Influence of Prebiotic Immunobeta and the Combination Immunobeta + Zoovit Probiotic on Blood Biochemical Parameters in Ile-de-France Lambs
Yıl 2024,
, 758 - 765, 15.11.2024
Nikolay Ivanov
Ivan Slavov
Stayka Laleva
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of the addition of prebiotic Immunobeta and probiotic Zoovit on the biochemical parameters of blood in Ile-de-France lambs. The research was carried out at the Agricultural Institute - Stara Zagora. It includes a total of 45 Ile de France lambs, divided into three groups of 15 - one control and two experimental. The groups were formed by the method of analogues, equalized by live weight at the beginning of the experiment, type of birth and sex. The animals of the I experimental group received 8 g of the prebiotic Immunobeta individually once a day, and those of the II experimental group the same amount of prebiotic with the addition of 4 g of the Zoovit probiotic. Blood for the study of 8 animals from each group was taken at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. In the indicators of albumin, urea, glucose, cholesterol, creatinine and bilirubin, significant differences were reported after the addition of the prebiotic Immunobeta compared to those at the beginning of the trial. A significant decrease in albumin (P<0.05), glucose (P<0.001), cholesterol (P=0.001), bilirubin (P<0.001) and increase in urea and creatinine levels (P<0.01) were found after administration of prebiotic Immunobeta and a tendency to decrease total protein (P<0.10). The addition of prebiotic Immunobeta + prebiotic Zoovit to the ration of lambs leads to a significant decrease in the values of albumin (P<0.05), glucose (P=0.012), cholesterol (P<0.001), bilirubin (P<0.001), alanine aminotransferase (P<0.05), increase in urea (P<0.001), urea/creatinine ratio (P<0.05) and tendency to increase in creatinine (P<0.10) after taking the combination prebiotic Immunobeta + probiotic Zoovit. A trend towards a decrease in cholesterol levels was found in the group receiving the prebiotic Immunobeta. An unproven tendency to increase the level of alkaline phosphatase was found in lambs receiving Immunobeta + Zoovit. A trend towards a higher globulin level was found in the control group of lambs.
Etik Beyan
All ethical norms have been observed
Destekleyen Kurum
Agricultural Academy
Proje Numarası
project No. КП06ПН76/42 , financed by the Scientific Research Fund
We express our gratitude to the Scientific Research Fund for the funds provided for conducting the research
- Abdel-Salam AM, Zeitoun MM, Abdelsalam MM. 2014. Effect of symbiotic supplementation on growth performance, blood metabolites, insulin and testosterone and wool traits of growing lambs. J Biol Sci, 14(4): 292-298.
- Abdullah MN, Almallah OD, Shihab SL, Saleh NN.2022. Effect of feeding reed with the addition mixture of enzymes and probiotic on body weight change and some blood mesurements in awassi ewes. Mesop J Agri, 50(1): 33-40.
- Abed HR, AL-Zwean DH. 2018. Effect of adding Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or probiotic as dietary supplementation in some biochemical traits of local Awassi male lambs. Anim Vet Sci, 6(12): 537-541.
- Abreu R, Semedo-Lemsaddek T, Cunha E, Tavares L, Oliveira M. 2023. Antimicrobial drug resistance in poultry production: Current status and innovative strategies for bacterial control. Microorganisms, 11(4): 953.
- Al-Shaar NM, Al-Juwari MF, Saadi AM, Almallah OD. 2023. Impact of some enzymes and probiotic mixture on milk production, components and some blood traits in Awassi ewes. Bulg J Agri Sci, 29(6): 1137-1142.
- Ayala-Monter M, A., Hernández-Sánchez D, González-Muñoz S, Pinto-Ruiz R, Martínez-Aispuro J A, Torres-Salado N, Herrera-Pérez J, Gloria-Trujillo A. 2019. Growth performance and health of nursing lambs supplemented with inulin and Lactobacillus casei. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 32(8): 1137-1144.
