High yielding and pest resistant varieties are among the characteristics of the crops that the farmers are looking. This study aimed to evaluate, determine and assess the profitability of different mungbean genotypes planted during dry season cropping. An experimental area of 416.5 m2 was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with ten (10) treatments replicated 3 times. Each treatment plot had an area of 2.0 m x 5.0 m (10 m2) with four rows in each plot. The treatments designated as follows: T1 = EGM 98-419, T2 = LG Mg 28-6-0, T3 = LG Mg 28-6-1, T4 = LG Mg 28-7-1, T5 = Jade Green, T6 = EGM 98-391, T7 = EGM 05-738, T8 = EGM 05-744, T9 = NSIC Mg 17, and T10 = PAG- ASA 7. Results revealed that most of the agronomic characteristics of different mungbean genotypes were significantly affected by the different genotypes such as days from sowing to emergence, flowering, maturity and plant height (cm). The genotype EGM 98-419 (T1) emerge earlier compared to others while PAG-ASA 7 (T10) flowers early than the other treatments. On the other hand, EGM 98-391 (T6) was the early genotype to mature. However, highest plant height (cm) was obtained from the genotypes LG Mg 28-6-0 (T2), LG Mg 28-6-1 (T3), LG Mg 28-7-1 (T4) and Jade Green (T5). Likewise, number of pods per plant and seed yield were significantly affected by the different mungbean genotypes. Highest number of pods were observed from the genotype LG Mg 28-7-1 (T4) and also obtained the highest seed yield of 1.47t ha-1 compared to other genotypes. Highest gross margin of PhP 69622.00 was obtained from LG Mg 28-7-1 (T4) and obtained the highest grain yield. Pest response of all mungbean genotypes were highly resistant to insect pest and moderately resistant to diseases.
Cultivars Yield performance Pest resistance Insect and diseases Cropping season Stability
Visayas State University
Project number: NCT 1718
Project number: NCT 1718
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Çevre Bilimleri |
Bölüm | Research Articles |
Yazarlar | |
Proje Numarası | Project number: NCT 1718 |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Temmuz 2021 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 9 Nisan 2020 |
Kabul Tarihi | 14 Nisan 2021 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2021 |