Functionality of Aquacultural Techniques in Delta State, Nigeria: Adoption Approaches
Yıl 2021,
, 47 - 51, 01.04.2021
Ovharhe Oghenero
Oster Nwachi
Victory Omorogie
Appropriate adoption techniques in aquaculture contribute to food security. The study appraised the functionality of aquacultural techniques in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria using adoption approaches. The objectives were to ascertain the level of adoption management techniques, examine the pond types of adoption, assess fish farmers’ technological needs and identify constraints affecting adoption. A quota sampling technique was used to select respondents to acquire a sample size of 82 who were administered with questionnaire to elicit information. Data obtained were analyzed statistically. Results revealed that respondents were male (83%) with mean age of 44 years, mean household size 5 persons, married (65%) and had mean farming experience of 7 years. Majority (92%) had annual extension visit. Majority (78%) adopted earthen pond management techniques with high adoption score = 5.4. Again, majority (88%) adopted earthen pond over plastic (79%), concrete (71%) and wooden pond (59%). Majority (90.2%) indicated that integrated techniques were their prioritized need and respondents (80.5%) pointed out that high feed cost was their most serious constraint (mean = 3.06). It was concluded that there was a high adoption rate of aquacultural techniques in the study area. It is recommended that extension visits should be monthly and training on integrated techniques, feed formulation among others is needed.
Original manuscript
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Yıl 2021,
, 47 - 51, 01.04.2021
Ovharhe Oghenero
Oster Nwachi
Victory Omorogie
- Akindele LA, Alabi OE. 2010. Use of information communication technologies. ICTs among fish farmers in Oyo State. J Agri Extens, 14(1): 4-12.
- Agbamu JU, Orhorhoro WC. 2007. Adoption of aquaculture management techniques in Delta State. Nigeria J Food Agri Environ, 5(2): 243-246.
- Anene A, Ezeh CI, Oputa CO. 2010. Resources use and efficiency of artisanal fishing in Oguta, Imo State, Nigeria. J Dev Agri Econ, 2: 94-99.
- Donye AO, Usman IS, Nuhu HS, Ogunbameru BO, Mustapha SB. 2011. Assessment of women participation in fish farming in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. J Agri Sci, 1: 6-13.
- FAO. 2011. Food and Agriculture Organization, Fishery and aquaculture country profiles Nigeria. Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, (accessed date: December 01, 2020).
- Ifejika PI, Belonwu EN, Malagwi YY, Odunuga AO, Mbah AA. 2013. Emerging income generating activities of fisher folks n riverine communities of Niger State, Nigeria. J
Fisheries Aquatic Sci, 8(6): 706-713.
- MANR. 2017. Delta State ministry of agriculture and natural resources, annual report.
- MLSUD. 2013. Ministry of lands, survey and urban development. The Delta State Coordinate.
- Nwabueze AA. 2010. The role of women in sustainable aquacultural development in Delta State. J Sustainable Develop Africa, 12: 284-293.
- Ofuoku AU, Enakle M, Nnodim AU. 2008. Cohesiveness of fish farmers groups in Southern Nigeria. J Agri Biol Sci, 3(4): 16-21.
- Ofuoku AU, Olele NF, Emuh GN. 2008. Determinants of adoption of improved fish production technologies among fish farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. J Agri Edu Exten, 14(4): 297-306.
- Okoedo-Okojie DU, Ovharhe JO. 2012. Assessment of information needs of fish farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. Nigerian J Agri Food Environ, 8(3): 72-77.
- Ovharhe OJ. 2016. Aquaculture technologies adoption by Fadama III aquaculture farmers in Niger Delta. J Northeast Agri Univ, 23(4): 78-81.
- Ovharhe OJ, Gbigbi MT. 2016. Socio-economic determinants of youth empowerment by fadama III project in Delta State, Nigeria: Implications for agricultural transformation. Inter J Agri Extension Rural Develop Stud, 3(1): 12-20.
- Ovharhe OJ. 2019. Determinants of the socioeconomic profile of fadama III project beneficiaries in three states of Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. Inter J Agri Sci, 4: 29 – 34.
- Ovharhe OJ. 2020. Poultry technologies adoption by farmers in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. FUW Trends Sci Technol J, 5(3): 813-815.
- Palash S, Hunayun K, Bauer S. 2015. Fish farming land allocation in Northern Part of Bangladesh: Exploring Causes across the farm size. World J Agri Res, 3(6): 208-217.
- Rouhani QA, Britz PJ. 2004. Contribution of aquaculture to rural livelihoods in South Africa: A Baseline Study. Water Research Commission, Gezina, 1st Edition, pp: 105-107.
- Singh AP. 2007. Water quality management. J Water Res Manage, 21(2): 525-532.