- Azzaz HH, Aziz HA, Farahat ESA, Murad HA. 2015. Impact of microbial feed supplements on the productive performance of lactating Nubian goats. Global Vet, 14(4): 567-575.
- Caneschi A, Bardhi A, Barbarossa A, Zaghini A. 2023. The use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine, a complex phenomenon: A narrative review. Antibiotics, 12(3): 487.
- Chashnidel Y, Bahari M, Yansari AT, Kazemifard M. 2020. The effects of dietary supplementation of prebiotic and peptide on growth performance and blood parameters in suckling Zell lambs. Small Rumin Res, 188: 106-121.
- Chen H, Guo B, Yang M, Luo J, Hu Y, Qu M, Song X. 2021. Response of growth performance, blood biochemistry indices, and rumen bacterial diversity in lambs to diets containing supplemental probiotics and Chinese medicine polysaccharides. Front Vet Sci, 8: 1-10.
- Dar AH, Singh SK, Ruhman JU, Ahmad SF. 2022. The effects of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and/or prebiotic mannan oligosaccharides on growth performance, nutrient utilization, blood metabolites, faecal bacteria, and economics of crossbred calves. Iran J Vet Res, 23(4): 322-330.
- Devyatkin V, Mishurov A, Kolodina E. 2021. Probiotic effect of Bacillus subtilis B-2998D, B-3057D, and Bacillus licheniformis B-2999D complex on sheep and lambs. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 8(1): 146-157.
- Dimova N, Baltadjieva M, Karabashev V, Laleva S, Popova Y, Slavova P, Krastanov J, Kalajdjiev G. 2013. Effect of adding of probiotic “Zoovit” at feeding of lambs from breed synthetic population Bulgarian milk. Bulg J Agri Sci, 19(Suppl 1): 98-101.
- Elaref MY, Hamdon HAM, Nayel UA, Salem AZM, Anele UY. 2020. Influence of dietary supplementation of yeast on milk composition and lactation curve behavior of Sohagi ewes, and the growth performance of their newborn lambs. Small Rumin Res, 191: 106-176.
- El-Ella AAA, Kommonna OF. 2013. Reproductive performance and blood constituents of Damascus goats as affected by yeast culture supplementation. Egypt J Sheep Goat Sci, 8(1): 171-187.
- El-Katcha MI, Soltan MA, Essi MS. 2016. Effect of Pediococcus spp. supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and some blood serum biochemical changes of fattening lambs. Alexandria J Vet Sci, 49(1): 44-54.
- Elliethy МА, Abdel Fattah МА, Marwan AA. 2022. Influence of prebiotic, probiotic and synbiotic supplementation on digestibility, haemobiochemical profile and productive performance in barki lambs. Egyptian J Nutrit Feeds, 25(2): 199-210.
- El-Sayed AA, Mousa SA. 2019. Effects of administration of probiotic on body growth and hematobiochemical profile in growing Barki lambs. Compar Clin Pathol, 29: 297-303.
- Fenta MD, Gebremariam AA, Mebratu AS. 2023. Effectiveness of probiotic and combinations of probiotic with prebiotics and probiotic with rumenotorics in experimentally induced ruminal acidosis sheep. Vet Med Res Rep, 14: 63-78.
- Hussein AF. 2014. Effect of biological additives on growth indices and physiological responses of weaned Najdi ram lambs. Journal of Experimental. Biol Agri Sci, 2(6): 597-606.
- Hussein AF. 2018. Effect of probiotics on growth, some plasma biochemical parameters and immunoglobulins of growing Najdi lambs. World Vet J, 8(4): 80-89.
- Ismaeel AM, El-Far AH, Abou-Ganema II. 2010. Effect of Tonilisat and Roemin W2 supplementations on the performance of lambs. World Acad Sci Eng Technol, 47: 11-29.
- Kholif AE, Hamdon HA, Gouda GA, Kassab AY, Morsy TA, Patra AK. 2022. Feeding date-palm leaves ensiled with fibrolytic enzymes or multi-species probiotics to farafra ewes: intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, blood chemistry, milk production and milk fatty acid profile. Animals, 12(9): 1107.
