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Economic Evaluation of Broiler Diets Supplemented with Either Selected Herbs or Their Associated Essential Oils

Yıl 2025, , 1 - 9, 15.01.2025


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in incorporating phytogenic feed additives (PFAs) into broiler chicken diets as potential alternatives to traditional growth-promoting additives. This study evaluated the economics of individually incorporating either six different dried herbs or their essential oils into broiler diets: chamomile, rosemary, lavender, oregano, thyme, and St. John's wort. A total of 390 day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly divided into 13 groups of 30 chicks with three replicates (10 chicks/replicate). One group received a basal diet (control group), while the others received a basal diet supplemented with 2% of each dried herb (E1-E6 groups) or 0.02% of their essential oils (E7-E12 groups) for 39 days. The parameters measured were feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed costs, economic efficiency and European Broiler Index (EBI). The results showed better economic efficiency with 2% dried St. John's wort herb, as well as 0.02% St. John's wort, rosemary, thyme or lavender essential oils compared to the other treatments (P<0.05), but not compared to the control group (P>0.05). Unsatisfactory results were observed with dry lavender herb and essential oils of chamomile or oregano, which resulted in a significant decrease in net income and economic efficiency due to higher feed costs per kilogram live weight (P<0.05). EBI values were not significantly increased in any of the treated groups compared to the control group (P>0.05). These results suggest that while certain PFAs can improve economic efficiency, their overall effect is variable and some may not outperform traditional growth promoters.

Etik Beyan

The authors confirm that the ethical policies of the journal, as noted on the journal's author guidelines page, have been adhered to. All procedures, including the use of birds, management and care, were in compliance with the European Council Directive regulations on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (2010/63/EU), and national protocol (approval date: November 01, 2012, protocol code: 20).

Proje Numarası

project “Opportunities for obtaining functional foods from poultry”- №КП-06- Г 26/3


We are highly grateful to the Bulgarian National Science Fund for financial support.


