  • Gupta H, Barua MK. 2017. Supplier selection among SMEs on the basis of their green innovation ability using BWM and fuzzy TOPSIS. J Cleaner Product, 152: 242-258.
  • Gupta S, Soni U, Kumar G. 2019. Green supplier selection using multi-criterion decision making under fuzzy environment: A case study in automotive industry. Comput Indust Eng, 136: 663-680.
  • Hashemi SH, Karimi A, Tavana M. 2015. An integrated green supplier selection approach with analytic network process and improved Grey relational analysis. Int J Product Econ, 159: 178-191.
  • Hudec M. 2016. Fuzziness in information systems. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp: 198.
  • Kannan D, Khodaverdi R, Olfat L, Jafarian A, Diabat A. 2013. Integrated fuzzy multi criteria decision making method and multi-objective programming approach for supplier selection and order allocation in a green supply chain. J Cleaner Product, 47: 355-367.
  • Kara K, Yalçın GC. 2022. Küresel bulanık sayılara dayalı TOPSIS tekniğiyle yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Karadeniz Sos Bil Derg, 14(27): 483-506.
  • Karataş Ö, Özçelik TÖ. 2022. Elektrik sektöründe EDAS ve VIKOR yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Eurasian Busin Econ J, 30: 99-114.
  • Kazemitash N, Fazlollahtabar H, Abbaspour M. 2021. Rough best-worst method for supplier selection in biofuel companies based on green criteria. Operational Res Eng Sci Theory Appl, 4(2): 1-12.
  • Kersuliene V, Zavadskas E, Turskis Z. 2010. Selection of rational dispute resolution method by applying new step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA). J Busin Econ Manag, 11: 243-258.
  • Kılınç S, Yağmahan B. 2021. Sürdürülebilirlik için GİA ve AHP yöntemleri ile yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Bir otomotiv ana sanayi uygulaması. Avrupa Bil Teknol Derg, (27): 686-698.
  • Koca G, Behdioğlu S. 2019. Yeşil tedarik zinciri yönetiminde çok kriterli karar verme: Otomotiv ana sanayi örneği. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniv İİB Derg, 14(3): 675-698.
  • Kumar A, Jain V, Kumar S. 2014. A comprehensive environment friendly approach for supplier selection. Omega, 42: 109-23.
  • Kuo RJ, Wang YC, Tien FC. 2010. Integration of artificial neural network and MADA methods for green supplier selection. J Cleaner Product, 18(12): 1161-1170.
  • Kuo TC, Hsu CW, Li JY. 2015. Developing a green supplier selection model by using the DANP with VIKOR. Sustainability, 7(2): 1661-1689.
  • Lee AH, Kang HY, Hsu CF, Hung HC. 2009. A green supplier selection model for high-tech industry. Expert Syst Appl, 36(4): 7917-7927.
  • Liang W, Zhao G, Luo S. 2021. Sustainability evaluation for phosphorus mines using a hybrid multi-criteria decision making method. Environ Devel Sustain, 23: 12411-12433.
  • Madenoğlu FS. 2019. Bulanık çok kriterli karar verme ortamında yeşil tedarikçi seçimi. Busin Manag Stud Int J, 7(4): 1850-1869.
  • Madenoğlu FS. 2020. Yeşil tedarikçi seçim problemi için hedef programlama ve gri ilişkisel analiz yöntemi. İşletme Araş Derg, 12(1): 955-972.
  • Mardani A, Zavadskas E, Khalifah Z, Zakuan N, Jusoh A, Nor K, Khoshnoudi M. 2017. A review of multi-criteria decision-making applications to solve energy management problems: Two decades from 1995 to 2015. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 71: 216–256.
  • Matić B, Jovanović S, Das DK, Zavadskas EK, Stević Ž, Sremac S, Marinković M. 2019. A new hybrid MCDM model: Sustainable supplier selection in a construction company. Symmetry, 11(3): 353.