- Mansilla FI, Ficoseco MCA, Miranda MH, Villar MD, Vignolo GM, Nader-Macías MEF. 2024. Effect of probiotics on the growth, blood profile, and nutritional-metabolic profile of feedlot cattle. Acad Biol, 2: 1-14.
- Mao H, Ji W, Yun Y, Zhang Y, Li Z, Wang C. 2023. Influence of probiotic supplementation on the growth performance, plasma variables, and ruminal bacterial community of growth-retarded lamb. Front Microbiol, 14: 1-12.
- Milewski С, Sobiech P. 2009. Effect of dietary supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae dried yeast on milk yield, blood biochemical and haematological indices in ewes. Bull Vet Inst Pul, 53(4): 753-758.
- Moarrab A, Ghoorchi T, Ramezanpour S, Ganji F, Koochakzadeh AR. 2016. Effect of synbiotic on performance, intestinal morphology, fecal microbial population and blood metabolites of suckling lambs. Iran J Appl Anim Sci, 6(3): 621-628.
- Mohammed HH, El-Sayed BM, Ma A. 2013. Effects of commercial feed additives on performance. J Vet Sci Med Diagn, 2: 2.
- Mousa S, Elsayed A, Marghani B, Ateya A. 2019. Effects of supplementation of Bacillus spp. on blood metabolites, antioxidant status, and gene expression pattern of selective cytokines in growing Barki lambs. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 6(3): 333-340.
- Reuben RC, Elghandour MMMY, Alqaisi O, Cone JW, Márquez O, Salem AZM. 2022. Influence of microbial probiotics on ruminant health and nutrition: sources, mode of action and implications. J Sci Food Agri, 102(4): 1319-1340.
- Saleem AM, Zanouny AI, Singer AM. 2017. Growth performance, nutrients digestibility, and blood metabolites of lambs fed diets supplemented with probiotics during pre- and post-weaning period. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 30(4): 523-530.
- Santana DAD, Machado MO, Azevedo BZ, Weber SH, Sotomaior CS, Ollhoff RD. 2023. Influence of probiotic supplementation on parasitological parameters in lambs. Vet Parasitol, 318: 109934.
- Sheikh GG, Masood D, Ganai AM, Muzamil S, Afzal Y, Ahmad HA. 2019. Effect of probiotics mix supplementation on haemato-biochemical parameters and bacterial faecal shedding in Corriedale lambs fed paddy straw based complete feed. Indian J Anim Res, 53(8): 1049-1053.
- Singer АМ, Kholif АМ, Salem MAG, El-Bordeny NE. 2023. Effect of yeast-based probiotics supplementation on the productive performance of baladi male goats under conditions of Aswan. Egypt J Nutrit Feeds, 26(3): 251-259.
- Toghdory A, Asady M, Ghoorchi T. 2022. Effect of adding different levels of synbiotic to milk on performance, digestibility, blood parameters and fecal score on Dalaq sucking lambs. J Anim Sci Res, 32(2): 31-46.
- URL1: Ordinance No 40 of 2 December 2008 on the conditions for raising of agricultural animals, considering their physiological and behavioural characteristics. (accessed date: August 31, 2024).
- Vosooghi-Poostindoz V, Foroughi AR, Delkhoroshan A, Ghaffari MH, Vakili R, Soleimani AK. 2014. Effects of different levels of protein with or without probiotics on growth performance and blood metabolite responses during pre- and post-weaning phases in male Kurdi lambs. Small Rumin Res, 117: 1-9.
- Wang H, Yu Z, Gao Z, Li Q, Qiu X, Wu F, Guan T, Cao B, Su H. 2022. Effects of compound probiotics on growth performance, rumen fermentation, blood parameters, and health status of neonatal Holstein calves. J Dairy Sci, 105(3): 2190-2200.
- Yasmin F, Alama MJ, Kabir ME, E, Maruf AA, Islam MA, Hossain MM. 2021. Influence of probiotics supplementation on growth and haemato-biochemical parameters in growing cattle. Int J Livestock Res, 11(6): 36-42.