  • Abd El-Hack ME, El-Saadony MT, Salem HM, El-Tahan AM, Soliman MM, Youssef GBA, Taha AE, Soliman SM, Ahmed AE, El-Kott AF, Al Syaad KM, Swelum AA. 2022. Alternatives to antibiotics for organic poultry production: types, modes of action and impacts on bird's health and production. Poult Sci, 101(4): 101696.
  • Adaszynska-Skwirzynska M, Szczerbinska D. 2018. The effect of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil as a drinking water supplement on the production performance, blood biochemical parameters, and ileal microflora in broiler chickens Poult Sci, 98: 358-365.
  • Adhikari P, Kiess A, Adhikari R, Jha R. 2020. An approach to alternative strategies to control avian coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis. J Appl Poult Res, 29: 515-534.
  • Alagawany M, El-Saadony MT, Elnesr SS, Farahat M, Attia G, Madkour M, Reda FM. 2021. Use of lemongrass essential oil as a feed additive in quail's nutrition: its effect on growth, carcass, blood biochemistry, antioxidant and immunological indices, diges- tive enzymes and intestinal microbiota. Poult Sci, 100(6): 101172.
  • Arczewska-Wlosek A, Swiatkiewicz S. 2012. The effect of a dietary herbal extract blend on the performance of broilers challenged with Eimeria oocysts. J Anim Feed Sci, 21(1): 133– 142.
  • Ayalew H, Zhang H, Wang J, Wu S, Qiu K, Qi G, Tekeste A, Wassie T, Chanie D. 2022. Potential feed additives as antibiotic alternatives in broiler production. Front Vet Sci, 9: 916473.
  • Behboodi HR, Sedaghat A, Baradaran A, Nazarpak HH. 2021. The effects of the mixture of betaine, vitamin C, St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), lavender, and Melissa officinalis on performance and some physiological parameters in broiler chickens exposed to heat stress. Poult Sci, 100(9): 101344.
  • Chowdhury S, Mandal GP, Patra AK. 2018. Different essential oils in diets of chickens: 1. Growth performance, nutrient utilisation, nitrogen excretion, carcass traits and chemical composition of meat. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 236: 86-97.
  • Dada R, Toghyani M, Tabeidian SA. 2015. The effect of chamomile flower (Matricaria chamomilla) extract and powder as growth promoter on growth performance and digestive organs of broiler chickens. Res Opin Anim Vet Sci 5: 290-294.
  • El-Ashram S, Abdelhafez GA. 2020. Effects of phytogenic supplementation on productive performance of broiler chickens. J Appl Poult Res, 29: 852-862.
  • EL-Faham AI, Nematallah GMA, Hayam MAA. El-Maaty. 2014. Effect of using some natural feed additives to substitute antibiotic growth promoters on performance and blood parameters of broilers. Egypt Poult Sci J, 34(3): 735-750.
  • El-Shhat A, Ragab M, Shazly S, Fawzy A, Seif-El Naser M. 2021. Effect of dietary addition of chamomile flower (Matericaria chamomilla L.) powder on productive performance, hatching traits and economic efficiency of Sudani duck breeders. J Anim Poult Prod, 12(3): 119-124.
  • Gad HA, EL-Shhat AM, Hamed BM. 2018. The effect of addition of chamomile flowers powder Sudani duckling diets during growing period on growth performance, blood parameters and economic efficiency. Egypt Poult Sci J, 38(3): 861-876
  • Galli G, Gerbet R, Griss L, Fortuoso B, Petrolli T, Boiago M, Souza C, Baldissera M, Mesadri J, Wagner R, da Rosa G, Mendes R, Gris A, Da Silva A. 2020. Combination of herbal components (curcumin, carvacrol, thymol, cinnamaldehyde) in broiler chicken feed: Impacts on response parameters, performance, fatty acid profiles, meat quality and control of coccidia and bacteria. Microb Pathog, 139: 103916.
  • Giannenas I, Bonos E, Christaki E., Florou-Paneri P. 2013. Essential oils and their applications in animal nutrition. Med Aromat Plants, 2: 1-12.
  • Giannenas I, Bonos E, Skoufos I, Tzora A, Stylianaki I, Lazari D, Tsinas A, Christaki E, Florou-Paneri P. 2018. Effect of herbal feed additives on performance parameters, intestinal microbiota, intestinal morphology and meat lipid oxidation of broiler chickens. Br Poult Sci, 59(5): 545–553.
  • Hassan FAM, Awad A. 2017. Impact of thyme powder (Thymus vulgaris L.) supplementation on gene expression profiles of cytokines and economic efficiency of broiler diets. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 24(18): 15816-15826.
  • Hippenstiel F, Abdel-Wareth A, Kehraus S, Südekum K. 2011. Effects of selected herbs and essential oils, and their active components on feed intake and performance of broilers–a review. Arch Geflügelk, 75(4): 226-234.
  • Ibrahim ShA, El Ghamry AA, El Allawy HM, Ali FA, Magrabi N. 2014. The effect of chamomile flower as feed additive on fat deposition in certain subcutaneous tissues, carcass quality and growth performance in Pekin duck. Global Vet, 13(5): 767-773.
  • İlhan Z, Zengin M, Bacaksız OK, Demir E, Ekin IH, Azman MA. 2024. Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John's Wort) in broilers diet improve growth performance, intestinal microflora and immunity, Poult Sci, 103(12): 104419.
  • Ismail F, Chaudhry AS, Edwards S. 2017. Effect of dietary dried oregano leaves supplementation on broiler performance. 6th International congress on food, agricultural, biological and medical sciences (FABMS), May 17-18, Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Jin LZ, Dersjant-Li Y, Giannenas I. 2020. Application of aromatic plants and their extracts in diets of broiler chickens. In: Feed Additives, Chapter 10, Academic Press, Washington, US, pp: 159-185.
