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Comparison of Different Linseed Genotypes Meal in Terms of Feed Value Properties

Yıl 2025, , 10 - 14, 15.01.2025


This study was conducted to determine the nutritional content and nutritive values of some varieties of linseed meal. For this purpose, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), crude ash (CA), and crude protein (CP) analyses were performed on meals obtained from 13 different linseed varieties (Clli 1423, Larkana, Milas, NewTurk, Dillman, Sari-85, Clli 1351, Clli 1370, Clli 1400, Clli 1412, Karakız, Beyaz Gelin, Noreum) in order to determine some nutritional content. Based on some data obtained from these analyses, nutritive values such as dry matter digestibility (DMD), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV), metabolizable energy (ME), and net energy for lactation (NEL) were calculated. In terms of nutritional content, the NDF, ADF, ADL, and CP contents of linseed meals were found to be significant, while the CA content was not found to be significant. The NDF, ADF, ADL, and CP contents of the meal varied within the ranges of %58.40-96.37, %18.62-35.64, %8.55-20.45, and %34.84-41.21, respectively. In terms of nutritive value characteristics, the DMD, ME, and NEL properties of linseed meal were found to be significant, while the DMI and RFV features were deemed insignificant. The DMD, ME, and NEL values of the meal varied within the ranges of %61.14-74.39, 9.35-11.91 MJ/kg, and 1.37-1.81 Mcal/kg, respectively. In conclusion, it was determined that among the linseed varieties, the highest results in terms of both nutritional content and nutritive value were provided by the NewTurk variety, while the worst results were generally observed in the Beyaz Gelin variety. However, it was concluded that the meals from all evaluated linseed varieties could be utilized in the intensive feed industry.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Anonymous. 2022. Climate data for 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 and long years measured at Hatay province meteorology station. URL: (accesed date: September 17, 2023).
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA, USA, pp: 63.
  • Atasever M, Yilmaz Ş, Ertekin I. 2020. Effects of sowing dates on forage yield and quality of cultivated some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under Amik lowland conditions. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Tar Bil Derg, 25(3): 326-340.
  • Aygün YZ, Arslan A, Mert M. 2024. Is dual-purpose flax production feasible in the Amik Plain? A preliminary study on cultivar performance and harvesting stage. MKU J Agri Sci, 29(1): 281-289.
  • Aygün YZ, Mert M. 2022. Determination of yield characters of some linseed (Linum usitatissimum) cultivars under rainfed condition in Eastern Mediterranean. J Appl Biol Sci, 16(3): 527-536.
  • Brand TS, De Brabander L, Van Schalkwyk SJ, Pfister B, Hays P. 2000. The true metabolisable energy content of canola oilcake meal and full-fat canola seed for ostriches (Struthio camelus). British Poultry Sci, 41(2): 201-203.
  • Cordeiro CN, Freitas ER, Nepomuceno RC, Pinheiro SG, Souza DH, Watanabe GCA, Watanabe PH. 2022. Nutritional Composition, Metabolisable Energy and Total Use of Sunflower Seed Cake for Meat Quail. Brazilian J Poultry Sci, 24: eRBCA-2021.
  • Genç S, Soysal Mİ. 2018. Parametric and nonparametric post hoc tests. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 18-27.
  • He Y, Mouthier TM, Kabel MA, Dijkstra J, Hendriks WH, Struik PC, Cone JW. 2018. Lignin composition is more important than content for maize stem cell wall degradation. J Sci Food Agri, 98(1): 384-390.
  • Jančík F, Kubelková P, Kubát V, Koukolová M, Homolka P. 2017. Effects of drying procedures on chemical composition and nutritive value of alfalfa forage. South African J Anim Sci, 47(1): 96-101.
  • Katok-Öztürk G. 2020. Comparison of canola meal obtained from extrude (cold presion) and extraction (solvent) method about macro and micro nutrient content. MSc Thesis, Van Yüzüncüyıl University, Institute of Science, Van, Türkiye, pp: 48.
  • Mert M. 2020. Lif bitkileri (üçüncü baskı). Nobel Yayınları, İstanbul, Türkiye, pp: 448.
  • Muir AD, Westcott ND, editors. 2003. Flax: The genus Linum. Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 320.
  • Nykter M, Kymäläinen HR, Gates F. 2006. Quality characteristics of edible linseed oil. Agri Food Sci, 15(4): 402-413.
  • Onat B, Arıoğlu H, Güllüoğlu L, Kurt C, Bakal H. 2017. Oil seeds and crude oil production in the world and in Turkey. KSÜ Doğa Bil Derg, 20: 149-153.
  • Şahin E, Nursoy H, Terlemez F. 2018. The products of canola (Brassica napus L.) used in animal nutrition and production of these products. Türk Doğa Fen Derg, 7(2): 30-35.
  • Tekce E, Gül M. 2014. The importance of NDF and ADF in ruminant nutrition. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 9(1): 63-73.
  • Tripathi V, Abidi AB, Marker S, Bilal S. 2013. Linseed and linseed oil: health benefits—a review. Int J Pharm Biol Sci, 3(3): 434-442.
  • Van Dyke NJ, Anderson PM. 2002. Interpreting a forage analysis. Alabama Cooperative Extension, Circular ANR-890, Alabama, USA, pp: 142.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Willis S. 2003. The use of soybean meal and full fat soybean meal by the animal feed industry. In: Proceedings of the 12th Australian Soybean Conference, March 5-6, Toowoomba, Australia, pp: 87.
  • Yavuz M. 2005. Deterjan lif sistemi. J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpaşa Univ, 2005(1): 93-96.
  • Yılmaz Ş, Hür N, Ertekin İ. 2018. Determination of forage yield and quality in some selected bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. dactylon] lines. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 23(2): 232-241.
  • Zuk M, Richter D, Matuła J, Szopa J. 2015. Linseed: the multipurpose plant. Indust Crops Prod, 75: 165-177.
Yıl 2025, , 10 - 14, 15.01.2025