- Yoo JY, Kim SS. 2016. Probiotics and prebiotics: Present status and future perspectives on metabolic disorders. Nutrients, 8(3): 173.
- Yuan C, Wang S, Gebeyew K, Yang X, Tang S, Zhou C, Khan N A, Tan Z, Liu Y. 2023. A low-carbon high inulin diet improves intestinal mucosal barrier function and immunity against infectious diseases in goats. Front Vet Sci, 9: 1098651.
- Zhang Y, Yao D, Huang H, Zhang M, Sun L, Su L, Zhao L, Guo Y, Jin Y. 2023. Probiotics increase intramuscular fat and improve the composition of fatty acids in Sunit sheep through the adenosine 5′-monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway. Food Sci Anim Resour, 43(5): 805-825.
- Zhou Z, Xu X, Luo D, Zhou Z, Zhang S, He R, An T, Sum Q. 2023. Effect of dietary supplementation of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum N-1 and its synergies with oligomeric isomaltose on the growth performance. Foods, 12(9): 1858.
Yıl 2024,
, 758 - 765, 15.11.2024
Nikolay Ivanov
Ivan Slavov
Stayka Laleva
Proje Numarası
project No. КП06ПН76/42 , financed by the Scientific Research Fund
- Abdel-Salam AM, Zeitoun MM, Abdelsalam MM. 2014. Effect of symbiotic supplementation on growth performance, blood metabolites, insulin and testosterone and wool traits of growing lambs. J Biol Sci, 14(4): 292-298.
- Abdullah MN, Almallah OD, Shihab SL, Saleh NN.2022. Effect of feeding reed with the addition mixture of enzymes and probiotic on body weight change and some blood mesurements in awassi ewes. Mesop J Agri, 50(1): 33-40.
- Abed HR, AL-Zwean DH. 2018. Effect of adding Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or probiotic as dietary supplementation in some biochemical traits of local Awassi male lambs. Anim Vet Sci, 6(12): 537-541.
- Abreu R, Semedo-Lemsaddek T, Cunha E, Tavares L, Oliveira M. 2023. Antimicrobial drug resistance in poultry production: Current status and innovative strategies for bacterial control. Microorganisms, 11(4): 953.
- Al-Shaar NM, Al-Juwari MF, Saadi AM, Almallah OD. 2023. Impact of some enzymes and probiotic mixture on milk production, components and some blood traits in Awassi ewes. Bulg J Agri Sci, 29(6): 1137-1142.
- Ayala-Monter M, A., Hernández-Sánchez D, González-Muñoz S, Pinto-Ruiz R, Martínez-Aispuro J A, Torres-Salado N, Herrera-Pérez J, Gloria-Trujillo A. 2019. Growth performance and health of nursing lambs supplemented with inulin and Lactobacillus casei. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 32(8): 1137-1144.
- Azzaz HH, Aziz HA, Farahat ESA, Murad HA. 2015. Impact of microbial feed supplements on the productive performance of lactating Nubian goats. Global Vet, 14(4): 567-575.
- Caneschi A, Bardhi A, Barbarossa A, Zaghini A. 2023. The use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine, a complex phenomenon: A narrative review. Antibiotics, 12(3): 487.
- Chashnidel Y, Bahari M, Yansari AT, Kazemifard M. 2020. The effects of dietary supplementation of prebiotic and peptide on growth performance and blood parameters in suckling Zell lambs. Small Rumin Res, 188: 106-121.
- Chen H, Guo B, Yang M, Luo J, Hu Y, Qu M, Song X. 2021. Response of growth performance, blood biochemistry indices, and rumen bacterial diversity in lambs to diets containing supplemental probiotics and Chinese medicine polysaccharides. Front Vet Sci, 8: 1-10.
- Dar AH, Singh SK, Ruhman JU, Ahmad SF. 2022. The effects of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and/or prebiotic mannan oligosaccharides on growth performance, nutrient utilization, blood metabolites, faecal bacteria, and economics of crossbred calves. Iran J Vet Res, 23(4): 322-330.