  • Kadhim MJ. 2018. Influence of different levels of Rosemary leafs powder supplementation on some productive traits of broiler chicken Ross strain, J Univ Babylon Pure Appl Sci, 26(8): 77-83.
  • Mahasneh ZMH, Abuajamieh M, Abedal-Majed MA, Al-Qaisi M, Abdelqader A, Al-Fataftah AA. 2024. Effects of medical plants on alleviating the effects of heat stress on chickens. Poult Sci, 103(3): 103391.
  • Marcu A, Vacaru-Opriş I, Dumitrescu G, Ciochină L, Marcu A, Nicula M. 2013. The Influence of genetics on economic efficiency of broiler chickens growth. Anim Sci Biotechnol, 46: 339-346.
  • Mohamed MA, Hassan HMA. 2023. Phytogenic substances as safe growth promoters in poultry nutrition. Int J Vet Sci, 12(1): 89-100.
  • Moustafa N, Aziza A, Orma O, Ibrahim T. 2020. Effect of supplementation of broiler diets with essential oils on growth performance, antioxidant status, and general health. Mansoura Vet Med J, 21(1): 14-20.
  • NRC. 1994. Nutrient requirements of poultry. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, US, pp: 157.
  • Oleforuh-Okoleh VU, Chukwu GC, Adeolu AI. 2014. Effect of ground ginger and garlic on the growth performance, carcass quality and economics of production of broiler chickens. Glob J Biosci Biotechnol, 3(3): 225-229.
  • Omar J, Hejazi A, Badran R. 2016. Performance of broilers supplemented with natural herb extract. Open J Animal Sci, 6(1): 68-74.
  • Osman M, Yakout H, Motawe H, El-Arab WE. 2010. Productive, physiological, immunological and economical effects of supplementing natural feed additives to broiler diets. Egypt Poult Sci J, 30(1): 25-53.
  • Phillips CJC, Hosseintabar-Ghasemabad B, Gorlov IF, Slozhenkina MI, Mosolov AA, Seidavi A. 2023. Immunomodulatory effects of natural feed additives for meat chickens. Life, 13(6): 1287.
  • Popović S, Puvača N, Kostadinović L, Džinić N, Bošnjak J, Vasiljević M, Đuragić O. 2016. Effects of dietary essential oils on productive performance, blood lipid profile, enzyme activity and immunological response of broiler chickens. Europ Poult Sci, 80.
  • Puvača N, Brkić I, Jahić M, Roljević Nikolić S, Radović G, Ivanišević D, Đokić M, Bošković D, Ilić D, Brkanlić S, Prodanović R. 2020. The effect of using natural or biotic dietary supplements in poultry nutrition on the effectiveness of meat production. Sustainability, 12(11): 4373.
  • Puvača N, Ljubojević D, Kostadinović LJ, Lević J, Nikolova N, Miščević B, Könyves T, Lukač D, Popović S. 2015. Spices and herbs in broilers nutrition: hot red pepper (CapsicumAnnuum L.) and its mode of action. World’s Poult Sci J, 71(4): 683-688.
  • Puvača N, Tufarelli V, Giannenas I. 2022. Essential oils in broiler chicken production, immunity and meat quality: Review of Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare, and Rosmarinus officinalis. Agriculture, 12: 874.
  • Ri CS, Jiang XR, Kim MH, Wang J, Zhang HJ, Wu SG, Bontempo V, Qi GH. 2017. Effects of dietary oregano powder supplementation on the growth performance, antioxidant status and meat quality of broiler chicks. Ital J Anim Sci, 16(2): 246-252.
  • Salama AM, Belih SS, Khedr NE. 2023. Influence of dietary oregano plant extract supplementation on growth performance and economic efficiency of broiler chicks. Benha Vet Med J, 44: 15-19.
  • Samarakoon SMR, Samarasinghe K. 2012. Strategies to improve the cost effectiveness of broiler production. Trop Agric Res, 23(4): 338-346.
  • Señas-Cuesta R, Stein A, Latorre JD, Maynard CJ, Hernandez-Velasco X, Petrone-Garcia V, Greene ES, Coles M, Gray L, Laverty L, Martin K, Loeza I, Uribe AJ, Martínez BC, Angel-Isaza JA, Graham D, Owens CM, Hargis BM,Tellez-Isaias G. 2023. The effects of essential oil from Lippia origanoides and herbal betaine on performance, intestinal integrity, bone mineralization and meat quality in broiler chickens subjected to cyclic heat stress. Front Physiol, 14: 1184636.
  • Shahin SE, Ibrahim D, Badawi M. 2020. Effects of phytogenic supplementation on productive and economic performance in broilers. J Anim Health Prod, 9(s1): 42-49.
  • Singh VB, Singh VK, Tiwari D, Gautam S, Devi R, Singh SP, Chaturvedi S, Singh P. 2018. Effect of a phytogenic feed additive supplemented diet on economic efficiency and cost of production of broiler chickens. Int J Curr Microbiol Appl Sci, 7: 2831-2837.
  • Vlaicu PA, Untea AE, Turcu RP,Saracila M, Panaite TD, Cornescu GM. 2022. Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds of basil, thyme and sage plant additives and their functionality on broiler thigh meat quality. Foods, 11: 1105.
  • Wang P, Wei Q, Zhang C, Pan H, Li J, Ji P, Ma Y, Dou T, Wang Y, Li Q, An Q. 2024. Effect of rosemary on growth performance, meat quality, fatty acid content, intestinal flora, and antioxidant capacity of broilers. Animals, 14(17): 2480
  • Yesilbag D, Gezen SS, Bıricik H, Meral Y. 2013. Effects of dietary rosemary and oregano volatile oil mixture on quail performance, egg traits and egg oxidative stability. Brit Poultry Sci, 54: 231-237.
Yıl 2025, , 1 - 9, 15.01.2025


