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Myogenic Regulator Genes Responsible For Muscle Development in Farm Animals

Yıl 2024, , 418 - 428, 15.07.2024


Breeding farm animals, especially poultry, helps meet global meat demand and boosts meat production efficiency. To meet high-quality meat demand, muscle growth and development must improve. Fetal skeletal muscle formation involves myogenesis, fibrogenesis, and adipogenesis. Kinase-encoding genes and myogenic regulatory factor genes regulate a complex network of intrinsic and extrinsic components in two or three stages. MYF5, MYOD, myogenin, and MRF4 are helix-loop-helix transcription factors that govern skeletal muscle cell specification and differentiation throughout embryogenesis and postnatal myogenesis. The transcription factors MYF5, MYOD, Myogenin, and MRF4 have been discovered to determine the skeletal muscle lineage and regulate myogenic differentiation during development. These factors also determine the muscle satellite cell lineage that becomes the adult skeletal muscle stem cell compartment. MYF5, MYOD, Myogenin, and MRF4 serve small functions in adult muscle, but they again direct satellite cell activity to regenerate skeletal muscle, linking genetic regulation of development and regeneration myogenesis. Understanding and identifying these genes helps increase meat yield and quality. This detailed review examines myogenic regulatory variables in satellite cell specification, maturation, and skeletal muscle regeneration.


  • Amthor H, Nicholas G, McKinnell I, Kemp CF, Sharma M, Kambadur R, Patel K 2004. Follistatin complexes myostatin and antagonises myostatin-mediated inhibition of myogenesis. Devel Biol, 270: 19-30.
  • Anderson C, Williams VC, Moyon B, Daubas P, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham ME, 2012. Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity, Genes Dev, 26(18): 2103–2117.
  • Arnold HH, Winter B, 1998. Muscle differentiation: More complexity to the network of myogenic regulators. Curr. Opin. Genet. Giant, 8: 539-544.
  • Arnold SJ, Robertson EJ, 2009. Making a commitment: Cell lineage allocation and axis patterning in the early mouse embryo. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10(2): 91–103.
  • Ayuso M, Fernández A, Núñez Y, Benítez R, Isabel B, Fernández AI, Rey AI, González-Bulnes A, Medrano JF, Cánovas A, et al. 2016. Developmental stage, muscle and genetic type modify muscle transcriptome in pigs: Effects on gene expression and regulatory factors involved in growth and metabolism. PLoS ONE 11: e0167858.
  • Bandow K, Ohnishi T, Tamura M, Semba I, Daikuhara Y 2004. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor stimulates migration of muscle precursors in developing mouse tongue. J. Cell Physiol. 201:236–243.
  • Beermann DH, Cassens RG, Hausman GJ 1978. A second look at fiber type differentiation in porcine skeletal muscle. J.Anim. Sci., 46: 125–132.
  • Bentzinger CF, Wang YX, Rudnicki MA. Building muscle: Molecular regulation of myogenesis cold spring war. Perspect. Biol. February 2 2012, 4: a008342.
  • Berri C, Godet E, Haj Hattab N, Duclos MJ 2006. Growth and differentiation of the chicken Pectoralis major muscle: Effect of genotype and early nutrition. Arch. Anim. Breed, 49:31–32.
  • Bhat NR, Zhang P, Mohanty SB 2007, p38 MAP kinase regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation with CREB as a potential target. Neurochem. Pic., 32: 293– 302.
  • Biressi S, Molinaro M, Cossu G, 2007. Cellular heterogeneity during vertebrate skeletal muscle development. Giant. Biol. 308: 281-293.
  • Braun T, Bober E, Winter B, Rosenthal N, Arnold HH 1990. Myf-6, a new member of the human gene family of myogenic factors determination: Evidence for a gene cluster on chromosome 12. EMBO J 9: 821–831
  • Braun T, Buschhausen-Denker G, Bober E, Tannich E, Arnold HH 1989. A novel human muscle factor related to but distinct from MYOD1 induces myogenic conversion in 10T1/2 fibroblasts. EMBO J 8: 701– 709.
  • Brunetti A, Goldfine ID, 1990. Role of myogenin in myoblast differentiation and its regulation by fibroblast growth factor. J. Biol. Chem, 265: 5960–5963.
  • Bryson-Richardson RJ, Currie PD, The genetics of vertebrate myogenesis, Nat. Rev. Genet. 9 August 8 2008: 632–646.
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  • Coles CA, Wadeson J, Leyton CP, Siddell JP, Greenwood PL, White JD, McDonagh MB 2015. Proliferation rates of bovine primary muscle cells relate to live weight and carcase weight in cattle. PLoS ONE, 10: e0124468.
  • Comai G, Tajbakhsh S 2014. Molecular and cellular regulation of skeletal myogenesis, Curr. Ball. Giant. Biol. 110:1–73.
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Yıl 2024, , 418 - 428, 15.07.2024