  • Anonymous. 2022. Climate data for 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 and long years measured at Hatay province meteorology station. URL: (accesed date: September 17, 2023).
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA, USA, pp: 63.
  • Atasever M, Yilmaz Ş, Ertekin I. 2020. Effects of sowing dates on forage yield and quality of cultivated some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under Amik lowland conditions. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Tar Bil Derg, 25(3): 326-340.
  • Aygün YZ, Arslan A, Mert M. 2024. Is dual-purpose flax production feasible in the Amik Plain? A preliminary study on cultivar performance and harvesting stage. MKU J Agri Sci, 29(1): 281-289.
  • Aygün YZ, Mert M. 2022. Determination of yield characters of some linseed (Linum usitatissimum) cultivars under rainfed condition in Eastern Mediterranean. J Appl Biol Sci, 16(3): 527-536.
  • Brand TS, De Brabander L, Van Schalkwyk SJ, Pfister B, Hays P. 2000. The true metabolisable energy content of canola oilcake meal and full-fat canola seed for ostriches (Struthio camelus). British Poultry Sci, 41(2): 201-203.
  • Cordeiro CN, Freitas ER, Nepomuceno RC, Pinheiro SG, Souza DH, Watanabe GCA, Watanabe PH. 2022. Nutritional Composition, Metabolisable Energy and Total Use of Sunflower Seed Cake for Meat Quail. Brazilian J Poultry Sci, 24: eRBCA-2021.
  • Genç S, Soysal Mİ. 2018. Parametric and nonparametric post hoc tests. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 18-27.
  • He Y, Mouthier TM, Kabel MA, Dijkstra J, Hendriks WH, Struik PC, Cone JW. 2018. Lignin composition is more important than content for maize stem cell wall degradation. J Sci Food Agri, 98(1): 384-390.
  • Jančík F, Kubelková P, Kubát V, Koukolová M, Homolka P. 2017. Effects of drying procedures on chemical composition and nutritive value of alfalfa forage. South African J Anim Sci, 47(1): 96-101.
  • Katok-Öztürk G. 2020. Comparison of canola meal obtained from extrude (cold presion) and extraction (solvent) method about macro and micro nutrient content. MSc Thesis, Van Yüzüncüyıl University, Institute of Science, Van, Türkiye, pp: 48.
  • Mert M. 2020. Lif bitkileri (üçüncü baskı). Nobel Yayınları, İstanbul, Türkiye, pp: 448.
  • Muir AD, Westcott ND, editors. 2003. Flax: The genus Linum. Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 320.
  • Nykter M, Kymäläinen HR, Gates F. 2006. Quality characteristics of edible linseed oil. Agri Food Sci, 15(4): 402-413.
  • Onat B, Arıoğlu H, Güllüoğlu L, Kurt C, Bakal H. 2017. Oil seeds and crude oil production in the world and in Turkey. KSÜ Doğa Bil Derg, 20: 149-153.
  • Şahin E, Nursoy H, Terlemez F. 2018. The products of canola (Brassica napus L.) used in animal nutrition and production of these products. Türk Doğa Fen Derg, 7(2): 30-35.
  • Tekce E, Gül M. 2014. The importance of NDF and ADF in ruminant nutrition. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 9(1): 63-73.
  • Tripathi V, Abidi AB, Marker S, Bilal S. 2013. Linseed and linseed oil: health benefits—a review. Int J Pharm Biol Sci, 3(3): 434-442.
  • Van Dyke NJ, Anderson PM. 2002. Interpreting a forage analysis. Alabama Cooperative Extension, Circular ANR-890, Alabama, USA, pp: 142.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Willis S. 2003. The use of soybean meal and full fat soybean meal by the animal feed industry. In: Proceedings of the 12th Australian Soybean Conference, March 5-6, Toowoomba, Australia, pp: 87.
  • Yavuz M. 2005. Deterjan lif sistemi. J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpaşa Univ, 2005(1): 93-96.
  • Yılmaz Ş, Hür N, Ertekin İ. 2018. Determination of forage yield and quality in some selected bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. dactylon] lines. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 23(2): 232-241.
  • Zuk M, Richter D, Matuła J, Szopa J. 2015. Linseed: the multipurpose plant. Indust Crops Prod, 75: 165-177.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

İbrahim Ertekin 0000-0003-1393-8084

Yusuf Ziya Aygün 0000-0001-9842-006X

Mehmet Mert 0000-0002-0457-0532

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertekin, İ., Aygün, Y. Z., & Mert, M. (2025). Comparison of Different Linseed Genotypes Meal in Terms of Feed Value Properties. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(1), 10-14.