Proje Numarası

project “Opportunities for obtaining functional foods from poultry”- №КП-06- Г 26/3


  • Abd El-Hack ME, El-Saadony MT, Salem HM, El-Tahan AM, Soliman MM, Youssef GBA, Taha AE, Soliman SM, Ahmed AE, El-Kott AF, Al Syaad KM, Swelum AA. 2022. Alternatives to antibiotics for organic poultry production: types, modes of action and impacts on bird's health and production. Poult Sci, 101(4): 101696.
  • Adaszynska-Skwirzynska M, Szczerbinska D. 2018. The effect of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil as a drinking water supplement on the production performance, blood biochemical parameters, and ileal microflora in broiler chickens Poult Sci, 98: 358-365.
  • Adhikari P, Kiess A, Adhikari R, Jha R. 2020. An approach to alternative strategies to control avian coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis. J Appl Poult Res, 29: 515-534.
  • Alagawany M, El-Saadony MT, Elnesr SS, Farahat M, Attia G, Madkour M, Reda FM. 2021. Use of lemongrass essential oil as a feed additive in quail's nutrition: its effect on growth, carcass, blood biochemistry, antioxidant and immunological indices, diges- tive enzymes and intestinal microbiota. Poult Sci, 100(6): 101172.
  • Arczewska-Wlosek A, Swiatkiewicz S. 2012. The effect of a dietary herbal extract blend on the performance of broilers challenged with Eimeria oocysts. J Anim Feed Sci, 21(1): 133– 142.
  • Ayalew H, Zhang H, Wang J, Wu S, Qiu K, Qi G, Tekeste A, Wassie T, Chanie D. 2022. Potential feed additives as antibiotic alternatives in broiler production. Front Vet Sci, 9: 916473.
  • Behboodi HR, Sedaghat A, Baradaran A, Nazarpak HH. 2021. The effects of the mixture of betaine, vitamin C, St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), lavender, and Melissa officinalis on performance and some physiological parameters in broiler chickens exposed to heat stress. Poult Sci, 100(9): 101344.
  • Chowdhury S, Mandal GP, Patra AK. 2018. Different essential oils in diets of chickens: 1. Growth performance, nutrient utilisation, nitrogen excretion, carcass traits and chemical composition of meat. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 236: 86-97.
  • Dada R, Toghyani M, Tabeidian SA. 2015. The effect of chamomile flower (Matricaria chamomilla) extract and powder as growth promoter on growth performance and digestive organs of broiler chickens. Res Opin Anim Vet Sci 5: 290-294.
  • El-Ashram S, Abdelhafez GA. 2020. Effects of phytogenic supplementation on productive performance of broiler chickens. J Appl Poult Res, 29: 852-862.
  • EL-Faham AI, Nematallah GMA, Hayam MAA. El-Maaty. 2014. Effect of using some natural feed additives to substitute antibiotic growth promoters on performance and blood parameters of broilers. Egypt Poult Sci J, 34(3): 735-750.
  • El-Shhat A, Ragab M, Shazly S, Fawzy A, Seif-El Naser M. 2021. Effect of dietary addition of chamomile flower (Matericaria chamomilla L.) powder on productive performance, hatching traits and economic efficiency of Sudani duck breeders. J Anim Poult Prod, 12(3): 119-124.
  • Gad HA, EL-Shhat AM, Hamed BM. 2018. The effect of addition of chamomile flowers powder Sudani duckling diets during growing period on growth performance, blood parameters and economic efficiency. Egypt Poult Sci J, 38(3): 861-876
  • Galli G, Gerbet R, Griss L, Fortuoso B, Petrolli T, Boiago M, Souza C, Baldissera M, Mesadri J, Wagner R, da Rosa G, Mendes R, Gris A, Da Silva A. 2020. Combination of herbal components (curcumin, carvacrol, thymol, cinnamaldehyde) in broiler chicken feed: Impacts on response parameters, performance, fatty acid profiles, meat quality and control of coccidia and bacteria. Microb Pathog, 139: 103916.