  • Amthor H, Nicholas G, McKinnell I, Kemp CF, Sharma M, Kambadur R, Patel K 2004. Follistatin complexes myostatin and antagonises myostatin-mediated inhibition of myogenesis. Devel Biol, 270: 19-30.
  • Anderson C, Williams VC, Moyon B, Daubas P, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham ME, 2012. Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity, Genes Dev, 26(18): 2103–2117.
  • Arnold HH, Winter B, 1998. Muscle differentiation: More complexity to the network of myogenic regulators. Curr. Opin. Genet. Giant, 8: 539-544.
  • Arnold SJ, Robertson EJ, 2009. Making a commitment: Cell lineage allocation and axis patterning in the early mouse embryo. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10(2): 91–103.
  • Ayuso M, Fernández A, Núñez Y, Benítez R, Isabel B, Fernández AI, Rey AI, González-Bulnes A, Medrano JF, Cánovas A, et al. 2016. Developmental stage, muscle and genetic type modify muscle transcriptome in pigs: Effects on gene expression and regulatory factors involved in growth and metabolism. PLoS ONE 11: e0167858.
  • Bandow K, Ohnishi T, Tamura M, Semba I, Daikuhara Y 2004. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor stimulates migration of muscle precursors in developing mouse tongue. J. Cell Physiol. 201:236–243.
  • Beermann DH, Cassens RG, Hausman GJ 1978. A second look at fiber type differentiation in porcine skeletal muscle. J.Anim. Sci., 46: 125–132.
  • Bentzinger CF, Wang YX, Rudnicki MA. Building muscle: Molecular regulation of myogenesis cold spring war. Perspect. Biol. February 2 2012, 4: a008342.
  • Berri C, Godet E, Haj Hattab N, Duclos MJ 2006. Growth and differentiation of the chicken Pectoralis major muscle: Effect of genotype and early nutrition. Arch. Anim. Breed, 49:31–32.
  • Bhat NR, Zhang P, Mohanty SB 2007, p38 MAP kinase regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation with CREB as a potential target. Neurochem. Pic., 32: 293– 302.
  • Biressi S, Molinaro M, Cossu G, 2007. Cellular heterogeneity during vertebrate skeletal muscle development. Giant. Biol. 308: 281-293.
  • Braun T, Bober E, Winter B, Rosenthal N, Arnold HH 1990. Myf-6, a new member of the human gene family of myogenic factors determination: Evidence for a gene cluster on chromosome 12. EMBO J 9: 821–831
  • Braun T, Buschhausen-Denker G, Bober E, Tannich E, Arnold HH 1989. A novel human muscle factor related to but distinct from MYOD1 induces myogenic conversion in 10T1/2 fibroblasts. EMBO J 8: 701– 709.
  • Brunetti A, Goldfine ID, 1990. Role of myogenin in myoblast differentiation and its regulation by fibroblast growth factor. J. Biol. Chem, 265: 5960–5963.
  • Bryson-Richardson RJ, Currie PD, The genetics of vertebrate myogenesis, Nat. Rev. Genet. 9 August 8 2008: 632–646.
  • Buckingham M, Rigby PWJ, Gene regulatory networks and transcriptional mechanisms that control myogenesis, Dev. Cell 28 February 3 2014: 225–238.
  • Buckingham M 1992. Making muscles in mammals. Trends Genet 8: 144–148.
  • Buckingham M 2001. Skeletal muscle formation in vertebrates. Curr. Opin. Genet. Giant, 11: 440–448.
  • Bulfield G, Siller WG, Wight PA, et al. 1984. X chromosome-linked muscular dystrophy (mdx) in the mouse, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81: 1189–1192.
  • Chen AE, Ginty DD 2005, Fan CM. Protein kinase A signaling via CREB controls myogenesis induced by Wnt proteins. Nature, 433: 317–322.
  • Coles CA, Wadeson J, Leyton CP, Siddell JP, Greenwood PL, White JD, McDonagh MB 2015. Proliferation rates of bovine primary muscle cells relate to live weight and carcase weight in cattle. PLoS ONE, 10: e0124468.
  • Comai G, Tajbakhsh S 2014. Molecular and cellular regulation of skeletal myogenesis, Curr. Ball. Giant. Biol. 110:1–73.
  • Cornelison DDW, Wold BJ, 1997. Single-cell analysis of regulatory gene expression in quiescent and activated mouse skeletal muscle satellite cells. Giant. Biol. 191: 270-283.
  • Crist CG, Montarras D, Buckingham M 2012. Muscle satellite cells are primed for myogenesis but maintain quiescence with sequestration of MYF5 mrna targeted by microrna-31 in mrnp granules, Cell Stem Cell 11 July 1: 118–126.
  • Currie PD, Ingham PW, 1998. The generation and interpretation of positional information within the vertebrate myotome. Mech. Giant. 73, 321.
  • Deato MDE, Marr MT, Sottero T, Inouye C, Hu P, Tjian R, 2008. MYOD targets TAF3/TRF3 to activate myogenin transcription, Mol. Cell 32 October 1: 96– 105.
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Toplam 121 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Reviews

Godswill Arinzechukwu Iwuchukwu 0009-0001-3621-7055

Dilek Gökçek 0000-0001-8721-3380

Zeynep Özdemir 0009-0003-2726-4743

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 2 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Iwuchukwu, G. A., Gökçek, D., & Özdemir, Z. (2024). Myogenic Regulator Genes Responsible For Muscle Development in Farm Animals. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(4), 418-428.