  • Mavi RK, Goh M, Zarbakhshnia N. 2017. Sustainable third-party reverse logistic provider selection with fuzzy SWARA and fuzzy MOORA in plastic industry. Int J Adv Manufact Technol, 91: 2401-2418.
  • Miranda-Ackerman MA, Azzaro-Pantel C, Aguilar-Lasserre AA, Bueno-Solano A, Arredondo-Soto KC. 2019. Green supplier selection in the agro-food industry with contract farming: A multi-objective optimization approach. Sustainability, 11(24): 7017.
  • Özkır V. 2018. Belirsizlik altında çevre bilinçli tedarikçi seçimi probleminin incelenmesi. Doğuş Üniv Derg, 19(1): 23-37.
  • Öztürk, M, Paksoy T. 2020. Yeşil tedarikçi seçimi için birleştirilmiş bir DEMATEL-QFD-AT2 BAHP yaklaşımı. Gazi Üniv Müh Mim Fak Derg, 35(4): 2023-2044.
  • Phochanikorn P, Tan C. 2019. An integrated multi-criteria decision-making model based on prospect theory for green supplier selection under uncertain environment: A case study of the Thailand palm oil products industry. Sustainability, 11(7): 1872.
  • Puška A, Božanić D, Nedeljković M, Janošević M. 2022. Green supplier selection in an uncertain environment in agriculture using a hybrid MCDM model: Z-Numbers–Fuzzy LMAW–Fuzzy CRADIS model. Axioms, 11(9): 427.
  • Puška A, Nedeljković M, Hashemkhani Zolfani S, Pamučar D. 2021. Application of interval fuzzy logic in selecting a sustainable supplier on the example of agricultural production. Symmetry, 13(5): 774.
  • Ramakrishnan KR, Chakraborty S. 2020. A cloud TOPSIS model for green supplier selection. Facta Univ Series Mechan Eng, 18(3): 375-397.
  • Sergi D. 2021. Dijital dönüşüm ve endüstri 4.0 uygulamaları için kamu hizmet alanlarının bulanık z-sayılar temelli karar destek modelleri ile değerlendirilmesi ve önceliklendirilmesi. MSc Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp: 220.
  • Shi H, Quan MY, Liu HC, Duan CY. 2018. A novel integrated approach for green supplier selection with interval-valued intuitionistic uncertain linguistic information: A case study in the agri-food industry. Sustainability, 10(3): 733.
  • Şişman B. 2016. Bulanık MOORA yöntemi kullanılarak yeşil tedarikçi geliştirme programlarının seçimi ve değerlendirilmesi. Yaşar Üniv E-Derg, 11(44): 302-315.
  • Soyer A, Türkay B. 2020. Yeşil satın alma ve yeşil tedarikçi seçimi: Beyaz eşya sektöründe bir uygulama. Müh Bil Tasarım Derg, 8(4): 1202-1222.
  • Tirkolaee EB, Dashtian Z, Weber GW, Tomaskova H, Soltani M, Mousavi NS. 2021. An integrated decision-making approach for green supplier selection in an agri-food supply chain: Threshold of robustness worthiness. Mathematics, 9(11): 1304.
  • Turna T, Solmaz A. 2022. Sürdürülebilir kent yönetimi ve yeşil altyapı kavramı kapsamında çevreci yaklaşımlar: İskenderun örneği. Dicle Üniv Müh Fak Müh Derg, 13(4): 739-748.
  • Turskis Z, Zavadskas, EK, Antucheviciene J, Kosareva N. 2015. A hybrid model based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy WASPAS for construction site selection. Int J Comput Commun Cont, 10(6): 113-128.
  • Turskis Z. 2008. Multi‐attribute contractors ranking method by applying ordering of feasible alternatives of solutions in terms of preferability technique. Technol Econ Devel Econ, 14(2): 224-239.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Hüseyin Fatih Atlı 0000-0002-1397-1514

Gül Senir 0000-0001-5454-2321

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Atlı, H. F., & Senir, G. (2024). Green Supplier Selection Using IMF SWARA and Fuzzy WASPAS Techniques for the Supply of Agricultural Pesticides. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(4), 377-390.