  • Giannenas I, Bonos E, Christaki E., Florou-Paneri P. 2013. Essential oils and their applications in animal nutrition. Med Aromat Plants, 2: 1-12.
  • Giannenas I, Bonos E, Skoufos I, Tzora A, Stylianaki I, Lazari D, Tsinas A, Christaki E, Florou-Paneri P. 2018. Effect of herbal feed additives on performance parameters, intestinal microbiota, intestinal morphology and meat lipid oxidation of broiler chickens. Br Poult Sci, 59(5): 545–553.
  • Hassan FAM, Awad A. 2017. Impact of thyme powder (Thymus vulgaris L.) supplementation on gene expression profiles of cytokines and economic efficiency of broiler diets. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 24(18): 15816-15826.
  • Hippenstiel F, Abdel-Wareth A, Kehraus S, Südekum K. 2011. Effects of selected herbs and essential oils, and their active components on feed intake and performance of broilers–a review. Arch Geflügelk, 75(4): 226-234.
  • Ibrahim ShA, El Ghamry AA, El Allawy HM, Ali FA, Magrabi N. 2014. The effect of chamomile flower as feed additive on fat deposition in certain subcutaneous tissues, carcass quality and growth performance in Pekin duck. Global Vet, 13(5): 767-773.
  • İlhan Z, Zengin M, Bacaksız OK, Demir E, Ekin IH, Azman MA. 2024. Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John's Wort) in broilers diet improve growth performance, intestinal microflora and immunity, Poult Sci, 103(12): 104419.
  • Ismail F, Chaudhry AS, Edwards S. 2017. Effect of dietary dried oregano leaves supplementation on broiler performance. 6th International congress on food, agricultural, biological and medical sciences (FABMS), May 17-18, Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Jin LZ, Dersjant-Li Y, Giannenas I. 2020. Application of aromatic plants and their extracts in diets of broiler chickens. In: Feed Additives, Chapter 10, Academic Press, Washington, US, pp: 159-185.
  • Kadhim MJ. 2018. Influence of different levels of Rosemary leafs powder supplementation on some productive traits of broiler chicken Ross strain, J Univ Babylon Pure Appl Sci, 26(8): 77-83.
  • Mahasneh ZMH, Abuajamieh M, Abedal-Majed MA, Al-Qaisi M, Abdelqader A, Al-Fataftah AA. 2024. Effects of medical plants on alleviating the effects of heat stress on chickens. Poult Sci, 103(3): 103391.
  • Marcu A, Vacaru-Opriş I, Dumitrescu G, Ciochină L, Marcu A, Nicula M. 2013. The Influence of genetics on economic efficiency of broiler chickens growth. Anim Sci Biotechnol, 46: 339-346.
  • Mohamed MA, Hassan HMA. 2023. Phytogenic substances as safe growth promoters in poultry nutrition. Int J Vet Sci, 12(1): 89-100.
  • Moustafa N, Aziza A, Orma O, Ibrahim T. 2020. Effect of supplementation of broiler diets with essential oils on growth performance, antioxidant status, and general health. Mansoura Vet Med J, 21(1): 14-20.
  • NRC. 1994. Nutrient requirements of poultry. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, US, pp: 157.
  • Oleforuh-Okoleh VU, Chukwu GC, Adeolu AI. 2014. Effect of ground ginger and garlic on the growth performance, carcass quality and economics of production of broiler chickens. Glob J Biosci Biotechnol, 3(3): 225-229.
  • Omar J, Hejazi A, Badran R. 2016. Performance of broilers supplemented with natural herb extract. Open J Animal Sci, 6(1): 68-74.
  • Osman M, Yakout H, Motawe H, El-Arab WE. 2010. Productive, physiological, immunological and economical effects of supplementing natural feed additives to broiler diets. Egypt Poult Sci J, 30(1): 25-53.
  • Phillips CJC, Hosseintabar-Ghasemabad B, Gorlov IF, Slozhenkina MI, Mosolov AA, Seidavi A. 2023. Immunomodulatory effects of natural feed additives for meat chickens. Life, 13(6): 1287.