- Devyatkin V, Mishurov A, Kolodina E. 2021. Probiotic effect of Bacillus subtilis B-2998D, B-3057D, and Bacillus licheniformis B-2999D complex on sheep and lambs. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 8(1): 146-157.
- Dimova N, Baltadjieva M, Karabashev V, Laleva S, Popova Y, Slavova P, Krastanov J, Kalajdjiev G. 2013. Effect of adding of probiotic “Zoovit” at feeding of lambs from breed synthetic population Bulgarian milk. Bulg J Agri Sci, 19(Suppl 1): 98-101.
- Elaref MY, Hamdon HAM, Nayel UA, Salem AZM, Anele UY. 2020. Influence of dietary supplementation of yeast on milk composition and lactation curve behavior of Sohagi ewes, and the growth performance of their newborn lambs. Small Rumin Res, 191: 106-176.
- El-Ella AAA, Kommonna OF. 2013. Reproductive performance and blood constituents of Damascus goats as affected by yeast culture supplementation. Egypt J Sheep Goat Sci, 8(1): 171-187.
- El-Katcha MI, Soltan MA, Essi MS. 2016. Effect of Pediococcus spp. supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and some blood serum biochemical changes of fattening lambs. Alexandria J Vet Sci, 49(1): 44-54.
- Elliethy МА, Abdel Fattah МА, Marwan AA. 2022. Influence of prebiotic, probiotic and synbiotic supplementation on digestibility, haemobiochemical profile and productive performance in barki lambs. Egyptian J Nutrit Feeds, 25(2): 199-210.
- El-Sayed AA, Mousa SA. 2019. Effects of administration of probiotic on body growth and hematobiochemical profile in growing Barki lambs. Compar Clin Pathol, 29: 297-303.
- Fenta MD, Gebremariam AA, Mebratu AS. 2023. Effectiveness of probiotic and combinations of probiotic with prebiotics and probiotic with rumenotorics in experimentally induced ruminal acidosis sheep. Vet Med Res Rep, 14: 63-78.
- Hussein AF. 2014. Effect of biological additives on growth indices and physiological responses of weaned Najdi ram lambs. Journal of Experimental. Biol Agri Sci, 2(6): 597-606.
- Hussein AF. 2018. Effect of probiotics on growth, some plasma biochemical parameters and immunoglobulins of growing Najdi lambs. World Vet J, 8(4): 80-89.
- Ismaeel AM, El-Far AH, Abou-Ganema II. 2010. Effect of Tonilisat and Roemin W2 supplementations on the performance of lambs. World Acad Sci Eng Technol, 47: 11-29.
- Kholif AE, Hamdon HA, Gouda GA, Kassab AY, Morsy TA, Patra AK. 2022. Feeding date-palm leaves ensiled with fibrolytic enzymes or multi-species probiotics to farafra ewes: intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, blood chemistry, milk production and milk fatty acid profile. Animals, 12(9): 1107.
- Mansilla FI, Ficoseco MCA, Miranda MH, Villar MD, Vignolo GM, Nader-Macías MEF. 2024. Effect of probiotics on the growth, blood profile, and nutritional-metabolic profile of feedlot cattle. Acad Biol, 2: 1-14.
- Mao H, Ji W, Yun Y, Zhang Y, Li Z, Wang C. 2023. Influence of probiotic supplementation on the growth performance, plasma variables, and ruminal bacterial community of growth-retarded lamb. Front Microbiol, 14: 1-12.
- Milewski С, Sobiech P. 2009. Effect of dietary supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae dried yeast on milk yield, blood biochemical and haematological indices in ewes. Bull Vet Inst Pul, 53(4): 753-758.
- Moarrab A, Ghoorchi T, Ramezanpour S, Ganji F, Koochakzadeh AR. 2016. Effect of synbiotic on performance, intestinal morphology, fecal microbial population and blood metabolites of suckling lambs. Iran J Appl Anim Sci, 6(3): 621-628.