  • Popović S, Puvača N, Kostadinović L, Džinić N, Bošnjak J, Vasiljević M, Đuragić O. 2016. Effects of dietary essential oils on productive performance, blood lipid profile, enzyme activity and immunological response of broiler chickens. Europ Poult Sci, 80.
  • Puvača N, Brkić I, Jahić M, Roljević Nikolić S, Radović G, Ivanišević D, Đokić M, Bošković D, Ilić D, Brkanlić S, Prodanović R. 2020. The effect of using natural or biotic dietary supplements in poultry nutrition on the effectiveness of meat production. Sustainability, 12(11): 4373.
  • Puvača N, Ljubojević D, Kostadinović LJ, Lević J, Nikolova N, Miščević B, Könyves T, Lukač D, Popović S. 2015. Spices and herbs in broilers nutrition: hot red pepper (CapsicumAnnuum L.) and its mode of action. World’s Poult Sci J, 71(4): 683-688.
  • Puvača N, Tufarelli V, Giannenas I. 2022. Essential oils in broiler chicken production, immunity and meat quality: Review of Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare, and Rosmarinus officinalis. Agriculture, 12: 874.
  • Ri CS, Jiang XR, Kim MH, Wang J, Zhang HJ, Wu SG, Bontempo V, Qi GH. 2017. Effects of dietary oregano powder supplementation on the growth performance, antioxidant status and meat quality of broiler chicks. Ital J Anim Sci, 16(2): 246-252.
  • Salama AM, Belih SS, Khedr NE. 2023. Influence of dietary oregano plant extract supplementation on growth performance and economic efficiency of broiler chicks. Benha Vet Med J, 44: 15-19.
  • Samarakoon SMR, Samarasinghe K. 2012. Strategies to improve the cost effectiveness of broiler production. Trop Agric Res, 23(4): 338-346.
  • Señas-Cuesta R, Stein A, Latorre JD, Maynard CJ, Hernandez-Velasco X, Petrone-Garcia V, Greene ES, Coles M, Gray L, Laverty L, Martin K, Loeza I, Uribe AJ, Martínez BC, Angel-Isaza JA, Graham D, Owens CM, Hargis BM,Tellez-Isaias G. 2023. The effects of essential oil from Lippia origanoides and herbal betaine on performance, intestinal integrity, bone mineralization and meat quality in broiler chickens subjected to cyclic heat stress. Front Physiol, 14: 1184636.
  • Shahin SE, Ibrahim D, Badawi M. 2020. Effects of phytogenic supplementation on productive and economic performance in broilers. J Anim Health Prod, 9(s1): 42-49.
  • Singh VB, Singh VK, Tiwari D, Gautam S, Devi R, Singh SP, Chaturvedi S, Singh P. 2018. Effect of a phytogenic feed additive supplemented diet on economic efficiency and cost of production of broiler chickens. Int J Curr Microbiol Appl Sci, 7: 2831-2837.
  • Vlaicu PA, Untea AE, Turcu RP,Saracila M, Panaite TD, Cornescu GM. 2022. Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds of basil, thyme and sage plant additives and their functionality on broiler thigh meat quality. Foods, 11: 1105.
  • Wang P, Wei Q, Zhang C, Pan H, Li J, Ji P, Ma Y, Dou T, Wang Y, Li Q, An Q. 2024. Effect of rosemary on growth performance, meat quality, fatty acid content, intestinal flora, and antioxidant capacity of broilers. Animals, 14(17): 2480
  • Yesilbag D, Gezen SS, Bıricik H, Meral Y. 2013. Effects of dietary rosemary and oregano volatile oil mixture on quail performance, egg traits and egg oxidative stability. Brit Poultry Sci, 54: 231-237.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Nadya Mincheva 0000-0002-0444-1255

Magdalena Oblakova 0000-0001-5746-7267

Ivelina Ivanova 0000-0002-9899-0684

Pavlina Hristakieva 0000-0002-4981-4991

Proje Numarası project “Opportunities for obtaining functional foods from poultry”- №КП-06- Г 26/3
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Mincheva, N., Oblakova, M., Ivanova, I., Hristakieva, P. (2025). Economic Evaluation of Broiler Diets Supplemented with Either Selected Herbs or Their Associated Essential Oils. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(1), 1-9.