- Mohammed HH, El-Sayed BM, Ma A. 2013. Effects of commercial feed additives on performance. J Vet Sci Med Diagn, 2: 2.
- Mousa S, Elsayed A, Marghani B, Ateya A. 2019. Effects of supplementation of Bacillus spp. on blood metabolites, antioxidant status, and gene expression pattern of selective cytokines in growing Barki lambs. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 6(3): 333-340.
- Reuben RC, Elghandour MMMY, Alqaisi O, Cone JW, Márquez O, Salem AZM. 2022. Influence of microbial probiotics on ruminant health and nutrition: sources, mode of action and implications. J Sci Food Agri, 102(4): 1319-1340.
- Saleem AM, Zanouny AI, Singer AM. 2017. Growth performance, nutrients digestibility, and blood metabolites of lambs fed diets supplemented with probiotics during pre- and post-weaning period. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 30(4): 523-530.
- Santana DAD, Machado MO, Azevedo BZ, Weber SH, Sotomaior CS, Ollhoff RD. 2023. Influence of probiotic supplementation on parasitological parameters in lambs. Vet Parasitol, 318: 109934.
- Sheikh GG, Masood D, Ganai AM, Muzamil S, Afzal Y, Ahmad HA. 2019. Effect of probiotics mix supplementation on haemato-biochemical parameters and bacterial faecal shedding in Corriedale lambs fed paddy straw based complete feed. Indian J Anim Res, 53(8): 1049-1053.
- Singer АМ, Kholif АМ, Salem MAG, El-Bordeny NE. 2023. Effect of yeast-based probiotics supplementation on the productive performance of baladi male goats under conditions of Aswan. Egypt J Nutrit Feeds, 26(3): 251-259.
- Toghdory A, Asady M, Ghoorchi T. 2022. Effect of adding different levels of synbiotic to milk on performance, digestibility, blood parameters and fecal score on Dalaq sucking lambs. J Anim Sci Res, 32(2): 31-46.
- URL1: Ordinance No 40 of 2 December 2008 on the conditions for raising of agricultural animals, considering their physiological and behavioural characteristics. (accessed date: August 31, 2024).
- Vosooghi-Poostindoz V, Foroughi AR, Delkhoroshan A, Ghaffari MH, Vakili R, Soleimani AK. 2014. Effects of different levels of protein with or without probiotics on growth performance and blood metabolite responses during pre- and post-weaning phases in male Kurdi lambs. Small Rumin Res, 117: 1-9.
- Wang H, Yu Z, Gao Z, Li Q, Qiu X, Wu F, Guan T, Cao B, Su H. 2022. Effects of compound probiotics on growth performance, rumen fermentation, blood parameters, and health status of neonatal Holstein calves. J Dairy Sci, 105(3): 2190-2200.
- Yasmin F, Alama MJ, Kabir ME, E, Maruf AA, Islam MA, Hossain MM. 2021. Influence of probiotics supplementation on growth and haemato-biochemical parameters in growing cattle. Int J Livestock Res, 11(6): 36-42.
- Yoo JY, Kim SS. 2016. Probiotics and prebiotics: Present status and future perspectives on metabolic disorders. Nutrients, 8(3): 173.
- Yuan C, Wang S, Gebeyew K, Yang X, Tang S, Zhou C, Khan N A, Tan Z, Liu Y. 2023. A low-carbon high inulin diet improves intestinal mucosal barrier function and immunity against infectious diseases in goats. Front Vet Sci, 9: 1098651.
- Zhang Y, Yao D, Huang H, Zhang M, Sun L, Su L, Zhao L, Guo Y, Jin Y. 2023. Probiotics increase intramuscular fat and improve the composition of fatty acids in Sunit sheep through the adenosine 5′-monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway. Food Sci Anim Resour, 43(5): 805-825.
- Zhou Z, Xu X, Luo D, Zhou Z, Zhang S, He R, An T, Sum Q. 2023. Effect of dietary supplementation of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum N-1 and its synergies with oligomeric isomaltose on the growth performance. Foods, 12(9): 1858.